Truman Praises Labor (Continued Prom Page 1) been fortunate. We have fought and won two terribly ware with in cur time. Now our huge la bor force is again peacefully pro ducing far abundance None of these victories over the forces of tyranny and want would have been possible without the patri otic support of the workers of America. “Marked economic changes have taken place since your con vention last year. Employment has reached record figures; un employment has been held to a minimum. Substantial wage in creases have benefited millions of workers. Production has leached new peacetime levels and work stoppages have declined. But prices hav«* advanced to un reasonable heights and housing is far insufficient for the needs of many of our citizens. These arc conditions which must be remedied so that we can maintain a stable and prosperous economy rn which all will share the ben efit*. “The American Federation of Labor is concerned with the im mediate welfare of its members, and the improvement of their se curity and their u-orking and liv ing conditions. It is likewise con cerned with the interests of the nation as a whole, with the broad ening of our social' security sys tem so ‘ that its benefits may be extended to a greater number and with the establishment of an adequate system of health insur ance. “I know that the delegates to your convention will, in their de liberations, place first on the order of business the welfare of our country and the means by which we may in co-bperation. one with the other, build an ever expanding economy in the inter ests of .our own people and those f Europe who are looking to us] to help them regain their eco nomic health and political sta bility.” •** AFL’s TEXTILE WORKERS WIN FAVORABLE CONTRACT Liwriiicf, Maes.—The AFL'3 United Textile Worker* negotiated a new agreement with the Arl lington Mill* division of the Wil liam Whitman Co*' Under the contract, which run* until August 1, 1949, the union gained six paid holiday*, improved paid vacation*, time and a half pay for Saturday* and Sundays, hospitalization and, surgical bene fit*, life, accident and sickness in surance, and other benefits. The agreement provided for no immediate wage increase, but con tains a clause providing* for re opening of the wage, question in February and Augtsst of each year. The UTW recently defeated the CIO in an election to determine the bargaining agent for the com pany’s 6,000 employes. The AFL group won by a large margin in its successful resistance to the CIO's raiding attempt. WARNING FOR OFFICIALS OF AFL LOCAL UNIONS • San Francisco.'—The Post Of fice Department issued a warn I . mg to secretaries of local unions to refrain from acting as dis ! tributors for the New South Wales State Lottery of Sydney. Australia. _ State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Bertha B, Howell, Plaintiff, vs. Earl Palmer Howell, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will take notice that an action as en titled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Mecklen burg County, North Carolina by the plaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce upon the grounds of two years separation; and the defen dant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Mecklenburg County at the Court House in Charlotte, North Carolina within twenty (20) days after the 20th day of Novem ber, 1047, and answer or demur i to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the’ relief demanded in the sitid complaint. This the 2.')rd day of October, 1947. J. LESTER WOLFE, Clerk of Superior Court. (10-23, 30; 11-6, 13-c) G-E BULBS STAY BRIGHTER LONGER When you buy G-E bulbs you get the benefit -* . by-laws. etc. a?i Stat,°ncry> PdPer t>y Union C y Un,on Craftsmen. to p/case. r^mans^P Suaranteed ^ 4-5502 “ * STAUs rontn5 co~ « «or ... a. ~W « 1V|| aro//nt