WIRE or RllTi to Yoir Cia;r«;a:i ia Protest A'lint All AITI - LABDI Bill*! CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL VOL. XVII: NO. 22 CHARLOTTE, N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1947 Subscription $2.00 Per Year SCHWELLENBACH ADDRESSES CONVENTION Repeal Of ‘Slave’ La.w Is Labor’s First Objective; Defeating Its Enemies A Close Second, Says Green SECRETARY OF LABOR SCHWELLENBACH SAYS SOARING PRICES OUTSTRIPPED LABOR’S WAGE BOOSTS IN LAST 15 MONTHS San Francisco.—Secretary of Labor Lewis B. Schwellen bach declared that during the last 15 months labor’s wage rates have never been able “to catch up with soaring prices. . In an address before the 66th convention of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, Mr. Schwellenbach singled out the high cost of living as the “most important economic issue facing the United States at the present time. Condemning those who seek to make labor the “goat for our present inflated price level, the Secretary said: “I think we should fight with all of our vigor any effort to continue the campaign to tie upon1 the wage earners of the country the label of being exclusively responsible for the increase.” , , . , . Mr. Schwellenbach asserted the most powerful, forceful leadership in the solution of the nation’s economic problems must come from the trade union movement. It represents the largest factor in our population, he said, and touches more intimately than any other factor the problems of the great mass of the American people. Secretary Sehweilenbach decriea the suspicion with which labor unions are viewed by many of our people who, at the same time, kowtow to many organizations found all through the pattern of American life.. He said: “When we get into the field of labor, when the people who work and give the toil and the sweat which makes possible the sMMfc efficient operation of opr mechan ical equipment, when they try to organize immediately they are suspected their efforts to organ ize are resisted, their efforts to effectuate some results for the people whom they represent, take on a sinister aspect in the public view. Those who have joined in the rank and file of organized workers are told that their lead ers are deceiving them and at tempting to sell them down the river to their employers.’’ Turning to a discussion of the rising cost of living, Mr. Schwel lenbach urged labor to under take a fair analysis of the wage price relationship and said: “If we do, it will be such a refreshing contract to the cam paign that has been carried on against you. ”1 think tnmt in part control the propaganda machines and who are opposed to organ-, ized labor want the American people to forget the prediction that they made in May and June! of 1946, and to shoulder the blame upon their favorite whip-J ping boy, the laboi; unions. The j facts don’t bear them out. The so-called economists whom they employ to get the figures to sup port their statements must blush with shame every time the pub licity agent grinds out a release “Let me repeat the statement that frankness and honesty com pel me to state there is a rela tionship between wage increases and price increases. It is not. however, a pushing up process or a pulling up process. All American labor attempted to do was to pursue prices and never, in the last 15 months, have they been able, to catch up. “Living costs during that per iod have increased 20 per cent. Weekly and hourly earnings of factory workers have risen less than 15 per cent. The $49 or $50 take-home pay of the aver age worker today buys just about the same goods and services that .his $33 did just after Pearl Harbor. “In other words, wage increases have been used as the excuse for price increases.” In contrast to the failure of the average worker to keep up with the rising cost of living, the Secretary pointed to the high profits enjoyed by manufactur ers and declared that any profits (Continued on Pago 4) FOOD PRICES ZOOM UPWARD ONCE MORE; GREEN TAXES POST ON CITIZENS BODY Washington, D. C. — As the President’s Citizens Food Com mittee prepared to meet at the White House, prices shot sky ward again and most food com modities rose the full legal limit on the trade exchanges. The sensational rise,, following a slump in prices on the nation’s primary markets, was attributed to the statement of the Harrimaa Foreign Aid Committee that this country should export 570 million bushels of grain, including 500 million bushels of wheat, during the year ending next June 30. Upon receipt of this news the wheat exchange promptly went on a rampage with the price jumping the full 10 cents allowable short ly after the market opened. The trend highlighted the prob lems of the committee headed by Cnaries Luckman appointed to formulate plans for an over-all conservation program to resist food prfce increases and to pro vide enough food for export to needy European countries. AFL President William Green accepted appointment to the Citi zens Committee and indicated ap proval of the President’s volun tary conservation plan. Mr. Green told reporters after a White House call that the Presi dent had advanced a “construc tive program” and added, “I think it is needed because the lituation is serious.” Mr. Green said the problem in volved “not only high prices here* but starvation in Europe” and he added, “We can’t let Europe starve.” Hicks b Named To Parks Commission Sterling L. Hicks, past presi dent of Charlotte Central Labor Union, and president of the Radio Technicians local of the I. B. E. | W„ was last week named by the 1 City Council to be a member of the Charlotte Parks and Recre ation Commission, This appoint ment gives Labor representation I on the Parks commission for1 the ■ first time in several years. Mr. Hicks is prominent in local , labor circles and organized labor is delighted that he waS selected I for the position. HOW DID SHE SNEAK IN? ^ ft I N<Hf0»*l S«wmr ' THROW HER OUT! Council Predicts That Workers W ill Win Out OPTIMISTIC REPORT SAYS RESURGENCE OF LABOR WILL RESULT FROM HARSH AND REPRESSIVE # EFFECTS OF ANTI-LABOR LEGISLATION San Francisco.—Rallying the forces of organized labor to mobilize their full strength for the drive to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, their Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor struck an optimistic note in its report to the 66th annual AFL convention here. Without minimizing the harsh and repressive effects of the new law, the Executive Council predicted that it would serve to arouse the nation's workers to a fighting pitch of union loyalty which is bound to result in a great resurgence of the trade movement. , After assailing Congress and reactionary employers for the enactment of the Taft-Hartley Act, the Executive Coun cil said in the introduction to its report: “The action of Congress is doubly regrettable because the world is looking to the United States for material help and for proof that democracy assures rights and oppor tunities for all national groups. Though the fighting war is over we have not yet won the peace for democracy. In the present crisis of international relations, all our national policies are under world review and directly affect our ability to carry out our international programs. Reac tionary employers used their great opportunity not to serve but to embarrass the cause of democracy. “These efforts to handicap and weaken unions have roused wage earners of the United States who have the resourcefulness and the faith to meet their difficulties in a way that will serve and strengthen our democratic insti tutions. The coming year will witness a revival of trade unions which will make each member conscious of his re nrmnaihilitifts/’ Other highlights of the Executive Council’s report to the convention follow: Re!at;ons With the CIO The Executive Council warned against any collaboration with the CIO until both organizations are merged into a single, united la bor movement. The AFL. the Council said, stands reaiy to meet with the CIO for the purpose of working out details of such a merger, as pledged by both sides. “We believe that this is the first and primary requirement,” the report said. "AM other things are incidental. "We cannot haye peace and war at the same time. We cannot pretend to work to gether in the legislative field while engaged in fighting and! raiding each other in another! field. We believe the rank and | file in both the AFL and the CIO favor the establishment of organi zational unity immediately, and the termination of strife, division, hatred and bitterness.” Foreign Policy Condemnation of Soviet Russia’s aggressive and expansionist pol icies feature! the Council’s dec laration on foreign policy. “The American Federation of Labor is gratified to note the ex tent to which our government has abandoned a policy of appease ment and adopted a policy of plain speaking,” the Council re port said. “We note with approval a pro posal in Congress to urge amend ment of the Charter of the United Nations to abolish the veto power of the five nations and to substi (Continued on Page 2) ADVERTISING AND RADIO SHOWS PART OF AFL PROGRAM San Francisco.—The Executive Council recommended a vastly ex panded eiucational and public re 'atiotis program to be carried on n 1948. ” If approved by the convention, "he AFL will embark on a news paper advertising drive and spon sor a highly popular natu>n-wid> radio program during t;>48. The text of the statement fol lows: The extfcnt to which big busi ness dominates the media through which public opinion is influenced ind molded was forcibly impressed upon labor during the period when the Taft-Kartley Bill was being considered by Congress. Almost without fail, the speci ous propaganda formulated by the sponsors and supporters of this egisiation was given wide pub licity in the press and over ths radio. On the other hand, at tempts by labor officials to re fute this propaganda and 50 «** pose the true nature of the leg islation were given scant mention. The daily newspapers, with an amazing degree of unanimity, supported the legislation editori ally. Many newspaper columnists carried on a virtual crusade for the Taft-Hartley Bill and vic iously attacked anyone who op posed it. The same was true, to a large extent, of radio com mentators, one of whom even had the effrontery to identify the measure as “the labor reform bill." Because of this situation, the Executive Council authorized a special advertising and radio campaign, financed by assessments on national and international un ions, to bring home the truth about the legislation to the Amer ican people. Thus, for the first time in its history, the American Federation of Labor was com pelled to buy space in the news papers and time on the air, day after day and week after week, to express its views in a way that would command public atten tion. The fact that the Taft-Hartley Bill was eventually enacted over President Truman’s veto does not detract from the effectiveness of the educational campaign against it which was carried on by the American Federation of Labor. The need for the establishment ani maintenance of a permanent public relations program for the purpose of offsetting the wide spread propaganda activities of the powerful forces arrayed against organized labor is both very great and clearly apparent. The Ameican Federation of La bor program should be aimed not only at the repeal of the Taft Hartley Act and the ^defeat of similarly repressive ! le^iation, but it should also stress the pos itive achievements of the Ameri can Federation of Labor in behalf of the nation’s workers and the American people as a whole. The task of building up better relations for organized (abort will require expansion of the Informa tion and Publicity Service of the AFL. It will require a planned annual program of newspaper ad vertising and it will likewise in volve a carefully prepared series of radio programs on an annual basis designed to reach a maxi mum audience. In the radio field, the entertainment unions affili ated with the American Federa (Continued « Page 4) KEYNOTE ADDRESS BEFORE 66TH AFL CONVENTION RAPS CHARGES OF LABOR’S INEFFICIENCY; HITS AT THOSE OBSTRUCTING PEACE San Francisco.— Sounding; the keynote at the opening of the 66th convention of the American Federation of La bor, William Green, AFL President, declared repeal of the Taft-Hartley law is the number one objective of the labor movement. Mr. Green, speaking before the 700 delegates to the larg est convention over held by the AFL, pledged uncompro mising efforts on the part of labor to work for the defeat of every' member of Congress who voted for the oppressive measure. Wild cheering by the enthusiastic audience greeted Mr. Green’s references to the Taft-Hartley law and the politi cal campaign against its sponsors. Throughout! hip speech spontaneous applause could be heard ringing through the vast hall where the representatives of the AFL’s largest membership in history, nearly 7.600,000, gathered to map lal>or’s plans for the forthcoming year. SUITE FEDERATION COUNCIL VOTES SAN ON CONVENTION PARTICIPATION SY COMMIES New York City.—The executive council of the New York State Federation of Labor adopted a program which will result in pre venting Communists from taking ■ part in future conventions and conferences of the federation. Fourteen members of the 16 man council who attended a meet ing here voted unanimously for a resolution to that effect. While the proposed amendment to the federation's policy does not mention Communists by name, a spokesman for the council made it clear that they were objects of the action. The state feieration already bars Communists from “seeking or holding any office” in the organization. Before it can become effective the amendment must be offered to the annual convention of the federation next July. It would not become operative until a year from its acceptance. The change would prevent Communists from acting as representatives or del egates either at federation con ventions or at conferences par | ticipated in by it. The council aUo called on Gov ernor Dewey to set up a commit tee, on which labor would be rep resented, to investigate the. high cost of food and other commodi ties and to recommend action and legislation to the State Legisla ture. ( Other resolution* condemned the “gross misuse of the veto power" by Soviet representatives to the United Nations and instructed delegates to the national conven tion of the American Federation of Labor in San Francisco to back all moves to repeal the Taft-Hart ley Act. AFL MUNICIPAL WORKERS j | DRIVE FOR $500 INCREASE New York City. — Walter S. Pasnick, representative of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes, announced a drive for a $500 wage increase for city employes. Mr. Pasnick cited thre ever in creasing cost of jiving as one of the basic causeg of the wage de mand and noted that employes are resigning from the city serv ices because of the prevailing low level of wages and salaries. He charged that the city cannot go on to furnish services to its residents at the expense of its employes, whose average wage is $35.75 a week as compared with the average weekly income of fac tory workers of $49-25. j Tne neat week of the sessions are devoted to guest speakers who will present their views on timely subjects. Meanwhile behind the scenes, convention commit tees prepare the programs and resolutions for presentation to and action by the delegates. ' An air of tenseness prevailed as the union members assembled here prepared to face the momentous tom* which He ahead. * "" The opening session was called to order by John Shelly, Cali fornia State Senator and presi dent of the California Federa ation of Labor and three members Mr. Green, following addresses of welcome by Governor Earl Warr'en and Mayor Roger Lap ham of San Francisco. Other preliminary addresses were deliv ered by C. J. Haggerty, secretary treasurer of the California Feier ation f Labor, and three members of Congress. U. S. Senator Sheri dan Downey, and Representative Richard J. Welch and Frank R. H avert ner, boLn of San Fran cisco. President Green's strong, reso nant voice echoed through the hall as he called upon the workers of the nation and the delegates to the convention to work to get out the vote in 1948. “In order to accomplish this purpose, this convention, I know, will direct and order we estab lish election day in 1948 as a holi day so that the workers can march to the polls and vote against their enemies. We have the votes if we can get them into the hallot box. “The milions of workers whom Lincoln said God must have loved because He mad^ so many of them, along with their staunch and devoted friends outside the tabor movement, will march to the polls arid cast their votes, and if they do, there will he no doubt as to the outcome of the eiect'on. “So now we must perpare for this. It is up to us to do the job. The workers of the nation can do it and will do it in my judgment. If we organize irght from the bot tom to the op, and see to it that every worker records hia vote oh election day to those who voted against them and stood' against them in their hour of need. "Our appeal will he to the workers of the nation and to all our friends to stand with us in thia crisis, defeating this attempt to limit freedom, liberty, anil de mocracy and to substitute there for dictatorship and governmental control of the economic life and activity of the workers of this na- , tion. In that way we will be fighting, not only to preserve la bor from tljis anti-labor legisla tion, but in addition for the pres ervation of freedom, liberty, de mocracy and justice in the United States of America.”

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