“We Are Americans First and Trade Unionists Second” WILLIAM GREEN, PRES. A. F. OF L GREEN URGES LABOR TO OBSERVE “I AM AN AMERICAN DAY,YY MAY 16 WASHINGTON, D. C.—The importance of the proclamation of the United States designating May 16 as “I Am An American Day” was em phasized by AFL President William Green in urging the officers and mem bers of state federations of labor and city central bodies “to join with other official and civic groups in the observance of .this day.” Pointing out that the President’s proclamation declares that May 16 is set aside “as a public occasion for the recognition of all who, by coming of age or naturalization, have attained the status of citizenship,” Mr. Green said: “Participation in this celebration will serve to create national unity, co operation and goodwill, and in addition will contribute largely to the winning of the war. “I respectfully urge that you play an important part in a proper observ ance of ‘I Am An merican Day.’ This is especially fitting and most appro priate this year because all classes of people are united in a fixed and determined effort to defeat the Axis powers and to win the war in w'hich we are engaged at the earliest possible moment. It is especially important that labor participate in the celebration of this Citizenship Day this year.” BUY WAR BONDS OUT OF EVERY PAY ENVELOPE His Lnncli Dm is Important It is important because his health is important and because extra iiilli hours of efficient work are import- HUiiii!!! ant. Let’s fill it full of vitamins and make it, so appetizing he can’t res’st it. Why not follow these hints? Sandwiches: Don't toast bread to go in boxes. Favor wholewheat and enriched brands. Soften or cream butter before spreading. Have all ingredients handy and properly seasoned before making sandwiches. Wrap neatly in separate pieces of wstxed paper to preserve freshness. Salads and Desserts: When cooking for the family, don’t forget to put individual portions of ' salads and desesrts in short wide mouthed jelly glasses suitable for packing. Put lettuce leaves on top, never around salads, to preserve crispness. Liquids: The wide-mouthed thermos bottle is almost indispensable for soups, hot drinks, stew or other hot foods. Keep it properly cleaned and aired between uses. Salt and sugar are easily carried in small screw top bottles. HOME SERVICE DEPARTMENT April Checks Of Unemployed Are Lower Than Usual _v— RALEIGH, May 11—The $78, 799.58 paid out during April by the Unemployment Compensation com mission in benefit checks to about 2, 500 idle workers was the lowest in the six years since the program was inaugurated, UCC Director R.' F. Martin announced today. Martin said the decrease in pay ments could be attributed primarily to the wartime demand for all avail able labor. The money was paid out in 11,347 benefit checks, less than one per cent of the number written during the peak of unemployment in August, 1940. -V This phrase is inseparably linked with Sherman’s name, although he could never remem ber having uttered it. It was vouched lor hy John Koolbeck, aide-de-camp to General Wins low. Koolbeck claimed he over heard Sherman say It while watching his Filteenth Corps cross a pontoon bridge over Pearl river. LOANS ON PERSONAL SIGNATURE Carolina Finance Co. OVER WESTERN UNION 201 Wilder Bldg. Phone 3-1441 Quick Business Lunches Fine Dinners — Steaks Little Pep - Delmonico RESTAURANT 301-303 West Trade St. Farmer’s Supply Co. 224 E. Trade St. Phone 5749 Wood's Garden Seed, Feed and Hardware nj-uaron/vvvij~Lr^u~irrTvn rnT-** FLY A BOMB TO BERLIN- PUT 10 PERCENT OF PAY IN WAR BONDS. — FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS —