AMERICA tt O i? AGA,N LAB0R VICTORIOUS Z nC IlCtl HASD0NE AGAIN /nion; Standing THE JOB "• * l4S lr*4*r*tian « ".■' "■. * *“ ; HZ —w—*2.00 Par Tw VOL. XV. No. 15 / “'"T,rmTLI ------* Of Hrwt«r 1945 — Victory Labor Day — 1945 _ _fHT*sssssssBssss=xacs==s=sssamBacs=s=sssaammmmmmmmm^mmmmsasssssss: ■ ■ ■ ■ —.'■■■ .■ i '■—■■"■——*-•■ » — At OWLY EBALLT INDEPENDENT WEEKLY hi Mifkiabi 0—ty For * Wtckly lu *—1*" R*prM—1 *** LARGE8T BUY1NG W™** *» Chart«t>< THE CHARLOTTE LABOrIBORNAL ADVOCATES LOYALTY TO THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR; PROMOTION OF INDUSTRIAL-PROSPERITY; AND COOPERATION OF ALL WORKER^ ALONG EVERY LINE._ LABOR DAY, 1945 BT WILLIAM GREEN President of the American Federation of Labor Thi* ia the first peacetime Labor Day in four years. It is a day for ssws—r SdT Lmetiorn sad dictatorship. jt |f our supreme purpose to attain the fruits of victory for which " rSU'tL? iSS^taMta* —rtd p— Air—ly Mm Drittd N.tion. t&& Ss "tt up to ua and to oB othiur jmace-loving nations to make that charter work **** naTvi must not our economic house in order. On an international basis, that means prosperity for the people of all countries. Here at home* it means a higher standard of living and security against depressions To "in the panes and tha fruits of peace will not be an easy teak. The difficult problem* ahead of ua demand intelligent planning and bold action. Already millions of Americans art caught in the economic trap of unemplo^nent. ^conversion in mime industries is proceeding with painful slowneML But we must not become discouraged. For if wo proceed with united determination to win the pence, economic hardships will be of short duration and the great promise of the future can be achhit— % _ One of the nation’s great assets during the war was its strong labor movement. The trade unions affiliated with the American Federation of Labo^^made tremendous contribution, to victory. Thi. fact is best fllue trated by their cooperation with the government to speed production of the atomic bomb. By use of this devastating weapon we were able to conquer Japan without a bloody invasion. And the War Department has officially testified to the vital role played by American Federation of Labor unions in producing these bombs in record time. .... The seven million members of the American Federation of Labor have come out of the war fortified in strength and spirit. They ara now better prepared than ever before to carry on the huge tasks of postwar reconstruc tion Through the American Federation of Labor, they aro exerting a pow erful influence over the nation’s affairs and guiding its policies along progressivepedermtk>n of L.bor calls upon the nation to establish maximum peacetime production, which will provide full employment and create steadily higher standards of living. To provide a ready market for increased production, the American Federation of Labor will bend all its efforts to obtain from management wage rates high enough to create an abundant pool of domestic purchas mK ftTorder to share equitably the benefits of scientific invention and new methods of production, the American Federation of Labor will renew its drive for the shorter work woek, thus spreading the available Jobs and giving all workers the opportunity for healthy recreation and educa tion which modern civilisation offers. _ . ... . On this Labor Day let us dadfcate