MEANY DEMANDS SHOW DOWN WITH RUSSIA (Continued from Pag* 1) tkmal. hypocrisy. We have noth ing to gain by refusing to ac knowledge the facts in regard to the lone-wolf foreign policy of So viet Russia. Our government must : resist firmly all attempts to aet up spheres of influence which ignore the democratic rights of the peo ple affected. Only in this way can the United States make its full contribution to future world peace as a major factor in the new Unit ed Nations Organisation. "The Americin Federation of bor wants the United Nations t» 'be .united nations and not Jaat a jealous aggregation of powerful rivals. We are convinced that our country will gladly help to eUfcab liih V United Nations of the world in which democratic liberties so* assured and the free will of flho ,popplerdt e*& nation is giro* free opportunity for expression. pnxsled today about our country's relations with Russia and our at titude toward the communist*. The groat majority, I believe, auu frankly unable to decide what the , r -.- •... ■ ■■ arm of the Soviets are end what our American program should be. There are many earnest citizens who believe that Russia is bent on til traditional aim of world revo lution for common mm or on a frankly imperialistic nationalism. Another and far smaller group assert that everyone is out of step except Russia and that any oppo sition to any Soviet aim is prims facie evidence of fascism.” Mr. Meany warned labor against being duped by Communist-front organizations In this country which use devious tricks to drum up sup- ! port far Soviet psAdes and to un dermine America’s foreign policy. Tt must be dlear to *11.” he aaid, •that there can he no compromise, between real trade unionism aad a political party Which receives its i orders from Mesyow,” Organized labor’s chief contribu tkm W the cause