Today ia millions of Aamrican waiting—hepefi THE SPIRIT OF D-DAY Br tom GILLESPIE, Detroit, Mick. __mo, father* and mother* are anxiously fally, fearfully, proudly—not knowing what the next hour* will bring. D-Day has brought new hope of liberation to millions in Europe, yet to others it has brought anxiety and lonely hearts. D-Day began the decisive toot of anas. How men and nations receive the news coming from the beaches and towns of Europe will be the decisive toot of faiths. For this is a war of faiths as welt as a war of arms. Wo will and the strength of spirit inside ourselves that will carry the nation forward to greater and greater effort, no matter how hard the blows fall on laTti^^arsolw^ting the stark realities of Kfe and death tear down man-made barriers of money, class and race. Men who have of ia bitter industrial battles, stand silent, strangely united by their for aadurstsiattni for peace of mind, for the answer to stan of anxiety while their sons and husband* face da gods of materialism and the false ideologies that i no power to heal and Mad ap the wounds of a na "What Is the imaaediate problem that hundreds and thousands of moth ora and wives are facing today?** asked Daphne du Maarier, author of “Re becca,” as she tells in her book “Come Wind Come Weather” how the work of Moral Re-Armament brought new faith and courage to thousands during the bUta ia Britain. “It is now they themselves are to endure the strain face danger every hour.” The men have bowed to have _ ition. They are cold and empty, heartless and inhuman, merciless and cynical. EQUIPMENT FOR VICTORY Oar fathers looked to ode God for strength and direction—and built Aamrica. Today wo need their faith, not only to liberate Europe, but to free hearts and minds from the paralysis of anxiety, fear and loneliness, and release the energies of all our people for the greatest effort of all time. The days to tcome will demand clear minds, strong hearts, true vision. Oar moot cherished leaders will be those who discover the way to be come fathers to. the nation, in binding up and healing .its deep wounds. Giving coarfort to the bereaved, and restoring their hearts and minds with new courage to face the fatare, will take riches of understanding and caring that money cannot bay. i wfll rise ap from every section of the nation’s life, men of otetare and faith in God. who pat their country’s welfare and destiny any thought of self. Under their leadership America can rise above all misfortune, and go forward morally strong and deepened in faith to win the war, aad lend all nations into the sanity and security of a hate-free, fear-freo, greed-free world. WM. GREEN WILL PRESENT A. F. L. PLANKS TO REPS. s —V— / / CHICAGO —AFL President Wil liam Green will appear before the Resolutions Committee of the Repub lican National Convention here on June 23 to present labor’s recom mendations for planks to be included in the party’s 1944 platform. In conformance with the AFL’s non-partisan political policy, Mr. Green also will present the platform recommendations to the Resolutions Committee of the Democratic Nation al Convention when it meets here July 19. To acquaint the entire country with the policies which the American Federation of Labor wants both ma jor parties to adopt,- Mr. Green will discuss recommendations in detail on the “Labor For Victory” radio pro gram over a nation-wide NBC net work on June 25. This will be the final Labor For Victory program un til after Election Day. executors notice NORTH CAROLINA. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Having qualified aa Executor of the Eatate ! of Jauniee B. Bentley, deceased, late of Meek, i lenburg County. North Carolina, this to to notify ah peraona having dates against the 1 eatate of aaid deceased to exhibit Sen to the undersigned at 114 John St os Building. Char , lotte. N. C. on or before the 12nd day of June. IMS, or this nodes will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person* Indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate This tbs Had day of Jane. 1*44. J. HARRISON DANIELS, Executor of the btate of ~ Bentley ne MS. July 4-1*. Jauniee B. smammammmmmmmmmmmw* STERCHIS EXCHANGE STORE 110 NORTH COUECE ST. 2-Pc BED OUTFIT walnut r i n l a n Wood. Panel Bed and Comfortable Coil Spring In cluded. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CHOICE OF COLORS — BIG HIGH-BACK €TFqq ROCKERS S788 2 >■ 1 OPENS INTO BED SIZE COUCH *59 STEROHIS CHINA ENTERS EIGHTH YEAR OF WAR JULY 7 July 7 will mark the beginning of the eighth year sinee Japanese troops opened fire on the Chinese Army at the Marco Polo Bridge on the oat skirts of Peiping. N >• Of the United Nations, China his fought for the longest period Years before the Marco Polo incident, China had in many persistently resisted Japan's aggres sion and bad championed the main tenance of international law and or der. Inadequately armed, she has faced heavy odds. -V APPLICANT A Southerner once dictated a letter in which he rejected an insurance policy because the applicant had a heart murmur. -Transcribed by a learned to ' the land — kUC insurance was denied because policy seeker “had a hot WATT CHOSEN FOR A STATE DEPT. POST —V— WASHINGTON, D. C.—Robert J. Watt, AFL international representa tive, was appointed adviser to tbs De Ertment of State’s Division of Labor lations, Secretary Hull announced. He will advise tbs State Department on labor aspects of economic and po litical problems in the international field. ARE YOUR POCKETS STRIPPED FOR ACTION ? VMs Is It. The zero hour all over the world. The big push we've waited for so long. This is the time for belts to be worn tighter. For pockets to be scraped. For every last American to wring more dob lars out ot himself than he thought he could sprue! ine u. » treasury needs $16,000,000,000 right now! $6,000,000,000 from individ uals alone. That's more than $100 in cash from every wage earning person in the country! We’re going to have to doubU what we did last time! Just to show you the seriousness of this drive, our Government says—It’s probably the biggest effort we’ll ever be called upab to make I Don’t fail the boys who’ve got the I dirtiest, bloodiest fighting still ahead of 'em. Buy Bonds as if the battle depended on YOU! FOR IT DOES! SaatMe/Mrat/- BUY MORE THAR BEFORE I We doe# Every Wed. < At 1 P. M. Dial 7144 227 N. Tryon St. * ***• *• « U. S. Trmtmn « »W«T«rf mmim Kim w TiM«| Dtptmtmtml mmd Wm P,„||(T ^ WORK-FIGHT-SAVE FREE LABOR WILL WIN - -- i ELECTRONIC AIDS TO VICTORY The marvels of electronic aids to victory cannot now be told—Aladdin’s lamp has come to life. Application of electronic devices is bound to have tremendous effect on tHe industrial methods and the every day living of tomorrow. When that time comes my services will be even more useful—