AFFILIATE WITH YOUR CENTRAL LABOR UNION AND THE N. C. FEDERATION NOW! YOL. XVI; NO. 40 Unionioto, Do Everything Within Your Power To I Working For A Better Understanding Between Aid In the Southern A. F. L. Membership Drive North Carolina AFL Unions and Employers of Labor Charlotte Labor Journal A New*paper Dedicated To The Interest* of Charlotte Central Labor Union and Affiliated Craft*—Endorsed By North Carolina Federation of Labor and Approved By The America n Federation of Labor. CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1947 “Were it not for the labor press, the labor movement would not be what it is to day. and any man who tries to injure a labor pa per is a traitor to tho cause.”—Samuel Gompera. Subscription $2.00 Ptjf Tear New Minimum Wage And Hour Bill Is Now Awaiting Senate Vote A State minimum wage and maximum hour bill for North Carolina was introduced in the Senate Tuesday and it is thought by experienced observers that it has an excel lent chance of passage. It is an improvement over the pres ent law, which does not include all classes of workers. North Carolina Labor is supporting the new wage and hour biJMmt is bitterly opposing the proposed anu-closed shop m.e^su£e^a£bich was introduced in the House iast week. The anti-closedIsnop measure was offered by three war vet erans but it is thought that the idea is an inspiration of strong anti-union interests in this and other States, due to the fact that similar bills have either been introduced or are pending. , Anyway, North Carolina Labor is up in arms against the anti-labor measure and will appear before the committee hearing in Raleigh next Wednesday to present their oppo sition in a big way. Charlotte unions will send large* dele gations to the State Capital. ' \ Broader Security Program Pressed In ReportOf SSB Washington, D. C.—Broad expansion of the Nation’s social security program, along lines long advocated by the American Federation of Labor^ was urged upon Congress in the 11th annual report of the Social Security Board. • Pointing out that the present system “is seriously defi cient in failing to provide adequately against the economic risks of old age, death and unemployment for all families, or to include protection against costs of sickness,” the re port declared: “To this end, the board recommends to Congress a com prehensive system to cover all workers and their depend ents.” Major proposal of the report, translated into specific terms, list three major steps the board feels must be taken to strengthen the existing old age and survivors’ system. 1. Extension of this plan to cover farm labor, self-em ployed, domestic servants, employes in non-profit organiza tions and Government employment; 2. Increased benefits, particularly in view of the pyra mided living costs; 3. Extension of benefits to cover periods of permanent total disability. Under other recommendations presented in the report are provisions making women eligible fer retirement benefits at GO instead of 65; increasing the taxable amount of wages from $3,000 to $3,600; and increasing from $14.99 to about $30 the monthly amount a beneficiary is permitted to earn without having his or her benefits suspended. According to the Social Security Board's report, extension of coverage to small firms and to most of the other excluded groups would go a long way toward protecting the 12,000, 000 workers now outside the scope of the unemployment in surance system. Along with increased coverage, the report recommends a maximum weekly benSfit^of at least $26 to run for 26 weeks if an eligible worker should be unemipoyed that long. A worker should not t>e disqualified, according to the report if he has good personal reasons for leaving or (Please Turn to Page 3) HOiP ON TO YOUR 5QC»AL5ECURlTyCARP WHEN YOU START WORK ON A NEW JOB nt now social stMwmrwiifns. I tor More /nfor /nation Consult Your Union Social Sect/ritu Cowrwittee, OR tWe Nearest Social Security Office . REAL FRIEND OF THE TOILERS rr ' ... \ Lincoln; TO SECURE TO EACH LABORER THE WHOLE PRODUCT OP HIS LABOR, AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE. IS A. WORTHY OBJECT OF ANY GOVERNMENT. 1809-1865 Union Label Trad** Department I Union Labels, Shop Cards and Service Buttons Insure Jobs j AFL Rolls Now Show 7,505,446 Members * 'r:~ * Miami, Fla.—Emphatically reaffirming its determination to battle to a finish the flood of anti-labor proposals pre sented in Congress' and State, legislatures, the AFL Execu tive Council, winding up Its mid-winter session here, sharp ly assailed the 49 restrictive measures which President Wil ton. Bam Green reported were waiting consideration in Wash ington. Highlights of the concluding sessions of tho Council—one of the shortest winter meetings of thst group—included: 1. Announcement of Secretary Treasurer George Meany that the membership now totals 7,506,440 —an all-time record, and a quar ter of a million above the figure for September. 2. Adoption of a plan to reduce strikes by appointment of a three man. committee of the top AFL leaders to work out settlement formulae for disputes. 3. Approval of a plan for com pulsory retirement of members of the AFL headquarters staff at the age of 63. This would not ap ply to elected officers or organ isers, Mr. Green told newsmen. 44. Unanimous opposition to compulsory military graining in peace-time. 5. Reiteration of the AFL pol icy of unrelenting opposition to any proposed legislation, national or State, vrbch would restrict the social and economic progress of organised American workers. The new retirement plan, Mr. Green told newsmen, will become effective April 1, and the Council | has set aside a fund of $300,000 to cover the accumulated years of credit for employe* now on the staff. After that date, the fund becomes ‘participating,” with both the AFL and ita staff members contributing. Regarding the Council’s resolu tion setting up a three-man com mittee to supervise the fight against anti-labor bills, Mr. Green was asked if the opposition might take the form of strikes. He re plied that he couldn’t say at the moment what the committee will do, and added that the committee was authorized to make its own decisions on what course might meet a given situation^ Appointed to this committee were Mr. Green, Mr. Meany, Sec retary-Treasurer, and William I* Hutcheson, AFL first Vice-Presi dent and head of the Carpenters. In view of the grave legislative situation, the Council advanced its spring quarterly meeting by one month and will meet next in Washington on April 21. TEAMSTERS given raise Miami, Fla. -Employes of Swift A Co., Armour £ Co., and The Weathers Warehouse, members of Teamsters Local 390, have been granted Wage increases of 7 1-2 to 10 cents an hour, . COUNCIL TEXT AFFIRMIN6 ANTI-LABOR BILL FI6HT Miami, Fla.—Pail text of th# resolution adopted by Um AFL Extntin Council serving stem notice that it will refcntlessly op pone all forma of anti-latyor I*fil ial) on, followB: “The American Federation of Labor baa opposed and will con* tiaue to oppose all legialaUan, either Federal or State, that dis turbe, menace* or dootreya ita free atatna; that limita free col lective bargaining; that orecta le gal barricra to otep the economic and aodal program of all worker! gainfully employed; that make* the legislative representative* of the people a police patrol for em ploying and Inandal interests. “The executive officer* of tha American Federation of Labor are instructed te decry, eppaoo and Cght sack projected legislntton in the name of aU the members of the American Federation of La bor; they are authorised to util ise all the facilities and resource* of the American Federation of La bor and te enlist the co-operation of all the affiliated uni one and their members hip in such effort. The President, First Vice Presi dent and the Secretary-Treasurer are constituted a committee te so iferviae suen action and make all necessary decisions related there to.” Committee Hearing On House Bill 229 To Be Held On Wednesday North Carolina Labor will appear before the Labor Com mittee of the North Carolina General Assembly next Wed nesday when the House Bill No. 229 is brought up for a hearing in there. That is the information that has been transmitted to Charlotte Central Labor Union and its affili ates by President C. A. Fink of the North Carolina Federa tion of tabor, who states that one of the largest delegations of AFL unionists ever to visit the State Capital is expected to be present. At the weekly meeting of Charlotte Central Labor Union reports by delegates indicated that a large delegation of Charlotte tradesmen will be present when the hearing is called in the House chamber^ 'T The local American Federation of Labor Unions last week passed a resolution strongly condemning the proposed anti closed shop bill for North Carolina and no doubt they will back up their protest by appearing against the drastic anti labor measure. The carpenters, the electricians, the print ers—in fact, about 50 AFL unions are expected to have representatives present from the Queen City. Local union members express themselves as being bitterly opposed to an anti-closed shop bill in this State, due to the fact that North Carolina labor Has always endeavored to settle its differences round the conference table through collective bargaining, and they claim that where cl shop agwraaata *re should be on the statute booMTwhkslvwould interfere with" the contract terms. Without a doubt if such a law were passed making it unlawful to negotiate closed shop con tracts much confusion would* result and this would greatly interfere with the extremely harmonious relations that have existed between labor and management in North Carolina throughout the years. The North Carolina Federation of tabor Executive board will hold a two-day meeting in Raleigh beginning next Tuesday, during which time union representatives from all parts of the State will appear before the board to express themselves relative to the proposed bill. President Fink asks that all North Carolina unions take action against this measure and that they contact their rep resentatives in the General Assembly and express their op position. Truman Stand On, Issues Supports AFL Washington.—The position taken by the American Fed eration of Labor on wage stabilization, collective bargaining and related industrial questions has been substantiated by President Truman and the Council of Economic Advisers, states George T. Brown, labor economist, in an article ap pearing in the American Federations, A. F. of L. monthly wajwmi. Mr. Brown, the economist of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing slid Pipe Fit ting Industry of the United States and Canada, declares that “the future does not look rosy” when Mr. Truman’s recent economic report to Congress is examined carefully. The declining standard ox liv ing, the drying np of workers’ savings accounts (where there any), the rapid increase in install ment buying are all a part of the same pattern that brought on 1929 and 1982,” the writer warns. Pointing out that “real wages” are declining with dangerous rap savings accounts (where there are “practically nonexistent,” Mr. Brown declares that the facts of the 1947 economic situation should end the dream tnat there is a guaranteed market for the ever growing production rate.” He says that when workers fall to receive sufficient income to maintain their standard (of living, credit is dangled before their eyes. This is happening now on a grow ing scale, Mr. Brown declares, supporting his charge with a quo tation from Mr. Truman’s report. “Economists know that increas ed output, lower selling pri«S» per unit and generally steady wage rates can mean avoidance of de pression and continued prosperity. “Labor leaders know that genu ine collective bargaining can pro* vide the mechanism of these ad* justments on a plant-by-plant ba sis. "But economists know that his tory has yet to record this unified national effort to reduce prices and expand production, holding wage rates steady in general. Labor leaders know that at the very time when collective bargaining should be strengthened so as to be equal to its responsibilities, demagogues both in and out of Congress are demanding the vir tual elimination of trade union ism. “But optimism springs eternal ly. Perhaps substantial price re ductions will tys recognised as the sane method of stimulating pur chasing power. Perhaps concomi tant voluntary wage stabilisation will occur. Perhaps the necessary wage increases will be made at the expense of abnormal profits in individual cases. “But whatever may occur la the future, the fact is now estab (Continued an Paga »