WIRE or MITE to Toor Ctogressaeo io Protest Ajiiiil All ANTI - LABM Bills! CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL CHARLOTTE. N. C.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 VOL. XVII; NO. 27 Subscription $2.00 Per Year KENTUCKY ELECTION VICTORY FOR LABOR COURT DENIES NLRB INJUNCTION AGAINST CARPENTERS TAFT-HARTLEY BACKER SOUNDLY WHIPPED BY A THREE-TO-ONE MAJORITY Washington, D. C.—AFL President William Green hailed the results of the recent gubernatorial election in Ken tucky as a clear-cut victory for labor over the supporters of the Taft-Hartley law. In a statement commenting upon the election results, Mr. Green said: “In the election, the Taft-Hartley law was subjected to its first test as a campaign issue. “In Kentucky, the Republican candidate for Governor, Eldon S. Dummit, made the Taft-Hart ley law his chief battle cry and asked for election on the ground that his Democratic opponent, Representative Earle C. Clements, had voted in Congress to uphold President Truman’s veto of that law. "Faced with this challenger the Kentucky State Federation of Labor presented the facts to the workers of Kentucky and made special efforts to bring out the labor vote on election day. The result was the overwhelming de feat of the proponent of the Taft-Hartley law and the elec tion of Representative Clements by an estimated three to one mar gin. “This is exactly what the American Federation of Labor is determined to do on a national scale in the 1948 elections and we hail the results in Kentucky as a happy augury of the suc cess of our efforts.” Senator Robert A. Taft, un happily for his own political ad vancement, said on October 15 that the outcome in Kentucky would "reflect to a large degree which party will select a Presi dent in 1948.” Backing up Mr. Green with an on-the-spot report, Edward H. Weyler, secretary-treasurer of the Kentucky Federation of Labor, told of the activities of the AFL units in Kentucky which helped get out the vote ttf roll up the 80,000 majority serving “to ex pode the fallacy that the public desired Restrictive labor legis lation.” In the city of Louisville, con sidered in advance to be a weak spot for the Democrats, Mr. Wey ler said the work of the AFL’s unions there resulted in a Dem ocratic victory by a majority of nearly 8,000. He continued: “In the coal fields of Kentucky, in many districts traditionally Republican, the AFL - supported Democratic candidate carried a majority. In fact, our cand-date for governor carried his oppon ent’s county by more than 300 majority. “All of which, in my opinion, proves profoundly that the citi zens of Kentucky, industrial, agricultural, and small business, want and intend to have progres sive government of the people, by the people, and for the peo ple. “This election surely is a cri teria of the results whiA will be attained in the 1948 election which will free our nation from its re actionary leadership.” In other election contests throughout the nation, the AFL scored additional successes. In Detroit, Edward J. Jeffries was defeated for re-election as mayor, when the AFL withdrew its sup port previously given to Jeffries in three earlier mayoralty con tests. The CIO support of Jeff ries, given this year for the first time, proved inadequate to coun teract the AFL’s announced inten tion to work for his defeat. In Philadelphia, the AFL-sup ported mayor was re-elected, proving once again the ineffec tiveness of the CIO, which cam paigned against him. ZANDER CALLS FOR CC-OPS TO ACT AS A DISCIPLINARY FORCE San Francisco. — Arnold S. Zander, president of the AFL’s State, County, and Municipal Em ployes Union, in an address to the AFL convention character ised the consumers cooperative movement as a “sleeping giant” which, if aroused, could wield a great source of power for social good. Mr. Zander, chairman of the AFL’s Committee on Consumer Co-operatives, spoke to the con vention following the adoption Q.f a declaration stating that “con sumers co-operatives and credit unions will promote higher stan dards of living for wage earn ers.” Mr. Zander urged unions to give ever-increasing support to co-operatives and emphasised the importance of the co-operative movement as a disciplinary force upon industry which, if properly guided, could serve as a potent weapon against the reactionary forces that brought about passage of the Taft-Hartley law. He said: “I want to refer to the discip linary aspects of the consumer co-operative movement. I offered to you the fact that if we had a strong, well organized consumers co-operative movement, we could cut into the principalities of the opposition. Lei me oner, xur insiamc, this, that if we were distributing in this country more than one third of the total amount of milk distributed in the country, as is the case in Great Britain, we would then not have standing against us that segment of our industrial empire fighting us and giving us Taft-Hartley laws. “Or if we had opposition in the last Congress from the em ployers, from the manufacturers of boots and shoes, let me say to you that in some of the countries where co-operatives are strong, they are in position to control that industry and the people in it, so they will not take anti social positions." Mr. Zander told of the out standing success achieved by con sumer co-operatives in European countries, particularly Sweden and Great Britain, and asserted that there is close association between the co-operative move ment and the labor movement in those countries. Of Great Brit ain, he declared: “It is a requirement, a condi tion of employment in the con sumers co-operative movement of Great Britain that every employe of that movement must be a member of his trade union. And so in case after case we have these people forming the bulwark of the membership, the spear head of organizing drives, and a disciplinary force on the economy of the country. It is a move ment there with 10.000,000 mem bers out of a population of 48, 000,000. It is rich, it is power ful. “In one industry after another it is dominant, in one place after another it is controlling. It is able to supply every need of the households, and all the way (Please Turn to Page X) 9 RECRUITING STATIONS Located at POST OFFICE BUILDING Rock Hill. S. C., and POST OFFICE BUILDING Charlotte. N. C. * Mllli IN AVI (rotaht btfow yew •■Brt Th# U, S. Air Force offer* thousand! o{ young men a golden opportunity to make a lifetime career of aviation. A high school graduate who can qualify and who enlists for three years, can select his schooling before he enlists and be guaranteed that schooling after he has been accepted by the Air Force. The finest aviation training in the world in top-flight Air Force Specialist Schools. Men who have had two or more years of col lege education or equivalent may pilot training aa Avia tion Cadets. Get all the facts at your U. S. Army and Air Force Recruit ing Station. Small Taxpayers Not Helped By Committee’s Intentions, Says Woll Washington, D. C. — Matthew Woll, chairman of the AFL’s Committee on Taxation and a member of the Special Tax Study Committee appointed by Repre sentative Knutson, expressed gratification at the concern shown by the majority of the committee for the welfare of the small tax payer. Mr. Woll. who filed a minority report dissenting from the con clusions reached by the commit tee, declared, however, that the majority report should be judged by its specific recommendations, rather than by pious statements of good intentions. “If the major concern of the majority of the committee is to relieve the small taxpayer, then the majority recommendations can only be termed an insult to our intelligeiice," Mr. Woll said. “Their report is based on the assumption that the across-the board tax cuts of four billion dollars, as proposed by Repre sentative Knutson, will be made. The majority is aware that these reductions will only partially ease the tax load of millions of taxpayers at below subsistence income levels. “On the other hand, upper bracket taxpayers would be re lieved of a substantial portion of their tax bill. Knowing this, the majority make specific recommen dations in their report for further tax changes that! will involve the loss of additional billions of dol lars which will accrue mainly as savings to these same upper bracket income taxpayers.” Mr. Woll charged that the Knutson proposal, plus the spe cific tax revisions favored by a majority of the committee, would involve a total revenue loss to the Federal government of six to seven billion dollars. “I submit that such a proposal is fantastic because it so com pletely disregards our Federal revenue and our probable com mitments under the Marshall Plan,” Mr. Woll declared. - “Furthermore, this proposal would result in shifting a great er share of the tax burden from those more able to those less able to bear the tax load. Such a program Is not only inequitable. r but dangerous to the economy.” “Finally,” declared Mr. Woll, “the proof of the utter insinceri ty of the majority’s professed interest in the low income groups is found in their1 recommendation that excise taxes be increased and extended. Obviously, they hope to collect additional revenue either through taxes on luxuries or through taxes on necessities in common use. “Taxes on luxuries rarely yield any considerable revenue and fre quently defeat their purpose by discouraging consumption. Taxes on necessities, on the other hand, might yield additional revenue but would cut into the purchasing power apd living standards of the low income groups. “Anyone interested in tax equity or our social and economic welfare," concluded Mr. WoH, “can be either amused or out raged at Mr. Magill’s attempts to promote bigger and better taxes on cinsumers, while expressing concern for the small taxpayer.” •47 COLLEGE ENROLLMENT MILLION ABOVE PREWAR Washington, D. C.—The U. S. Office of Education announced that college and university en rollment in the fall of 1947 hit a new high level of nearly 2, 300,000 students. Figures on enrollment submit ted by the nation’s 1,778 insti I tutions of higher learning showed | the number of students to be ap proximately 1,000,000 above the peak prewar registration. Dt. John W. Studebaker, U. S. Commissioner of Education, said, “The continued increase in high er education enrollments, up 11 per cent this fall over the fall of 1946, means that our colleges and universities are going a long way toward making up the na tional deficit in trained manpower caused by the drawing off of college-age youth during the per iod of the war." Some of the largest enroll ments reported are: New York University, 46,312; University of California, 43,000; University of Minnesota, 28,312;* University of Illinois, 26,769; Ohio State Uni versity, 26,418; and Northwest ern University, 24,264. IBEW LOCAL WILL VOTE ON DI ES REDCCTION PLAN New York City.—Local 3 of th* AFL’s International Brotherhood •>f Elect Heal Worker* awnwiLJl that its membership will be asked to vote on a proposal to reduce the amount of union dues at a fortcoming meeting. Because of the healthy state of union’s treasury, its officers de cided to recommend a reduction from $42 to $34 in the semi-an nual dues for the local’s 6,500 Class A members. The union also announced that it had concluded an agreement with the New York Electrical Contractois Association liberaliz ing pension and health insurance benefits for its members. Chil dren, as well as wives of mem bers. will receive hospital care under the new program. -SEPT. AUTO PRODUCTION 3RD HIGHEST FOR YEAR Detroit.—Factory sales of pas senger cars in September hit a total of 307,879 units, or the sec ond highest month in 1947, 4he Automobile Manufacturers Asso ciation announced. September passenger car sales were up 18 per cent over August, and September sales of 112,420 trucks and coaches represented a 27 per cent rise over the prev ious month’s total of 88,274 com mercial units. Total factory sales in the first nine months of 1947 amounted to 3,497,811 vehicles, the AMA re port showed. Passenger canf ac counted for 2,570,059 .of the total, while truck and coach sales reached 927,752 units. X. Y. CAFETERIA EMPLOYES GIVEN I#% JUMP IN WAGE8 New York City.—Joseph Fox, secretary-treasurer of Local 302 of the AFL’s Cafeteria Employes Union, announced a strike of 4, 500 workers here was averted through the efforts of Arthur S. Meyer, chairman of the State Board of Mediation. An agreement was reached with the employers under which the union members receive a 10 per cent general wage increase and an increase of 15 per cent in minimum wage scales. New minimum scales range from $32 to $135 weekly. The union retained the 40 hour week in the new agreement when the employes agreed to drop their demand for extension ef the workweek to 45 hoars. I RULING SETS FORTH THAT ALL OF ALLEGED VIO LATIONS BY CARPENTERS PRIOR TO PASSAGE OF THE TAFT-HARTLEY ACT Chattanooga. Tenn.—Efforts of the National Labor Re lations Board to sustain charges of seeondarv boycotting and illegal picketing against a union fell flat when a'Federal Court refused to grant an injunction requested bv the NLRB. The court denied the application for an injunction against the Ignited Brotherhood of Carpetners and Joiners, ruling that all of the alleged violations on the part of the union took place prior to the effective date of the Taft-Hartley law. TRl'MAN URGES HIRING DISABLED; COMMITTEE ADOPTS DRIVE PROGRAM Washington, D. C.—President Truman stressed the need for st mutation of the employment of the nation's handicapped work ers and declared their rehabilita tion is “one of the most impor tant things I can think of.” Mr. Truman made his state- i Trent to h's committee on “Na tional Employ the Physically Handicapped Week” which met at the White House and agreed upon the following 8-point pro gram to spark the campaign: (1) Managemer.t-labor insti tutes throughout the country to secure employer acceptance of handicapped workers, emphas'se availability and advantages of Federal-States Employment Serv ice facilities, prepare a typical “in-planft” plan tot employment of disabled and secure increased employe interest from disabled and nondisabled alike; (2) Investigation of and as sistance to present and future community rehabilitation centers, formed to rehabilitate and employ the disabled at community level; (3) Collaboration with Gover nors’ Committees in the States; (4) Local. State and national essay contests “to stimulate the thinking of students, parents and teachers;” (5) Exposition showing the handicapped at work “to arouse public interest and knowledge” while educating employers to the “value and variety of talents pos sessed by handicapped workers;” (6) Awarding of certificates of merit to individuals and organi sations who have co-operated in the employment of handicapped; (7) Study of workmen’s com pensation laws, and (8) Study of schools for hand icapped in order that curricula might bear a direct relationship upon future employment possi bilities. COURT RULES LIQUOR SHUTDOWN IS INVALID Louisville, Ky.—The Citizens’ Food Committee lacks necessary authority to order a halt in the production of whiskey, a Louis ville court ruled. Judge W. Scott Miller ordered a distillery to resume operations and to fulfill its contracts to sales companies. The jurist held that the only time the government, without law, can “impair” a contract is during a national emergency. Unions representing distillery worker plan to challenge the two months shutdown order unless they obtain satisfactory adjust ments for lost wages. It is esti mated that more than 40,000 have been made idle by the closing of the plants. NAMED RESEARCH DIRECTOR Cincinnati, Ohio. — Robert L. Davis, recently director of re search for the Brotherhood at Railway Clerks (AFL) has been named head of the research and education department of the Ho tel and Restaurant Employes and Bartenders International Ifaion (AFL). Judge Leslie K. uarr rejected the NLRB’s contentioji that al though the union's action took place the day before the statute became effective, they still con stitute a violation because they hud a “continuing effect” and future unlawful conduct could t>e expected. The judge held that since the acts of the union were lawful at the time they took place, there could be no inference drawn that such lawful acts would indicate unlawful conduct in the future. The court did not rule or.' mo tions made by the union's at torneys to dismiss the applica tion suit on the ground that the Taft-Hart ley law was unconsti tutional. The ease took on special sig nificance since the court’s ruling was made on the same aet of facts preu^tad More an NLRB trfaf ’ ttwon conducting hear ings on the charge that the car penters union was guilty of an unfair labor practice- Under t*-s Taft-Hartley law it was manda tory for the NLRB to request a temprrary injunction agains; the union pending processing of t!>c unfair labor practice case The NLRB charged thaty last February the union demanded a closed shop contract with Watson’s Specialty Store in this city. The store refused to sign since none of its employes were union mem bers. Subsequently, the store was picketed until August 30, eight days after the Taft-Hartley law went into effect, when there was no labor dispute, was an attempt to coerce the store’s employes into joining the union. On August 21, the carpenters refused to continue work on a house when the specialty store’s non-union employes arrived to in- • stal floor covering. The walkout was a secondary boycott against the store, the NLRB said, and failure of the union later to re scind its' action gave the walk out a “continuing effect.” CORNELL PUBLISHES FIRST LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW Ithaca, N. Y.—The Industrial and Labor Relations Review, published for the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, ihade it its initial appearance recently. The new quarterly is described as the first journal of its kind in the field of labor-management relations. In a foreword. Edmund E. Day. president of Cornell, called the publication “a logical extension of the function which higher education is assuming in the area of labor-management relations.” The first issue includes a dis cussion of “Labor and American Foreign Policy," by David A. Morse, Under-Secretary of Labor, and contributions from such oth ers in the industrial and labor relations fields as 0. C. Prince, rice president of General Motors, Charles Luckman, president of Lever Brothers, and William Gom berg, director of the management tngineering department. Interna tional l adies’ Garment Workers Union, AFL. «

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