UNFAIR TO ORGANIZED LABOR QUALITY BOTTLING CO. Monroe, N. C. The bottlers of Jacob Rupert Beer, sold in the State of North Carolina, is unfair to organized labor. This informa tion is given The Journal by the Brewery Workers Local, No. 340, and members and friends of organized labor will gov ern themselves accordingly. Central Labor Union has concurred in the placing of Rupert Beer on the unfair list 100 per cent. • w ECONOMY. .. PLUS Tkafs Ma!” The thriftiest person in the world has nothing on Reddy tt&ftiratt when it comes to saving money and being thrifty il the home. Intelligent and thrifty housewives are not only relieving themselves of household and kitchen drud gery and making their home healthier and happier, but they are actually and substantially reducing their house hold budgets through the wise use of Reddy KHowatt in their household duties. MARK REDDY KILOWATT YOUR SERVANT! HE DOES SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE! i Listen In WBT 9:45 P. M. Tues., Fri. and Sat. "WSOC 12:40 P. M. Daily Except Sunday POWER COM PAN Y % 490 South Church St. Phone 2-4111 P»n(j(>r Stores QUALITY urn FfONOMY n . mT, ..... - - - -... PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS SOME OF THE THINGS WE LEND MONEY ON Diamonds Watches Jewelry Men’s Clothing Tools Sporting Goods Silverware Shot Gnaa Rifles Tistols Tranks Adding Machines far, Mnsfeal Instrnnienta Kodaks Typewriters AU Business Strictly Confidential, When in Need of ‘ Money We Never Fail You 121 E. TRADE ST. (Next to Beik’a) See Us For Bargains in Diamond Watches, Jewelry, Clothing, etc RELIABLE LOAN CO. Lights of NewYork by L. L. fltVKNflON yi America: One of tide depart ment’s most efficient and valued scouts dropped Into Henry Rocano’s sporting goods store up at Danbury, Coon., and in the course of a friend ly conversation casually inquired if he'd had any demand for rifles or shotguns on the part of customers who wished to be ready in case any German parachute troops landed in their vicinity. Rocano replied that an aged and quite wealthy woman , who lives in the neighborhood had bought a rifle and a large supply of ammunition because of the possibil ity that Nazis might land in Connect icut. He didn’t want to give her name because it might embarrass her but added that if any Nazis did pick her property for a descent, they would meet with a warm reception. Somehow the vision of a grayheaded woman on guard gives one a warm and comforting feeling about Amer ica. • • • Fame: Nineteen-year-old Carol Bruce, who until the debut of the new musical comedy hit, “Louisi ana Purchase,” was merely another struggling young singer, now finds herself the center of attention of velvet-voiced venders who besiege her with wares and suggestions as to how she should dress and make up in a befitting manner for her new importance. Here are some samples of advice she has received from those who would part her from her money: Don’t be prosaic. Try a panther lap robe for afternoon motoring, a laprobe of silver foxes for evening. This is the season for whopping big jewels. Six bracelets on a wrist, a pin as big as a powder puff, an emerald necklace with a clasp the size of a doorknob. For afternoon wear, one pink, one blue glove. And so on and on and on. r • • • Street 8cene: An old man with a long white beard peacefully slum bering on a Central Park West bench ... A ragged colored man going along slowly and stopping to swiftly retrieve a cigar butt of con siderable length . . . Ragamuffins scaling the park rocks like young goats ... A pretty nursemaid push ing a perambulator with her eyes apparently demurely on the side walk . . . Yet taking notice of a big truck driver who is waiting for the light to change ... An enor mously fat woman with one of those tin-cup size hats perched jauntily over her left ear . . . Boys and girls on bicycles zig-zagging through the traffic ... A vender of ice cream stopping to ring his bell . . . and the sleeper jumping to his feet and scuttling away muttering. • • • Ethics: Now that golfers are out in full force, a New Yorker who spent several months in the Florida winter belt recalled an incident at one of the stylish clubs where the caddies are all colored. While play ing with his daughter one afternoon, he knocked the' ball into the rough. As he approached it, he noticed that the caddy was teeing it up. Somewhat sharply, he ordered him not to do that as it was against the rules. The caddy looked at him amazed and replied, “WeU, mister, I’ve been a caddy for this club two or three years and some at the members like to have their ball set up and some don’t but mostly they do.” And that, the New Yorker holds, is a tip-off on honesty. • • • Advice: Sometime ago, in this space a cure for tired feet was men tioned. J. A. Baror of Harrisville, Mich., holds that I should have ad vised that when drying the feet, they shouldn’t be sawed with the towel but dried by standing on it else there might be “needle corns” which feel like a red-hot needle be ing driven into the sole of the foot As for "needle corns,” he says to draw about three inches of cold wa ter, not ice water, into the tub and soak the feet for 20 minutes. Then stand on die bath mat or towel. He doesn’t know how long it takes for a cure but declares that his method finally brings results. a, • • Panhandling: Noted a panhandler at work. His clothes indicated that he had slept in a park all night and his step was unsteady. But seem ingly he was a shrewd judge of hu man nature as almost every man he tackled, instead of shaking his head, dug into his pocket. After plying his trade vigorously for pos sibly a half hour, the moocher walked away rapidly and, screened from the view of his customers, counted his take. Evidently satis fied, he lighted a cigar butt and strode away rapidly in the general direction of the nearest filling sta tion. • • • End Piece: The other aftemooh at a bridge club, a gentleman who wished to open a fresh pack of dg* arettes drew from his pocket s small pair of scissors and carefully cut the cellophane wrapper instead of vainly scratching. He always carried scissors, he evpiaineH and that led May to remark that after all, he might be a merchant tailor. (B«U Syndicate—WXU Service.) Glass Bye Explsdss 9 SAT