AFFILIATE WITH YOUR CENTRAL LABOR UNION AND THE N. C. FEDERATION NOW! r'"~ ; VOL. XVI; NO. 43 7 Working For A Better Understanding Between North Carolina AFL Unions and Employers of Labor Charlotte Labor Journal A New*paper Dedicated Ta The Interests of Charlotte Central Labor Union and Affiliated Crafts—Endorsed By North Carolina Federation of Labor and Approved By The American Federation of Labor. "Were it not for the labor press the labor movement would not be what it ia to* day. and any man who tries to injure a labor pa per is a traitor to tho cause."—Samuel Gompera. CHARLOTTE. N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 6. 1947 Subscription $2.90 Per Year ■>ays Authors Of Anti-Labor Legislation resent ‘Defeatist And Negative’ Attitudes ! I Disputes Panel jsSelected Washington, D. C.—Announce ment by the Labor Department of selection of a panel of 160 labor • arbitrators, cleared for competence and impartiality by both labor and management, was hailed in industrial circles as a definite step toward motf wide spread acceptance of voluntary ar bitration throughout the Ameri can industrial Held. The announcement, made by Edgar L. Warren, director of the U. S. Conciliation Service, was re garded as a long stride toward further advancement of the prac tice broadly accepted during the jevar of umpire settlement of la *bor-management differences. Cre ation of a pool of accepted arbi trators, spokesmen, for both sides in the labor-management picture, said, was one of the most marked advancements toward voluntary arbitration. It is expected to eliminate charges of Labor De partment bias. Warren said. This panel is made up entirely of men recommended by regional labor-management advisory cem^ tnittees operating tat the i^fen legions of the Conciliation Service and by the National Labor- Man agement .Advisory Committee. Almost M percent of the agree ments between labor and manage ment, it is estimated, include clauses providing for the use of an arbitrator whenever the parties are unable themselves to settle differences arising over the inter pretation of the language of their contract. The General Motors, Ford and Chrysler contracts, the garments trades’ agreements, and many others provide for impartial umpires. The use of voluntary arbitra tion to settle disputes over new contract terms, however, is still comparatively new. “When an employer and a un ion have agreed voluntarily to submit their dispute to arbitra tion but are unable to. agree on the arbitrator,” Warren ex plained, “the Conciliation Service, <m joint written request of both parties, will select an arbitrator for them from the natonal panel of arbitrators. In this way, both parties can be confident; that the man selected for them will have received bipartisan approval as a competent and impartial arbitra BRADLEY ASKS LIMIT • ON VET ALLOWANCES TO AVERT ABUSES Washington, D. C. — Vstorans Administrator Omar Bradlsy has advocated a limit to subsistence allowances for veterans. While testifying before the House Com mitee on Veterans Affairs, Gen* eral Bradley declared that such allowances “can be exploited as a bonus” unless they are limited to on-the-job training in “ac tual courses within the meaning of the law.” The General advocated that Congress establish a ceiling on the payment of subsistence to veterans and testified that other wise the Veterans' Administra tion “is given power actually to determine national policy.” “I believe it unwise to concen trate that power in the hands of one man,” Bradley said, and add ed, “one man could conceivably commit the Government to the expenditure of hundreds of mil lions of dollars in excess of that envisioned by Congress.” Tells House Labor Committee Bills Aim At Collective Dealing Washington, D. C. — AFL President William Green charged before the House Labor Committee that sponsors of anti-labor bills have taken a “defeatist” and “negative” position in attempting to penalize unions throughout the Nation because of scatttered disputes. Empatically denying that labor leaders have shown any reluctance to cooperate with law makers in the discussions of preparation of legislation affecting workers, Mr- Green declared: , “Opposition to legislation that is ill-considered, that will produce incalcuable harm to our national economy and wel fare, is the affirmative duty of every constructive citizen and group. The truth is that the sponsors of this anti* labor legislation, in their defeatist and negative attitude, proceed on the completely repudiated premise that the organized American worker is callously indifferent to his ob ligations. But we have faith in the American worker and it is fully justified by his record.” Legislative proposals offered in the House to ban the closed shop, secondary boycotts, the union dues check-off plan, impose cooling-off periods, require registration and financial accounting by unions, forbid minority strikes, out law jurisdictional disputes, ’ emasculate the Wagner Act sad . to require compulsory* arbitration were rigorously condemned by Mr. Green. Mr. Green emphatically chal lenged “the very basil on which such legislation has been pre sented to the country,” and de clared that such measures “are claimed to be a remedy against strikes—they are not.” Such legislation, he told the committee, is directed, not against strikes, but against the process of collective bargaining. "Does this legislation deal with the causes of industrial unrest that haa awept the country since V-J Day?” he demanded. “Does it reach the issues that were be hind the disputes through, which we have gone? The answer is categorically—No.” Reviewing the major bills one by one, Mr. Green opened his dis cussion with an examination of the Smith and Miller measures to outlaw the unkm shop, even hi cases when 100 per cent of the workers involved had select ed a union and desired to Work under union conditions. Sponsors of such legislation, the AFL chieftain declared, “por tray a profound ignorance of ec onomics and economic philosophy and a deep misunderstanding of the purposes and functions of the union-security principles.” “There is probably no right other than the right to strike which organised labor deems more consecrated or more indispensable to Ui continued maintenance and well being. It treasures its right to seek and obtain union-security agreements through collective boycotts Mr. Green declared: “Only an enraged and vindic tive determination to pqniah la bor, no matter what the effect on labor’s and the entire public's wel fare will be, can explain this ob jective. It simply ignores and confounds the most elemental realities of the free enterprise, competitive system." The proposal to forbid further use of the union does check-off system, Mr. Green asseged, ap peared to him of doubtful wis dom “since there has been no serious criticism of this system on moral or other grounds,” lad would risk the automatic termi nation of so many collective agreements which assure stability in industrial relations and contin ued producton of necessary com modities.” | Mr. Green declared that or ganised labor “takes strenuous ex ception” to proposals to force a “cooling-off period” during peri ods of labor disputes while gov ernment agencies are mediating such differences. He explained in detail why labor opposes such legislation, including the fact that it is an unwarranted invasion of an essential liberty and a viola tion of the ISth amendment to the Constitution “prohibiting in voluntary servitude.” Hie proposal to require labor organisations to obtain govern ment licenses, “and thus exist only at the sufferance of the Government,” and to make re ports on their internal affairs, including finances, Mr. Green es corted, would be impractical. Al though he expressed no great ob jection to the matter ei regis tration, he took a firm stand against the finance reporting, which would give employers a full view of a union’s financial position and might have an effect upon the employer's willingness to enter into collective bargain ing and show good faith la mak ing counter proposals to those submitted by union leaders. TRUMAN SEEKS IMINMU TO MKKT U. 8. PAY RAISES Washington, D. C. — Congress has been asked by President Tru man to provide $S6UM,6SS to pay the cost of the several laws that raised the salaries of Federal workers as of last July 1. The total cost of the acta, according to the President, is $698,986,000 which breaks down as folloers: Coat of the flat 14 per cent raise for the less than a million white-collar employes is $417,066, 660; bat 66 per cent of this amount was absorbed with avail able funds. The acta gave postal employes a flat $600 increase. PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS Ask For * Inquiry Washington, D. C.—A sweeping congressional investigation into military encroachments on civili an employment in the Government service was urged by the Execu tive Council of the American Fed eration of Government Employes ■ AFL), in season here. The ICouncil authorized James B. Burns, national president, to make imme diate representations as seem ad equate to the executive agencies concerned. The council adopted resolutions condemning the use of military personnel in civilian positions, the employment of decommissioned personnel in high grade civilian positions after dismissal of career employes through reduction in force procedure without giving such civilian employes the op portunity to compete fairly for such positions, and the widespread reduction of aalaries and wages of civilian employes of the Army and Navy without giving the em ployes the opportunity to be heard in connection with such so called reclassification programs. ft Was pointed oat in the reso lutions that not only career em ployes, but veterans generally, are discriminated against in the util ization of decommissioned per sonnel without any basis of fair competition. The council condemned these practices as arbitrary and dis criminatory, destructive of the morale of all employes, unfair and un-American, and contrary to the principles of good personnel ad ministration and to the letter and spirit of the civil service merit system. national president Burns is in structed to take any appropriate steps necessary to stop these “in iquitous practices,” including a request of Congress that a full, investigation be made and repre sentations to the departments concerned that the practices be discontinued. Mr. Bums also was instructed to seek inclusion of prohibitory provisions in appropriation mea sures against employment of mil tary personnel in civilian posi tions. The council commended Sena tor Langer’a recent speech in the Senate in which be came out strongly against fndlocrimniate firing and indiscriminate abuse of Government employes, point ing out that such tactics under mine employe morale. The coun cil also commended the American Federation of Labor for a simi lar stand taken at its convention in Chicago last fall. WOULD LET THE TEEN-AGER8 TOTE Washington, D. C.—A proposed Constiutional amendment which would give all United States citi sens of 18 years or older the right to vote, has been offered by Senator Arthur til. Vandenberg, Republican, of Michigan. The voting age is now 81, except in the State of Georgia, where it is 18. "MADE IN JAPAN” PRODUCTS Washington, D. C.—The United States Commercial Co., a govern* ment subsidiary of the Recon struction Finance Corporation, has announced that goods stamped “Made in Japan,” which were barred by public opinion from American stores since Pearl Har bor, will begin to appear this Spring. >11J:« CARD fpu or Your family will Meed Your Social Security Card to Apply A for Social Security Benefits. A £&&£» GofUtdt ^ur Union Social Security Committee. Nearest Social Security Office. Federation Attacks Extension Of Laws To Import Workers Washington, D. C. — Vigorous opposition to pending legislation which would extend for one year, until June 30, IMS,' the emergency law permitting importation of foreign farm labor into the United States, was expressed'before the House Agriculture Committee by two leading spokesmen for the American Federation of Labor. | Walter J. Mason, AFL national legislative representative, and H. L. Mitchell, president of the National Farm Labor Union, sharply condemned the proposal as unwarranted, an injustice to veterans seeking work, and a plan which would prove extremely cost ly to American taxpayers. “The American Federation of Labor is firmly opposed to this or any other legislation providing for the importation of foreign la bor, particularly at a time when unemployment is increasing daily and is mow well over the two mil lion mark,* Mason told the com mittee. Mlt is our considered judgment that it will be a men ace to labor in this country aad become a serious threat to ear entire economy. “Since IMS Congress has ap propriated over *1P0,00©,P00 to this program. The coot of recruiting, transporting, bousing and guar anteeing of wage to foreign work ers for another year would cost in the neighborhood of $28,000,000 to $60,000,000. Surely, it is not tenable two years after the end of hostilities to spend this addi tional sum on a vra^thne emerg ency problem which no longer exists, Particularly is this tree in view of the fact that the major 1 portion of foreign labor recruited under this program is provided for large corporate farmers, beet sugar industry, and to some ex tent commercial processors. “The farm wage rates for tbs entire country on January 1, 1*47, averaged $4A3 per day without board. Rates per day without board were about $8 in the Pa cific states and averaged less than $4 in the South. The lowest rates are paid in the east-south central states, whree they aver aged $3.28 * per day without board. (Farm Labor Bulletin January 13, 1P47, United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) “Although the Department of Agriculture maintained that this > program has not brought about I a reduction in wage rate*, there ia no assurance that the,contin uation of this pniraak^ill not preserve a statua quoybflow the wages that might Wobtained by domestic farm labor if normal competition were permitted. “The supporters of thia bill are organisations representing large commercialised farm interests of this country. They expect Con gress to continue a program which will subsidise large scale farm operations at the expense of Unemployed domestic farm la* borers. This would make it pos sible for them to maintain a sub standard wage in this industry through a threat of bringing ia foreign laborers. • “It is the opinion of the Amer ican Federation of Labor that serious consideration should be given to the possibility of utilis ing the funds and provisions of this bill to recruit and furnish domestic labor from depressed rural regions for use in peak sea sons in areas of scare labor sup plies.” Mitchell, echoing Mason’s warn ing, told the committee: “This Mil, which would permit continued importation of foreign labor for exploitation on the large scale industrialised farms of the nation, is the most wasteful and extravagant piece of legislation i that this Congress may bs called upon to consider. “During the war there could be some justification for bringing in workers from Mexico, the Brit ish West ladies, and other for eign countries, to help out ia arena where severe labor ahor “Over a million American ex servicemen are now back on the farms and available for such em ployment as may be offered to them. Surely Congress ia not going to continue a program that will take jobs away from these ex-servicemen and give them to foreign nationals instead.” NEBRASKA CLOSED SHOP BAN IS CHALLENGED BY THE A. F. L. Lincoln, Nebr. —•, A test suit challenging the constitutionality of Nebraska’s anti-closed shop amendment, approved last Novem ber, has been filed here by the American Federation of Labor. Vote Bans Pay Suits Washington, D. C.—Legislation declaring “null and void” the |5, 786,000,000 Nation-wide accumula tion of portal-to-portal pay claims —and prohibiting any further such portal pay actions—has been approved by a Senate Judiciary subcommittee. It is expected to go before the Senate within a ' week. The subcommittee, acting unani mously, declared Congress should act promptly to “cure the situa tion” which it said threatens “financial ruin” of many employ ers and serious effects in Federal, State and local revenues. Tho bill would outlaw present claims arising from activities per formed outside the working day as understood by contract, custom or understanding, and bar such claims in the future. ~ Besides prohibiting what it calls windfalls,” the bill would require that all claims for wages and overtime under the Wage-Hour Act must be instituted within three years after the claims arise. The hill is in two main parte: ' 1. Barring the portal 'suits. 2. Making them unprofitable. The second part was written, Wiley explained, as insurance against the first part being knocked out in court, it would be inoperative otherwise. But if it is invoked, the second section would: 1. Bar collection of extra dam* 2. Require that euita be filed by * workers individually, rather than in croups. 3. Relieve the employer af paying the claimant’s attorney. 4. Shift the buaden of proof to the employe. 6. Recognise past settlements and permit future ones. The subcommittee, which also included Senators Cooper (R* Ky. and Eastland (D., Mias.), said it believed the retroactive section would stand the test in court. In addition, the report said, it is clear that Congress can cut of future portal pay claims, la that connection, the group laid down this fyiwfflstios "In general, time spent by an employe in activities engaged in before the commencement of and after the tormiaation of his scheduled work day will not bo compensable working time in the future unless compensable by reason of a contract, custom, practice or understanding." The report made it clear that portal time of the United Mine (Workers will not be affected by the bill because it is covered by contract. The bill does net attempt to define what constitutes work, but the sub-committee gave seeso clarifying examples of the effect of its provisions. JANUARY FIRE LOS8ES SHOW SHARP INCREASE . New York—The National Boned of Fire Underwriters report a sharp increase in fire looaea in the nation during January. The esti mated looses fop the month to taled $57,180,000, an increase of 1441 per cent over the same month in 1945. Waste by fire in the year ♦»>«* ended with January was $568,- ' 859,000 or 23.5 per cent greater than in the previous twelve months and 77 per cent greater than in 1939. It was the I yearly increase since 1939.

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