Unions Are Democracies I HAVE oftaa aaid that Amtriea'i union* ara •»« af tha founda tion stonaa af Aiuariea'a DenMeraay. I will think to. I think aa baeauaa union* ara far tha moat part demoaratic orfaniza credit union* or their democratically elected leader*. But the moat dangerous attempt to amach a union i* the propoeal to oae the Draft to brook itrike*. It'* aa old trick. The am interest of their - If this i* true, then it M al*o true that anything which tend* to undermine unionism in Amer ica tende alto to undermine Democracy in America. Union* protect the ordinary men and women of our country in daily life and work. So Democracy. Union* protect them against dictation by their em ployer*. juat a* Democracy pro tect* them again*! dictation by tUir government. Union* *triv* constantly to rai*e the standard of living of the American people. ju»t a* democratic government in America trie* to do the came thing. Etientially the only difor cnee between America** union* and her form of government i* a difference in *ize. Union* are (mailer democraci** within the one great Democracy. America i* hcrtelf really ju*t ana big union, which include* and pro tect* all American*. Anything that harm* our union* harm* our democratic way of life. An attack on a union i* an attack on the democratic way of life that union member* have fought to win for thorn *olvea. There have been many *ign* ra m wolai j*a aMinannn nMnelra recently o* rvMwvi wiirfi on union*. Cong ret* i* fall of anti union legislation those days. Flo petal* to emasculate the Wagner lit or “kill” Act. Proposal* to limit the Wage* and Hour* law. The professional *mear committed are always hunt trying to di* strike. Some government ofteial coma* aloof and says to tk« atrikera: “Either you fo buck to work or see will draft you into the array." Of count, it's all supposed to bo for the defease of Democ racy. Bat sehut kind of “dofonee of Democracy” is that? This kind of attack on unions is ex actly what Hitlar did in Ger many. This kind of attack on unions is exactly what want an in Prance in the name of defend inf French democracy. And you know what happened in Prance. But even more than that, it implies something that 1, and 1 will guess most other Amer icana. do not Idee. It implies that going into the Army ia some kind of punishment. It implies that tbs Army is going to be used at a nationwide aoneontra tion samp for those who defend their wages, their jobs, and the American standard of living against assault, t Our Army was erected to de fend American Democracy. If it is going to bo used as a strike breaking agency, its purpose will have been subverted. That will be using it to destroy our De mocracy, not defend it. And Americans don't want to destroy their Democracy. Democracy pro tects America and Americans. Wo want ta defend it. f M-M! M-M! Did You Soy ELECTRIC COOKING? i *Tm for that, friend. Never knew just how good • cook my wife wa» un til we got an electric range. She's always pull ing a new dish out of her bag of tricks these days. They cost less. too. And •ay - don't forget the little Item about meals always being on time. You'll like that Yeaslri SAY o. when the little woman suggests an electric range. Nothing like it to tip up the kitchen Interest. Take It from me -It's one of the best home Investments you can make. IP Save Food— j Cut down costly errors! Save Time— Cook the Scientific Way! Save Digestions— -♦ With proper food prepara tion! Tone la WOT 12:45 P. M. Toes., Thors, sad Sat. Tub* Ib WSOC 12:15 Daily Except Sunday _ POWER COMPANY 430 South Church St Phone 2-4112 PATRON! JOURNAL ADVERTISERS A. F. OF L COUNCIL POSTPONES TWO NAT. CHARTERS MIAMI, PI*.—The Executive Coun cil of the American Federation of Labor, at ita mid-printer meeting here, postponed granting a national char ter to 126 Federal unions in the grain processing industry, claiming 17,000 members, because it wished to make sure that these unions did not in clude craftsmen who should come un der the jurisdiction of other national unions. The Council also ruled that the time had not yet arrived to grant a national charter to nearly 100 Federal office workers’ unions claiming 10, 000 members. Synthetic rubber is being found { useful as bearings. Tests show that I it is co-efficiient of friction about the same as that of ball bearing. j Wind from the East signifies stormy weather. Changing from East to Southeast portends rain, soon, j The same evil forces that have brought wreck and ruin to the Chris tion religion in other parts of the I world, are at work throughout Amer ica. PATRONIZE THOSE WHO AD\ ERTISE IN THE JOURNAL J. ED. STUKES NAMED NEW CO. SOLICITOR The county commisisoner* Monday elected J. Ed Stukes solicitor of the Mecklenburg Recorder’s court to sue eeed Hugh M. McAulay, resigned, and designated David H. Henderson to act as assistant at such times as the regular solicitor may be on vacation or absent as result of illness. The county is to pay the assistant for two weeks while the solicitor is on vacation, but the solicitor pays the assistant on other occasions when the assistant relieves the solicitor.— Observer. ‘Ganmea’ Were Indian Warriors “Gunmen” originally were not hoodlums but Indian warriors. The 1790 vintage gunman was mentioned in the Georgia Colonial Record: “A small party of Indians, consisting of one chief, six gunmen and a woman come here this day.” By 1018 “gun men” were cavalrymen; in the Con gressional Debates, Andrew Jackson is recorded as seeking “one regi ment of mounted gunmen” to put down an Indian uprising. The word did not carry the stigma at an out law until 1903, according to the new American English dictionary of the University of Chicago Press, and even then it designated the despera dos of the Wild West The first use of the word in its present sense, the dictionary shows, was in 1916, whan Carl Sandburg wrote: “I have seen the gunmen kill and go free to kill again." NATIONAL CANNED SALMON WEEK Gold Stream Pink SALMON 2 No. 1 Tall Cans 8 O’CLOCK “ co^™ 2 s 25« SYRUP 'sjs 2 a? 25c OLEO iff 2 s 19« CAKE b-sst 's 19c TALCO FEEDS GROWING MASH 100 & $2.35 STARTIHG MASH 100 £ $2.36 16% DAIRY FEED 100't. SUN A&P'FOOD STORES For Constipation Vigor sad Pop! CHEW PEP - 0 - LAX | Wkaa Baytag AiplHi Dto*«i C & ASPIRIN NOTICE North Carolina la Vtr*fl A. Outlaw, Plaintiff, an. Nancy Balkan Oatlaw, that ha ii r at tha Offlaa at tha CM at tha Ooart at aaU aoaatr ta tha wah hoaaa la Charfatta, North Carolina within at aaralaa ha QUALITY DRY CLEANING Called for and Delivered F. C. Campbell (Member Teamsters and Chauffeurs Local 719 Louise Ave. Phone 2*1033 Soon after Russian military forces occupied Polish territory, 25,000 god less agitators spread over the land, i ..~~~~. •"Bit AVANT COAL flpMid •TOO* j I .GOAL | » LASTING TALUS H» nir—ful resistance of, ths American Mmttai of Labor to tho introduction of Communist purposes and methods in tho labor moremont was an outstanding patrL otk accomplishment. Its lasting Talus will bo recognised more and more aa time passes. John P. Fray. § tjztt nr -jrrr, .■TT-r.Tsgaassrj^T-gsr.^-.r.T.^sra- T7.-aa« fcrioivlavis ffifc Fifth Anniversary SALE Charlotte's Fastest Growing Men's Store Suits, Shoes, Shirts, Coats, Hats Anniversary Special SHIRTS and SHORTS An important offer in a na tionally advertised brand. Shorts are full cut, fast color broadcloth in a wide \ariety of patterns. Grip per styles. Shirts are of fine combed cotton yarns in two different styles of rib weave. 20c 4 for it Charlotte’s Fastest Growing Men’s Store 118 South Tryon St. ( “A 200,000 edition of ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, was run off on rub I her plates h/half the usual time. Complete plate changes were made in only 10 minutes. Twenty-five per cent less ink was used.”—American I Petroleum Institute. WvKtnr Spintto PImm p«f WmUt PARKER-GARDNER CO. :it w. Trad* PUi mi Stoe. im tkhSigm StkiwBuith GltMN Fitted Eyes Examined F. C. ROBERTS OPTOMETRIST 1W, 8. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. M»4 BI-LETS ss •ulljr by pltyalciMM a euartar it a Mataiy. Ta ~ a/Taii? aa<_ m&zzrtsi saamwaaM fjWDiL FOREMOST MILK Wjl HtalikjuL FOREMOST DAIRIES, MC t rkmmm 711E—7117 WWW