RESULT OF JOHN L. LEWIS’ MISCHIEF At Venice, Illinois, the other day, a pitched battle was fought between members of the A. F. of L. Laborers’ Union and a newly organized CIO Local of United Con struction Workers. There is literally no excuse for such disgraceful spectacles of union men fighting each other with an intensity which should be reserved exclusively for Malevolent foes of Labor organization. The fault lies strictly with the CiO, or to make the guilt personal, with John L. Lewis who maliciously is try ing to muscle in on one of the oldest and most strongly organized group of workers in this nation, the A. F. of L. Building and Construction Trades. 'This disintegrating example of dualism should give pause to every thought ful union member, particularly those affiliated with the CIO. There are plenty of fields in this nation crying for organization along the industrial lines championed by John L. Lewis; and the wanton attempt to disorganize the Organized Tradesmen in the construction lines is pure, unadulterated sabotage, the very antithesis of the genu ine union ideology, bowing cockles and brambles in fer tile fields of union endeavor will not give aid or comfort to Labor, but its inveterate enemies. We believe the time has come for other intelligently led National and International Unions now within the folds of the CIO to imitate the wise decision of the Inter national Ladies’ Garment Workers’ union and return back to the parent organization, the American Federation of Labor. John L. Lewis has forfeited his right to lead an important body of Labor by his inability to place duty to the Labor Movement, which has treated him so royally, above personal spite and childish antipathies.—St. Louis tabor Tribune. Illllttlltlttttl III t tttttf*»*»*>» 1 UNFAIR TO ORGANIZED LABOR QUALITY BOTTLING CO. , Monroe, N. C. The bottlers of Jacob Rupert Beer, sold in the^State of North Carolina, is unfair to organized labor. This informa tion is given The Journal by the Brewery Workers Local, No. 340, and members and friends of organized labor will gov ern themselves accordingly. Central Labor Union has concurred in the placing of Rupert Beer on the unfair list 100 per cent. DIAMONDS — WATCHES — JEWELRY 108 S. TRYON ST. . -,-iJ-x.-j-j~u~U~u~l-u~ir-i~i~i~i--- — ■ " """TT" BEST WISHES TO LABOR AND THE JOURNAL SANITARY GRILL, INC. Ill E. 5th St. Phone 2-2077 Serving “Good Food” for the Past 21 Years AIR CONDITIONED — OPEN ALL NITE J. 0. JONES, INC. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES STETSON HATS NUNN BUSH SHOES SEE US FOR YOUR FALL NEEDS J. 0. JONES, INC. | , __ , nj-y-u~ummTrrrrrrr^**********aa*a*“a*a*a“Ma“****M 1 HAJOCA CORPORATION Manufacturers and Wholesalers PLUMBING, HEATING, STEAM AND ROOFING MATERIALS—MILL, MINE AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES—WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS DISPLAY ROOMS \ 1447 So. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. ! . .-inn~i~i-n—-■*“*“"** COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS JOHN FREY HITS REDS AS FIFTH COLUMNISTS — MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL FIFTH COLUMNIST, HE SAYS Bt JOHN P. FBEY Prfaidcnt, A. P. L. M'Ul Trmdo D»p»rt»nt The most dangerous o£ all Fifth Columns in our country, is the one controlled and directed by Moscow. Since Lenin conceived his scheme for world-wide revolution, American Com munists directed and controlled from Moscow, have labored strenuously and ceaselessly to infiltrate into our trade union movement. The immediate men ace to our nation and its institutions comes principally from this Commun ist Fifth Column, a Fifth Column which found no followers in the ranks) of organized labor until it was able to capture a controlling position with in the C. 1. O. As citizens we must be on constant guard against Fifth Column activi ties within our country. As trade unionists we must be particularly on guard against the Communist Fifth Columns, working to infiltrate into our unions, for their directors are cruel, cunning, treacherous and with out conscience. The Communist who secures membership in our local unions is not interested in trade union problems and policy. His sole interest is in shaping the policy of the local union, and in some instances the national union, in adopting poli cies and carrying on activities which will be in line with the purpose of the Russian controlled Communist move ment in the United States. In view of the national emergency which has been created because of the onslaught of Germany upon the free peoples of Europe, we must be on guard night and day so that no rep resentative of a foreign country will be permitted to in any manner in fluence trade union policy in the United States. Trade union policy, Communist and dictator policy, are as far apart as justice and injustice, honesty and dis honesty, patriotism and treachery. There is no place in our American institutions for the Communist, or Us policies, his so-called ideologies, or his tactics. Our watchword must be, “Out with the Communists and dic tators, and up with the banner of American trade unionism!" VACATION TIME'S HERE Photographer: Can’t you look a little more cheerful? Henry Henpeck: Not for this pic ture, I am to send it to my wife who is away on a visit and if I look too cheerful, shell take the first train home. To dream of seeing and hearing a crying baby portends ill health. COMPLIMENTS TO LABOR Mitchell and Becker Company Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron and Steel Work v W. I*. MITCHELL CARL BECKER 1916 South Boulevard Phone 447S Charlotte, N. C. COMPLIMENTS TO LABOR Sherwin-Williams Co. 200 NO. TRYON ST. NO MYSTERY you know Itihai you’hst Suiting, at &SMUlLL A modern service for this fast-moving modern age! Sears new, informative labels tell you at a glance the things you want to know about Sears merchandise. And best of all, they tell why two items may look very alike, but still vary in cost. We’ve designed them for your convenience . . . your protection and ours. Look for them on your next visit to Sears! COMPLIMENTS TO LABOR AND THE JOURNAL CHARLOTTE RENTAL CO, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES TO THE JOURNAL AND ALL LABOR THIS LABOR DAY “CHARLOTTE’S FINEST HOTEL” 237 W. TRADE ST. DIAL 2-1121 -— | ALAS AND ALACK, QUIT TRUE Nothing to do but work, nothing to eat but food Nothing to wear but elothes to keep from going nude, Nothing to breathe but air quick as a flash ’tis gone; Nowhere to fall but off, nowhere to stand but on. Nothing to sing but songs, ah, well, alas! alack! Nowhere to go but out, nowhere to come but back. Nothing to see but sights, nothing to quench but thirst, Nothing to wave but what we’ve got; thus through life we are cursed, Nothing at all but common sense can ever withstand these woes. —Ben King. Compliments of Soule Steel and Iron Company 1130 NORTH DAVIDSON CHARLOTTE, N. C. BEST WISHES TO THE JOURNAL AND LABOR POWER BRAKE COMPANY BENDIX VACUUM BRAKES — WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKES OPEN ALL NIGHT 1506 West Morehead St. Phone 3*3713 COMPLIMENTS OF 7-UP BOTTLING CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. fiamambah. YOU CAN BUY A CENUINE RCA VICTOR RADIO FOR ONLY $995 SOUTHERN RADIO CORPORATION RCA Victor Distributors PERSONAL LOANS NO SECURITY OR ENDORERS REQUIRED CAPITAL FINANCE CO. 411 WILDER BLDG. PHONE 8838 FOR FORTY-FOUR YEARS We have sold you the best that money can buy I Garibaldi & Bruns Leading Jewelers, Since 1894 104 Jcuth Tryon Stmt