SECTION ONE 1947 Christmas Edition CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL VOL. XVII ; NO.?2 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, , D#CE MBER 25. 1947 Subscription $2.00 Per Year Taft-Hartley Law Exposed! By J. ALBERT WOLU and HERBERT S. THATCHER (Members of the law Irm of Padway, Woli, Thatcher, Glenn and Wilson, serving as general counsel for the American Federation of Labor) This is the fourth of a series of articles to be published by the AFL Weekly News Service in refutation of an article appearing in the Saturday Evening Post which praised the Taft*Hartley law to the skies. Author of the Post article was J. Mack Swi gert, law partner of Senator Robert A. Taft—enough said: NO. 4—THE “SO-CALLED 14 PRIVILEGES” OF THE TAFT-HARTLEY LAW (Continued) 2. “Protection from Union Threats and Violence" This section of the Post articles discusses the new “right" set forth in the law, namely, the right of employes to» re frain* from any and all union activities and from joining a union. The author states that this gives individual em ployes full freedom of choice and prevents “roughneck” intimidatory tactics by union representatives forcing em ployes to join unions against their will. This is said to equalize the protections against interference with free dom of choice by either the employer or the union. The tact is tnat ior every in stance of any intimidatory tac tic by a union representative there were a thousand instances of in timidatory or coercive practices by employers who, as shown by the LaFollette Committee reports, in addition to wholesale use of their weapon of discharge, in many instances expended thou sands of dollars to fight union zation, maintained arsenals, and carried on their payroll armies of vigilantes and labor spies. To speak of equalizing protections against interference with choice is preposterous. Further, the record does not show that local police or local peace laws are inadequate to cope with the isolated instances of physical intimidation cited by the article as justficatkm for the new ly granted “rights.” '* For these reasons it can only be concluded that the real pur pose behind the so-called protec tion against union interference with the right not to join a union is designed primarily to drive a moral and psychological wedge between the worker and the or ganization established for the mu tual aid and protection of work ers. Further, the broad language of the restriction which prohibits unions from “restraining” or “co ercing” employes in the exercise of the right not to join may well lead to board or court determina tion that customary and peaceful organizing practices of unions are forbidden. , 3. “Ouster of Unsatisfactory 1 Union” The third “privilege bestowed upon workers is asserted to be the privilege of employes to get rid of any union which they do not like by the filing of decerti fication petitions. The fact is that this privilege existed under the old Wagner Act. Employes dis satisfied with one organization could, and in thousands of in stances did, select another or ganization, independent or nation ally affiliated, and at the end of the contract period obtained an election and made the change. To charge, as dcej the Post article, that this was impossible m closed shop situations ignore the doctrine of the Rutland Court case prev iously mentioned under which the old beard had ruled that no em ploye could be discharged under a closed shop simply because of his desire to change his union affiliation. It is greatly significant that the new law seeks as an end re sult the oustng of unions snd the discontinuance of existing collec tive bargaining relationships. This purp'ose, directly opposite to the purpose of the original Wagner Act which encouraged such relationships as a means of achieving worker protection and industrial peace, is evidenced not only by the decertification pro vision but also in other sections of the act. For instance, under the new law an employer can now peti tion and obtain an election when ever any individual claiming to represent 30 per cent or more of the employes asks tor bargaining rights. Thus, the timing of elec tions csn very easily be deter mined Dy tne employer ana not Dy the petitioning union through the simple expedient of having,, some individual, acting as an employer stooge, claim bargaining rights on behalf of some group of em ployes, whereupon the employer files the petition even though the bona fide union attempting to or i g&nize the plant is not ready for | an election. If a “no-union” vote results, another election cannot . be held foi< 12 months, and thus I organization can he forestalled for indefinite periods. Another very outrageous ex ample of how existing bargaining 1 relationships can be discontinued ! is seen in the section which pro hibits striking esnployes from par ticipating in elections. Suppose a uaion which has been duly certi fied as exclusive representative kfor employes calls a perfectly valid strike, as, for instance, in protest against employer breach of an existing contract or in pro | test over a wage cut, and the j employers breach of an existing contract or in protest over a wage cut, and the employe unanimouly repond to the strike call. , Under the act the employer is free to hire scabs to replace the strik ing employes. These scabs can then claim bargaining rights and the employer can demand an elec tion. In any such election the employes out on a legitimate strike are forbidden to vote, and thus at any time that a strike is called the employer can use the strike for the purpose of termi nating a previously existing bar gaining relationship. Again it is clear that any Congress which had, in mind the encouragement of the collective bargaining re lationship and the protection of employes in their economic strug gle for better wages and hours could not have inserted in the law the various methods to fore stall or extinguish bargaining re lationships.' —If it is a privilege to return to the era when work ers tried to bargain on an in dividual basis, in majestic, if pov erty-stricken, aloofness from fel low | employes, then the Taft Hartley law does confer privi leges. and the workers of this country, “as unknowing heirs,” have received their “legacy.” NLJtB DECISION FAVORS FEDERAL LABOR UNION Washington, D. C.—The Na \ tiona! I^abor Relations Board ren j It red its first decision affecting * i Federal Labor Union, chartered t directly hy the American Federa j tion of Labor, in the AFL’a favor. The board ordered two chal* lenged ballots to be" counted to determine the results of a col lective bargaining election among employes of the Blue Star Air lines. Inc. Rio Grande, N. J. AFL President William Green and c, -cfiry-TVcaavrer George Meany pavad the way for board action in •h'* matter /hen they signed the *on~CoBimu ist affidavits re quired by the Taft-Hartley law. They acted foil wing the decision of the AFL convention to desig nate them as the only officers of the AFL ant to strip the AFL Executive Gotn.c’l members of their status as AFL vice-presi dents. Every holiday has its significance, but none can compare with Christmas. It is the one time of the year when self-seek ing gives way to selflessness, and all are united in one common attitude of good will towards our fellovymen. INDUSTRY IS WARNED ON ARTI-LAROR LAW! — New York City.—Dr. George W. Tavlor, professor of industry at the Wharton School of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and a former member of the War La bor Board, warned that industry as well as labor may be harmed by the Taft-Hartley law. Dr. Taylor's warning came in an address to the recent conven tion of the National Association of Manufacturers before which many speakers rose to praise the law and the bjccessful efforts of the NAM in assuring its passage. Taking a slightly different ap proach to an analysis of the law, Taylor asserted that it may turn out to be “a restriction of the collective bargaining rights of both employe.^ and employers.*' Under the law, he said, the government “assumes a greater responsibility for controlling in dustrial relations than ever be fore seemed necessary.” “'Since political power rather than economic power now becomes the final arbitrament, the new la bor policy ag it evolves may prove to be more detrimental to indus try than to organized labor," Tay lor asserted. FOOD CO-OPS BEAT CHAIN STORE PRICES IN EAST New York City—Food co-opera tive stores are competing sac ce’.'fully with the large food store chains in the east. This was revealed in a shopping com parison in four eastern cities. In Boston, the co-op bill was ton • cents less than the chain store bill. In New Haven the co-o£ total was 20 cents less. In New York the co-op was fiva cents behind the chain and in Washington the totals were the same. GREEN ENDORSES IMACH OF DIMES DRIVE; URGES IFl SUPPORT APPEALS FOR AID Washington. D. C.—AFL Presi dent William Green endorsed the coining annual drive for funds to be launched by the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis. Commenting upon the well known March of Dimes campaign, Mr. Green, in a letter to all un ions and state federations of la bor affiliated with the AFL, said the “working men and women of the nation are conscious of the fact that this is a most worthy cause and is deserving of the sup port of all classes of people.” The March of Dimes drive for 1948 will get under way on Jan uary 16 and end on January 30, the birthday of the founder of tha Foundation for, Infantile Paraly sis, the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The campaign is un der the direction of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Birthday Me morial Committee. , In his letter urging support for the fund’s appeal, Mr. Green em phasized that contributions made by working men and women will help care for the victims of in 1 fantile paralysis in homes of other members of the trade union move ment. He added: I “I commend this worthy cause ! to your favorable consideration ! and urge that all organizations affiliated with the American Fed eration of Labor, as well as the individual members of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, con tribute'in as large a way aa pos sible to the appeal for funds for the National Foundation for In j fantile Paralysis, lnc„ which is ! being made by” the Franklin Del I ano Roosevelt Birthday Memorial I Committee.” USES REPORTS 528,000 JOB PLACEMENTS; OCTOBER PEAK MONTH FOR VETERANS Washington, D. C.—Job place ments in non-agricultural occu pations made by public employ mitt agencies totaled 588,000 during October, the United States Employment Service announced. Of this total, veterans were placed in 179,300 jobs, a new peak for the year. Handicapped persons numbering 30,800 were placed in jobs during the month, the USES report said. "The favorable labor market conditions which prevailed in Oc tober were reflected in employment service activities. The reporta received from 1800 local offices of the State Employment Service# showed significant gains in coun seling interviews snd employer visits. “Counseling interviews rose 19 per cent over September to 11k, 000. Counseling interviews with veterans rose 9 per cent amount in^ to 60,200. The volume ol employer visits increased sharply in October, rising 10 per cent over September. Employer visits in October totaled 209.600 — the highest postwar level. "Non - agric ultural placements showed a slight decline follow ing September's unusually large increase, but continued at higher levels than at any other time dur ing the year. “Placements in construction con tinued upward to 73,400, a new postwar high. All occupational categories of workers, except the unskilled, . registered placement ggins, with' professional and man agerial showing the largest rela tive increase. Placements of service w. -kers (118,400) topped all previous levels in the postwar period. Placements of clerical sad sales workers (56,200) and skilled workers (36,000) were the highest of the year." ILGWU “ADOPTS" 62 WAR ORPHANS New York Oity.—The AFL’s Irtemational Ladie* Garment Workers Union, Local 62, voted to “adopt” 62 war orphans in' Euro l>ean countries. Louis Stulberg, manager of Local 62 and a vice-president of the ILGWU,, announced that the union decided to give $18,600 to provide for the care and feeding of the group of children for a year. More than 800 members of Local 62 indorsed the program when it was recommended by the anion’s executive board at a meeting here. Local 62 is the ILGWU’s undergarment and neg ligee workers’ unit, whose more than 17,000 members are virtually all women. The money, according to the current plana, will be raised through voluntary contributions by Ixtcal 62 members, with the union guaranteeing that the full sum will be forthcoming. The money will be distributed N Italy, France and other countries . through relief agencies, the union raid, adding that tt will go to maintain children’s homes already set up to care for orphans. Local 62 pointed out that its members will keep in personal touch with the children benefit ing by their efforts. The plan, described as the first mass pro gram of its kind, requires $300 a year to provide for each child ! SEASONAL FARM DECLINE I CAUSES EMPLOYMENT DROP Washington, D. C.—Civilian em ployment dropped 609,000 to 58, 594,000 in November because of a seasonal decline in farm work. The Census Bureau report'd the total was the smallest since last May. Non - agricultural employment, however, rose 26,000 to a record of 50,609,000. SURVEY REVEALS INDUSTRY FAVORS OLDER WORKERS FOR LOYALTY. PRODUCTION Now \ ork City. — Encourage ”''nt for America’s older workers is provided in a. report stating that they are considered by in dustry to be more loyal, absent less,, and just as productive as younger employes, This was the conclusion reached in a report of a survey conducted by a New York State Joint Leg islative Committee on Problems of the Aging. 1 Investigators for the committee begin their study two months ago with the knowledge that in about JO years half of America’s citi zens will be over 45. Fifteen per cent will have passed the 65 mark. Acute medical, social and economic problems will result from this state of affairs. Through the committee, New York State is now preparing the answers to future questions, the report indicates. In the study a thousand em ployers responded to questions. Large and small, they reached the overwhelm^pg conclusion that old employes — from a dollars-and eents point of view alone—are an asset and not a liability. They found old persons more experi enced, more conscientious and distracted than younger workers. The committee found that three out of four employers queried be lieved older workers produced as much as younger ones; only one out of eight thought youth had the edge when it came to produc tivity. Seventeen per cent thought the oldsters were more loyal ami conscientious than the younger employes, while 80 per cent termed the former as loyal. In the face of findings lik'i these the report says, “the big job ahead is for industry to do a personnel engineering job on ita older workers so it will know ex actly what kinds of jobs the eld erly can perform best. This in volves not only scientific testing of old folks but also a breakdown of the duties of the thousands of different jobs in industry.” For it* immediate objectives tha committee will seek to disoovsr to whst extent industry discrim inates against the aged and to single out the possibilities for encouraging the development of private pension systems. It will also look into the possible need dor revising the workmen’s com pensation law to encourage tha hiring of older persons. TRACY URGES ACTION TO 6ET VOTES IN ’48 Chicago. Dan W. Tracy, presi dent of the APL’s Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, urged poli tical action and an intensified drive for new members as the means of insuring defeat of la bor’s foes. Speaking before a regional meeting attended by over .‘MX) rep resentatives of the union, Mr. Tracy concentrated on these two major appeals for future action: 1‘. The best way to fight the Taft-HartHy Act ig to organise more vigorously than ever before. “Let’s push a drive for political action.” “Every member of our organization should register so as to be qualified to vote in the 1918 election," the IBEW chief tain declared. “Get your friends and members of year families to register, too. “If we keep building our or* 1 ganization and if we turn out 1 solidly at the polls in 1848, we : will give the enemies of labor an answer they will never forget,” Tracy said. ^legates thunderously cheered Tracy and laid plans to achieve these goals.In their homo com munities.