CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL VOL. xVll; NO. 6 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY. JUNE 12. 1947 Subscription $2.00 Per Year GREEN, MEANY, O’DWYER AND WAGNER JOIN IN URGING ALL WORKERS TO MAKE VOICES HEARD IN CONGRESS AND WHITE HOUSE ON VITAL BILL New York City—~>ne of the greatest mass demonstra tions ever staged by organized labor—25,000 American workers packed into Madison Square Garden here—joined in a tumultuous condemnation of the Taft-Hartley slave labor bill, an urgent appeal to President Truman to veto the measure and demands upon their Senators and Repre sentatives to sustain the veto. Heading an impressive list of labor and civic leaders who addressed the vast audience, AFL President William Green told the meeting: “Your message to President Truman is: “ ‘Veto the slave labor bill!’ “Your message to Congress is: “ ‘Uphold the President’s veto!’ ” ' Mr. Green shared the platform with Mayor William O’Dwyer of New York, who had issued an official procla mation declaring today Veto Day and calling on all friends of labor to urge the President to veto the bill; George Meany, AFL Secretary-Treasurer; Senator Wagner of New York, author of the National Labor Relations Act; David Dubinsky, President of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, and Howard McSpeddon, President of the AFL Building Trades Council. Martin Lacy, President of the Central Trades and Labor Council, presided. In a blistering attack on the slave labor legislation, Mr. Green stressed the imperative necessity for all American working men and women to make their voices against this bill “heard in Washington—both in Congress and the White House.” Ana nil over America millions of other free American workers and their friends will echo year demands and lift up their voices to Join oar fight against slavery; against oppression and depres sion,” he declared. MI am proud of the fighting ' spirit of the nation by workers who refuse today, and will always refuse, to surrender their heri tage of freedom. "You know and they know that the Taft-Hartley Bill strikes at your heart, at your pocketbook and at your hopes of providing a decent living for your families. "But the President and Con gress must know this too. They must know how you feel. And the only way they can learn is by demonstrations of this kind and by a veritable flood of letters and postcards, written by you in your own handwriting and ex pressing your own thoughts in opposition to the Taft-Hartley Slave BUI. "Make no mistake about it, this biU is inspired by fear. The en emies of labor are afraid—afraid of true democracy, frightened by the voice of labor demanding its rights. The National Association of Manufacturers and its reac tionary propagandists betray their underlying fear every time they make speeches about the labor unions becoming ‘too powerful.* But the trouble is, my friends, that organised labor today is not powerful enough — not united enough. That we must and shall change. Nothing will stop us! We are going to organise many more millions of the unorganized into our movement. We are go ing to build here in America the strongest and most united labor movement in the world. No threats, no sanctions, no undemo cratic and unconstitutional legis lation can prevent us! "And when our militant and dy namic organisation attains its full and necessary strength, we will fece the frightened little men who hate us and say: "The day of your monopoly power is over.' « "And, at the same time, lebor’s grant army of voters will be able to sweep out of public office the reactionary Tories and the sub servient politicians who fawn at the heels of big business. God grant that we shall be able to ac complish this housecleaning of Congress in 19481” Declaring the time is fast ap proaching "when the enemies of labor la Congress will be forced to stand np and ba counted,” Mr. Green asserted he was confident the President would veto thg Jaft Hmrtley bill. “I don’t see how he can taka any other course in the best in terests of the American people,” he said. “This legislation flouts practically every recommendation the President made to Congress in his annual message. If the President signs this slave labor bill now he will not only let Con gress repudiate him, but he will be repudiating his own high prin ciples and his own good judg ment. “The final test will come, then, in Congress. It is our job to see to it that every Congressman and every Senator who wants the sup port of labor at election time casts his vote to uphold the veto. Otherwise we shall have no choice but to regard him as our en emy.” Citing the consistent champion ship of labor by Senator Wagner, over a long period of years, Mr. Green called marked attention to the attitude of Senator Ives of New York, who represented himself originally as a friend of labor, but voted for the Taft bill in the Senate. Declaring that the slave labor bill is punitive, would promote industrial chaos, outlaw the closed shop, authorise damage suita and anti-trust prosecutions against unions, prohibit boycotts, weaken the nation’s economy and create a dangerous hate philosophy, Mr. Green concluded: “We, of labor, want a strong America, not a weak and impo tent one. We want prosperity in our country, not a Taft-Hartley depression. We want to keep America free, not to let it suc cumb to the Taft-Hartley degree sion. We want to keep America free, not to let it succumb to the Taft-Hartley brand of oppression. “We think it is time that Con gress refused to be ‘pressured' any longer by the National As sociation of Manufacturers and other monopoly interests who are trying to line their already fat pocketbooks at the expense of every one of us. We think it is time that Congress gave its at tention to the things the Ameri can people really need — decent housing for the homeless, health insurance for all, a reduction of the coat of living by curbing prof iteers and a full measure of social security." i Attend N. Y. Rally GEORGE MEANY “VETO DAY” PROCLAMATION ISSUED IN NEW YORK CITy New York City.—The proclama tion issued by Mayor William O’Dwyer calling upon all citizens of this city to join with labor in demanding defeat of the Taft Hartley slave labor bill follows: “Whereas, a free labor move ment is one of the surest guar antees of a free nation; and “Whereas, the American labor movement has demonstrated an inspiring loyalty to our democrat* is form of government in time of peace and in time of war; and “Whereas, our free trade un ions have made incomparable contributions to the advancement of democracy in our nation; and “Whereas, our free trade un ion movement is presently imper illed by legislation now before the Congress of the United States; and “Whereas, the legislation, known as the Taft-Hartley bill, would emasculate the Clayton Act, the Norris-LaGuardia Act and the Wagner Act, laws which extirpated grave injustices against the workingmen of our nation; "Now, therefore, I, William O’Dwyer, Mayor of the City of New York, designate the fourth day of June, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-seven as a day of pro test to our national author!tiee in Washington, D.' C„ against en actment of this legislation which would be detrimental to the na tional welfare and our democratic system, “And I further call upon all citisens of this city to join with organised labor in making known to our national authorities that the surest road to industrial peace is through friendly co operation and understanding be-i tween management and labor." FACTORY KARNING8 DOWN Washington, D. C.—The U. 8. Bureau of Labor Statistics re ports that average hourly earn ings Jn manufacturing continued to rise in April but weekly earn ings declined because of a drop in working hours. Weekly earn ings in all manufacturing aver aged |47.44 compared with $47.72 per week in Much of this year. Link aud Fielden Again Honored By Ry. Clerks GEORGE HARRISON ADDRESS ES N. C. MEETING. Two Charlotte men were re-elected to high positions in the' Brotherhood of Rail way and Steamship Clerks, Southern Railway System, at the regular quadrennial meet ing which opened in the Brotherhood’s vacation and recreation center on June 2 at Saluda, N. C. G. A. Link, who has been general chairman for twelve ’ years was again named to that post, while C. E. Fielden was re-elected to the position of secretary - treasurer, which he has held for seven years. They are to sene a four year period, beginning with July 1, 1947. Mr. Link »u an employee of the Southern Railway here in Charlotte for a number of years before being elected to head the organisation. Several yean ago he moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where headquarter* were then lo cated. The headquarters were moved to Charlotte in 1940. Mr. Fielden was employed by the Southern Railway at Knoxville, Tennessee, before being elected as Secretary-Treasurer in 1940. The Brotherhood is the largest of the standard railroad labor organisations and has more than 300,000 members in the United States and Canada. The South ern Railway unit in addition to representing the clerical, office, station, stores and watehouse em ployees over the Southern Rail way System, have wage and working agreements with the Piedmont and Northern Railway Company, Baltimore Steam Pack et Company, Atlanta Terminal Company, Chattanooga Station Company, Birmingham Terminal Company, Columbia Union Sta tion Company, Birmingham Term inal Company, Columbia Union Station Company, Durham Union Station Company, Meridian Ter minal Company, Winston-Salem Terminal Company, Danville and Western Railway and Yadkin Railroad. International Grand President,, Geo. M. Harrison and Vice Grand President J. P. Jesse from Cin cinnati, Ohio and Louisville, Ky. were present and addressed the convention. Seventy-five or more delegates from all of the principal points throughout the entire southeast ern part of the United States served by the Southern Raihraj System were present sutd partici pated in the meeting which lasted for three days. A number of im portant matters of vital concert r1111 —.——— G. A. Link to the organization were dis cussed and action was taken con cerning these matters in estab lishing the policy to be followed in the future. The following officers were elected to serve until July I, 1961: G. A. Link, General CfcairnMNfc Charlotte, N. C. C. E. Fielden, General Secre tary-Treasurer, Charlotte,- N. C. R. S. Safrit, Vice General Chairman. Salisbury, N. C. F. B. Brouner, Vice General Chairman, Washington, D. C. J. L. Tyler, Vice General Chair man, Birmingham, Ala. N. E. Brenner, Vice General Chairman, Atlanta, Ga. A. E. Cates, Vice General Chair man, Knoxville, Tenn. W. C. Fletcher, Vice General Chairman, Knoxville, Tenn. C. C. Miller, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Spartanburg, S. C. H. S. Orrell, Member, Board of Trustees, Winston-Salem, N. C. F. H. Anderson, Member, Board of Trustees, Cincinnati, O. Scrapp Maffett, Chairman, Board of Directors, Mountain Honm^^Greenville, South Carolina. J.Vj Ross Hodges, Member, Board of Directors, Mountain Home, Knoxville, Tenn. D. Leckie, Member, Board of Directors, Mountain Home, Co lumbia, 8> C. N. E. Broom, Member of Di rectors, Mountain Home, Atlan ta, Ga. C. E. Fielden, Secretary, Board of Directors, Mountain Home, Charlotte, N. C. HEADS JEWELRY UNION Atlantic City, N. J. — Joseph Morris of Wallingford, Conn., was elected president of the Interna | tional Jewelry Workers’ Union (AFL) at its 11th anneal conven tion here. DANGER! There is danger ahead . . . danger to you and to all other Americana who work for a living. You must stop and take notice, or get hurt! _ Congress has now passed and sent to the President the most dangerous bill of our times. It is called the Taft-Hartley Bill. There have been other bills pressured thiaogh the Congress and laid on the desk of our Chief Executive— but never one with more one-sided intent—never before one designed to weigh down the scales of justice on the side of privilege and power—never before a bill written to punish millions of working people simply because they are union working people. The Slave Labor £01 is a travesty and a mockery of our. American heritage. It is a threat to a free P*What can you do about it? Write or Wire President Truman to Veto the Taft-Hartley Bill! AFL SPtTRS BIG DRIV E FOR VETO MANDATE AGAINST BILL Washington. D. C.—It’s up to President Truman now— the crucial decision whether to veto or sign the “mild as murder” Taft-Hartley Bill. Congress has completed action on the legislation and the Taft-Hartley Bill was rushed to the White' House this week. President Truman will have ten days in which to act after the hill reaches his desk. During this ten days, the American Federation of Labor will launch a final drive to roll up an overwhelming jieople's mandate for a veto. Through nation-wide radio programs, newspaper adver tisements and mass* meetings, the AFL will do its utmost to bring home to the American people the truth as to how the Taft-Hartley Bill will hurt them and weaken the entire nation, along with labor. i The AFL’s urgent appeal to all its memliers and to all its friends is to write or wire President Truman at the White House, Washington, D. C., asking that he veto the bill. Three progressive Congressmen —Representatives John Lesinski, of Michigan; Arthur G. Klein, of New York, and Ray J. Madden, of Indiana—paid a personal visit to President Truman at the White House to suggest that he veto the Taft-Hartley Bill. They came away greatly en couraged by the President’s at titude. The optimism of the Congres sional delegation was enhanced by a highly unusual step taken read to newspapermen at a press conference of the price policies Voiced by Senator Robert A. Taft, one of the sponsors of the Taft-Hartley Bill. The President called Senator Taft's position on prices as re lated to international policy “fal lacious and dangerous." The Congressmen were quick to point out that the Taft-Hartiey Bill is even more "fallacious and dangerous.” It poses as a ‘‘mild” reform measure but it contains deadly poison to labor and to the entire nation in the hidden form of legislative “jokers” and re strictive technical provisions. For instance, Senator Taft was forced to admit on the Senate floor that one provision in his bill would prohibit union publications such as “Labor,” organ of the railway unions, from issuing spe cial editions in support or in op position to political candidates in election campaigns. | Likewise, Representative Fred Hartley, of New Jersey, co-spon sor of the legislation with Sen ator Taft, while complaining to newspapermen about big business gripes over slight modifications in the bill, said: “I am their best friend.” During the debate in the House, Representative Lesinski, leading the opposition forces, declared: “Real danger lies in this bill, not only in its potential effects, but ill its subtlety. Congress is being misled. But the hope of America is in tomorrow and, mark my word, this evil thing will shortly be undone.” This implied warning of polit ical retribution at the polls in the 1M8 elections because of the support Repubtjpaa leaders have given the Taft-Hartley Bill was further developed by the Congres sional delegation in thefr confer ence with President Truman. They told him he could never hope to carry the biff city met ropolitan districts in 1M8 unless he vetoes the legislation. If the Preeident does reject the Taft-Hartley Bill, the final test will come on whether Congress will uphold the veto. It is ex pected that a combination st re actionary Off-Mi*™* sad South ern Democrats can muster enough votes in the House to override a veto. But the Issue reoly *W be decided in the Senate. Only one-third of the Senate—or a maximum of 33 votes—is neces sary to uphold a veto and to kill the Taft-Hartley Bill. Surveys made by the Legisla tive Committee of the American Federation of Labor indicate that the prospects are bright of being able to sustain a veto in the Sen ate. The more mail and tele grams received by members of the Senate urging them to up hold a Presidential veto, the 4I1# Uk#li)i#od of cuccMf* So do your parti Sit down right now and write the two' Senators . from your State, calling upon them to uphold a Presidential ve to of the Taft-Hartley Bill. Contract Signed PULP, SULPHITE AND PA PER MILL WORKERS SIGN WITH DURHAM CONTAINER COMPANY—GET RAISES. An agreement has been nego tiated and signed between the International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite ft Paper Mill • Workers, AFL, and the Durham Container company of Durham, N^ C., according to an announce ment made by Don W. Hunt, in ternational representative, at last week’s Charlotte Central Labor Union meeting. The new agree ment was signed on May IS and was retroactive to April 22. It involves 66 workers. Representative Hunt stated that the new contract provides for in creases running up to 40 cents per hour with an average increase of 22 2-3 cents per hour through out the plant No employe, male or female, receives less than 80 cents per hour after 30 days em ployment, with time and one-half for overtime worked, which In cludes Saturdays and holidays. Sunday work provides for dou ble time. The Durham Container em ployes will receive one week’s vacation with pay after sis months service and two weeks after three years employment with the firm and also will re ceive three paid holidays. Mr. Hunt stated that the company, pays for hospitalising its em ployes. | . The Durham contract with the container company Is said to ha with a paper bos plant in North Carolina. Jfce election held on | April 10 was unanimous for union representation. Lewis Price assisted Mr. Hunt in negotiating the agreement, j