WIRE •rWIITE tn fur Congressmen in Pretest A’liut All ANTI -LUOt lilt! * ' VOL. XVII; NO. 28 CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL CHARLOTTE. N. C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1H7 Subscription *2.00 Per Year A. r. G." L TO SUPPORT NEW LABOR GROUP WILLIAM GREEN SAYS TAFT NOT CONCERNED OVER INFLATION TREND ASSERTS TAFTS POLICY ON FOREIGN AID WILL WRECK PROGRAM Milwaukee, Wis.—AFL President William Green charged that Senator Robert Taft displays not “the slightest con cern over the alarming increases in the cost of living-’ and avdocates a policy which would undermine and destroy the foreign-aid program. In an address before the fifth biennial convention of the AFL’s International Union of Automobile Workers of America, Mr. Green branded as “ridiculous” Senator Taft’s assertion that the President’s anti-inflation program seeks to invoke “totalitarian methods" in an effort to solve the nation’s economic problems. He said: “Such charges are ridiculous. They are nothing more or less than campaign propaganda. Realising that the Ameri can people are naturally reluctant to s& the restoration— even in part—of wartime controls, the reactionary strateg ists are brazenly trying to make political capital for the 1948 campaign out of the critical situation in which our nation finds itself. “I challenge aanyone to read Senators Taft’s intemperate state ments on the President’s message to Congress and find anywhere in them the slightest concern over the alarming and continuing in creases in the cost of living. “Senator Taft is not worried about the high cost of living be cause the wealthy interests whom he represents in Congress are not worried about it. To them higher prices mean higher profits, already at a record peak. The only thing Senator Taft is concerned about in tax seduction—the kind of tan reduction which would bring sub stantial relief to those in the high-income brackets and place the heavy burden of taxation those least able to pay.” On the question of foreign aid,. Mr. Green said the Senator pro fesses to be in agreement with{ the President while advocating “a policy of too little and too late, which would have the even tual effect of undermining and destroying the foreign aid pro* \ gram.** “We have found many instances J of his underhanded cunning in the tricky provisions of the Taft Hartley Act,” Mr. Green added. Calling upon labor to exert it self in the approaching election year, Mr. Green declared that la bor must face the fact that Sen ator Taft and his “fellow stodges or big business today occupy a dominant position in the Congress of the United States.” “We must also ace tne iaci. the AFL leader said, “that their monstrous creation, the Taft Hartley law, will exert a more and more oppressive strangle hold on our trade union move ment in the year ahead, making it ever more difficult for organ ized labor to protect the inter ests of the nation’s workers.” Mr. Green pointed to the recent Kentucky gubernatorial election as proof that labor, mobilized for the occasion, can and will succeed against the tory reactionaries. He said: “In that election, the Republi can candidate based his entire campaign on support of the the Taft-Hartley Act, The Democratic candidate, who had voted to up hold President Truman’s veto of that law, sought to justify his action. “Faced with this clear-cut is sue the workers of Kentucky, un der the leadership of American Federation of Labor, flocked to the polls and administered a crushing deefat to the defender of the Taft-Hartley Act. So may it be with all the apologists for the Taft-Hartley Act in the 1948 campaign. Lester Washburn, president of the United Automobile Workers Union, keynoted the convention sessions with an address in which he named the two major prob lems facing the delegates. These, he said, are the need to elimi nate from Congress those men who have let labor and the coun try down, and the urgency of get (Please Turn to Page S) ADVISORY BO/RDS IN 81 AREAS RECOMMEND CONTINUED CONTROLS Washington, D. C,—Recommen dations from 49 additional local rent advisory boards calling for continued rent control in their areas, including the cities of Se-, attle, Minneapolis, Milwaukeke,' Memphis, Buffalo, New Haven, Jersey City. Newark and Evans ville. were received by the Office of the Housing Expediter. In two areas in Illionis and In diana, the Housing Expedite!1 de TWSTVlled rents on the basis of information submitted by the local rent advisory boards. The areas eff£cf& were Henderson County in Illinois, and Fountain County in Indiana. Receipt of the 49 additional rec ommendations of local boards in 24 different states makes a total of 81 areas from which the Hous ing Expediter has thus far re ceived recommendations for con tinuation of controls. Some of them also have reported that the general levels of rent are ade quate or that the present provi sions for adjustment of individual rents offer a means for elimina tion of inequities. Other boards, in reporting that rent controls need to be continued for ‘the present, have indicated that they will study the adeuacy of the general level of rents and make recommendations on this matter at a later date. Of 12 recommendations from rent advisory boards for decon trol, upon which the expediter’s office has acted, seven have been approved and five disapproved. Of six actions on recommendations for increases in rent levels, two, have been approved and four dis-1 approved. GROUPS VOTE SUPPORT New York City.—Represents-1 t ves of 25 civic, cultural, relig ious and labor organizations voted! to support the National Council for a Permanent Fair F nploy ment Practices Commision in ef forts to obtain passage of Fed eral legislation against discrimi nation in employment. The decision followed a day's seas ons for 100 delegates under auspices of the Catholic Inter racial Council, Jewish Labor Com mittee. Negro Labor Committee, ar.d the Presbyterian Institute on Industrial Relations. Minneapolis.—Minnesdtians are overwhelmingly in favor of more co-operative business enterprises, according to the results of a pub lic opinion poll oouducted by the Minneapolis Tribune. The newspaper’s interviewers found that three-fourths of the farm people in the state do bus iness with co-ops. Te number of people who believe that more eo-ope would be “a good thing” was twice as great as those op posing co-ops. UNION SHOP ELECTION BURES UNFAIR T-H LAW PROVISION Chi ido.—Ore of the most un just. ant'democrati.' provisions of the Taft-Hor-V v taw was sharply llustruteq n a recent AFL vic tory in a union ship election con ducted by the National Labor Re lations Board. Th's is the requirement of the law that to win such an election i a union must pel, a majority of all eligbile voters and not! simply a* majority of the voters who actually cast their ballots. Eligible voters in any election I include not ,rly employes at work, j but those ill at home, those re cently laid.off, and those who for any reason are not available to vote on the day set for the elec tion. Failure of any of these eligible employes to vote is a ‘•no" vote against the union. The election which emphasized this unfair provision of the anti labor law involved th elnterna tional Brotherhood of Electr'cal Workers which won by a smash ing vote of 1.037 tci 14. It was a resound: g victory for the un ion, but as M. F. Darling, local union pre- dent said, its main im portance lies in the fact that it served to expose the basic in justice of the law. - He peswted out that on the day he elector was held 16 employes were absent because of illnesir. Thus, the union had a potential 'eftcit of 16 votes to overcome sven before the polls opened for voting. In this particular elec tion. the union arranged for 6 of the ill employes to be transported to the polling place by ambulance. In the eaSe of jjhe otehr 10, how ever, their doctors advised against any attempt on their part to par ticipate. t One ease brought to light an in teresting ‘point ar.d one which could • conceivably mean the dif ference between victory and de feat to some union at a future election. A union employe of j WebsterrChicago Company, the employer concerned in the elec tion, had a baby the day before the election. Her involuntary ab sence from the polls meant th.1L , her vote was counted against the ' union. I Joseph M. Jacobs, attorney for the runion, pleaded with the NLRB examiner in charge of the election to allow her vote to be cast in the hospital under tne supervision of an NLRB represen tative. Hts request was turned down. Mr. Jacobs has sent a written protest to the NLRB’s headquar ters in Washington pointing out that in the event of a close elec tion such an involuntary' vote against a union might mean its defeat. It is hoped that the pro est may serve to call attention to he basic injustice against la bor stemming from the Taft-Hart lay law itself. HIGH COURT RETURNS JOBS TO TWO FOREMEN Washington, D. C.—The Su preme Court refused to override a decision of the National Labor Relations Board ordering the re ins tatment of two foremen, de spite the existence of the Taft Hartley law. Because the new labor law bars foremen from the, class of “em ployes” due the protection of the Wagner Act, the Vail Manufac turing Company of Chicago ask ed the Aiprtme Court to quash the NLRB order. The Supreme Court, however, declined to entea the dispute, leaving the labor board command effective. FOOD PRICES Iff 3.6 PER CTJ IN MONTH, BIS INDEX IT 40 PER CENT OVER JUNE, 1946 i Washington, D. C. For the 4th j consecutive month retai'. prices! for foods hit new record levels, j according to he Bureau of I.a-1 bor Statistics. A per cent ri- . ■ r.g the month ended Septent 15th brought the BLS retai! food price index to a level 20.1.5 per cent or" the 1935-30 average. 40 per er.t higher than ir. June f 1940, anti 10 per cent above the June 1920 peak after World War I. Prices advances on meat, dairy products, and eggs were respon sible for most of the increase, SLS reported. Prices of meats, poultry, .and fish as a group attained new highs for the fifth consecutive month, reflecting . record prices established in primary markets. The largest advances were re ported for pork cuts, from 5 per cent for whole hapi to 17 per ■ent for salt pork. Lamb prices •use 5 per cent with continued short < upplies. Chicken prices, vhich usually decline at this time of year, rose 6 pet cent, because of strong consumei demand re sulting from higher prices for most meats. Fresh fish prices rose 5 per cent, and pink salmon 6 per cent. Prices of dstty "products In creased 6.2 per cent over the month. The price of butter umpei more than 10 cents to an average of 92 cents per pound as a result of lower production. Prices of cheese and milk rose about 3 per cent as production declined seasonally, feed costs ad vanced. and demand was good. Egg prices increased 11 per cent, about the usual seasonal amount for this time of year. Prices of ^cereals and bakery products were 1 per cent higher han u month earlier. AH items In the group showed advances, ranging from 1 per cent for flour, bread, and vanilla cookies to 6 per cert for corn meal. Coffee prices rose 3 per cent, and sugar prices increased less than 1 per cent. Advances m re:an rood prices between August 15 and Septem ber 15 occurred in all of th^ 56 cities surveyed. Price riess ranged from b.T per cent in Peoria, to >.i# per cent in Wichita, with prices of meats, dairy products, adn, eggs advancing in all cities. Compared with a year ago, re tail food price increases varied from 12.2 per cent in Jackson to 23.7 per cent in St. Louis. Com pared with August 1939 price rises' ranged from 101.9 per cent in Portland. Maine, to 145.S per cent in Memphis. % 4FL FREEZES FUNO FOR-CZECH UNIONS London — Irving Brown, the AFL’s European Representative, announced that trade union of ficials in the United States order ed “stop payment” of American labor funds to Czechoslovakia trade unions because they feared the money might fall into Com munist^ party hands. An estimated |160,000 is on deposit in a London banks, resi due of a fund raised among American workers to aid the Czechoslovak resistance movement during the war. It was to be used to aid postwar restoration of Czech trade unionism. Mr. Brown said union offcials in the United States sent a joint telegram to the London bank an nouncing “the funds are not at the disposal of the gentlemen try ing to get them.'’ He added that “I think we have been ef fective in our efforta.” NON-FARM EMPLOYMENT SETS RECORD: UNEM PLOYMENT »T NEW LOW Washington, I> C.—Non-farm employment surged to rew levels in October, Ewan Clagu-*. Com-1 'issiior.er of Labor Statist os re-1 >orted with ‘ industry producing) r.ore smoothly than at any time j ince the war’s end." In 1 is monthly rev ew of the employment situation. Mr. Hague sa d the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics figure for September showed 43.230,000 employed, a fain of more than 200,000 over he September level. The pre Christmas rise in bus'nes* activ ty accounted for nearly all the increase, he said. t In another sector of th> econ omy covered by BLS data. Mr. Clague, in referring to ths wage increases granted labor shce V-J say- declared that price increases uritig the same period offset the H>st war gains. The BLS employment figures re not comparable to (he Census bureau’s totals, which include agricultural employment, domes tic* and the self-employed. The aggregate exceeds 59.000.000. Contributing to the record number of jobs, said Mr. Hague, were the continued heavy demand for goods, an improved flow of :u wntaterials, - a low volume of i striket and the favorable eptather which permitted this saitumn’s homebuild'ng boom to continue. October, with 92,000 homes placed under construction despite the ap proach of winter, ranks among the best homebuilding monhs on record, Mr. Hague said. The physical volume of new construction will be about 10 per cent greater next year than this. Nearly 1,000.000 new homes are expected to be started by private builder* next year, as against 860.000 this year. About 250.000 more workers will be em ployed by construction, contrac tors next fall if the antcipated level of activity is reached. A drop in unemployment to 10.700-000. the lowest point sine** shortly after the fear’s «rd, and the continued heavy utilisation of older workers and teen-ace youths, underscore the favorable employ ment situation, Mr. Clague said. “Jobless, anion* veterans fell below the half million mark for the first time since large-scale demobilization began. Less than 4 per cent of the veterans in the job market are now unemployed a» compared with almost double that ratio a year ago.* Employment in . manufacturing • industries, totaling 15,800,000 in October, set a new high mark for the postwar era. This was about 750,000 above the total em ployed in these industries in Oc tober of last year. The non durable groups registered sub stantial gains. Grs GET BENEFITS FOR STUDY ABROAD Washington, D. C.—World War II veterans studying overseas under the GI bill are eligible for additional benefits under the Full - bright Act, the Veterans Admin istration announced. Th:s act authorised use of United States credit in foreign currencies accumulated from the sale of war surplus property to help college student veterans who wished to study abroad. Statute s prohibited veteran students from receiving Gederal aid simoltantoualy from two soucres. The agency held, however, that grants under thee Nbright Act were not affected because the funds would not cone from Uni ted States Government appropria tions. GREEN NAMES DELEGATES TO LIMA CONFERENCE ON JANl ARY 10 Washington. I). C.—AFL President William Green an nounced the intention of the AFL to participate in the for mation of a new international federation of labor composed of democratic trade union organizations in the Western Hemisphere. Mr, Green named .an AFL delegatin to attend a confer ence in Lima.' Peru, on January 10th at which representa tive- from about 20 North and South American nations will meet to establish the new organization. The A*FL del egates will be: Phil Hannah, Secretary of the Ohio Federation of Labor and former Assistant Secretary of Labor; Janies M. Duffy, President of the National Brotherhood of Operative Pot ters: and Patrick E. Gorman. Secretary-Treasurer of the Amalgamated Meat Treasurer of the Amalgamted Meat • utters and Btucher Workmen of North America. Aecompaning the AFL delegates to the conference will be Serafine Romualdi, the AFL’s Latin-American Represen tative. JULIAN PIERCE, FORMER AFL NEWS SERVICE EDITOR, DIES Washington,' D. C.—Julan Irv in* Pierce, widely known labor writer and for many years an. editor of the AFL Weekly News Service died in a hospital here at :he age of S3. Mr. Pierce was first employed by the American Federation of Labor in 1919 to set up index ■Lies for the AFL’s monthly jour nal. The American Federationist. He was later appointed librarian for the AFL, a position which h“ held for 12 years. lit 19*4, AFLr President Green named Pierce editor of the AFL Weekly News Service. In this capacity he became widely known by labor editors throughout the country and by persons interested in the activities of the labor press. He continued in this posi tion tuyitil' 1943, when ^illness forced his retirement from ac tive employment. Mr. Pierce was born in Vassar, Mich. He attended local schools there and later graduated from the University of Michigan. He continued his education in Eur ope, where he studied journattsm in Paris. Upon his return to this country he was employed by the United States Government Prntnig “O ice. Throughout his lifetime, Mr. Pierce was vitally interested in bettering conditions of the work ingman. He devoted much of his energy to this purpose and to the general improvement of social conditions in his own community. Prior to World War I, he played a major part in the drive in the District of Columbia for improve ment of the intolerable conditions in existence in the District jail. In this connection he arranged to have himself arrested and jailed in order that he might carry on the fight and focus attention upon a situation which he deemed de plorable. ACCIDENT RATE SHOWS DECLINE IN INDUSTRY New York City.—A reduction since last year of nearly two ponts in the accident frequency rate in industrial plants was re ported by the Greater New York Safety Council on the basis of its fifth annual inter-plant accident reduction contest. Of the 463 plants 'in the metro politan area competing in the 1947 contest, 64 led their divisions in reducing accidents. Ninety-six plants went through the six months’ test period without ac cident. During the period from April 1 through, September 30, Ben H. Self, chairman of the council’s contest committee said, the cumu lative frequency covering 181,009, 867 man hours of work was 16.90, compared with 18.65 a year ago. The frequency rate is the num ber of loei-tiae accidents in 1, 000,000-man hours of work. Commenting; upon the AFL's decision to participate, Mr. Green said: “For many years the American Federation of Labor has been interested in developing friend ship and fraternity between the free and democratic trade union movements of this country and those of our neighbor nations in North and South America. ‘ “Right now, it is especially important that such a federation be formed. Those who sponsor the democratic way of life must unite to make their voice heard and to counteract the dangerous propaganda of totalitarian agents. ^Before the United Stats en tered the last war. strenuous ef forts were made to undermine the prestige of our country in Latin America by the foremost spokesmen for Moscaw in this hemisphere, Vincente Lombardo Toledano. He formed an organ isation known as the Latin-Amer ican Conferedation of Labor and through it issued a constant bar rage of propaganda accusing the United States of ‘imperialism.’ These damaging activities con tinued until Hitler attacked Soviet Russia and then ceased abruptly "Recently Mr. Toledano and his so - called confederation have taken up again where they left off. They are now businly en gaged in smearing the United States throughout South America ami Central America and they are also trying to lure the workers of our neighboring countries into the Communist camp. “We believe the new organisa tion to be established at Lima will lie able to puncture this prop aganda effectively and . will suc ceed in making a much-needed contribution to the economic bet terment of the entire hemisphere by serving as a clearing house I for information on labor trends ! and by promoting the improve | ment of labor standards generally. “We expect that labor organi- . ' /.ations from about 20 American nations will take part in the Lima conference and agree on a pro gram which will constructively support and implement the good neighbor policy.” ITWO railway unions GET 151/,-CENT PAY HIKE Chicago.—Two of the five'rail road operating employes unions reached agreement with the na tion’* carriers providing a 15*4 cent hourly pay boost for some 200,000 union members. The Order of Railway Con ductors and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen announced the satisfactory completion of ne gotiations which have been in progress with the carriers. In addition to the pay increase, conductors and trainmen on near ly 98 per cent of the country’s railroads will receive greater fi nancial benefits through the re vision of operating rules govern ing working conditions and bourn of work.

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