Greetings te Labor KOVaTY MANUFACTURING SALES COMPANY Douglas Airport f Dial 4*4781 Charlotte, N. C. Greeting;* QUALITY GLEANERS DISTINCTIVE CLEANING SERVICE 4M Central Avenue Phone 4*4*79 Charlotte, N. C. / Compliment* of DRIVE-IN-THEATRE Wilkinnon Hovlmrd Movie* in Car Every Night at Dank, Rain or Moon Compliment*! of LA BELLE CANDY COMPANY 444 Booth Try on St Phone 7345 GJtFFNEY MUSIC COMPANY SPECIALIST IN BAND INSTRUMENTS REPAIRING Sit North C«H*k* Phone S-145» DIXIE M6 CO., NIC. 1 227 A Undo At*. Phono 4-S298 Manufacturers Paper, Cotton and Barlap Bag Processor of Used Bags We are always interested in skilled labor. JAMES J. HARRIS COMPANY - Johnston Building Phond 2-5076 He s Got Both Liberty and Security TH9 #*"1 ■svsrtWA &!**>**■ tvr HOLD^ Shipbuilders Are Reported Shunning New Pay Talks Washington, D. C.—Leading shipbuilders of the United States again have appeared to boycott a Government appeal for a wage FIND OUT WHY THE DEAF CALL IT A MIRACLE Mite >"|tl r tfi«'i»i« » ■wrti Imln I til Uk. LU* Mlf. rk. «-1«M FREI BOOKIET Mill COUPON flWlMd HMiring Nnrrlr* tit I4fc. Life tllf. rk. 4-MM I ! A I Town.. SPENCER Machinery & Supply Co* Bobbins - Spools - Skewers Refinishing A Specialty 118 WEST PAGE STREET GASTONIA, N. C. conference proposed by the coun try’s Shipbuilders Stabilisation committee to break a “freeze” in wages of several hundred thou sand workers in private shipyards. The, session had been arranged when it became quite evident that some discussion of the wage situ ation was increasingly important if stable labor conditions were to be maintained in the industry. But when the delegates met they were unable to act because of the absence of a quorum on the part of management. Out of 12 representatives of management on the committee, only three showed up. A previous meeting in Jan uary was siasilarly boycotted. That action was sharply criti cised by President John P. Frey of the AFL Metal Trades depart ment, who is also a principal la bor member of the committee. He recalled that the committee was set up during the war to stabilise wages in the shipyards, and that labor co-operated fully with it. Back in 1942, he said, shipyard labor accepted a sub stantially smaller wage increase than it was entitled to because it wished to advance “stabilisation.” in return, he said, management agreed to an annual review of wages in the shipyards, but since the end of the war those promises have not been fulfilled. Despite strong appeals from Government officials, the shipbuilders shunned the recent committee meetings which were called to consider a wage review. “This action of the manage* mcnts constitutes a repudiation of their obligation under their con tract with us," Mr. Frey declared. The Metal Trades unions do not intend to let the matter rest there, officials indicated, but will continue the fight for improved standards for merf in the ship building industry. One of the next moves will be the resumption of direct negotia tions with West Coast shipbuild '—......_______ ers on May 12 foi; a 25-cent-an hour increase to almost 160,000 shipyard workers on that coast These negotiations started earlier in the year, but were re cessed pending efforts by Federal auhorities to end the snarl in the Shipbuilding Stabilisation commit tee. W. T. GRANT COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORE ION North TVy®u Street PlMne S-IMS BEI 6. TUBE Let the Tailor Do Your Tailoring 1*12 Kant M ore head Street Phone 2-M32 Charlotte; N. C. IHTERRATIONAL BROTHERHOOD TEAMSTERS, CHAUF FEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL IHHOH NO. 71 324 V4 North Tryon Street Phone 3*6601 Charlotte. N. C. U. $. CASUALTY COMPANY CASUALTY INSURANCE AND BONDS Liberty Life Building ' * *" Phone 5-7747 ' Hugh H. Heafner, Manager Greetings to Labor PICCAOILLY GRILL 1416 But Morehead Street Phone 4-2690 BEST WISHES ON YOUR 17TH ANNIVERSARY <5 Southern Mica Co. MICA MINERS & GRINDERS JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE DORSEY TRAILERS w DEPENDABLE I VANS, FLATS, LOW BEDS TANKERS & LOG TRAILERS Southern Trailer & Equip. Co. PHONE 4-3534 < 2501 N. TRYON ST.