Woll Charges Trade Treaties Let Cheap Goods Flood Market Washington, D. C. — Charges that present tariff rates, based on foreign values, permit com petitive products of foreign workers to flow into* American markets at total costs below those of American production were made by Matthew Woll, presi dent of America’s Wage Earn ers’ Protective Conference, com posed of national and interna tional unions affiliated with the AFL. ~ Mr. Woll, in a formal presen tation to the Committee for Reci procity Information, demanded that commercially competitive products of American workers be given an equal opportunity with like products of lower wage earn ers of. foreign countries. At the same time, Mr. Woll, president of the AFL Union Label Trades Department, reminded the committee that it was definitely ’ specified in the reciprocal trade law that American labor must be protected, and he declared that no representative of labor or the Labor Department is a. member of the group. “We challenge any contention that trade treaties entered into, and. the reduction of tariff rates on commercially competitive im ports have either enlarged the employment opportunities or pro tected the job opportunities of America’s industrial workers, as intended and promised when the authoritiy was asked ^for and ■ granted to enter into trade treaties with foreign countries,” he said. “We contend that an unbiased and honest survey of competitive conditions will show that the ex ’pressed purposes of the Recip rocal Trade Agreements Act have not been accomplished, __“We contend that the conditions _ existent at the time the authority was granted to enter into trade treaties and to reduce tariff rates no longer exist. There is no avail able evidence that would indicate that comparable conditions will exist before the period for which this -authority was granted has again expired. “We have a limited market, so far as we can see, in foreign countries and that market is de pendent upon our Government loaning the monies with which to purchase such export products. Foreign countries, in most cases, will buy only if— nc lUttn iuciii uic mvucjr with which to p^y, or (2) if we, in turn, will purchase, at their price, certain items from which they will realise unusual profits. In some cases. Governments have taken it upon themselves to re fuse to permit the export of cer tain types of machinery for which we have a need and are willing to buy. “In addition, we contend that the form of commercial trading which prevailed when this author ity was granted no longer pre vails. Today we have Govern \ment barter or direct, or indirect governmental control of imports and exports. At the time the authority\was granted to enter into trade treaties and to reduce tariff rates commercial trading was carried on by private parties and under free enterprise. “America cannot retain or re gain its economic health by transferring the jobs 04. its work ers to lower wage paid workers of other countries simply because by so doing the foreign markets for a compartively few mecha nized industries will be enlarged or expanded. “We contend that there is no authority for your committee to recommend or to approve tariff rate reductions to a point where in commercially competitive im ports can be delivered into Amer can markets at total costs which are less than American costs of production.” BAKERY SALES HIGH Chicago—Bakery goods sold lh the last year ..reached a total of approximately $2,500,000,000, it was announced here by Harry W. Zinsmaster, chairman of the Board of Governors of the Amer ican Bakers’ Assciation. , Sunday School Lesson February 2, 1947 JESU8 THE GIVER OF LIFE John 4:43-45; 1:1-12 GOLDEN TEXT—I am the resur rection, and the life; he that helieveth on me, though he die, yet shall he live. John 11:25. In the first chapter of John's Gospel he tells us that Jesus or the word was the fiver of all -life. Now in the fourth chapter he gives specific examples of Christ’s power over life. The Nobleman’s Son’s Life Sustained The nobleman, one of the Roman royalty, came to Jesus at Cana of Galilee, requesting that he came down to Capernaum where his son lay sick unto death and heal him. In order to bring, out the object of th» nobleman’s quest and to. clarify-the situation Jesus made the statement that unless you see sights and wonders you will not belrfeve. The father of the sick child ignored this statement but continued his ap-| peal by telling him that unless he did something for his son the boy would surely die. It is clear now that whatever' the manner in which the knowledge of Jesus’ healing power had been brought to him, the nobleman had faith that Jesus could heal his son. This U.ing fully apparent to the Master fle immediately told the "nan to return home, that his son would live, Gladly the boy’s father returned home and found as he had fully expected that his son > was healed. Here Jesus demonstrated his power to pre serve life to a young man. The Cure Of A Chronic Case John 5:2-8 Again in Jerusalem Jesus vis its'the pool of Bethesda where at certain times the diseased and : rippled gathered that "they. p*lgnt; plunge into its waters after the troubling of the angel in order that the first one. in might be healed of hi* trouble. Here Jesus' heart was touched by the suffering of the unfortunate. See ing a man of especial need who was hopelessly crippled and without friends. Jesus filled with compassion asked him if he de sired to be made whole. Through the man’s pathetic4 answer could be seen not onlythe man’s great desire but his faith in a super natural healing, Jesus answered that desire but not by the method contemplated by the sick man. [ Jesus told him to arise, take up his bed and walk. The man im mediately obeyed and1 was healed by Jesus, a more difficult case of healing than that of the noble man’s son. Through the centuries different methods of healing have been employed but back of every successful healing stands the power given by the great creator. The Supreme Test Of Life Giving John JU:1 The supreme test came in the case of the raising of Lazarus from the1 dead. Lazarus was a dear friend of the family. It grieved Jesus to see His friend’s sorrowing, but the strange statement is made that Jesus tar ried two days before going to their aid. The) Lord of Life djft not want any question as to the certainty of the state of death of L&zarus. He desired above all that their faith in him might be made complete. The story is familiar to all how Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus and com manded, it to be opened in spite of the protests of Lazarus’ sis ters. Calling with a loud voice after praying to his Father in Heaven, the Lord of Life com manded Lazarus to arise and come forth. The only God that j man can depend upon in a world like ours is a God who is power .f. r FIGHT INPANTILC PARALYSIS Join the "K. MARCH OF DIMES January 15-30 ■ ■ t. THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR INFANTILE PARALYSIS sot 7 FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Fodder ,r __ppe ■ ' * \ ‘ ■ ; ..»