WIRE or W2JT£ (o Toar CMjresjmsa ia Protest Ajii.ul Ail ANTI - LABOR Bills! CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL VOL. XVII; NO. 24 CHARLOTTE. N. C.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1917 Subscription $2.00 Per Year TRUMAN PRAISES LABOR; W ARNS OF BUILDING CRISES San Francisco. — In praise of American workers, President Truman said that “without the patriotic support of the workers of America” the nation’s recent victories over tyranny abroad and want in this country would not have been possible. Mr. Truman declared we are enjoying a prosperous period which has brought full employ* ment and new levels of produc tion, but he warned that the housing and inflation crises must be solved before we “can main tain a stable and prosperous economy.” In a message of greeting to the AFL’s convention here, the Pres ident said the AFL, in addition' to the welfare of its own mem bers, is vitally interested in the welfaie of the nation as a whole, in the broadening of the social security system, and in the establishment of an adequate health insurance system. A part 6f the President’s, mes sage was devoted to the “criti cal conditions which threaten the well-being of the entire world.” He expressed assurance that la bor could be depended upon “to co-operate with an all-out ef fort to .help feed the hungry across the seas in the months ahead.” The text of the President’s message follows: “Please convey my greetings to American Federation of Labor in attendance at the 66th annual convention of your organisation. I wish them and you a success ful meeting. “Since your lirst convention, the United States has grown in j power and prestige until today i we are the most powerful and , prosperous nation in the world. That power and prosperity bring j with them added responsibilities not only to our own people, but to the needy and oppressed peo ple in other lands. Our eco nomic and political problems and those of Europe are now inter locked in a manner undreamed of in the early days of your or ganization. “People in many parts of the i world are looking to us for aid | until they can again become self supporting members of the com munity of nations. I feel sure that the working men and women of America do not begrudge our sharing of our abundance with those less fortunate, especially in view of the fact that our pro duction today is greater than ever before in peacetime. “I know, too, that labor and industry, recognizing the serious ness of the situation abroad, will co-operate to raise the production level still further to help meet the critical conditions which threaten the well-being of the entire world. I feel sure that America can depend upon its workers to co-operate fully and generously in an all-out effort to help feed the hungry across the seas in the months ahead. The need for grain in many countries in the year ahead will be even more acute than in the past. The United States must export large amounts of food if this need is to be met—but to do so will re quire the conservation of food by every American. The Presi dent of the American Federation of Labor is a member of the Cit izens Food Committee which is helping the government plan ways and means of conserving essential food, and I am sure that the members of your unions are squarely behind the effort to pro vide the food that will enable p|^p|| other countries %© ♦— their rehabilitation. •We la the United States have (Ceataoed On Pagt 4) .1 COUNCIL RESTATES VETERANS POLICY San Francisco.—The Executive Council declared that public policy concerning veterans should not only adjust their legitimate griev ances but should create an atmo sphere of goodwill in which both veterans and non-veterans receive equal treatment as citizens. ‘•Veterans arnd non-veterans alike must realize that this coun try will prosper only if all groups are prosperous,” the Council’s re port declared. “For the American Federation of Labor, we urge that every ..pos sible action be taken to cement friendly relations between vet erans and organized labor. .Al though much progress has been made in this, it is important to realize that any substantial drop in employment is likely to create new tension. “A return to the era of unem- j ployment and job competition will be disastrous to all workers. But the veterans will look upon it as their betrayal. If this natioft neg lects its responsibility of main taining full employment. the “bonus marches” of 1932 are cer tain to be repeated on a greatly magnified scale. "Soldiers and sailors of yester day are Workers and citizens of today. As workers and as citi must make common cause*'with organized labor in furthering policies which would avert another depression and help build a nation strong in peace, able to yield a.better life to all.” The Council reviewed the pol icies of the AFL towards the prob lems involved in the veteran's re integration into civilian life and discussed the work of the AFL Veterans Committee. It said: "The American Fed era ion of Labor Committee on Veterans, composed of Vice-President Woll, Secretary-Treasurer Meany and Robert J. Watt, translated these objectives into specific policies and procedures adopted bv vir tually all of our unions. Initia tion and reinstatement fees have been waived or drastically re duced, membership in good stand ing maintained without dues, ben efits paid, apprentice training re quirements relaxed, and special contract clauses written in order to make the transition period easier for the veteran and to give him better protection on his job. “Through the mechanism of the collective agreement, the veter an’s right to his job and all im provements in terms of employ ment secured by the union in his absence have been protected. Spe (Continued On Page 4) LIBERALS PUN DRIVE DN TUFT-HARTLEY UW New York City.—Leaders of the Liberal party announced the start of an intensive campaign for re peal of tha Taft-Hartley law and preparation for the 1948 national election. Party leaders, including David Dubinsky, president of the Inter national Ladies Garment Workers Union, conferred with labor of ficials for the purpose of estab lishing political units in the var ious unions and their locals. The units will not be identical with the union organisations thus avoid ing any possibility of violating the Taft-Hartley law’s ban on political activity by unions. As part oSf their activities the Liberal party organisation plans an intensive drive to register all eligible voters. Unions have co operated in this endeavor by dis tributing literature and cards pledging the signers to register. Jill. J iiwnririfi'infiiiir -mr i;'. ' .. *■&■■■ ■ RUSSIAN TACTICS CALI FOR PLAIN TALKING, SAYS AFL San Francisco.—The Executive Council declared that labo^ must interest itself in “national for eigji policy” and called for “plain speaking” in our relations with Soviet Russia which nation has blocked all efforts toward world peace and security. • In a section of its report deal ing with foreign policy the Coun cil declared: “The time is past when the la bor movement of any country can safely refrain from interesting itself in national foreign policy and maintaining positive standards by which that policy should be determined. We can no longer be satisfied merely with the ab sence of w^r, for while war is a catastrophe we earnestly wish to avoid, we have learned that only in alert and tireless planning to maintain peace lies security. We are constantly made conscious of how national policies are related to foreign policies and how for eign policies impact on national policies.” Criticizing Russia for her ob structionist ’tactics in blocking European recovery and other moves toward world peace, the. Council said: we nave wiinessea .soviet. i»c tics in preventing even formu lation of the Austrian peace treaty; in blocking action in the Security Council on a security military force to enable that body to perform its duties under the charter; in attempting to block investigation of obvious efforts at aggression in the Balkans, etc. Such eperiences have brought our government to a realization of need for positive action to assure democratic countries opportunity for economic and hence political recovery. “When it became obvious that Soviet Politburo intended to ex tend its control by pressure on Greece and Turkey, the President asked for appropriations to enable us to safeguard these key states. The purpose of tne President’s plan were later embodied in Sec retary Marshall’s proposal for ec onomic recovery of Europe. “However, the USSR refused to | co-operate and has effectively forbidden its satellite border na tions to participate, thus dividing Europe. r>ince tne roisaam vumcicutc in V945 there have been no furth er conferences between the heads of the United Nations and no further conferences between the officials responsible for policies since the Moscow conference of last spring which the Soviet repre sentatives made futile by obstruc tive and dilatory tactics. It is obvious that the USSR does not want peace in Europe and either does not understand democratic procedures with the give and take necessary to reach agreement or, finds the methods of force and aggression more suitable to its i objectives. “In United Nations meetings, the agents of the USSR have 11 times blocked majority decisions by use of its veto power. Such abuse of power which was intended for reluctant use in serious situations, makes plain that the Charter must be amended or become a farce. “The American Federation of Labor is gratified to note the ex tent to which our government has abandoned a policy of appease ment and adopted a policy of plain speaking.” Turning to ^ discussion of the United Nations the Council’s re port urged amendment of the Charter of the United Nations to “abolish the veto power of the five nations and to substitute ma jority rule for all determinations.” The Charter should be amended further, the Council declared, to provide for direct participation of labor in the United Nations to prevent its development* as a bu reaucracy responsible only to tho governments of the member na tions. The report stated: “The American Federation of Labor believes that the work of (Coattaaed ea Page 2) \RIZONA FEDERATION BACKS CO-OP MOVEMENT Tucson, Ariz. — The Arizona State Federation Of Labor went on record in sifljport of * the co operative movement and set up committees in each local to study wtys and means of furthering it. The annual convention of the federation adopted a formal res olution declaring the co-operative movement to be the only practical method in sight which will bring a “semblance of democracy to our economic order.” PROBERS UR6E CURB ON FOOD SPECULATION; ASKS PROFITS TAX, WAGE LAW New York City.—A joint con gressional subcommittee, probing into the causes of rising living costs urged President Truman to take decisive action to curb spec ulation and margin buying on the nation’s food commodity ex changes. At the hearing conducted by the committee the Congressmen heard William Collins. AFI, Re gional Director, urge similar ac tion by Congress as a means of stifling the upward trend in food prices. Mr. lomns testmed on behali of the Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater New York. He portrayed vividly the losing battle being waged by the aver age American worker against the ever-rising price level and put forth a concrete program for halt ing inflation. He urged congressional action to curb commodity speculation, the encouragement of consumer co operatives to reduce excessive profits reaped in t& distribution of products, a vigorous campaign against wastage of food, reim position of the excess profits tax. and immediate passage of. a 75 centg an hour minimum wage law. Members of the committee hit at speculation in basic foods, terming such action a “crime against our civilization" and "ri liculoui.” After consultation, fol lowing the hearing, they dis patched the following tetegram *o President Truman: “It has become clear to the members of the Eastern subcom mittee of the Joint Committee on Prices that grain and commodity speculation is accentuating mar ket fluctuations instead of de creasing them, \nd that presently it is supporting food prices at un justifiable levels. "we tnereiore urge tnat your Administration use every means within its power to restrain this dangerous activity. In so doing you will have full support. It is incredible that so large opera* tions in the necessities of life should be permitted on such small cash margins. These margins could be greatly increased to the benefit of consumers’ food prices, if special provision were made for normal millers hedging opera tions. “We also urge careful study of the manner and timing of govern mental food purchased, whether for foreign relief or for the armed forces, in order that their specu lative effect may be minimised.” Signing the telegram were Sen ators Ralph E. Flanders of Ver mont, Raymond E. Baldwin of Connecticut, and Francis J. Myers of Pennsylvania; and Represen tatives Robert F. Rich of Penn sylvania, Clarence E.. Kilbum of New York, and Edward J. Hart of New Jersey. NAVY PER DIEM WORKERS TO GET PAY BOOST SOON Washington, D. C.—The Navy Department, said wages of its 200,000 per diem employes will be raised within the next few weeks. The wage increases are expect ed to match salary increases giv en employes in private industry who do similarwork. Under the law, theNavy Dept, is required to pay its per diem employes the same private industry rates pre vailing in the areas where Navy installations are located. TRANSPORT WORKERS .. WARY OF JOINING RED-DOMINATED WFTU Washington, D. C.—The Inter national Transport Workers Fed eration does not intend to allow itself to he' swallowed up by the World Federation of Trade Un ions which is dominated to a large extent by Russia. The executive committee of the iTWF meeting here for one of its regular executive sessions adopted a declaration indicating its reluctance to become affili ated with the WFTU on terms set out by the later organization. In a statement the committee, represening some 3,000.000 work ers in many nations, said negoti ations carried on since 1946 “have not contributed to narrowing the gap between the divergent points of view.” The ITWF has resisted stead fastly efforts on the part of the WFTU leadership to force affilia tion of the two groups under reg ulations promulgated by thi WFTU and submitted to the ITWF and other international group s for ratification. The ITWF maintains that "the ques tion of international organization | by trade or industry is one to be decided by the individual organi i zations themselves.” inf action ianen uy me nwr executive committee may be sup ported by some lfij similar inter national labor organizations com prising more than 35,000,000 workers in many fields, all of which face the same problem of preserving their autonomy when considering affiliation with the WFTU. These organizations have had a long existence in Europe but American unions have been alow to affiliate with them. The bodies comprise workers in specific crafts and occupations, united on an in ternational basis to further their economic interests by raising standards of wages and working conditions. The Transport Workers Federa tion, for example, consists of rail way men, dock workers, seamen, and road haulage workers. The General Secretary of the federa tion is J. H. Oldenbrock o^ Hol land. In the background, but not dis cussed in negotiations, is the fear of many officials of the various international labor groups that Russia may gain an upper hand, on the basis of claimed member ship, in the activities of their or ganizations if they affiliate with the WFTU. This parallels the stand taken by the American Fed eration of Labor when it refused to have anything to do with the WFTU on the grounds that the Russian trade unions are not free trade unions, but are merely tools of the Soviet governmyit. I ui lino i vaavn inv »» »» • been wary of affiliation with the WFTU. Meanwhile, it hag built up its strength by welcoming into its fold 1,500,000 American rail way employes, members of the Railway Labor Executives Asso ciation. Discussions have also been held relating to the possible affiliation of the AFL’s teamsters’ organization. The I FT also welcomed the 350, 000 German railway workers in the United States, British and French zones. This was done de spite the Russian policy of form ing only a single, unified labor organization in all the occupied zones. - • *. RY CARMEN EXTEND BARGAINING RIGHTS Chicago, 111.—Bargaining rights of the AEL’s Railway Carmen on Hie Burlington have been ex tended to another group of em ployes within the union’s juris diction, those in the railroad’s stores department at Havelock, Nebr. A poll by the National Media tion Board showed a substantial majority wanted ne presentation by the Carmen, and the board, threefore, amended a previous certification of the Brotherhood to include the additional unit. AFL CALLED ON TO INTENSIFY HOUSING WORK ♦ DENHAM ISSUES COMPLAINT AGAINST TWO AFL UNIONS Washington, D. C.—Robert N. Denham, general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board, utilized tht* powers given him by the Taft-Hartley law and swung into action against two AFL un ions. • Two complaints issued under Denham's direction^ charged the International Typographical Union with refusal to bargain, and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters with staging a secondary boycott. Both of the actions alleged in the complaints are illegal under the Taft-Hartley law. In Baltimore. Maryland, the NLRB regional director issued a complaint against Typographical Union No. 12 on a charge made by The Graphic Arts League, an organization of 22 employers formed for the purpose of con ducting negotiations with the un ion. , The complaint alleged thaULo cal 12 and the international union “have at all times since on or about August 26, 1947, refused and continue to refuse to bargain collectively in good faith with the Graphic Arts League, acting on behalf of the companies in respect to rules of pay, wages, hours of employment or other conditions of employment of the employes in the unit set forth.” The complaint further alleged that the union had "restrained and toe reed” the printing establish ments in the exercise of rights guaranteed under the act. The complaint issued against the t Typographical Union is the first test of the union's policy, adopted j at its recent convention, to re frain from signing new contracts under the Taft-Hartley law and to merely post in the employer’s establishment “conditions of em ployment” satisfactory to the un ion. In the secondary boycott case another NLRB regional director asked the U. S. District Court in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for a mandatory injunction, against Lo cal 74 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and its business agent. Under the Taft-Hartley law the NLRB general counsel has no discretion concerning ac tion taken on alleged secondary boycotts. He is required to seek an injunction from the court. In the petition presented to the court, it was alleged that the un ion interfered with completion of a building on which the floor, wall and floor coverings were being in stalled by Watson’s specialty store of Chattanooga. The work was being done by nop-union employes. The allegation stated that the (Continued on Page 4) AFL COUNCIL TO ISSUE additional reports San Francisco. — The Executive Council let it be known that it plans to submit several vitally important supplementary reports to the AFL convention after the sessions get under way. Among these are: t 1— A report outlining plans for an integrated political drive in 1948 to defeat the enemies of la bor. 2— A report recommending how funds can be raised for carrying on political activities and* for financing a broad educational and public relations campaign in 1948. 8—A report giving the con clusions reached by the officers at affiliated national and inter national . unions at iperisl conference In Washington last July on dealing with the new hfiTtfjftiw pltcid upon IhImtt by the Taft-Hartley Act. f: San Francisco. — Mr. Lee F. Johnson, executive vice-president of the National Public Housing: Conference, called 'upon the AFL to spearhead a renewed, intensive drive for passage of the General Housing Bill, originally spon sored by Senator Robert F. Wag ner. In an address before the AFL convention, Johnson attacked the real estate lobby and other em ployer groups in the construction industry for their failure to pro vide decent low-cost homes for American workers and their ef forts to place the blame for pres ent high construction costs upon organized' labor. He declared: “Labor costs cannot be blamed honestly for the tremendous rise in housing costs today. Of course there has been an increase, there must be. but the wage increase of building tradesmen is small indeed in comparison to the prof its that are being taken all along the line by the privileged inter ests which are calling the shots in the Congress today. “We are faced with the un believable fact that an America that could produce millions of homes to house war workers, and carry on the fight that we had to carry on, is apparently im potent in times of peace. “The contribution that the building trades made in provid ing war housing is one that ■hourtf Sr defended as ahiong the heroic deeds of the war. Homes were produced over night, not anything very fancy, but decent shelter which made possible the employment of labor to produce tanks, ships, and guns. That job was done by union labor. The houses were there in time to save the nation. And I ask myself sometimes, to save it for what? “We knew that we had to do something about saving the de mocracy, that we talked so much about when peacetime came. We knew that the greatest and most immediate need would be for homes for returning veterans and their families. Most of them newly created families. “We met and resolved and held conventions, and elected a Con gress that is the complete tool of those who spy that industry must be served first, that real estate operators must get their cut first, that the long fought for basic rights of labor must be reconsidered. We elected a Congress with all of the Tory instincts, bud none of its enlight ened self-interest. “We the people, are in a very bad spot today, and you and I have permitted it to happen. We have the potential strength of the vast majority of American voters, if we work as a team." Mr. Johnson said the National Public Housing Conference stands ready to co-operate with labor in a drive to rid the nation’s cities of slums and to stimulate home building through a cam paign to enact the Wagner-El lender-Taft general housing bill. “We must not,” he said, “we shall not, stop our fight for ade quate homes for all American families until the American peo ple have won.” TRUMAN SENDS MESSAGE TO PADWArg WIDOW President Truman sent the fol lowing telegram of sympathy and condolence to Mrs. Joseph A. Padway: “I am shocked and saddened by the death under such tragic circumstances of your devoted husband, who was my faithful friend of many years. Please ac cept for yourself aad for all who moors with you this assur ance of heartfelt sympathy.”

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