Let Us All Invest... Our Boys Will Do The Rest N, C. FEDERATION OF LABOR INDORSES USO CAMPAIGN State President Urges Affiliated Members to Co-operate; Ivey Says Two More Counties Are Over Their Quotas The letter, from C. A. Fink of Spencer, state president, was released to the press yesterday by Mr. Ivey. It follows: “The North Carolina State Federa tion of Labor wishes to go on record as indorsing the movement to raise the quota of $444,000, which is North Carolina’s share of the national amount to provide the men in our armed forces with the recreational and morale-building program while they are off duty. “It must be evident to every one that it is of the greatest important that the leisure hours of our men should be spent profitably, in a man ner that will furnish pleasure ana amusement and a certain amount of education to them. The USO was established to meet the above needs. It was also intended to serve our sol diers and sailors by bringing them spiritual, social, and recreational values that their morale might be maintained. “These agencies are serving the above purpose in an admirable man ner and with increased efficiency as facilities are increased. It is the duty of each citisen to render every assist ance and promote the USO in every way possible. (Signed) The North Carolina State Federation of Labor. C. A. Fink, president.” GREETINGS TO THE A. F. OF L. ON JULY FOURTH 1942 SOME OF THE THINGS WE LEND MONEY ON Dhm« WitehM Jewelry Men’s Cl> thine Toole Sporting Goode Silverware Shot Gene Rlflee Pistole Tranks Adding Machines Bags Salt Musical Kodaks Typewriters AH Hus in Strictly Confidential, When in Nm4 of Money We Never Fall Yon 1J1 E. TRADE ST. (Next to Balk’s) See Us For Bargains in Diamond Watches, Jewelry. Clethtng, si RELIABLE LOAN CO. r C^njoij Foremost Pasteurized Farm FRESH MILK FOREMOST DAIRIES, INC. PHONES 7116 — 7117 1859-1942 BEAT THE AXIS WITH THE AXE OF WAR BONDS WASTE IS HITLER’S ALLY Wars today are won by the nation having the moot and beat equipment. Almoet every kind of waate and aerap material is neeedd for some part of the war effort today and trade unionists in every section of the country are in the forefront of the various drives to Collect material which can be converted for war use. AFL teamsters and CIO steel workers in several western states have collected huge quantities of scrap iron and steel that lay rusting in junkyards and fields. In one city union members offered their free hours to pull up Several miles of streetcar tracks that had been abandoned for years. In another city several unions started a contest with prises offered for the local collecting the largest amount of rags, paper and rubber. The above poster, measuring 20 by 28 inches and designed in. three colors, is available for trade union halls serf headquarters on written request to the Labor Production Division, War Production Board, Room 5729 Social Security Building, Washington. * DIAMOND SOLITAIRES AND WEDDING RINGS Especially Priced for July Buy on Convenient Easy Terms. BROWNLEE JEWELERS 108 SOUTH TRYON ST. Black bats take to cover when day light comes. Do open ears make open mouths and loose tongues? Most everyone is tor some church; at least he knows which one he stays WWMMWMWWVWW ilr I “Every wasted penny shrinks a defense dollars* , ITS wise to measure garments before laundering: from atm pit to cuff, from center of collar to hem, and width of waist. Then follow the measurements in shap ing while ironing. You’ll save time and money by nch care! Then pot those thrift-wise coins into U. S. SAVINGS STAMPS. Don’t forget to suggest that 700c husband make every pay day a savings day in the name of freedom. a ZORIC Dry Cleaning DOMESTIC LAUNDRY PhoM f 17* CHEW PEP-O-LAX Hm New Gm Ltnttrt Alee in CheeoUte A Baton, Louisiana physician drew draft number 6088, which also was his telephone number. One hundred and sixty-five people are hurt every hour of the day; that was before gas rations set* in. In two thousand B. C., the Egyp tians used saws, drill, planes, chisels and hammers similar to what carpen ters use today. Ocean salt water will freee at 28 degrees Fahrenheit. A Chicago mail order house form erly sent out seven million catalogs twice a year, until recently. . The average fiction book sells less than 5,000 copies. I DeVONDE CLEANERS — DYERS . HATTERS — FURRIER8 SEVEN POINTS WHY WE ARB ONE OF THE SOUTH’S LEAD ING SYNTHETIC CLEANERS 1 Restore# original frirtim and sparkle. 2 Removes earefafly al dirt, dost and grease. S Harmless to the most delicate of fabrics. 4 Odor Isos, thorough -'ft sing 5 Garments stay clsan lsngm Synthetic CALL S-S1M m N. Tryon St ENJOY THE BEET ASK FOR PET DAIRY PRODUCTS CORP. McDevitt & Street Company Engineers and Contractors 506 Builders Building Telephone 4-2811 Charlotte, N. C. GREETINGS TO LABOR Reid-Hayden, Inc. Insulation Engineers, Distributors, Contractors 1231 West Morehead St. Dial 7716 ' Charlotte, N. C. tki§5/§m StbiiBotrte Dixie News Co. 211 North Graham Street Phone 3-1119-3-1110 Charlotte, N. C. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN LOCAL CIRCULATION Don’t Mail Your Money Out of Town—Send Your Subscriptions to Us. MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS Union Sends $5 Monthly To Members In Service NEW YORK, N. Y. — Edward White, president of the New York Photo-Engravers’ Union No. 1, an nounced that the union has establish ed a fund by voluntary contribution whereby each month members who are in some branch of the service will receive a post office money order for. *5. At present 92 union members in the armed forces will receive these money orders as a reminder that those at home are mindful of the sacri fices being made by those who are bearing arms. Members of Local 1 and the union itself have bought war bonds to the extent of $340,108.50 to date and have set $500,000 as their goal for this year. This will mean an average of $1,500 for each member. OPEN FORUM No matter if he is my Son or your Son, let us back our men who are car rying the guns. We are running around saying this should be done or that, when we are just the people behind the lines. Our boys who are really fighting, are just going ahead not thinking of the good jobs they have left behind or whether they will ever have any more gas or tires or sugar or anything of that kind. It doesn’t matter to the men who carry the guns. They are fighting for our freedom and the least we can do is keep quiet about the luxuries we must give up, and buy Bonds and Stamps to keep our guns loaded, or we will never need cars; we will be in slavery. Let’s take the slogan of our “Labor Journal” this week? “Give me Liberty or give me Death.” Death would be more welcome than to fall into the hands of the Germans or the Japs. This July 4th there will be a Bond and Stamp Sale by all the stores for fifteen minutes. You cannot buy any thing but Stamps or Bonds. That is as it should be, but why wait for a special time. Let’s buy them fast. Let’s invest every cent we can in our Government, so we will be able to sing “Let Freedom Ring.” Frances Scott Key’s heart must have felt very low that dark, gray morning he lay there waiting for the Dawn, to see if he was still free. How his heart must have swelled with glad ness as he saw that our flag was still there. He must have thought of Patrick Henry’s great words: “Give me Liberty or give me Death.” Some people here are narrow minded enough to begrudge our men behind the guns the little fun they have week-ends. They are not training themselves, but they are the kind who are belly-ach ing because they can’t have all the gas and other things, so they can keep on having their fun. They are the type who want someone else to do the fighting for them. I say let the boys who are training to fight for you and I, have all the fun they can. Let’s help the USO and give them a chance. “Jo Jo” in today’s Ob server expresses my sentiments in saying: “Keep ’em ever flying Colors tried and true Drape Tokio and Berlin In Red, White and Blue.” So, if you want to share in the Pnde of that day when Freedom shall touch every human on earth buy Stamps and Bonds. Stick to the men who carry our guns. BERTHA HELMS. ICE CEEAM 600 W. FIFTH ST. PHONE 3-1164 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 211 East Skth Street Phone 3-4824 Martin s Department Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES Shop at moudin’A and Sava YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER NEEDS ARE HERE AT GOftNZX. TRADE AMD OOfJAGE