Vomits On Honor Kail Nat Fed. Of Postal Clerks WASHINGTON, July 14.—Postmas ter Paul K. Y'unts of Charlotte has been listed by the “Union Postal Clerk,” official organ of the National Federation of Post Office Cleiks on the seniority roll of honor. This means that Postmaster Yount* is re garded by post office employes in Charlotte as observing the rules and regulations of the postal service in promoting employe* according to sen iority and to the satisfaction of the Post Office department, as well as postal employes. iwe*se*""ee*e***~,,'**"e*' Pause... at the familiar red cooler At DeWITTS ‘M Plymouth 4-Door Touring Sedan, d» r* *7 C Radio ...«pO / O Dodge tdOC Coupe _ 37 Chevrolet 4-Door Touring Sedan .... 37 Foid 2-Door ^ aoj* Touring Sedan_ FIVE MODEL “A” FORDS MANY OTHERS DeWitt Motor Co. DeSoto — Plymouth 428 W. Trade Dial 5111 DeVOiNDE Synthetic CLEANERS — DYFRS HATTERS — FURRIERS SEVEN POINTS WHY WE ARK ONE OF THE SOUTH'S I F\|> ING SYNTHETIC Cf PA NEBS 1 Rertores original freshness and sparkle 2 Removes carefulh *11 dirt dust and grease S Harmless to tin m»*f defies!' of fabrics. 4 Odorless, thorough rlesnins 5 Garments stay rl'.n looser I Press retained longer 7 Reduces wardrobe upkeep CALL 3-5125 304 N. Try on St. QUALITY DRY CLEANING Called for and Delivered F. C. Campbell (Member Teamsters mad Chauffeurs Local) 719 Louise Ave. Phone 2-1 OSS Village Owe* Existence To a Strange Mietake BEULAH, MICH-—Thia town of ISO population to built on a “mis take.” It was hare in 1873 that Archi bald Jones, an Illinois business man, discovered he should not have tampered with nature. He had planned a canal connecting Crystal lake with Betsie river to open new territory for the Michigan lumber ing industry; but instead he created a flood that killed one man, swept away live stock and lowered the Crystal lake level to 15 feet. He had neglected to learn that the lake elevation was higher than the river’s. The roar of a torrent let loose when the last of the canal was cut through was heard five miles away. For two weeks the lake water surged through swamps over an area nine miles long and three miles wide, and when the flood subsided Crystal lake had no timber along its shore but a vast expanse of sand and dried mud. Settlers, however, dammed the canal cut 30 years later, built a road and railway along the sandy beach gnd founded Beulah in a valley once submerged in water. Twins Develop Parallel Views in School Essays SEATTLE.—Two 17-year-old high school twins furnished Seattle edu cators with an intriguing example of parallel mentalities. Frank Kerr, high school senior, wrote on the topic “What Democ racy Means to Me” and won $500 and a trip to New York in a nation wide contest. Nancy, his sister, learned of his success. Without telling Frank, she wrote on “Advantage of Democ racy” and was Seattle’s first-prize winner in another national essay competition. Without comparing notes, their compositions showed similar trends in thought and conclusions. Through out school they have been in the same classes and their school grades have been virtually identi cal. The boy plans to enter art school when he is graduated, while Nancy wants to study for a stage career. Scientists Dig Up Bones Of Mastodon of Legend TUCSON, ARIZ.—Scientists of the University of Arizona are uncover ing bones of a giant mastodon dis covered by the Papago Indians in southern Arizona. Dr. Emil S. Hau*y, head of the anthropological department of the university, said the exact site of the discovery was being kept secret un til the skeleton could be removed. The bones were partly exposed by erosion. The Indians believe that long ago the mastodon threatened to eat alive the entire tribe of Papagos but was killed by a tribal god, Etoi. According to the Indians, Etoi al lowed himself to be swallowed by the monster and then cut its heart out. Blackboard Maps Used To Meet Quick Changes LORAIN, OHIO.—Lorain public school authorities believe they have found the answer to the puzzling program of what to do about class room maps of Europe when national boundaries change or disappear al most weekly. Sets of "white blackboard” maps have been installed. Boundaries are colored in washable crayon and then the maps covered with a glassy transparent mate*-*l to prevent smudging. So no matter what happens in Europe overnight, the Lorain ge ography class r aps will be up-to date, teachers ay. Subscribe For the Journal WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See IT* CITIZENS SAVINGS AND LOAN CO. ! 114 E. 4th St E"w FOREMOST MILK 9i'A. XnalthfuL FOREMOST DAIRIES. INC. Phone* 711