The Charlotte Labor Journal AND DIXIE FARM NEWS ■M aa wwl ■Ittw h»bBkci /icxxu^im NOW THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Charlotte, N. C. *A E (Srt B E R F O I . C - ^_ MWMMWMM f&nnqllW “Save—to make the Japs pay.” WHEN washing clothes by hand, rub badly soiled parts with a soft brush and a good soap lather. This is easy on the fabric, yet hard on the dirt. /✓ You'D save many pennies by this simple rule for laundering clothes carefully. Put those thrifty coins into U. S^SAVINGS STAMPS—they're valuable to Democracy! NANCY'—' BY JTRM/e Bl/SHM/^UETR. THAT’S contributed 7© THE DEFENSE SAVINGS PROGRAM -f/eAME* BUSA/M/lAB*. —Courtesy United Feature Syndicate PENDER QUALITY FOOD STORES SHIP AHOY RESTAURANT Business Men’s Luncheon 45c Dinners 75c and up Charlotte’s Leading Restaurant AIR CONDITIONED —and keep on smoking THEY’RE UNION MADE “Haw’dyou like to ride 100 Electric Refrigerators?” REDDY KILOWATT They Say— t There’s enough Keel in a hundred electric refrig erators to make a medium tank. That’s why refrigerators aren’t being made today. The metal and skill and labor they used are now being de voted to war production. SO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR It’ll give you long service if you’ll give it a little care. Keep the motor oiled if your refrigerator is the "open oak” type. Defrost at least once a week during hot weather. Keep dust off the radiator plate in back of die refrigerator. Don’t overload. Don’t shun the door. If acid-containing liquids (such as lemon, grapefruit, orange or tomato jutee) are spiffed, wipe off immediately. sDUKEhhols: