AFFILIATE WRH YOUR CENTRAL LABOR UNION AND THE N. C. FEDERATION NOW! Unionists, Do Everything Within Your Power To I Working For A Better Understanding Between Aid In the Southern A. F. L. Membership Drive North Carolina AFL Unions and Employers of Labor Charlotte Labor Journal A Sewn paper Dedicated To The Interests of Charlotte Central Labor Union and Affiliated Crafts—Endorsed Bp Sorth Carolina Federation of Labor and Approved By The American Federation of Labor. CHARLOTTE. N. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1947 . - “Were it not for the labor pres*, the labor movement would not be what it ia to day. and any man who tries to injure a labor pa per is a traitor to th# cause."—Samuel Gompers. VOL. XVI' NO. 42 Subscription $2.00 Per Year Public Hearing To Be Held Next Thursday A public hearing on the proposed anti-closed shop bill for North Carolina, which was passed by the House last week, will be held by the Senate Labor and Manufacturing Committee on Wednesday and Thursday, March 5 and 6. Proponents of the anti-union legislation will appear and express their views and Labor will be given an oppor tunity to express the views of Labor. The' committee has announced that it will not rush the matter through without giving all parties ample opportunity to be heard. Hon. Josephus Daniels, edior of The Raleigh News and Observer, made an able appeal before the House committee in behalf of Labor and against the House bill, as did also Frank Graham of the University of North Carolina, E. B. Jeffries of The Greensboro Daily1 News, Capus Waynick of Raleigh, and others not affiliated with the Labor move ment. President C. A. Fink of the North Carolina Feder ation of Labor led Labor's delegation for the AFL, and It is believed that the entire Mecklenburg delegation in the House voted against the measure on the grounds that neither Labor nor Management in North Carolina should be shackled in their efforts to continue to work harmo niously together. A large delegation of members of Charlotte Unions will go to Raleigh for the hearing, headed by President Sterling L. Hicks of Charlotte Central Labor Union, and J. A. Scoggins, first vice president of the State Federation of Labor. By Senate Committee » Textile Workers Union, CIO, led his appealing to the legislators last week before passing the anti-dosed shop ttfr. ELECTRIGUUtS WIN RAISE M PHIUOaPHI* AREA Washington, D. C.—A report from the Bureau of Labor Sta tiatie of the Labor Department states that union wages for elec tricians in the building trades in the Philadelphia area hare been increased to $2-25 an hour. The bureau said that the new rate for electricians was the only increase in the period between November 10 and January IS in the building trades. The report cited that other wage sealess on January 16 are: bricklayers $246 per hour; plas terers, |2.25; plumbers, $240; carpenters, $1.77; painters, $1.7S and building laborers $1.0$. According to the Women's Bu reau, U. 8. Department of Labor, the percentage of women workers in Australia who belonged to trade unions increased from S3 to SI from 19SS to 1044. BIG CLOTHING PURCHASES PREDICTED FOR THIS YEAR Hot Springs, Vs.—According to F. Eugene Aokerman, industrial relatione consultant and executive director of the American Wool Council, expenditures for all types of clothing this year will attain the enormous amount of between 115,000,000,000 and $17,000, 000 if purchases follow the pat tern traditional during the last 25 years. Separate summaries of child labor and compulsory school at tendance laws of any 8tate, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Ha waii, or Puerto Rico are available from the Child Labor and Youth Employment Branch of the Di vision of Labor Standards, U. 8. Department of Labor. Injuries to over 2 million in dustrial workers in IMS costs management and labor more than $2^00,000,000, the U. S. Depart ment of Labor reports. fOA WW /‘U-./yi/A INFORMATION L Your Unton Social Security Committee, Ofc the Nearest Social Security Office. AN EDITORIAL INTERFERENCE WITH LABOR'S RIGHTS AND PRAC TICES HOTBED FOR COMMUNISM' The proponents of an anti-closed shop bill for North Carolina can be none other than novices in Labor-Manage ment relationships as are well known today. If they were well versed in this all-important phase of American life they would not dare to break down established practices whereby the Unions of our country have been able to keep their memberships comparatively free of foreign elements. With such a law as that proposed by the three veterans under the guise of protecting the people's right to work, the seed are being sown for the breaking down of all bul warks against the phenomenal growth here of foreign -practices as preached by bolshevik Russia's adherents' in this and other countries. The three veterans perhaps are well educated gentlemen in other fields, the extent of which The Journal doesn’t know, but unless they have had actual contacts and experiences in Labor-Management prob lems they are not fit to pass judgment, upon thousands of well-meaning and patriotic citizens of North Carolina. Their lack of knowledge also goes into other walks of life, inas much as anything that retards the progress of the work ers of the country and the worker’s relationships with their employers is far more drastic than anything that could ever result from a strike. If carried to the extreme, a nation-wide law which would change the present struc ture of Labor-Management relations opens the door for all kinds of isms, and we do net mean Americanism. The democratic processes we Americans have practiced would be laid liable to being torn apart by foreign teachings. Making contracts with employers by Labor unions is an extremely democratic process. It has been practiced by American labor for more than a hundred years and has been found workable. No man is asked to join a Labor union if hf doesn’t see fit to join af labor organiza tion of his own choosing. Those who have joined labor unions have joined in efforts to better their working and living conditions. Labor organizations are -nothing more and nothing less than societies set up by the workers. These societies are always formed for the various trades by tradesmen who desire to express a higher degree of human progress. The progress made by American Labor certainly stands out as a brilliant chapter in the history of our country, The organization of Labor/hag been due to many factors, and chiefly was brought about through the pitiful working conditions which prevailed during the early history of our nation, when the sweatshop was in its full-orbed glory. Long hours and low pay stood out as the reward of the workers more than a hundred years ago when the print ers of America got together and formed a society of printers. This society grew into bigger and bigger pro portions and later resulted in the formation of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. Man’s outlook became brighter —and as the years passed he found himself enjoying shorter hours and his pay had been increased somewhat. Today westiave Labor Unions, Employers’ Unions, Law yers’ Unions, Medical Unions—in fact, there is no kind of worthwhile organization in the United States which does not nave its particular brand of Union; whereby its mem bers caa get together and formulate ideas for human bet terment, not only for themselves, but for their fellowmen aa well If we are to continue to make progress in America all of our splendid organizations MUST get together and formulate some workable plan of advice and assistance. We cannot pit class against class, farmer against laborer, management against labor or labor against management, lawyers against doctors, and an of these against the people’s welfare. North Carolinians can do themselves greater good by keeping the statute books freefrom Hers that will restrict the progress of either Labor or Manage ment. Should such a restrict^’* measure as that which was pasaed in the North Carolina House last week glide through the Senate and become a law, it no doubt will open wide the doors of our institutions and allow the free entry under State protection of Misms” which we have seen spring up in other countries. This would not be of Labor’s choosing and The Journal does not think it would be of Manage ment’s choosing. However, the danger is glaring us in the face. We as citizens of North Carolina must face it for what it really is—and means—the sacrificing of our traditional liberties of doing business in the North Caro lina way—around the conference table. It is there that things may be worked out satisfactorily % and peacefully. We North Carolinians do not want to go back to condi tions that prevailed a century ago. Conditions are much better now, if this newspaper has learned anything from history books on American life from the inception of Pil grim days. V, It is too late to appeal to members of the House, but it is not too late to appeal to the wise judgment of the members of the Senate and The Charlotte Labor Journal /■■ (Continued on Page 2) COURT UPHOLDS IXSURIUICE AGENTS Washington, D. C.—F. of L. insurance agents, members of Industrial and Ordinary Insurance Agents’ Council, have climaxed a two-year battle with complete victory over the Home Beneficial Life Insurance Co. under the Na tional Labor Relations Act. The struggle began in 1944 when the insurance company dis charged agents who had partic ipated in a strike, and following the refusal of the company to re instate these agents the Insurance Agent Council (AFL) filed charges of unfair labor practices against the company with the NLRB. The board ruled that the company had been guilty of unfair labor prac tices and ordered the discharged men reinsured with full back pay. v The Beneficial company refused to accept the decision of the NLRB and appealed the case to the U. S. Circuit Court of Ap peals, which now hass handed g upholding th# NLRB ruling. Under the court's decision. In addition to receiving reinstate ment in their former or compar able jobs, the agents involved are entitled to receive an estimated half million dollars in gross in come as back pay. This figure will be reduced considerably in the final settlement, after deduc tions of amounts earned by the agents in other jobs during the time they had been oflj the com pany’s payroll. However, • the amount involved is believed to be one of the largest awards ordered by a NLRB ruling. The men involved in the strike numbered 228 agents who were employed in the offices of the company in Baltimore, Md.; Washington, D. C.; Norfolk, Portsmouth, Petersburg, Lynch burg, Staunton, Va.; and Knon ville, Tenn. 100,000 LOST LIVES II 1946 UQRHTS, LITE REPORT REVEALS Chicago, HI. — The National Safety Council has added up the price Americans paid for aeel dents during 1946 and summed up the total of 100,000 lives. The economic loss amounted to $6, 600.000. 000. One out of every 16 persons in the United States suffered some disabling injury. The highest score of "deadly dangers’* came from homes and on the highways. Home accidents killed 64,000, motor-ear accidents, 33,500, and the traffic toll was 19 per cent over that of 1946, a heavy contributing factor in the four per cent increase in acci dent deaths from all causes. Railroad accidents claimed 89 lives, a 26 per cent drop from the preceding year, and air line crashes took 76 lives. Both these' lines of transportation improved their safety showing in 1946. Preliminary information, the Council indicated, showed the aii line passenger death rate per 100.000. 000 passenger miles was 1.2, equaling the previous low mark of 1939, and 43 per cent below the 1946 rate. Fatalities, despite the sharp jump in traffic deaths, were 6,50(1 short of 1941’a all-time high 39,969. News Editorial Suggests Evasive Action On Bill No. 229 By N. C. House OPEN SHOP AND CLOSED RECORD It seems to us unfortunate, but altogether fitting that the anti-closed shop bill passed the House of Representa tives without a record vote. That faint-hearted action, designed expressly to prevent the fixing of responsibility for the passage of a highly controversial piece of legisla tion was in keeping with the irrelevant and evasive debate that preceded it. Our criticism! of the Legislature’s action has nothing to do with the merits or demerits . of the closed shop, but with the methods used to obtain the passage of this bill. Both opponents and proponents, it seemg to us, are guilty of bad judgment, if not bad faith. Not a single member of the House arose to demand a roll-call vote (a fifth of the members present could have sustained such a motion) or even to demand a standing vote (which must be granted on the motion of a single member). The Raleigh News and LIU*1? 1*11 on x ment to avoid an embarrassing record vote since passage seemed assured anyway. This, as we say, was entirely appropriate. Ever since the measure was first introduced there has been a studied effort to avoid debate on the only real question before the Legislature—the need for such legislation in North Caro lina. Proponents of the measure based their arguments on high and lofty ideals-—the preservation of the laborer's "right to work.” But did they cite examples to show how that right has been abridged in this state? If they did none found their way into the reports we saw. Instead we |tad Representative Fisher of Buncombe arguing along this line: "John L. Lewis is public enemy number one. He Was during the war and he is today. When a man can turn his country into a shivering shambles, prevent in dustry from operating, and deny a man the right to work, hat’s dictatorship.” Granting that Mr. Fisher’s indict ment is valid, what has it go to do with passage of * closed shop bill in North Carolina? We can imagine John Lewis’ discomfiture when he learns that members of his coal miners union have been denied the closed shop in a state that has no coal mines. If the labor unions in North Carolina have the dicta torial power to turn this nation into “a shivering sham bles,” we would think that every member of the House of Representatives would be proud to have his name re corded as voting to bring them to heel. The fact that the gentlemen didn’t care — or didn’t dare — to record their 'otes would indicate that they themselves have grave doubts concerning the propriety of the measure they seek to enact into law. In edging away from the bill as though it might explode in their faces, and debating it in terms of conditions prv •oiline in West Virginia, the gentlemen of the House of Reresen tatives may very well have overlooked the heavy •Harare of dvnamite it does contain. Consider the preamble, which would be adopted as State policy: "The right to live includes the right to work. The exercise of the right fo work must be protected and maintained free from un 1ue restraints and coercion ...” This has a fine Declara tion of Independence ring, and in this season when any man who wants a job can have one it obviously applies nrimarily to the restrictive activities of the labor unions. But suppose there comes a day, as once there did, when <ome hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians are ready, willing, and able to work and private enterprise cannot supply sufficient jobs. ' What then of the right to work solemnly guaranteed by the {gate of North, Carolina? 7r suppose that even in this time of plenty an employer iecides for reasons of his own to Are a man who is capable ind willing to perform the duties required of him. A awyer, it seems to us, might make out an impressive rase to show that the employer is abridging his right to work in defiance of the Legislature. There are two sides to the closed shop question, but so far we haven’t even heard one of them. Instead a tew that appears fauicy even to a good many of those who support its objective was shoved through the House in a sort of emotional stampede. This, as we hope the Senate will recognize when it begins its deliberations, is no way to guarantee sound and stable labor relations in North Carolina. „ (Reprinted from The Charlotte News. Charlotte, N. CL Tbunday, February 27, 1947) t

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