J. P. LAWYER, LABOR REPRESENTA TIVE OF WAR FINANCE DIVISION OF U. S. TREAS. SENDS LABOR MESSAGE Mr. Jim P. Lawyer of Washington, D. C. la spending a few days in Charlotte. N. C. as Labor’s representative of the War Fi nance Division of the II. S. Treasury, and submits the following _ _ ft_ _a. -A Aft.-_A _ft_ 3___ft__A message to L*oor. The citisenry of North Carolina can be justly proud of their record in the purchase of War Loan Bonds. In tha 7th Drive, War Bonds to the amonnt of 226% of the state* over-all quota were purchased. This record was equalled only by her sister state, Tennessee, and wasf surpassed by none. In bringing about this vast, invest ment in War Bonds, labor flayed a very important part through payroll deductions, and by purchase for cash. The day to which we have so long looked forward has arrived. The or der to cease firing has been issued throughout the Pacific by both the enemy and allies. Today the chat ter of small arms and machine guns has ceased, and the deep voiced heavy artillery, is silent. Our mighty navy rests at anchor in numerous parts and the thousands of awe inspiring planes are grounded, and comparative silence pervades the island dotted Pa cific. While the task of winning the war has been brought to a victorious dose, the equally important task of chang ing from a war to a peace economy still confronts us. The fighting forces must be brought home. The sick and wounded must have hospitalisation, and employment must be furnished those who are able and willing to work. • Industries formerly engaged in the production of war materials will ra vert to the production of pre-war commodities and new industries will be established as rapidly as possible. But at best, there will be a period of unemployment for several millions of employable individuals. It is believed that Congress will help meet this emergency by an net sufficient to maintain s fair standard of living. Organised Labor must taw Mm JAMBS P. LAWYER and raise the American high standard of living, thus showing just what American Democracy can do for its citisenry. As in the prosecution of the war, Organised Labor will do its utmost to help establish a Deace economy fai {above any that has ever existed oa the lhce of the earth. .... LABOR DAY STATEMENT BY SEC. LABOR L. B. SCHWELLENBACH ft This Lshar Day k a ef thanks giving for tka have offered their all to preserve for as the'' priceless opportunities and Wmhgp^ft democratic society. It is also a day of reflection and a day Leas than a month ago, the world learned that science, laboring under the necessity of war, had harnessed the atom. Man had, at last, un leashed the Hit** power of the wiyeiee anil *»hrd It for destruction. The fntare use of that energy will depend upon ether factors far more powerful than physical force, the hearts and the minds and the souls The wage earners of America, the greatest single economic group hi oar country, stand today on the threshold of s tomorrow which they can and will fashion. Behind them lies generations of.tail and straggle, and a few decades of triumphant gains. The days of the past often have been lonely days when labor marched forward in Ha fight for economic freedom'often in the face of a seemingly hostile universe. That day of loneliness has passed. The rights of labor have been established so firmly that no man will question them successfully. With the establishment of rights, labor mast be ready to express in greater and greater measure its responsibility to the common good which grants those rights. Concerned, as we mast be with the task of gaining oar dally bread, we mast be ever mindful of the welfare of 'mankind. Today we mast dedicate ourselves, individually and eellectively to the common good. Work ing together we can become the masters of our fate. There are some lines in a poem of Rev. M. M. Coody of Aatigonish. Nova Scotia, a poem printed in a book called “Masters Of Their Own Destiny” which mark the road way to tomorrow far better than anything I can say, and they are: “The homely, ragged tasks we do today. As Jostled by the crowds that bay and sell. Are net oar goal; are bat the solid ground That holds oat feet the while we baild ear wings.” Greetings To Charlotte Labor Unions Fiees CHARLOTTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Clarence 0. Kites ter, Exec. Vice-President C 0. KUESTER If'-.-;--.: • Compliments To Labor t • * * SOUTHERN ASBESTOS COMPANY * * Charlotte, N. C. . •*—* ■" Congratulations to the A. F. of L. Organization in North Carolina on its excellent War record in preventing strikes in the Textile Industry within the State. » . AMERICAN YARN & PROCESSING CO. Mount Holly, North Carolina THE BUSINESS CONCERNS. AND INDIVIDUALS LISTED BELOW EXTEND GREETINGS TO LABOR • ” i • . 1 "I.... JAMES SIMPSON'S CAFE GOOD \ FOOO 422 N. Pryor St. Phone 9110 Gastonia, N. C JOHN'S CAFE 266 i. Franklin Phono 9131 Gastonia, N. C * JOLLY HOTEL COFFEE SHOP 102S W. Franklin Ava. Phone 714 Gastonia, N. C. MINGUS BARBER SHOP IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL 323 E. Trade St. Phono 9840 Charlotte, N. C. PIEDMONT MOP CO., INC. 1728 Dowd Road Dial 2-1516 Charlotte, N. C. REE'S GROCERY 801 E. Franklin Are. Phoaa 1311 Gastonia, N. C. SHELBY'S STUDIO 171% W. Main Ava. Phoaa 196 Gastonia, N. C. STAR LUNCH "MR. STEVE" Goa. J. Phi adder, Owner 210 C. Trade St. Phoaa 9850 Charlotte. N. C • « T & T CASH GROCERY CO. 1201 W. Franklin Ava. Phoaa 1856 Gastonia, N. C WOOD REALTY CO., INC. Real? RUfl. Phoaa 192 Gaston* N.C. MECKLENBURG HOTa b COFFEE SHOP 516 W. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C THE A. Z. PRICE CO., INC. HEATING AND PLUMBING CONTRACTORS Stoker* and Oil Raman Piedmont Bailding Charlotte, N. C Compliment! to North Corolino Lobor MILL b MARINE ELECTRIC, INC. 137 S. Marietta Gastonia, N. C Compliment* at LEVENTIS RESTAURANT A GOOD PLACE TO EAT IN GASTONIA W. Main St. Gastonia, N. C MARTIN FLYING SERVICE Linwood Airport—Lawrence Martin, Mgr. Phono I734-J Gastonia. N. C. • BARKLEY'S FOOD STORE 318 N. Morehead Phone 2148 Gastonia, N. C A. F. CRAIG SHEET METAL WORKS 310 N. Oakland Phono 148 Gastonia, N. C RUSTIN FURNITURE CO. 278 W. Main Street } Gastonia. N. C. • PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF N. C. City Gas Service in N. C Gastonia, N. C. STERCHI'S "It Costa Lass at Sterchi's to Famish Year Heme" 174 Sooth St. Phono 1820 Gastonia, N. C r_i:___ -a ’ - i - - ■ CAROLINA COTTON CLASSING AGENCY Phono S33 Gastonia, N. C. r . ______.. CARTE TRAVELER CO.—Ring Travelers Gastonia, N. C GIBSONVILLE HOSIERY MILLS CO. t GIBSONVILLE, N. C PIEDMONT FIRE INSURANCE CO. (The Aetna Fire Groap) OF CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 21t Seath Try on Street Telephone 3-2171 F. 0. Box 1379 Agents Everywhere ENNIS N. JACKSON GROCERY CO. 121 E. Main Ava. Fhoaa 135 r a Gastonia, N. C KINLEY'S FOOD STORE 1404 W. Freak Rn Ave. Fhoaa 721 Gastoaia, N. C guyTsmith O Specialising in Tone and Fred H. Smith TnwhiL aa _ -t.t B ^Rme B^RR RViW^BBBBBwfjR 711 E. AirRne Ave. Fhoaa 2t1 . Gastoaia, N. C FLY AT PELTAAIR BASE T ay lore raft or Aeroaca Chief Deal Instractioa or Solo Raoseaahle Rates Crass Coantry Navjgatioa^FRghts—Chartsr Service UNITED AERO SERVICE I. G. WALLACE & SON COAL, FERTILIZERS, AND FARM SUFFLIES Rama. N. C Dial 3-933S L G. JONES COTTON CO. * COTTON BROKERS Gastoaia, N. C. Fhoaa 43« DIXIE SPINDLE & FLYER*CO., Inc. 1906 N. Brerord Chorlotte, N. C. FINER FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY CO. ROUTE 3, CHARLOTTE, N. C Mfgrs. of Fin* Ladies Hosiery Richard W. Nordman, Gee. Mgr. HBOIOeO HFe* siur IS^ \^TTICO HOOn# Henry L HOLSHOUSER, Sept. GASTONIA FULL FASHION HOSIERY MILL, INC. Gastonia, North Carolina KALE'LAWING COMPANY "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" 227-229 So. Tryoo Street Phone 6185 Charlotte, N. C Complimawti of LEIGH SANDWICH COMPANY Wholesale Makers of FINE SANDWICHES — DOUGHNUTS PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES Gestoeie, N. C P. P. LEVENTIS CO. Gestoeie, N. C M. A. RHYNE fr SONS DAIRY * FRED AND B. S. RHYNE, Owners Established in 1865 New Hepe Rd. Phene 733-J Gastonia, N. C Greetings Te Leber Imm Was *-A. nny —S as wCPPean ROADWAY EXPRESS, INC. WILLIAM a. SCHREIBER, Agent 2S29 N. Tryoo Phene B175 SPENCER LUMBER CO. nnstfc kionoMn mmA tnnnnlfc A ^-1—!- k| f* joy™ mynyiiy yyy joybdir atv« sjosionio, it, v. ROXIE CLOTH STORE S. L. LAIL, Owner Ladies Dress Goods / Bolt aed Piece ~Goods / 239 W. Mein St. Phene 850 AfceMarle, N. C. ■ * ■ '