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STREP' ADDRESS..... cm... STATE Space Contributed To The United States Secret Service by CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL I BACK UP THE BOYS WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR YOU ALLEN OVERALL CO. 415 So. Church Street Phone 3-3598 Journal Readers Patronize Journal Advertisers BREWERIES— ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE, NORFOLK, ORLANDO. <00 W. FIFTH ST. PHONE 3-ll«4 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Vital Topics Are Discussed At The Labor Press Meet NEW YORK CITY.—A discussion packed, two-day conference of the American Labor Press Association, held here February 21 and 22 and at tended by more than 300 delegate8 and visitors, was highlighted by speeches delivered by Under Secre tary of War Roberts P. Patterson, Assistant Secretaray of Navy Ralph A. Bard, and Mayor Fiorella La Guardia. The labor press editors and writers were told they were doing an import ant job well, and would have an im portant duty to perform after the war in assisting in planning the post war economy, and educating and in forming the workers. Several Fed eral agency representatives partici pated in the discussions. Mr. Patterson said: “Once we thoroughly appreciate the fact there is no line of demarcation between the bench and the trench, between the machine worker and the machine gunner, we will get a proper perspec tive of the job we have got to do in the field of production. “I know of no group better quali fied to hammer home the truths of the situation than the labor press. You speak for, and you speak to, the rank and file of loyal, patriotic work ers of America who form the back bone of the nation,—and the back bone of the American Army.” -V Red Cross Reports Message From The War-Torn Lands WASHINGTON, D. C.—Ann aval anche of 7,500 replies to messages and inquiries poured into American Red Cross headquarters last week from persons in war-torn countries to relatives and friends in thjk coun try, it was announced. This was the largest number of re plies to messages and reports on in quiries ever received in one week and almost tripled the number for the preceding three months. While such messages ordinarily require a-year or more to complete the circuit from sender to addressee and return, many received this week completed it in six months. The ma jority of these came from Denmark and Norway. -V IP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS IN ARREARS SEND IN A CHECK 1851 /:nhT /^OD reigns, and the government at Washington lives! James A. Garfield tfhea Lincoln wot luaniutrf excitement ran high, and soma demanded vengeance on certain newspapers. Garfield, at that time a repreaentative in Con gress, addressed the rioters and calmed them, quoting Psalm SJ:I 13 NEW LOCALS CHARTERED BY TEACHERS FED. CHICAGO. — Thirteen new locals lave been chartered by the American Federation of Teachers (AFL) since Dec. 22, 1942, in one of the most suc cessful organizing campaigns in the inion’s history. AMDREWS MUSIC CO. LIVE AND LET LIVE For A Better Understanding Among All Of Us IT ALL DEPEDNS ON ME! By RUTH TAYLOR The other day a friend who had just returned from England showed ne a poster he had brought back. The background is a stormy sky, through which the sun has broken to illuminate the figure of a woman standing with outstretched arms, her hands grasping the hands of others oneach side. The other figures are not shown—just the hands. Beneath is a strong chain of single links, emphasizing the feeling of uncountable thousands holding hands. Across the poster is the line “It All Depends on Me.” I have felt very humble ever since I saw that poster. This was no challenging “It's Your Job. It’s Up to You. This is Your War.” This was a confession of personal faith, a recognition of personal re sponsibility. And it has made me think. Am I facing the fact that this is my war? It is my way of life that is at stake. J would not want to live in a world that denied those simple virtues in which I believe, freedom of conscience and speech, the right to worship my God according to my own belief, the sanctity of the home, the freedom of the individual, the honor of the pledged word, the governing of action by right rather than might. This is my way of life. If it is to be retained, it all depends on me. Am I working where I can be most useful in this, my war? Am I shirking the job that I should do because it is tedious, or because it will interfere with my accustomed routine? Am I serving in the place where I can be of most good? I must make the most out of my working strength and time, for—it all depends on me! Am I mobilized for this, my war? Or am I clinging to non-essen tials? Over and above my job, have I assumed my proper responsi bility as a citizen in my own community? Have I streamlined my life, made wise use of my time, and conserved my health? Am I putting all my resources to work? Am I taking care to conserve that which I have, to give up that which can be used for war-effort and am I buying no more than is absolutely necessary, in order that my dollars may help fight the battle? Money and goods are needed. This is a total war—and it all depends on me! i Am I keeping a soldierly self-control? Am I seeing to it that the whispered rumor stops when it reaches me? That-I do not pass on any divisive thought? Am I living my faith? Am I, who talk of the glory and mind all holding out a friendly hand to my neighbor, keeping from my heart and mind all prejudice and hatred toward any one, regardless of class, creed, or color? Am I putting into daily practice the ideals to which I give lip allegiance? Only in this way can democracy endure—it all depends on me. I cannot close this self-searching with a moral—but only with the prayer,, in the words of the Psalmist, “Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” It all depends on me. r ;■ jO-.UR federal union! It must and shall g be preserved! Andrew Jackson President Jackson |m this j! toast mi m banquet in IIJ2 on =' Thomas Jefferson's birthday 1t 5' »« aimed at Vie a President ? John C Calhoun advocate oi ? ’he right ol nates to ignore ?> laws ol the lederal governmef' WE CAN WE WILL ’ WE MUST BUY U. S. WAR SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS NOW! ———- - Publication of this “LIVE AND LET LIVE” series is made possible through the operation of the 'following firms and individuals. CO WEARN LUMBER CO. 1420 S. Mint St. Phone 3-7575 F Cr R COAL & OIL CO.* COAL, GASOLINE, KEROSENE, FUEL and MOTOR OIL 624 S. Cedar St. and P. & N. Ry Phone 3-6177 COCHRAN Cr ROSS COAL CO. 601 W. 6th St. Phone 7149 Quickest Delivery in Town CHARLOTTE RENTAL CO. 120 East 3rd Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. SCHWARTZ & SON, INC. SCRAP IRON 601 W. 3rd Street Dial 2-4205 McDEVITT fir STREET CO. 505 Builders Building Charlotte, N. C. LEE CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Charlotte, North Carolina ACME PLUMBING CO. CONTRACTORS 127 East 5th Street Phone 6183 FARMERS SUPPLY CO. Woods, Garden Seed, Feed and Hardware Co. 224 E. Trade .St Phoik 5749 ALLEN OVERALL COMPANY 415 So. Church Street Phone 3-3598 MITCHELL & BECKER CO. IRON WORKS 1916 S. Boulevard Dial 2-4473 Caldwell Construction Co. 424 S. Brevard Telephone 2-4165, 2-4166 THE BOYLE UTILIZATION CO. COTTON MILL WASTE Charlotte, N. C. TEXTILE SALVAGE COMPANY Cotton and Industrial Machinery and Supplies Charlotte, N. C. GUY M. BEATY BOILER AND PIPE COVERINGS 1728 West Trade St. Phone 3-5838 SUN CREST BOTTLING CO. 1207 West Morehead St. Phone 4-2193 W. W. KISER, Mgr. HOSPITAL SAVING ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Mrs C. T. WANZER, Charlotte Manager 1102 Independence Building Phone 5434 “It’s Fun To Shop and Save At These Mod* ern Food Markets . . . Every Item Super* Market Priced.” in this §i§a S this Battle I BREAKFAST With Tour Friends 4 At The > as«wv CAUTtRIA REX RECREATION AND BOWLING ALLEY Where Union Men Meet Tee* Stud Air Cm4Mmm4 M-117 8. TRYON 8T