CENTRAL LABOR UNION IN HIGH GEAR-MEET OF TRI-STATE BLDG. TRADES HEADS IS PARAMOUNTED The meeting was called to order by President Scoggins, and the pledge of alegiance to the Flag taken by the assembled delegates. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Various special and regu lar committees reported. The amount lar committee reported. A Financial managed by Mr. Breese. A Financial report of the Skating Area was ap proved. The report was the final one the committee. A motion passed to form a com mittee to help get the State Highway office moved back from Albemarle to Charlotte, where it was originally. Brothers Hamsinger, S. M. Kiser, and Cathey were appointed to the com mittee. THE BUILDING TRADES BROUGHT OUT THE IMPORTANT NOTICE THAT THE FOLLOWING SUNDAY AFTERNOON WAS THE TRI-STATE SPECIAL MEETING WHICH WAS TO BE ATTENDED BY MANY NOTABLES OF THE A. F. OF L. IN THE SOUTH. WITH ALL DELEGATES AND THEIR WIVES INVITED. Various reports of contractual ne gotiations were made by certain of the local, and certain contemplated actions taken up. The State Apprenticeship system in relation to the crime and Juvenle de-| linquency in the State was debated j at length, and Brother Kiser, vice president of the State, and a member I of the State Apprenticeship Council, j reported at length, and explained the reason of delay, being due to employ- • ers asking for extension of time, due PATRON JOURNAL ADVERTISERS to the preparedness program. Out-door recreation was discussed pro and con, with a no decision end ing, under ‘the good of the order.’ Various visiting brethren made short addresses which were received with the usual applause and thanks. Bro ther Jones of the textile workers, and Brother Munroe of the Hod Carriers who told about a closed shop agree ment at Greensboro, and how it was reached. The meeting then adjourned. Wm. S. GREENE, Sec*y. It Pays to Trad* With Doggett Lumber Co. Ill B. Park Are. Phone S17» -LETS acrISaSaa* uMd auccaaalully tiy phyotcii a Quarter of a caotury. To farmaatattoo BI-LETS an pacM ta I for lOo or packad ta rntnun 11 for SSe-Ae oato WITH YOUR SWEETHEART THIS CHRISTMAS AS FEATURED IN LIFE ‘‘Wo have on dleplay a Complete Aeeortment of LANE Cheelt—wal nute, maples, mahoganye, blondes too." VISIT OUR TOY DEPARTMENT - Match* Oriental Weed and American Walnut." $10 TRADE-IN Allowance On This New 1941 RCA VICTOR MODEL 19-K Regular Price .$89.50 Less Old Radio ... ,$10.00 *79u TOD PAT ONLT IT TILTS TO A RESTFUL POSITION! Tba last word In stria and eoosfort! Una lnnerspring eon* structkml Chair automatically tilts to tha most camfortaMe position for your height and sis* I Choice of fins eoeeaa, Ottoman to match Inaludadl Both for Only *19^ Make Your Selection Now! Christmae Delivery Guaranteed! Charlotte*$ Largest Independent Furniture Store 123-125 South College Martin’s Department Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES Shop ai WlnhimA and $ami Your Fall and Winter Needs Anticipated AT CORNER. TRADE AND COLLEGE Atlanta Radio Station Votes ForA.F.ofL. ATLANTA, Ga., Not. 25.—One of the best agreements ever obtained in the South was signed here last week between Radio Station WAGA. Ra dio Broadcasting Engineers Local Union No. 1193, IBEW Station at Toledo, Ohio, and is one of the most popular stations in the South. The agreement provides for dosed shop, 8 hours a day to be worked con secutively, five days a week also to be worked consecutively, time and one half for all regular overtime, and dou ble time pay for call backs, no call back time to be for less than three hours. Pay rate increases provided in the agreement call for an increase of $16.67 per month for the first six months of the agreement, and then an additional monthly increase of $11.50 for the second six months of the agree ment. Two weeks* vacation with pay for all members who have been with the company for six months or longer, and two weeks’ sick leave with pay during the year that the agreement is in operation. A further provision calls for an allowance of 6 cents a mile for members who are required to use their own automobiles in con nection with their work. Men's Shoes One lot of broken sizes odds and ends. Values to *50. Now at one low price *85 while they last. We also have 82 pairs of Nettleton shoes left that we are closing out at $7.85, values to $11*. 110 S. Try on St GILMER-MOORE (0. NOTICE or SERVICE OF SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County of Mecklenburg. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Guy H. Fnnkoy. Plaintiff, V». Annia Mao Panhay, Tho that aa action haa boon saaaaaaaaad la tho above court by tho above plaintiff for a absolute oa tbs gran* of two yarns That plaintiff will further taka not! she is required to appear before the signed cloth of the above court aad demur ta the said complaint filed wtthla thirty days from the bat aotl will appear in this paper or the plaintiff will apply to the court for tbs relief November ISth. 1*40. J. A. » Assistant Clerk Nov. tt. St; Dee. S. IS. IMS. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County of MteUnbari. m THE SUPERIOR COURT ** “^‘"“’plaintiff. Billie Tkammell Nivens. Defendant. The defendant above naaead wfll take that aa action entitled as abofe has massed in the Superior Court of M_ County for anrabeolute divorce, on the of abandonment and two yearn sepan Aad the defendant will farther tab that aba b required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg North Carolina .at the County Quart —;— Charlotte. North Carolina, within thirty days from the day oa which service by publication la thta came to completed, or ihwiat thirty the SSth day of November, IMS, or demur to the complaint filed _a. or the plaintiff wfil apply ta the Ceurt for the relief limielid ia said seen, r, IMS. 1. This the 4 th day of |Nov. 14. SI. SS; Dae. Wi. MEN'S WINSOR-PACA AND HARRIS TWEED TOPIMS Give Yourself One For Christmas >24” Top-Notch Tailoring Plus Plenty of Warmth! GENTLEMEN . . . turn Belkward today for one of the best topcoat buys in Charlotte. Check the fabric, the tailoring, th.e styling of these topcoats. See the raglan, bal macaan and set-in sleeve models, check their warmth-giving qualities. They're all you want in a topcoat! Alperu and Venetian Covert Topcoate-$35.00 MEN’S STORE—STREET FLOOR BELK BROS. DEMAND THE UNION LABEL Label in your hat? Label in your shoes? Label in your clothes? Label on your printinx? Union barber share yon? Union carpenter build yond house? Union painter paint it? Union bricklayer put the foundation under it and the pillars in front of It? Union plumber fit out your sanitary equipment? A union electrician for your electri cal work? PATRONIZE THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL So easy to carry the (ix-bMlU (MM —(&&& A&P PEAS a 2 FRUIT ass *• Sc 25c 29c 10c BEANS — 5c SALMON “i£“''2 S£ 25c CRISCO 3 £ 50c 1*0*7 SOAP Soap Powder OXYDOL &10< £21. PftO SOAP Camay SOAP 4JSH. 4 ~J|i A&P FOOD STORES !&&(&&'>■