JSSiSLSL the LARGEST BUYING POWER fti Vwkmt the A. P. of L. 5lit Charlotte labor Journal Patronize tisers. They rx y Make lible by Advw YOU* paper possible by tkair co-operation. Trwtkhd, Honest, Impartial by the N. C. State Federa tion of Labor AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Teatb Tear Of Continnoni Pnbication Endeavoring to Serve the Masses VOL. X—NO. 23 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1940 AovntiaiM onrni tm« Rtaotaa RATION WO $2.00 Per Yaw ORGANIZATION WORK IN SOUTH GOES STEADILY FORWARD, ALONG LINES LAID DOWN BY A. F. OF L WESTERN UNION EMPLOYES ORGANIZE AT BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM. Ala.—A local un ion of the Commercial Telegraphers Union was organized here last week, with a large number of employes of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany as charter members. S. E. Roper, of the A. F. of L., assisted the Western Union employes in organis ing this local. NEW LOCAL INSTALLED AT SOUTH PITTSBURGH SOUTH PITTSBURGH, Tenn., Oct. 14.—Charter for Local Union No. 2696, United Textile Workers of America, was installed here last week, and arrangements immediately start ed for presenting an agreement to the management of the Star Woolen Mills, by whom the membership is employed. MEMPHIS HAS RUBBER _ WORKERS LOCAL UNION MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 14.—Mem phis’ newest union, the Rubber Work ers’ Local Union No. 22,466, compos ed by employes of the Firestone Tire A Rubber Company plant, took its place in Memphis Union circles this week under the guidance of officials of the American Federation of Labor and the Memphis Trades k Labor Council. RAYON PLANTS SIGN UP CONTRACT WITH UNION AT ELIZABETH TON, TENN. ELIZABETHTON, Tenn., Oct 14.—Employes of the two big rayon plants here are highly elated over the agreement between the company and the United Textile Workers of Amer ica two weeks ago. WINNSBORO ELECTION 18 A GREAT VICTORY FOR TEXTILE UNION WINNSBORO, 8. C* Oct 14.— Textile workers throughout the South are more active now in organ isation work than ever before, encour aged by the great victory in winning t> -Wtlon here two »cOtS ago in the United States Rubber Company's big tire cord plant HIGH POINT FIREMEN ORGANIZE LOCAL UNION HIGH POINT, N. C., Oct. 14.— Members of High Point’s fire depart ments have organized a one hundred per cent local union. A. E. Brown, organiser for the State Federation of Labor, and Vice-President Smith, of Raleigh, assisted the local fire-fight ers in perfecting their organization. These jnen give high praise to the mayor of High Point, the chief of the fire department, and other city offi cials for their very fine attitude and co-operation in the organization of the local union here. NEW I. B. E. W. LOCAL ORGANIZED AT 8HREVEPORT SHREVEPORT, La., Oct. 14.— With 60 charter members, a new lo cal union of the International Broth erhood of Electrical Workers has been installed here. E. H. Williams, A. P. of L. representative in Louisiana and president of the State Federation of Labor .assisted the workers in their organisation campaign. ALL UNION MEN ON BIG CAMP SHELBY STRUCTURE CAMP SHELBY, Miss., Oct. 14.— The J. A. Jones Construction Com pany has announced that all men em ployed on the big $11,000,000 con struction job here are to be union men. This agreement gives work to about 6,000 members of the Common and Construction Laborers, alone with other building and construction trades in proportion. LABORERS WIN ELECTION BY VOTE OF FOUR TO ONE BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 14.—At an election held here among employes of the concrete plant of the Sloss, Shef field Steel ana Iron Company, Local Union No. 971, Hod Carriers, Com mon and Construction Laborers, won by a vote of more than 4 to 1. Hugh W. Brown, of the Birmingham office of the A. F. of L. assisted the work ers in conducting the campaign and election. MANY NEW LOCAL UNIONS ORGANIZED IN ASHEVILLE ASHEVILLE, N. C., Oct. 14.—Six new Local Unions have been organ ized in Asheville in recent weeks, ac cording to reports from Asheville Cen tral Labor Union. It has become nec essary for the CLU to move from its former location on Pack Square to a larger building in order to provide meeting halls with sufficient seating capacity for the new unions. The or ganizing movement had its real start a year ago when the big Enka Rayon plant was oganiasd. RAILROAD PATROLMEN FORM LOCAL IN BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 14— I Railroad patrolmen on the L.4N. the Frisco Lines and the Southern have organized a local union, and or dered a charter for the new local. H. L. McCRORIE ORGANIZING FOR THE A. F. OF. L. AND CENTRAL LABOR UNION Anyone desering the services of an A. F. of L. organizer is asked to get in touch with H. L. McCrorie, 812 E. Fifth street, Phone 6966. Brother McCrorie is a commissioned A. F. of L. organiser and for a while at least, wil lwork under direction of Charlotte Central Labor Union. The American Federation of Labor will never surrender the principle of democratic control or yield to minority force and domination. It will ever cling to Democratic ideals and will most jealously guard and protect the principles of De mocracy and Democratic procedure. It wifi never accept a dictator or submit to autocratic control. It is upon that sound and solid American basis it has taken its stand and there it will ever remain.”—WILLIAM GREEN, President Amer ican Federation of Labor. THE MARCH OF LABOR' AW MTTSMMM.WaO.TNC Tmaioysas ‘ association tots ITS MIMIUI * HtfUSS (US * scsimons sss taws wiis CMAISTlAM ASSOCIATION SICAUMK has Moossto coucenvs 9AMA1NM# / PRINTING TRADES UNIONS ADOPT RESOLUTION AGAINST BREWERS OF BUDWEISER BEER CHICAGO, 111.—The Chicago print ing trades unions have adopted a res olution condemning Anheuser-Busch, Inc., brewers of Budweiser beer, for advertising in the two non-union sports magazines known as National Sportsman and Hunting ft Fishing. Both of these publications are print ed by the notoriously anti-union print ing concern of R. R. Donnelly ft Sons Co. , , Following is the resolution as adopted: “Whereas, National Sportsman, Inc., publishers of the two sports mag azines known as National Sportsman and Hunting ft Finishing, is now hav ing its publications printed under de plorable non-union working conditions by the notoriously anti-union print ing concern of R. R. Donnelley ft Sons Company; and I “Whereas, The American Federa tion of Labor and its subordinate I state federations of labor have en dorsed a nation-wide campaign against R. R. Donnelley ft Sons Co. and all of its products (including Na tional Sportsman and Hunting ft Fishing magazines); and “Whereas, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., brewers of Budweiser beer, St. Louis, Missouri, is openly defying the Amer ican Federation of Labor and the members affiliated therewith by re fusing to remove its advertisements from the non-union National Sports man and Hunting A Fishing maga zines; therefore, be it “Resolved, That this organization in regular meeting assembled place Budweiser beer on the ‘We Don’t Pa-i tronize List’ until sudi time as An* heuser-Busch advertisements are re moved from the non-union National Sportsman and Hunting A Fishing magazines; and, be it further “Resolved, That this resolution be given widespread publicity among the members and friends of organised la bor in this community; and. be it finally “Resolved, That a copy of this res olution be forwarded to Anheuser Busch, Inc., St Louis, Missouri.” The Chicago printing trades unions have adopted similar resolutions con demning National Distillers Products Corporation, distillers of Old Grand Dad whiskey; Enterprise Manufac turing Co., manufacturers of fishing tackle; Phillip Morris A Co., tobacco merchants; and Gillette Safety Razor Co. These firms are also advertising in the non-union National Sportsman and Hunting A Fishing magazines which have been placed on the “We Don’t Patronise List” of thousands of local unions and central labor bodies throughout the United States and Canada. The Organization Committee of Chicago Printing Trades Unions is requesting all local unions and cen tral labor bodies to adopt similar res olutions. Mora than five hundred have already done so. If your union has not already acted, why not clip the resolution from this article and intro duce it at the next meeting of your organization? Printed copies of this resolution may also be had oy address ing the Organization Committee of Chicago Printing Trades Unions, Room 1519, 180 N. Wells St., Chi cago, 111. The campaign against the labor hating Donnelley concern and its prod ucts has been endorsed by the Amer ican Federation of Labor as well as [all state federations of labor affil iated therewith. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXPENDED $86318,000 IN N. C. THE PAST FISCAL YEAR i and outright expenditures of the Federal Government in North Carolina during the 1940 fiscal year which ended June 39, 1949, amounted to $86,318,900, according to a statement made today by E. Leigh Stevens, Staff Representatives for tkrOfflce of Gw&mment Reports. Loans totaled $19,374,999, and grants-in-aid and other expenditures amounted to $66,944,000. In addition, the Federal Housing Administration insured $11,324,000 worth of housing improvement notes and mortgages in the State. The following is a detailed list of the loans made in North Carolina from July 1, 1939 through June 30, 1949. Farm Credit Administration-$10,278,999 Commodity Credit Corporation _ 150,999 Farm Security Administration- 3,119,900 • Farm Tenant Purchase - 1,733,000 Rural Electrification Administration_ 2,929,000 Federal Reserve Board .. 53,000 Public Works Administration_ (-762,900) Reconstruction Finance Corporation_ 1,211,000 Home Owners’ Loan Corporation_ TOTAL----$19,374,000 Expenditures and grants are as follows: Agricultural Adjustment Administration_$16,269,990 Rural Rehabilitation.. 1,256,990 Resettlement Projects .._ 143,009 Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation_ 1,453,909 Soil Conservation Service (Regular Program) .. 479,000 Land Utilisation Program ...._ 68,999 Civilian Conservation Corps (Regular Program). 6,169,090 Indian Service--- 6 MOO Social Security Act- 3,627,099 United States Employment Service_ 1,971,999 National Youth Administration_ 2,486,900 Public Roads Administration _ 5,132,000 PWA Non-Federal Projects Work Projects Administration_ 23,196,990 Rivers, Harbors, and Flood Control_ 196,009 TOTAL...$66,944,009 GRAND TOTAL ..____986,318,9# Insured Loans: Federal Housing Afalnlontbi) Title I .$2,928,990 Title II .....- 9,296,900 $11434,990 mSMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWMMMMMmmM Fly the FLAG THE A. F. OF L. STANDS WITH AND FOB THE FLAG PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS IN THE MINDS OF LABOR-HATING REACTIONARIES THE AM. FED. OF LABOR IS A GALLERY OF CROOKS NEW YORK.—In the eyes of labor hating reactionaries, the American Federation of Labor is a gallery of crooks, opportunists, crackpots and criminals. But here is the story of a type of man the enemies of the AFL never mention. It’s the story of Carl Roth, 38 year-old electrical worker who owned a neat little frame home in a quiet New York suburban street, where you’d think that the harsh cries of la bor conflict and tragedy would never intrude. As a matter of fact, no one had the faintest premonition—not big, jovial Carl, nor his wife, Anna, nor his 12-year-old son, Billy. Today Carl is dead. And in the words of James A. Wechsler, bril liant young author and contributor to many of the nation’s most influential magazines: “Roth’s name has leaped from rank-and-file obscurity to the immortality reserved for labor mar tyrs.” For Carl met a strange and untime ly death a few. days ago while doing picket duty at the gates of the Tri angle Conduit Cable Company, in Glendale, Queens, a suburb not far from the calloused center of this city. The strike was two months old. j As police, on foot and mounted, closed in on the marching rank of pickets, the emotional shock was too great for Carl. He collapsed—victim of a heart attack. _ The same evening into one of the union’s many meeting halls—jt has 18,000 members—march ed about 1,000 cable workers, mem bers of Local 3 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, (AFL) who crowded to hear union leaders eulogize their departed brother. The feelings of the union, however, were not expressed solely in words. Roth’s son, Billy, was voted a life membership in the union. The organ ization also pledged to do all that it j could to assist Roth’s wife. A check for $3,000 was immediately dispatch ed to the bereaved woman. The next day the union’s seven story headquarters was draped in pu ple and black. Roth’s body lay in state as thousands of his fellow-mem Dejjf filed in by reverent silence. There was no reason why Carl should have been at the Triangle picketing demonstration. He wasn’t a Triangle employee. As a matter of fact,, he worked for the. company whieh maintains, repairs and inspects New York’s street lighting system. The men at Triangle were striking' for 80c an hour, at present they are receiving 63c an hour. Roth’s rate of pay was $2 an hour for a 30-hour week. Sixty dollars was an average weeks pay. He was in clover. He might have stayed home, enjoyed the company of his wife and son. He fU getting on for middle-age, when men are inclined.to take it easy end shy away from extra chores. Local 3 is a progressive, dynamic union. When a Local 3 man says, “An injury to one is an injury to all,” he means it. So when the Triangle plant was struck, hundreds of members of the union looked on the fight of the Triangle workers as their fight. The union had fought for the improved wages and conditions which Roth en joyed. It made it possible for him to own his home, to buy a piano for his wife, to begin to lay aside a few dol lars for Billy’s college education. The least he could do was to help his less fortunate brothers. One morning Roth, who had been a union member 21 years, quit work at 3 A. M. He was on the night shift and a couple of hours alter, without going home or changing his clothes, he started for the Triangle plant in the fray dawn. He really didn’t have to. ut that’s how it was with Carl Roth—somehow other people's trou bles were his too. The police were herding armed thugs and strikebreakers into the plant. Suddenly there was a flurry of ex citement, a flame of protest, a momen tary clash. Roth was standing on the sidelines looking on at the mo ment. Then he collapsed. He' succumbed to heart failure. Union representatives went to the little frame house in the quiet, tree shaded suburban street to talk to W* family. His was a simple story: He was a big, good-natured, kindly fel low. Everyone called him Carl, even the kids in the street. He liked to take pictures and lib listen to his wife play the piano, and to talk wit htwelve-year-old Billy about the rosey future that lay be fore them all. Mrs. Roth told the un ion representatives that it was going to be hard to give Billy that college education of which Carl had always dreamed “I guess we’ll have to forget all about that, she said. But Local 3 thought differently. Shortly before the funeral, Harry Van Arsdale, Jr., business manager of Local 3, said: “Our union will see to it that Carl Roth’s boy gets that edu cation. From now on that is one of the- responsibilities of Load ®r With- < out men like Carl, who are prepared to sacrifice their own professional In terests for their fellow men, the labor movement couldn’t exist." As one of the New York reporters covering the funeral said: “Carl Roth has become a name for union history books.” UNFAIR TO ORGANIZED LABOR QUALITY BOTTLING CO. Monroe, N. C. « ?h* bot.t,ers.ot Jacob Rupert Beer, sold in the State of North Carolina, is unfair to organized labor. This informa tion is given The Journal by the Brewery Workers No. 340, and members and friends of organized labor will m era themselves accordingly. Central Labor Union has concurred in the Rupert Beer on the unfair list 100 per cent. PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS CHRISTMAS SEALS CHRISTMAS Help to Protect Your Home from Tuberculosis