WIRE tr MITE te Tnr Cngressaei it Prated Agiiut Ml MTI-LMOI Bifl*! vm vvil- NO 3 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1947 Subscription $2.00 Per Year AFL President Asserts Labor Now Is Facing Battle for Survival Cincinnati, O. — Grave warning that “everyone who works for a living today faces a desperate fight for self-preservation" under the anti-labor bills pending in Congress was sounded here by AFL President William Green in an appeal to all workers to plead for a Pres idential veto. Addressing a convention of the Railway and Steam ship Clerks, Mr. Green em phatically condemned both the Hartley Bill, approved by the House, and the Taft Bill passed by the Senate. Analyzing the bills in de tail, Mr. Green told the con vention : “As we study these bills care fully, we reach the inescapable conclusion that they are the prod uct of anger and hate, rather than reason. In many instances, this legislation would defeat the very aims claimed for it. Instead of promoting industrial peace, it will unleash chaos upon America. It will eventually prove oppres sive to employers as well as to labor. It will undermine and de stroy the American standard of living and lower the wages of every man and woman who works for a living. It will dry np pur chasing power and lead to low er production and mass unem ployment. It will weaken the structure of our social justice leg islation and stifle economic**and social progress in our land. “For these reasons, as well as because of the principles which he has repeatedly enunciated, I do not see how President Truman can approve this legislation. The bills adopted by the House and Senate are now in conference. In all probability the conference re port will be a compromise between the extreme Hartley Bill and the only slightly milder Taft Bill. There is no chance at all that the legislation can be liberalised jn the conference. “Therefore, it behoove* every working man and woman in Amer ica today and all their frier.ds and every advocate of the liberal cause in our country to mak^ their individual and collective voices heard in Washington now. Tremendous pressure will be brought to bear upon President Truman to sign this legislation. In the press and over the radio, he will be warned constantly of political reprisals if he vetres it. “Now as never before it is up to us, the great mass of the American people, to make our voice heard, to let the President know that we want him to veto this legislation in the best inter ests of our country.” The union scrapped a consti tutional provision existing since the founding of the union in 1893 by granting to Negroes the full rights of membership. “We are not trying to set up social equality, we are trying to establish economic equality,” said George M. Harrison, president. He urged the delegates to ap prove a change in the constitution removing the word “white” wher ever it abrogated the full right of members of any race to member ship. In the end the opposition voted about 1,000 to 50 in favor of the change. Off the floor a high official in ■ union circles on the Missouri Pa-; eific Railroad said that more than j half of his delegation would “tear up their union cards" if they were forced to “sit in a meeting, rubbing shoulders” with Negroes. J. B. Jesse of Louisville, Ky., chairman of a 54-man special committee which studied the prob lem prior to its presentation on the floor, made no effort to de (Please Tara Ur Page I) Urge Labor to Act Now! AFL President William Green and Secretary George Meaney call upon ALL Labor to protest passage of anti-union bills by Congress. ---£ - To All Union Members: On April 17, 1947, the House of Representatives by a vote of 308 to 107 adopted the Hartley Bill and on May 13, 1947, the Senate by a vote of 68 to 24 adopted the Taft Bill. Both of these bills have been, are and will be opposed by the Labor Movement and by all right-thinking Americans. These two bills are now referred to a conference com mittee of both Houses of Congress to attempt to har monize the difference between the provisions thereof, and report to both Houses one bill for adoption or rejectin and, if adopted by both Houses by majority vote of each House, then referred to the President who must within ten leg islative days approve or veto the bill, or after ten such days it becomes a law. It is estimated the Conference Committee will report a bill in about a week or about May 28, 1947. The efforts of the proponents of the Taft-Hartley bills now are to-get a biU reported out if conference and passed by both Houses of Congress by such large majorities that the President will fear a veto will be overridden. It is the hope of the proponents that they can pass this legisla tion over a veto of the President, should the final confer ence bill be vetoed. To defeat the conference report in the House a ma jority must vote “No.” The membership of the House is 435 and if all members are present and voting at least 218 will have to vote “No.” Onlv 107 voted “No” on April 17, 1947. If the President vetoes the bill that veto can be overrid den in the House only if two-thirds of the membership present and voting vote against the position taken by the President, thus at least 16 members of the House must vote to support the President’s veto. In the Senate there are now 95 members and to defeat the Conference Report 48 or more Senators must vote “No,” and if there is a Presidential veto, same will be overridden if 64 or more Senators vote to override such veto. To sustain a veto at least 32 Senators must vote to sustain. In event of a Presidential veto, the bill is defeated unless two-thirds or more of the members of both the House and Senate present and voting vote to override the veto. If either House fails by at least a two-third majority to vote to override the veto, the bill is defeated. To insure that a Presidential veto is sustained, at least one-third of either House of Congress must vote to sustain the veto, that is at least 32 Senators or at least 146 Rep resentatives. Only 24 Senators and 107 Representatives voted against this legislation on passage in each House. This is the most important issue before the Trade Union Movement. Those who are behind this legislation are de feated they will succeed in inflicting serious injury, if not practical destruction, on the Free Trade Union Movement and untold damage on the people generally. After fully considering the situation as it exists we strongly recommend: 1. That all officers of all affiliated and co-operating or ganizations be immediately assigned to and directed to <ret each individual member to write a letter to his Sena tors. Representatives, and the President stating in his own words his views regarding defeating the Conference Re (Please Turn to Page 2. Column* 1 A 2) TAKE&4RE0F You 0/ Your Family frill freed Your Social Security Card to Apply for Social Security Sene fits. rOR MORE /^it/ff/N INFORMATION {^OMUZAj Your Union Social Security Committee, Oft; the Nearest Social Security Office. T Secretary Tells Nation Pro posed Legislation Menaces United $tates Welfare Washington, D. C.—Anti labor legislation approved by the House and Senate.' and now in conference, would de stroy trade unions and wipe out the advantages workers, through organization, have struggled to build over a long jfcriod of years. This was the declaration of George Meany, Secretary Treasurer of the American Federation of I.abor, in a coast-to-coast discussion of the pending bills over the Co lumbia Broadcasting System. “Free trade unions,” Mr. Meany told the Nation, are the only instruments by which the workers of a dem ocratic Nation, dedicated to a system of free enterprise, can exercise any control whatsoever over the return the yreceive for their labor. Take away the trade union as an instrument for the workers’ protection and im mediately you give the em ployer a monopoly over wages and every other con dition of employment. “When this happens—make no mistake—wages will go down even though there are thousands of employers who are fully aware of the folly of such action. Whether they will it or not, the decent employers will be compelled by the rule of self-preservation to come down to the level of their chiselling competitors. What then happens to purchasing powa-? Who then buys the goods that our country must produce if our dy namic economy is to be main tained? Can we sell our prod ucts in quantity to the prosprate nations of the Old World, or to the starivng millions in Asia? No, I think not.- - We either sell to our own people heie at home or we do not sell. “This legislation planned for our Nation by the representatives of large greedy corporations and thp:r Congressional collaborators will affect everybody. There may be some who feej that they can sit back complacently and see the trade unions destroyed .secure in the belief that they will not be affected adversely. Destruction of the trade unions of America means a return to the low-wage economy of 60 years ago, when only the so-called upper class could afford the comforts of mod (Continued on Page 2) Charlotte Printers Elect New Officers, Delegates Wednesday Early Depression Fear Discounted Cincinnati — Recent forebodings from various parts of the Nation of an approaching depression were discounted here by Ewan Clague. U. S. Commissioner of Labor Sta tistics, in an address before lead ers of community groups in this araa. “Employment, incomes, wages, profits, prices and many other economic factors are at all-time highs in the United States to day,” he declared, “yet the air ia full of talk of a new depression, and some people seem to feel that the downturn already has begun. “Perhaps we should not get too upset about this possibility, be cause we have heard of this de pression several times since the end of the war; but, so far, it has not come through on sched ule. Perhaps it is still a matter of the longer future rather than a problem for 1947.” The labor force is growing more rapidly than the population, Mr Clague pointed out. Its increase in - the present decade will be nearly 20 per cent, compared to a 10 per cent growth in total population.' Mr. Clague’s statement contin ued : Underlying the economic out look are certain basic trends in population and force growth. The growth of our population is slow ing down; our best present esti mates are that it will reach a peak of 165 million toward the end of this century. From 1940 to 1950 it will increase by about 10 per cent, while in the next de cade it will 'grow only half as much. To some extent the economic health of this country in the past has been dependent on the con stant growth in demand arising out of rapid population increase. The decline in the rate of this growth will therefore remove one important dynamic factor in our economic development. As pop ulation growth slows down, the (Pease Turn to Page 2) t Charlotte Typographical Union members elected J. T. Priftim as president, C. J. Pridgen vice president, and Paul Craft as secretary-treasurer in the regular annual election held Wednesday. Mr. Primm succeeds Claude L. Albea, re cently elected to the Charlotte City Council, who did not run for re-election this year. Mr. Craft succeeds O. N. Burgess, who has been secretary-treasurer for the past several years, but who previously had announced that he would not run for another term. Mr. Pridgen succeeded himself, he hav | ing served as vice president for several terms. I CAUTIONS AGAINST NAM ‘PROPAGANDA’ Washington, D. C., — Warning to workers throughout the United States against falling for the propaganda be:ng issued by the 1 National Association of Manufac j turers, branded as a leading ad vocate of the slave labor bill, was j issued by the- American . Federa tion of Labor in large advertise ments spread in leading news- j across the Nation. “If you work for a living, you’re Labor,” the message dc declared in a vigorous attack up on the NAM’s contention that it seeks to protect the individual’s “right to work” when it presses for legislation to outlaw the closed shop. “The NAM gets its money for newspaper advertisements and lobkodng front, lpbor-hiding W ployers,” the message of the APL declared. “Since when is this crew defending the rights of workers ? "Who wants the dosed shop! That’s oasy! Millions of union members who know they now are able to provide some thing a little better than a bare living for their families as a result of the high standards won by strong and se cure unions—workers who know their combined economic welfare is bound up in the security of their union. “They know that the closed shop, plus co'.Ie dive bargaining, gave them that extra hour to play with their kids, to flix the screens, or dig a vegetable garden in the back yard. Further, pro gressive employers by ,the thou sands accept and prefer the closed shop because it helps to stabilize industry and encourage business enterprise afnd initia tive.” SERVES 26 YEARS. Other officer* elected were How ard L. Beatty as recording secre tary, and H. B. Alexander, ser geant at arms. Mr. Beatty is now serving out his 25th term in the recorder's post. Mr. Alexander will soon be a veteran at the ser geant at arms position, he having already served several years. O. N. Burgess, H. F. Carriker, and H. M. Sykes were named as the auditing committee to serve for the coming year, while A. H. Louthian and H. E. Surles were selected as delegates to the I. T. U. convention in Cleveland, Ohio, iii August, STATE DELEGATES. Delegates named to represent Charlotte at the State Federation of Labor convention at Wilming ton August 4, 6, and 6, were C. L. Albea, H. B. Alexander, and H. A. Stalls. C. L. Albea, H. A. Stalls, and John P. White were 4 no* mecl n iWsnt CM w Itlr Ulll IIIII9 Central Labor Union. ALLIED TRADES, ^ Delegates to the Charlotte Al lied Printing Trades Council are C. L. Albea, H. L. Beatty, E. G. Cleaver, J. T. Primm and H. M. Sykes. I Named to the board of directors of the Charlotte Typographical union meeting hall and club were C. L. Albea, H. B. Alexander, H. L. Beatty, O. N. Burgess, P. E. Craft, E. G. Cleaver, A. M. Far ris', A. B. Furr, C. J. Pridgen, J. T. Primm, H. E. Surles, J. P. White, and W. P. Benton. VA.-CAROL1NAS MEET. President-elect Primm and Paul White left today for Washington, D. C.. where they will represent Charlotte Typographical Union at the annual meeting of the Virgin ia-Carolinas-District of Columbia Typographical conference. VOTE TO RAISE SALARIES. The Charlotte printers voted to (Please Turn to Page 2) CHAUFFEURS. TEAMSTERS A HELPERS LOCAL UNION No. 667 recently dedicated their beautiful new heme at avenue, Mem phi*. Tennesm-e. to the memory of the late Secretary -T reaaurer of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Gillespie. Delefatee ot the Southern Conference of Teamsters from the ten Seothsm States attended the ferase! opening • s —Southern

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