AFFILIATE WITH YOUK CENTRAL LABOR UNION AND THE N. C. FEDERATION Unionists, Da AM la Um Southern Within Your Power To A. F. L. Membership Drive Working For A Better Understanding Between North Carolina AFL Unions and Employers of Labor mr.-mpw:. * • '-r.1 . 0 Charlotte Labor Journal i . . • A Newspaper Dedicated To The Interests of Charlotte Central Labor Union and Affiliated Crafts—Endorsed Bn North Carolina Federation of Labor and Approved By The American Federation of Labor, “Win it aet fee the laker ■U net kt what K Is day, aad any bmo triee la iajare a laker per ia a trailer to VOL, XVI; NO. 4f CHARLOTTE. N. Cn THURDAY, MARCH 20. 1947 Subscription S2j00 Per Year FREE LABOR FACES WORLD - WIDE THREAT Congress Told Many Labor Bills Strictly “Punitive” moil wins of danger II SPREAD OF SLAVE LABOR AROURD WORLD Washington, D. C.—Expansion tion’s economy be adjusted to n wage-price level 80 per float above pre-war standards, asserted Senator Taft of Ohio in u ad dryss before the American Asso ciation of Sfhwl Administrators