ASHEVILLE IS MAKING PROGRESS ALONG LINES OF ORGANIZATION; MAY CATCH CHARLOTTE, SOME DAY ASHEVILLE, N. C., Dec. 10.—This city’s Central Labor Union will dose the year 1940 with a most remarkable growth of the Labor Movement. While 1939 was a banner year, the progress made in 1940 far exceeds that of the previous year. During the past two years the Central Labor Union has added fourteen new Local Unions to the American Federation of Labor's official family, some of the locals being unusually large and pow erful With the newly organised Local Unions in the city proper, and hundreds of members employed on the two big pobs at Nantahala and Glen ville, these being under the Asheville jurisdiction, membership of A. F. of L. Unions in this city has experienced a tremendous growth. In Asheville proper the following Local Unions have been organized, many of which have already obtained agreements with employers, while ne gotiations are under way at this time for agreements in other plants and places of employment. The new Lo cal Unions are: The Enka Rayon Workers’ Local, the Tannery Workers’ Local, The Linemen’s Local of the I. B. E. W., the Auto Mechanics Local of the I. A. M. , the Gas Workers’ Local, the Sayles Bleachery Workers Local, the Ashe ville Cotton Mill Employes Local, Teamsters and Chauffeurs Local, the Creamery Workers’ Local, the BuUd QUALITY DRY CLEANING Called for and Delivered F. C. Campbell (Member Teamsters aad Chauffeurs Local) 719 Louise Ave. Phone 2-10SS Flavor lunch with refrachmaot ing Service Employes Local, the Bea con Blanket Workers, the Carpenters Local for employes of the Natl Cas ket Co., the Mica Workers’ Local, and the Beauticians Local. Other Local Unions now in process of organisa tion are the Retail Clerks, Meat Cut ters, Bookkeepers and Stenographers, and others whose identity will not be disclosed until more progress has been made. EMPLOYES OF TENNESSEE COPPER COMPANY UNDER AGREEMENT COPPERHILL, Tenn., Dec. 10.— Everything in the Copper Basin is progressing in splendid manner, now that the American Federation of La bor Unions here and at Duclctown are working under Union agreement with the Tennessee Copper Company. Signing of the A. F. of L. agreement recently ended a struggle that has been raging here for the past three years, and marks the beginning of the return of the membership of the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Unions back to the American Federation of Labor. Subscribe for the Journal _ I CHRISTMAS GREETING/ TO EVERYONE . . . And Sincere Best Wishes for the Coming Year! If you need some extra cash to help you with December expenses we invite you to use this friendly loan service. Citizens Savings & Loan Co. 114 E. Fourth St, BELK’S GIFTS FOR “HIM” MEN’S 12-PIECE FITTED CASES A sturdy topgroin cowhide case (with zipper) contains brushes, containers for tooth brush, razor, shave cream, etc., comb, nail file and other items. An excellent gift value. Other Fitted Cases $1.00 and $1.95 Attractive black cases with suitable fittings for his trav eling needs. You can express a lot of Christmas joy at little cost with these. Billfolds and Billfold Sets $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 A stand-out collection of modern styles in billfolds . . . many with key case to match. Black or brown ... at tractively boxed. HUNDREDS OF BEAUTIFUL I CHRISTMAS TIES Boxed For Giving Silk and wool ties chosen with on eye out for the patterns and colors that appeal to men in every walk of life. New stripes, allover patterns, solid colors. Included in our gift collection are ties by Arrow, Wembley, Beau Brummell and other no ted makers. STREET FLOOR BILK BROS. STREET FLOOR PATRONIZE THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL tmnur mcwo «, H ■, p BDY5.Y0URE GOING TO LIKE IT • • 'Mu&epohl CHEVY ALE Ton'll order it regularly . . . if you try one bottle I lie union made. Ii's a pure, all-grain beverage . . . made in ihe famous Hudepohl Breweries in Cincinnati, Ohio. DISTRIBUTED BT BLUE RIBBON SALES Co, Inc 100% UNION MADE 2801 8. BLVD. PHONE 1470ft Martin’s Department Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES Shop ai Vtlcudtin'A and Sana Your Fall and Winter Needs Anticipated AT COKN1R TRADE AND COLLEGE UNION WINS AGREEMENT AFTER SHORT STOPPAGE SPARTANBURG, S. C., Dec. 70.— The newly organized Textile Local Union made up of employes of the employes of the Dalagrave Textile company here won a signal victory last week when a closed shop agreement was obtained, containing all stand ard provisions as to seniority, arbi tration, overtime pay, etc., and a flat $2.00 a week increase in pay for all i of the employes. A strike was called | last Thursday when it appeared that the company would not recognize the union as the bargaining agency. Ne gotiations were immediately started, local union officials assisted by Gor don L. Chastain, vice president of the United Textile Workers of Amer ica. Svbaoflw for Hm JmtmI f.Trobekts optoiorwst NOTICE OP SALE UNDIB EXECUTION North Csrollns, Kecklcnbnrs County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Smooth Cathey, Plaintiff. . vs. R. L. MoCoUoush * Wife. Esther HeCol loogh. Defendants. Whereas, in an attachment proceeding ts> ■titoted in the Eaperier Coart of Keekleabarg County by Pennsth Cathey, Plaintiff, tr‘— B. L. MoOolloegh * Wife. Bether MsCslloagfc a Judgment was mtared on the-day of January, ISM, in the mount eC Mm Bandied ftgh» light aad M/1M (IHUi) DoUais with Interest front July L ltM, aad sots of dsasrttel aad levied on. Mew, by vtrtae of the Judgment mtered in the Eeperleg Coart, Meefcleaharg County, I win U o'clock aeea. at the Ceartheaee deer of said Oeeaty eall te the MM1 bidder fee wh to eathfy said Judgment aad ereeaHea. all the right, title aad interest whieh the eald B. L. McCoUeugh aad wife. Esther MeOelleagh. Da readmit. have la the foBowtag daeeHbed real estate, ta>wttt Begtaaiag at a stake an Avon three! SO feet Ibsen the earner of Vlatoa aad Aeea Streets, aad me with Area Street la a la aa easterly directioa 1IM tat to a stake, Hisass la a eorthwly iheetioa 4t.t tat te a stake: theaee la a westerly directioa USA feet te the Baglaaiag. Bata aE of let I la This the 14th day ef Me via .ISM. We taJEWta RlllH, Nov. 14 tl 44 Dee. 4 14 14 FIRESTONE UNION WINS AGREEMENT AT MEMPHIS MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 10.—Set tlement of the American Federation of Labor's Rubber Workers* strike, called here last week, ended Saturday night when the company officials agreed that no reduction in pay should be effected because of the piece-work plan that had been instituted by the company. The strike was called to protest against the piece-work plan. Jake Cohen, editor of the Memphis Labor Review, Lev Loring, president of the Memphis Trades and Labor Council, Paul J. Aymon, of the A. F. of L., organizing staff, and Virgil Finch, United States conciliator from the Department of Labor, assited the officers of the local union in the ne gotiations. IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS IN ARREARS SEND IN A IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS IN ARREAR8 SEND IN A CHICK BELL TELEPHONE _ OPERATORS ORGANIZED AT SHREVEPORT SHREVEPORT, La., Dee. 10/—O. A. Walker of the I. B. E. W„ hu or ganized a Local Union here_for tka telephone operator* of the Soothers Bell Telephone Company. Charter was installed last week, and X. H. Williams, president of the State Fed eration of Labor, and ispreesatative of the American Federation of ^bor, assisted Representative Walker in the installation of the charter. President Williams has stated that this is one of the most significant steps am by the A. F. of L. Unions la iana, and welcomed the era tors into the family of Snfotf, FOREMOST MILK Ma. dfaaUhfuL FOREMOST DAIRIES, INC Thmm 711S—7117 NOTICE or SERVICE or SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION Stott of North Corolla*. County of Mecklenburg. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Guy H. Pankey. Plaintiff, V*. Annlo Mao Pankay, Tho aboTo-namod dofondant will toko at that an action hat baan mummied la ■bore court by tho abort plaintiff for a i abaoluto on tha grounda of two tion. That plaintiff will Author tab aha la required to appoar bafora tha aimad dark of tho abora aourt aad or daaur to tha aaid complaint fUad within thirty day* from thi will appear in thi* paper or tha | apply to tho court for tha r*Uaf i NoTcmbtr 18th. 1M0. J. J Am latent Clack Nor. tl. »; Dee. 8. 1*. lMd. SERVICE or SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Prod M. Nirrna, Plaintiff. BOlia Trammell Nirana, Defendant. Tha dofondant abora will taka --in tha Superior Court of —— County for an aboolute diroraa, on tha of abandonment aad two yuan twin And the defendant wffl further taka *■*»•>• h required to appoar bafora tha of tha Superior Court of. North Carolina .at tho County CourtBeat* Charlotte. North Carolina, within thirty daya teaa tha day an which earrtee I* ynhHmtim BEX RECREATION AND BOWUM ALLOT DEMAND THE UNION I A«T. I _ _