Tfc« OlfLT MAt.IT » Weakly Iti Readers Regrwwit tlx LARGEST BUYING POWER hi CfcnrtoUe Official Organ Central Labor Union; standing far thr A. F. of L. Iht Charlotte labor Journal Patronise onr Adrer Users. They Make YOUlt paper possible by theb co-operation. TrulkM, Honest, Impartial AND DIXIE FARM NEWS TpSbtato“‘“~“ Endeovormt to Serve Ike Uam VOL. X—NO. 20 '■ — j——. CHARLOTTE. N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1940 ——- . =~- 92.00 Par Yaar ■*” VMM RllMW ■* -'■•A' yi. ODDESS of liberty, may your torch never extinguished. For us you represent every thing America was, is and hopes to be. Your arm. have embraced million, of the perae cuted and enslaved • • • given them new hope and courage. • • and sent them forth into America, the land where every man is architect of his own fortune. Goddess, what you have sown, you also shall reap. The hope you, have instilled, the courage you have &red*i£ie opportunity to live like a creature of God you so unself ishly and unaskingly have given, will now be forged by each and every one of your grateful children into a mighty and irresistible force against which those who now stalk the world can never prevail. -1 • J '■ ' ' ,. , | Four land, our land, will forever be a beautiful and bountiful garden in which shall always bloom the flowers of free speech, free assembly, free religious worship and a free press — and where man, God’s handiwork, may continue to walk unafraid. We are proud to be part of the first line of defense of American liberties ... to always stand militantly at the side of every true American against the inroads of doctrines seeking to destroy America’s priceless heritage. C. L. U.’s vSKating' Area At Cordelia ParK Will Open on Armistice Ddy Plans for the formal opening of a concrete skating bowl, built at Cordelia Park by the Central Labor Union, to be held Armistic Day, Nov. 11, are being made by offi cers of the Central body. T. L. Conder, chairman of the committee in charge of construction of the recreational facility, said that con* crete would be poured probably this week. The structure is bowl-shaped, 45 feet by 145 feet in size. Efforts of the Central Labor Union to construct an area where children could skate in safety was begun several months ago, and as those in charge considered the proposal, they enlarged their goal and the concrete bowl was the result. At the formal opening, the American Legion, Vet erans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans and other patriotic bodies will take part in the exercises. An American Flag will be raised over the bowl and there will be short exercises, it was stated. Journal Readers Co-operate With Those Who Advertise In It A LOSS TO LABOR JEROME JONES DIES IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga.—Jerome Jones, “the Samuel Gompers of the South’* and dean of labor paper editors in the nation, died here on September 24. For more than forty-six years he had edited the Atlanta Journal of Labor. Mr. Jones* activities in behalf of the American Federa tion of Labor covered more than half a century. He was past President and President-Emeritus of both the Georgia State Federation of Labor and the Atlanta central council. He founded the Atlanta Journal of Labor at the request of the late Sam pel Gompers and did much to overcome union opposi tion in the South. THIS WRITER DOES NOT THINK MUCH OF “AJAX!” Charlotte, Sept. 23, 1940. Editor Labor Journal: Dear Sir:—-Don’t know who “Ajax” is who had a com munication in last week’s paper, but he evidently had some things on his chest that he must have been scared to get off. He did some “tall hinting,” and even bordered on sarcasm I do not think much of any writer who will not hew to the Hne, and let the chips fall where they may. Reader. (AM right “Reader,” send in your “contrib,” and, if it is not libelous and scandalous, we will run it and use your ■amatosam*—-Bd.) New Orleans Convention Call American Federation of Labor LABOR OMNIA VINCIT A. P. OF L. BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D. C. TO ALL AFFILIATED UNIONS, GREETINGS: September 16, 1946. You are hereby notified that, in pursuance of the Consti tution of the American Federation of Labor, the Sixtieth Annual Convention of the American Federation of Labor will, be .held in the Civic Auditorium, New Orleans, Ti>nldm^) beginning 10 o’clock Monday morning, November 18, 1940, and will continue in session from day to day until the busi ness of the convention shall have been completed. REPRESENTATION Representation in the Convention will be on the follow ing basis: From National or International Unions; 16,000 or more, four delegates; 32,000 or more, five delegates; 64,000 or more, six delegates; 128,000 or more, seven delegates; 256,000 or more, eight delegates; and so on; and from Cen tral Bodies and State Federations, and from local trade not having a National or International Union, and from Fed eral Labor Unions, one delegate. Only bona fide wage workers who are not members of, or eligible to membership in other Trade Unions, «l»«H be eligible as delegates from Federal Labor Unions. Only these persons whose Local Unions are affiliated with Central Bodies, or State Branches shall be eligible to represent City Central Bodies or State Branches in the Conventions of the American Federation of Labor. —«