WIRE «r WRITE to Tsar Ctigressnsa to Pretest Ajtissl All ARTI- LABOR Bills! CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL VOL. XCII; NO. 21 CHARLOTTE. N. C„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1947 Subscription $2.00 Per Year wide vunimoiis n WORKING CONDITtONS WAGES IRE REPORTED Washington, D. C'The laundry industry, historically among the lowest paying for women work ers, need1 not be “synonymous with depressed wage and employ ment standards" according to a report released by the Women’s Bureau of the Labor Department. This conclusion is based upon a study of 268 power laundry establishments in 38 southern and midwestern cities employing more - than 21,000 workers, three-fourths of whom were women. The report states that progres sive foundry managements, found in city after city demonstrated that decept wages and employ ment standards are practicable. Investigators found wide vari ations in working conditions and pay within cities and skill wider variations in different parts of the country, the report states. Of the employes included in the survey only 30 to 40 per cent were working under terms of col lective bargaining contracts in effect between unions and the managements, the survey disclosed. Chicago was cited as having “far and away" higher pay for women laundry workers than any of the other cities studied. The averige there was 81 cents Is hour. None earnpd less than 46 cents. Some earned as high as $1.00. •-— Kansas City, Terre Haute, Ind., and Raleigh, N. C., were cited as showing that wage standardisa tion within a city is possible. The average hourly earnings of laun dries in these cities differed by no more than 3 cents. Other findings of the report were these: In most of the cities surveyed, workers in the highest-paying plants earned 30 per cent to 60 per cent more than in the lowest paying plant, yet retail prices tended to be identical, v About two thirds of the laun dries were on a 45 to 50-hour week. A 9-hour day or longer was found >n two-thirds of the laundries. Facilities fcr the health and ccmfort of the worker were pro nounced “very unsatisfactory” on the whole. Ms jet working con dition items such as ventilation, illumination and layout, however, were generally adequate. CATTLE RAISERS POCKET 70 CENTS OF MEAT DOLLAR Washington, D. C. — Cattle growers who raise beef cattle are getting about 70 cents of every dollar the consumer spends now for meat, compared with 51 cents in 1939, according to figures re leased by the Department of Agri culture. The department said, however, that it had little definite informa tion as to how the other 30 cents was divided among others who share in the dollar, such as the commission agents who handle livestock sales, the packer, the wholesaler and the retailer. GOVERNMENT TO PROBE INTO ILLEGAL EXPORTS Washington, D. C.—The Com merce Department announced a drive against illegal exports of scarce commodities by violators of Federal export controls. It said it will bear down par ticularly on those who buy and sell licenses required by such shipments. Officials said the drive was prompted by ^nounting concern over the effect of exports on do mestic prices and also as a move to channel more exports to the needier countries of Westerrf Eu rope. UMW RELINQUISHES RIGHT TO REPRESENT RAIL MEN Washington, D. C.—The Nation al Mediation Board announced that District 50 of the AFL’s United Mine Workers decided to “relin quish its right of representation” for 600 employees of the Western Maryland Railway Company. The board is considering peti tions for an election to choose a lew bargaining agent Submitted Sy the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Enginemen and the Railroad industrial Union. ADVISORY COUNCIL APPOINT ED TO STUDY OPERATIONS OF SOCIAL SECURITY PUN Washington, D. C.—Proposals for the expansion of the nation’s Social Security system will be studied by an advisory council composed of 17 members named by Senator Eugene D. Milliken, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. The council will make recom mendations on “coverage, benefits, and taxes” under the vast So cial Security program which now covers nearly 42,000,000 persons. Nelson Cruikshank, Director of Social Insurance Activities for the AFL, was named to the advisory group c (—prised of labor, busi muff, And wtlfirc offkiftlft tad headed by Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. The council was authorised by the Senate when it provided $25, 000 “to make a full and complete investigation” of Social Security as proposed by Senators Millikin and Walter F.. George, former Senate Finance Committee chair man. Senator Millikin asked Stettin ius to assemble the council” at the earliest practicable date” to “survey the existing programs un der the Social Security Act and lay out definite plans for the study of Lheir operations and proposals for their changes.” Largest groups not now covered by Social Security include farm ers and agricultural workers, domestic servants, State and Fed eral governmental employes, self employed such as small merchants, and employes of charitable in stitutions such as churches and non-profit hospitals. Named as associate chairman of the advisory council is Dr. Sum ner H. Slighter, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard professor and chairman of the Research Advisory Board of the Committee for Economic Development. 6 BALL-BEARING FIRMS FINED FOR PRICE-FIXING Cleveland. — Federal Judge Emerich B. Freed fined six ball bearing firms a total of $30,000 for price-fixing violations of the Sherman act. Attorneys for the firms pleaded nolo contendere. The firms were General Motors Corp., Detroit; S.KF Industries, Inc., Philadelphia; Marlin-RockweH Corp., Jamestown, N. Y.; Fafnir Bearing Co., New Britain, Conn.; Federal Bearings Co., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Stamford, Conn. Each concern was fined $5,000. N. J. STATE FEDERATION RE-ELECTS OFFICERS Atlantic City.—Delegates to the 09th annual convention of the New Jersey State Federation of Labor re-elected Louis P. Marciante president of the federation. Other offices who were also re elected without opposition are Michael J. Condron, Orange, first view president; William Carter, Cranford, second viee-presiden*, Sadie Reisch, Trenton, third vice president, and Mayor Vincent J. Murphy of Newark, secretary treasurer. URGES COMMON - SENSE APPROACH IN FIGHT ON LABOR LAW San Francisco. — Delegates to the 38th convention of the AFL's Metal Trades Dfpart ment in session here heard John P. Frey, president of the department, urge labor to employ common sense in its twin battles against the Taft Hartley law and the menace of Communist infiltration into the labor movement. In a comprehensive report to the convention, Mr. Frey reviewed the progress made by the department during the preceding year and declared that to meet the problems which lie ahead the organi zation “was never in a more satisfactory position than it is today.” Referring to the Master Ship building Agreement on the Pacif c Cosat, Mr. Frey said: “During the past year the af filiated and cooperating Interna tional Unions have been able to renew all their joint agreements, and in doing so increase the wage rate." V Hr. Fray pointed to the lack of experience under tfce Taft-Hartley !**’• operation and the absence of knowledge as to its adminis tration and interpretation by the courts. Ho said.4 “For thane practical and ob mendations are presented here. Instead the recommendation is of fered that we continue to apply trade union common sense to the solution of the problems which will arise under the operation of the law. There is nothing sensa tional, nothing capturing the newspaper headlines, nothing which savors of the heroic in ap plying common sense to the solu tion of our problems; yet, the progress our trade union move ment has made, the soundness of the foundation upon which it rests, is due more than anything else to the use of common sense' in the development and applica tion of our trade union policy. “Resentment against the Taft Hartley Act should not lead us to depart from a sane, well-bal anced policy to protect our rights as we Understand them to be.” Looking back to the dark days and dismal future- faced by labor when confronted with the prob lems of the injunction and the yellow-dog contract, Mr. F.ney drew an analogy to the present situation in which labor is con fronted with new repressive leg islation. He said: “Yet, labor did secure the Nor ris-LaGuardia anti-injunction act, labor did secure legislation de claring yellow-dog contracts null and void, and they accomplished this by electing to the State Leg islatures and to Congress those whom they considered to be their friends, and by defeaing those wliom they considered to be their enemies. “The spirit which animated our movement in its fight* against in junctions and yellow-dog contracts is not dead. It is not even sleep ing. It is with us stronger to day than ever before, and its must now be our function to crystal lize this spirit, to organize its effectiveness, so that every unfair, unjust legal handicap can be over come." Turning to the issue of Com munism. Mr. Frey charged that the attitude of the Soviet Gov ernment “has made world peace and world recovery more and more difficult, if not impossible.” “What seemed originally an ef fort to capture our trade union ■ movement for the Moscow ideol i ogy, has now become an effort by the Moscow dictatorship to destroy all existing free institutions among the nations of the world. It is not a pleasant or a re assuring picture for the immediate future, for* it has become evident (Please Turn to Page 4) Central Labor Union Notes Charlotte Central Labor Union was called to order Thursday night by President Claude L. Albea with Secretary Henry Eddins at his post. The invocation was said by Brother Rogers, followed by the Salute to the Flag. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and their sub sequent approval was followed by the roll call of officers. Communications were ordered read and all bills were authorized paid. A letter from President Green was read regarding estab lishing Labor Extension depart ments in American colleges, a bill ’or which procedure is now pend ing in Congress. Mr. Green re quested that Labor provide all of the necessary co-operation to se cure this greatly needed depart ment in our American colleges. t A contest on “Why We Should Establish Labor Extension Depart ments in the Colleges" is being held in connecion with the plan and top prise for the best essay in this contest will be $300. About 50 other prises are also offered. The contest will close Oct. 15. The Green communication was turned over to the legislative com mittee for future action and cop ies of the pispposition were ordered sent to each affiliated AFL union in Charlotte. Reports of local unions were heard, some of them stating that they are in need of skilled work ers. The plumbers can use 75 or 100 good men, the carpenters also can place finishers. Also many new members were reported as be ing received into the various building trades locals. BUILDING TRADES CONFRONT LOCKOUT RT NLRB RIHJN6 San Francisco .— Thorny an complex problems developing out of the Taft-Hartley law faced the annual convention of the AFL Building and Construction Trades Department as its sessions opened here with President Richard J. Gray presiding. AnwaaMMOt Bp National Labor Relations Board that it in* tends to exercise jurisdiction over most building traaes cases will clamp the grip of government rekulation for the first time over these unions representing more than 1,500,000 workers.. Even during the war. the building trades cases were not handled by the National War Labor Board, as other labor disputes were, but by a special Board of Review on which the building trader un ions had representation. The major problem confronting the convention was the Denham ruling, issued by the NLRB’s chief counsel, which prevents any unjon from bringing complaints or election petitions before the board unless all AFL officers sign non-Communist affidavits. The AFL Executive Council has an nounced that it could not con form to this ruling. Thus the , building trades, as well as all, other affiliated unions, have been locked out by the NLRB, unless the Denham regulation is over ruled by the board, itself. Without recourse to the NLRB, nany of the collective bargaining gains and contractual standards won by the building trades un ions over the last three-quarters of a century are threatened with being wiped out. Traditionally, for instance, the building trades have operated un der strict closed shop conditions, but the Taft-Hartley law out lawed the closed shop. To protect union security, many of the build ing trades organisations planned to ask for employe elections authorising the type of union shop permitted under , the new law, but the NLRB lockout now I prevents them from obtaining such elections. Officers of the Building and Construction Trades Department have been conferring with NLRB officials about thein special prob |1ems and are expected to report I the result of these conversations to the convention. The board’s attitude toward ^jurisdictional disputes will be of special significance to the union officials in attendance at the con clave. In order to reduce juris dictional strife, the Building and Construction Trades Department has worked out its own machinery for settling sue If disputes. How ever, the NLRB has been given final authority over such disputes by the Taft-Hartley law and the question arises whether a depart- j n.cnt decision in a jurisdiction case will have any standing if (Please Tara to Page 3) STRONG UNION LABEL CAMPAIGN URGED AS MEANS BEATING FOES San Francisco.—Officers of the Union Label Trades Department urged delefates to the depart ments 39th convention to wage a vigorous campaign to influence American consumers to favor goods bearing the Union LlMil nr services designated by a Shop Card or Service Button. The report of the department’s executive board stressed he need for redoubled efforts in this di rection to combat labor’s foes and free the labor movement from thf shackles of the Taft-Hartley law. The report declared: “If American labor desires to repeal anti-union laws and obtain the right kind of protective legis lation, it must stop supporting those who are making a profit on non-union workers. These profits tre used to employ high-priced lawyers who write the bills for our lobby-guided legislators and to liire propagandists to promote them. By spending their union earned money for non-union goods, free American workers help un fair employers to make huge prof its, part of which are used to elect kept politicians who pass law to enslave American toilers. “By withholding their support from unfair manufacturers and merchandisers and by patroniz ing only those Arms that display the Union Label, Shop Card, and Service Button, American work ers have the best guarantee for security of their jobs, wages, and working conditions. They have the best assurance of creating higher labor standards now being advocated by the American Feder ation of Labor and which help to make up what is known as "our American way of life.” “If we do not spend our high wage purchasing power for union made-in-America products and un ion services, we cannot expect fair employers to continue to pay union wages and maintain the working conditions that all our members enjoy.” The report gave an account of the successful AFL Union Label and Industrial .Exhibition held in St. Louis in 1946 and announced plans for a bigger and better show in 1948 to be held in Mil waukee. Pointing out that the name of future exhibitions has been changed to “Union - Industries Show” the report said: “The 1948 Union - Industries Show will be a glorious panorama for all things union. It will be a show window for union-made goods and a dress parade for un ion services. Our exhibitions have been instituted for dramatizing these facts to American consum ers. They have proven profltable *o both union workers end union employers .'like.” AFL's RAILWAY CLERKS WIN REPRESENTATION OVER CIO Washington, D. C.—The Na tional Mediation Board author ized the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, an AFL affiliate, as bar gaining agent for clerical, office, store, fleet and passenger em ployes of Western Airlines, Inc. The board's authorization fol lowed an election in which the AFL union was chosen by the employees over a rival CIO union. The tally of ballots showed 215 for the AFL group as against 151 for the CIO units. CHICAGO TEACHERS TO RECEIVE BONUSES; CITY APPROVES UNION PLAN Chicago.— The drive on the part ‘ft the AFL’s American Federa tion of Teachers met with at least partial success here when the Board of Education agreed to pay a- bonus totaling $1,879,559 to teachers in the Chicago schools. John M. Fewkes, president of the Chicago Teachers Union, said that nearly 155,000 public school teachers and school executives will share in the bonus to be dis tributed in November. Mr. Fewkes, acting for the union, urged the Board of Education to authorise the bonus payment*. M $aw limit was sot Sn pay ments to the board's highest sal aried executive personnel. The money, made available by the State Legislature for emer gency distribution to teachers, will be paid to all eligible em ployes, said Charles J. Whipple, president of the board. The plan provides for each teacher aoout 41.4 per cent of the salary earned from September 29 to October 24. The $200 limit set for princi pals, assistant superintendents and other educational personnel will increase amounts available for payments to teachers, but the differential has not yet been de termined. On the basis of a percentage of a month’s pay,, grade school teachers at the bottom salary lev el of $220 a month will receive a bonus of $91.08. Those at the top grade school pay will receive $132.48. High school teachers will receive $107.64 to $173.80. Every teacher who holds a reg ular or temporary certificate will receive a payment depending on the time worked in the month ending October 24. Civil service employes, including those who may have teaching certificates, were* ruled out. The money available for the bonus is part of tfie additional state aid voted by the legislature. The assembly made most of the sum available this year, but re fused to grant the great increase sought in state aid by educational organisations. Chicago alone sought enough to pay top salaries of $4,000 in grade and $4,80^ in high schools. FOREIGN AFFAIRS TOPIC FOR AFL RADIO PROGRAM Washington, D. C.—The AFL’s radio program. “Labor, USA,” scheduled for September 30th, will be devoted to a discussion of in ternational developments and for eign policy. Participants in the discussion will be Irving Brown, the AFL’s European representative, Joseph D. Keenan, secretary of thef Chi cago Federation of Labor and Philip Pearl, the AFL's publicity director. “Labor, USA” originates in Washington and is brodacast each Tuesday evening at 10:30 P. M. Eastern Daylight Time over the nation-wide network of the Amer ican Broadcasting Company. Con sult your local newspapers for the exact time of the broadcast in your community. 110 TO WAGE CONTINUING CAMPAIGN TOWARD WORLD UNITY ON LAROR MATTERS Montreal. Canada.-—The Inter national Labor Organization pledged that it would continue to do everything in its power to contribute to “widening and deep ening the unity of effort" of the United Nations and the special ized international agencies asso ciated with the UN. The pledge was contained in the first report prepared by the ILO and submitted to the United Nations for consideration at the current session of the United Na tions General Assembly at Lake Success, N. Yj The ILO, which was established in 1919, is the oldest of the spec ialized agencies which now form part of the United Nations frame work. It was brought into rela tionship with the United Nations last year with the approval by the General Assembly of the UN and the General Conference of the ILO of an agreement establishing methods of co-operation between the organizations. Covering the period between the establishment of the United Na tions and July 16 of this year, the report surveys the postwar activities of the ILO, with par ticular emphasis on a number of Mg*, appear terest to the United Nations at the present time. These are employment and unemployment, social security, the protection of children and young persons, women’s work, maritime labor, social policy in nonmetro politan territories, and migration. Pointing out that 86 Interna tional Labor Conventions, or treaties, and 82 Recommendations have been adopted by the Organ ization to date, the report de Clares that the obligations and standards embodied in these in struments “have been one of the main formative influences upon the development of social legis lation in many countries during the last three decades." The total number of ratifications of the Conventions is given at 948. In the field of social security, the report says, the emphasis of the ILO’» work has shifted from the establishment of social insur ance standards to a broader con ception which seeks the exten sion of social security measures to provide “a basic income to all in need of such protection and comprehensive medical care.” This new conception, it declares, now forms the foundation of the Or ganization’s work in the social se curity sphere. The report traces a similar shift of emphasis in the Organi zation’s work in behalf of women. Its earlier work, it shows, was designed primarily to -protect ma ternity, while in recent years in creasing stress has been laid in ensuring for women equal treat ment- with men workera. The growing importance of the ILO’s work in advising govern ments on social questions is em phasised by the report. The mem bed countries, it points out, have come increasingly to recognize the value of the information and ex perience amassed by the Interna tional Labor Office, the Organiza tion’s permanent secretariat, and to call upon the Office for infor mation and advice on the ques tions with which the Organiza tion deals. to be of special WILLIAMS RESIGNS FROM PA. STATE LABOR POSITION Harrisburg. Pa. — David Wil liams, Deputy Secretary of Labor and Industry since 1943, resigned. Williams will leave the state service to accept a post as labor relations adviser to Schenly Dis tillers, Inc., New York. A former secretary-treasurer of the Penn sylvania Federation of T-^r (AFL), Williams has had a »ong career in the labor relations field.