VOL. XVI; NO. 48 [Unionists, Do Everything Within Yonr Power To | Aid In the Southern A. F. L. Membership Drive --u Charlotte Labor J ournal A Newepaper Dedicated To The Interest* of Charlotte Central Labor Union and AffUiated Crafts—Endoned By North Carolina Federation of Labor and Approved By The American Federation of Labor. Working For A Better Understanding Between North Carolina AFL Unions and Employers of Labor *nM a«t be what it ia to day. sad aay aiaa who trlss ta iajara a labar pa per is a traitor to tbs I Gsapera. CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1847 Subscription $2J>0 Per Y< 518 Mines Ordered Closed After Lewis’ Talk Before Senate 102,699 MINERS ARE IDLE AS GOVERNMENT CHECKS CONDITIONS IN THE PITS Washington, D. C.—Closing of 518 Government-operated soft coal mines was ordered by Interior Secretary J. A. Krug as John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, was placing before a House Labor Sub-Commit tee charges that Krug, by negligence signed the death warrant for the 111 miners who died in the recent Cen tralia, 111., mine disaster. Interrupted during his testimony to be informed of Mr. Krug’s order, Mr. Lewis declared: ’ “That is Krug’s death-bed confession. May God in Heaven forgive him for not finding that mine unsafe be fore, and for not closing it down before those 111 men died.” Branding Krug as a scheming, faithless politician, crim inally negligent in permitting the death of these miners, Mr. Lewis pointed out to the committee that only two sof^ coal mines throughout the Nation are really safe. *1 Krug directive closing the 518 mines ordered also 2013 more not to open up again until their safety has been certified. In one of the most dramatic • situations seen on Capitol Hill in| recent years, Mr. Lewis, facing a battery of newsreel cameramen and press photographers, asserted his sincere belief that President Truman should remove Mr. Krug on grounds that his negligence was responsible for the damping of the Centralis miners. Mr. Lewis told the House giwup that Mr. Krug had "signed with' me on President Truman’s desk” the agreement under which the mines would be operated under ■definite safety regulations which would be enforced by the Gov ernment. This responsibility was ignored by Krug,* he said. The mine closings will stop 26 per cent of the nation’s daily bi tuminous production and affect 102,699 miners employed in the S18 mines, the Soft Fuels Ad ministration estimated. These mines produced 616,000 tons a day, 31 per cent of the UMW production. Removal of the top Administra tion official reeponaible for opera tion of the mines was one of three suggestions by Mr. Lewis in his day-loaf appearance before the House Labor subcommittee. He proposed that Congress, by reso lution, ask the President to re move Krug "for cause." " His ether proposals were: Legislation making it manda tory to dose mines on the find ings of a safety Inspector that safety standards ware being vio lated. AuUiorixation erf the Federal Treasury to remit the' fWO.OO fine against the United Mine Workers to the widows of the miners killed at Centralis and at Straight Creek, Ky„ in December, 1M*. for the education of their chil dren. (Twenty-four men loot their live* in an explosion at the Ken tucky Straight Creek Coal Com pany mine in Pineville, Ky., on December 26. IMS. Seven were ' saved. The miners were entombed .more than 48 hours before rescue workers found the first surviv ors.) Representatives Gerald W. i—M*, Republican, or Indiana, said he would sponsor the -twe latter proposals of Mr. Lewis, f Mr. Lewis gene dm committee / asoauraace that the aw where of his union would be beck at their / posts a* dm termination of dm six-day SMuruiag period. He qualified tide, however, by saying mine. In for neglect of Mr. Lewis Interior Secretary aa **a (Cewtianed Oh Page 8) DR SPOKESMEN AGAINST EXPLOITING UTIN COUNTRIES Washington, d. Cl—Improved aid in industrialization of Latin American countries and develop menf^of * a more sincere under standing by which the people of those natiqga will no longer re gard proffers of help by the United States with suspicion are important keys to cementing bet ter relations throughout the hemi sphere and to improve the living standards of our Southern neigh bors. These were the highlights brought out in a radio discus sion on the weekly America United program, broadcast over the facilities of the National Broadcasting Co- » Featured in the discussion, which centered about the ques tion “How Can We Improve Our Relations With Latii\ Amer ica?” were Frederick Gardner, representing the United States Chamber of Commerce and for merly associated with the Office of Inter-American Affairs; Philip Pear! and Robert J. Watt of the American Federation of Labor, and Russell Smith of the Na tional Farmers Union. Roth Mr. Watt and Mr. Pearl were emphatic in their declara tions that, to reach an improved understanding, the United States must get its story over to the people of Latin America in terms which will convince them that this nation has no intention of ex ploiting their resources, but seeks ! mainly to extend a helping hand for the improvement of firing standards throughout ■ their na tiona. As Mr. Walt pat it: “I think wa hare to tall them in plain and simple language— not in the language at the striped pants and spats, but in the lan guage which people will under stand, who we are and what we am and what we are doing. We want nothing from them. "And I am sure that the great nr-f" of American workers will be giad to help. Our poaitisn frankly I think wa ham a re sponsibility to tell oar story Mr. Gardner denied that the suspicion of the Latin AsMiiean tion of thoee nation# by expMta* by He ■itnation largely due U the’ to be BAlIOA-DOllAR SOCIAL WELFARE BU06ET IS TAFTS FORECAST Washington, D. C.—An event ual billion-dotlar-a-year budget for social welfare, covering health, education and housing, was fore cast by Senator Taft of Ohio, who described the housing shortage as a problem crying for attention. “We are< going to have to do something soon” to get more homes, Taft declared in testify ing before the Senate Banking commitee. Replying to a question by Senator Robinson of Virginia as to whether he would favor in creasing the national debt, now totaling 262 billion dollars, Taft emphatically replied: “No. 1 would not.” Nevertheless, he said, the hous ing situation is a national prob lem and “nothing is closer to the welfare of the people.” “The Government has done no job at all in the past,” he said, “» j private industry has never provided the necessary housing for lowest income groups.” Taft asserted that the emerg ency program set up by Con gress last year to encourage pro duction of scarce building materi als has been “a complete failure.” tje said that of 400 million dol lan provided for subsidies to pro ducers, only about 35 million dol Ian wil have beem spent by the jnd of the year, June 30. “The justification for public housing is that we have to elimi nate the disgraceful type of hous ing in which the lowest income families live,” he said. Taft was joined in his testi mony by Senators Wagner (D., N. Y.) and Ellender (D., La.), co sponsors of the Wagner-EIlender Taft bill which sets up a goal of 15 million new dwellings by 1958. Some of this construction would be public housing, built with the aid of Federal money. Stressing the need for public housing, Ellender cited industry opposition and declared: “I find such an attitude very disturbing. In effect, it is a rec ommendation for the condemnation indefinitely of millions of our citizenry, through no fault of their own, to lives of squalor and disease." Raymond M. Foley, National Housing Administrator, told the committee that while the WET MU to “not perfect, I believe it mould make It possible for this (Continued on Page 4) Union and Adam Hats Start "Good Neighbor" Policy Initiating Adam Hata’ policy of featuring the Union Label in ite Hate, Max Zaritskjr, President of the United Hatters, Cap and Mil* linery AFL Workers, (Center) presents an emblematic Union Label to Frank Moore, Sales Manager of Adam Hats. Martin Koppel, Busineea Manager ef the CIO Retail and Furnishing Employees Union, approvingly watches the proceeding which sparks a new nsillhKAP^ 1 ohi|f n/klinw ADAMS HATS TO FEATURE UNION LABEL A policy of featuring and ac tively promoting the Union Label has been instituted by Adam Hats, America’s largest retailer of men’s hats. Max. Jaritaky, pres ident of the United Hatters. Cap and Millinery Workers Union, making the announcement, cited the step as “an extension of true leadership which may well set a good-neighbor pattern for union retailer relationships." President Zaritsky declared: “The Union Label stands for integrity, quality and expert craftsmanship. As the silversmith puts the sterling stamp of excel lence on his products, so our members put the Union Label on their product as the symbol of the | finest workmanship. When Adam Hats tells its customers to look for the Union Label, it is telling them to look for peak quality and materials plus long wear and fair price.” Pace-setting is not new in the history of Adam Hats, which re cently made possible substantial consumer savings by being the first national organisation to low (PI ease Turn to Page 4) GIVE TO FIGHT I AFl RAIL UNIONS ASK MORE MY AS UYIN6 COSTS RISE Chicago, HI.—Request* for o'! 20-cents-sn-hour pay increase have been made by seven Ameri can Federation of Labor non-op erating railroad unions represent ing an estimatd 500,000 workers. The requests were drafted at a meeting of union leaders here for immediate presentation to rail road operators. James M. Burns, secretary treasurer of the Railway Em ployes Department of the AFL, who announced the results of the meeting, said this would be the sole issue in negotiations with the carriers. Mr. Burns said that the union leaders decided to postpone action on proposals to reduce the work week from 48 to 40 hours and change certain working or oper ating rules. He added that the shorter week was eat aside tem porarily because of the shortage of experienced railway employee. Mr. Bums said the wage In crease was being asked beeaaae of pay inequities between railroad workers and employes in other industries, because of the ld vanced cost.of living, and heranss "railroad workers need more take home pay.” The unions involved are non operating groups and include the International Association of tla chinists. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Ship Builders .and Helpers, International Bro therhood of Blacksmith and Drop Forgers, Sheet Metal1 Workers (CeaUaasd an Page 4) House Group Plans Labor Bill Action Before Senate Acts SENATE MAY BACK PRESIDENTIAL VETO OF PORTAL PAY BILL Washington, D. C. — Informed congressional sources saw a strong possibility that Presdent Truman would veto the recently-approved portal-pay bill and would be sus tained by the Senate. -- Some members of the Senate predicted the President would de cline to sign the measure be cause it would rip out the very heart of the Fair Labor Stan dards Act and render ineffec tive many other laws which were placed on the statute books only after years of struggle by cham pions of the labor cause. The bill, in one full swoop, would out law the portal-pay suits, without regard to the merits of any in dividual case. This effect of the left illation was emphasized by Labor Secre tary Schwellenbach, who, In blunt term*, told Congress at bearings on the measure that he believed The vigorous opposition to this meausre by the American Fed eration of Labor was brought out quite clearly in the testimony of Walter J. Mason, a legislative spokesman for the AFL, in his testimony before a House Judici ary Subcommittee. “The portal-pay bill," Mr. Ma son charged, “is merely being used as an excuse to nullify the Wage-Hour Act as an effective national standard for minimum wages and maximum hours, and to emasculate certain laws passed as a result of efforts of organised labor to improve the conditions of workers throughout the coun try" Mr. Mason charged that enact ment of the portal-pay bill would "put the American workers back several generations to the time when they wore paid by the day, regardless of the number of hours they worked.” APL spokesmen pointed out that it had never been the policy of the Federation to ft* In for widespread portal-pay suits, and that few such actions had been instituted by AFL affiliates, be cause the Federation much pre ferred to settle any controver sies without resorting to courts. They strongly contended that no legislation was required on the portal-pay issue, and expressed confidence that the Supreme Court "could handle the problem very well" as regarded definition of compensable working time. Green Urges Labor To ^lacJs: Appeal For Cancer Fund the Washington, D. C. tppwl to Nation to Jtin with in Dm Mr* to miss foats to «*» bat cmnt ku born issuto by AFL FiwUsBt William Orton. la bis ■tossy to tbs MaJUa's laboring groups Mr. *Tbs for from tbs cor 4vmHt w**b att if work) nr people from eueir is ex coedinyty high. For that reason laker should join with other groups in the ««ht which is he lav made arainst cancer and its deadly effects. “Many expert medical repreeen tativee report that at least M pgr cent of these suffer! ag from can cer can bo aneed by early ding neeis and treutmeat, AH ef this Washington, D. C.—Plans for 'ompletion of a draft of new la jor legislation for, strike control, restriction of the closed shop and ndustry-wide bargaining by April 14 were revealed by members of the House Labor Committee. Declaring they had abandoned Lheir intention of waiting for ac tion first by the Senate Labor Committee, they expressed de termination to begin immediate work on the drafting of the new measure. IK * “We will certainly go ahead and act independently,” asserted Rep. Landis of Indiana, second ranking Republican on the House group. Some members of the commit tee said that the task might be finished by the end of the week but that a report would be with held until after the Congress Easter recess. . Though a majority of the com mittee members were reported to be in apparent agreement on a aeries of amendments to the Wag ner Act, described by their spon sors as plans “to equalise” pro visions affecting management and labor, no agreement has get been Men * tUqrjajssed *a» W In dustry - wide bargaining plans. Some members favor restrictions on both points, but at least four compromises on the closed shop and twe on industry-wide bar gaining have been offered and favorably received by seme of the legislators. The compromises proposed on the closed shop are: 1. A proposal to declare the closed shop and "improper union objective." Workers who struck for a closed shop would lose their Wagner Act rights. But it still would be permissible for employ ers and workers to agree to one. 2. A proposal to continue ex isting dosed shop contracts for one year. New closed shop con tracts would have to be approved by a specific two-thirds or three fourths vote of all the workers affected. Otherwise, the coo tracts would ha illegal. S. A proposal by Rep. Case of South Dakota, to approve a Con gressional declaration giving in dividual states the right to out law dosed shop contracts. 4. A proposal that would not touch the closed shop but which would give workers expelled from a union the right to appeal either to the National Labor Relations Board or to a Federal court. The compromises proposed on industry-wide bargaining are: 1. A proposal to declare such bargaining an Improper labor ob jective and to withhold Wagner Act protections from workers who insist upon it. 2. A proposal to forbid indus try-wide bargaining unless it is certifled by a Federal agency as essential to maintain good in dustrial relations. RICHARD GRAY’S DAUGHTER It BURIED IN ARLINGTON Wtfafcinctoa. D. C.—Mre. RUaa both Gray Jean, SI, wh®, M u Army aunt, a urri red the Paeiflo campaign and a torpedoiny at na, waa buried in Arlington National Gaamtery with fall military kaa* ora. Davihttr of Richard Gray* praoidaat of the vAPL Building Tradaa Department, Mro. Jooaa a former anptaln fat the Army Nuraea Corpe, diod from iajurioo