f Give Your Loyal Support to Your Labor Publications Oldest Bona Fide AFL Newspaper in North Carolina VOL. XVIII; NO. 40 .—■ "■ .. CHARLOTTE. N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1949 Subscription $2.00 Per Year PRINTERS’ CHIEF RAYS TAFT- HARTLEY LAW North Carolina Building Trades Ask For Better Apprentice Program Western District Postal Employes Meet Here Saturday Open Foram First Number On Program Of P. 0. Clerks North Carolina Postal Clerks, about two hundred in number, will converge on Charlotte Friday evening and Saturday morning of this week, in order to be present at a Western District Confer ence meeting to be held here Sat urday. February 19. Headquar ters for the gathering will be in the Selwyn Hotel, corner of West Trade and Church streets. Local committees have been busy for some time sending out bulletins, invitations, etc., in ad vance of the meeting and an nounce that everything is in readiness for one of the largest and best postal employe meetings ever held in the Western District. The program, as announced this week, is as follows: Headquarters—Selwyn Hotel 1:00 p. m.—Registration in the Hotel Lobby. 3:30 p. m.—Meeting of the La dies in Room 241—By the Aux iliary. 3:30 p. m.—Open Forum—Caro lina Room. 6:80 p. m.—Banquet—Main Ball Room. Toastmaster—Wm. S. Lawing. Invocation—S. L. Boyce. Address of W’elcome—Claude L. Albea. Response—Broadus Singleton. Showing, “Air Power Is Peace Power”—Courtesy of Eastern Air Lanes. Introduction of Guests—W. Eu gene Lee. Introduction of Speaker—Mrs. Margaret Harris. Address—Mrs. Sally William son, vice president Auxiliary to National Federation of P. 0. Clerks. i >14 Outline of Legislative Plans— Norman L. Harris, Legislative Representative. Introduction of Speaker — J. Clyde Smyre. N. C. F. .P. O. C. Address—O. L. Whitesell, Vice Pres. N. F. P. O. C. Guest—Hon. Hamilton C. Jones, MX., Representative of lOth Con gressional District. 9:00 — Dance — Music by “Zig gy” Hurwitz Combo. The meeting was made pos sible by members of Local 375, National Federation of Post Of fice Clerks, the Woman’s Auxili ary to 375 and the following com mittees: Registration—S. F. Blackweld er, chairman; Auxiliary to No. 375, and J. F. Cullingford. Entertainment — “Pete” Brad burn, chairman; “Skinny" Lee, C. R. Mitchell, and James Baxter. Program—Bill Moon, chairman. AUTO UNION INTERESTED IN BID OF EUROPE’S CARS Milwaukee. — Leaders of the AFL's Automobile. Workers are viewing with considerable inter est the stepped-up invasion of the American market by the manu facturers of foAign automobiles. British and French auto mak ers are setting up sales and serv ice organizations all over the United States, according to re ports. The foreign manufacturers are emphasizing the export to this country of small-size vehicles. In New York City the Euro pean automobiles were put under the spotlight at the First Inter national Automobile Show. Mod els exhibited there cams from Great Britain, France, Italy and Czechoslovakia. State Bidding Tralles Meet In Durham Mar.13 The North Carolina Building and Construction Trades Council at its meeting in Charlotte Sun. day, voted to hold its next monthly meeting in Durham on Sunday, March 13 in the Labor Temple there. The Charlotte meeting was very well attended by delegates from the various building crafts and a lengthy session was held here. Several prominent labor speak ers were present in Charlotte and addressed the building craftsmen following close of the business session which lasted until after the boon hour. Among these was President C. A. Pink of the North Carolina 'Pederalion of La bor, who *ls now representing North Carolina Labor in Raleigh as its AFL legislative represen tative before the General Assem bly. Mr. Fink outlined some of the proposals he had advanced in Labor’s efforts to get the State Labor Law either repealed or modified. He also analyzed some of the proposals advanced by others and contrasted them with the North Carolina Federation’s propositions. "..^President Fink said he hoped to deceive consider ation by tbP legislators for the Federation’s plans to do away with one of the most vicious pieces of labor legislation on the statute books in the country, the North Carolina anti-closed shop law. A. F. L. Representative A. E. Brown, formerly organiser for the North Carolina Federation of Labor, addressed the gathering and outlined some of the or ganizing problems Labor has to face under the drastic North Car olina Labor law. He told about preparations being made for the holding of aWtral labor elections in North Carolina plants and thanked the Hod Carriers Union for the services of Representative J. L. McKinney In recent work elsewhere in the state. A talk that was enjoyed by the delegates was one made by “Uncle” Jim Barrett, southern publicity director for the Amer ican Federation of Labor, with headquarters in Atlanta. "Uncle” Jim praised the building trades for the long gears of service to the American Labor movement, saying that they are the real builders of America, for it was they who back before the Amer ican revolution laid the founda tions for the great United States we see today. Mr. Barrett also attended the Carpenters meeting held here Saturday night Delegate Ray of Durham, vice president of *Qia North Carolina Building Trades Council, presided over the meeting due to the ab sence of President Russ of Ashe ville, who found it impossible to be present The GI apprentice training pro gram now in effect came up fbr considerable discussion and com mittees ^ere named to delve into the matter of training the ap (Continued On Page 4) AFL Men Visitors * i EXECUTIVE OFFICERS and AFL officials who were in attendance at the Febru ary 13 meeting of the North Carolina Building , Trades Council in' the new Labor Temple at 920 West Trade street. Seated, left to right: J. Ed. CnthberUon, Operating Engine*!-*; Vice President j Ray of Durham, who pre. sided; and H. E. Set re r. Sec retary-Treasurer. (President Russ was unable to attend). Standing, left to right: Pres ident Charles A. Fink of the North Carolina Federation of Labor; John L. McKinney, Hod Carriers and Common Laborers; W. R. Mr Bee State Building Trades Business Agent; Tncle Jim" Barrett. AFL Southern publicity di rector; Henry Adair, Electri cal Workers; J. A. Canida, Bridge. Structnral Steel and Iron . Workers, and A. E. Brown, AFL representatire. Annual Meet Printing Crafts Held Sunday The Charlotte Allied Printing Trades Council held its annual get-together luncheon meeting here Sunday at the Ship-Ahoy Restaurant, with delegates from all five printing trades present. The Council holds its regular meetings the first Sunday each month at 920 West Trade Street, but once each year its members get together and celebrate with a luncheon, followed with talks by members of the various crafts. President Claude L. Albea called the meeting to order at 1:00 o’clock. The following un ions were represented: Printers—J. T. Primm, Howard L. Beatty, Claude L. Albea, Fred J. Moody, C. J. Pridgen, and Henry A. Stalls. Pressmen—R. F. Barger, J. B. Greene. C. B. Meacham, and Aub rey Holder. Stereotypers—Herbert L. Turn er, Carl G. Tyson, and Jim Hamp ton. Photo-engravers—G. F. Schwitz gebel, H. L. Fay, C. G. Hannon, and Ervin G. Reagle. Bookbinders — R. Ray Hunter, R. M. Cottingham, and Orris Car penter. Closer co-ordination of the units comprising the council was cited a a desirable objective at the meeting. Talks outlining the activities of the Council in the past, and call-, ing for increased efforts in the future, were made by Henry A. i Stalls, C. G. Hannon, Howard L.! Beatty, J. T. Primm, Claude L.1 Albea, and Aubrey Holder. All other delegates spoke briefly. The Council was formed more than 15 years ago and through its activities many educational programs have been conducted in connection with the use of the Allied Printing Label. Aubrey Holder, secretary-treas urer of the Ctmncil. arranged the details for the luncheon-meeting. Auxiliary Entertains Mrs. John P. White was hostess to the Woman’s Auxiliary to Charlotte Typographical Union last Monday night at 8:00 o’clock at her home. 318 Grandin Road.1 Mrs. J. E. Kumpe was co-hostess. The Auxiliary combined its reg ular monthly session with a Val entine party after the meeting. Following the business session members and guest's were enter tained by playing games and were served refreshments and prizes were awarded. The surprise of the evening was provided by Mr. John Whitt, who presented each member and guest present with a box of candy appropriate for the Valentine Day occasion. Three new members were taken into the Auxiliary. They were: Mrs. J. T. Primm, Mrs. Cecil Presson and Mra. William Gaff ney. The application of another new member applicant was re ceived and will be acted on at the next meeting, which will be held at the home of Mia. W, B. Phillips. A bingo party will be held on February 28 at the home of Mrs. H. F. Carriker, 2549 East Seventh street. This party is scheduled before the next regu lar monthly Auxiliary meeting. Mrs. Byron lama is president of the Auxiliary and Mrs. Andrew Herron is secretary-treasurer. Charlotte Typographical Union Auxiliary is composed of the wives, mothers and laughters, or sisters of members of Charlotte Typographical Union and its membership is growing steadily. Mrs. Hugh Sykes was the first president of the auxiliary when it was formed many years ago. Printing Trades Dine In GrandStyle Randolph Testifies At Labor Com. Hearing Washington.—Woodruff Randolph, president of the Inter national Typographical Union, told the committee that the Taft-Hartley Act is “a one-way injunction street against unions.” He demanded that the biased statute be quickly replaced by the Thomas bill. CarpenterMeet Durham Mar.12 The North Carolina Council of Carpenters held their regular monthly meeting in Charlotte Sat urday night In the Carpenters Hall, 020 West Trade street, to transact business of importance which had arisen since their last monthly meeting, held in Wil mington. During the course of the meet ; ing a committee was appointed {to draw up plans to present to j the next meeting relative to work ing out a uniform wage scale for all Carpenter Unions in North Carolina. The Carpenters dele gates expressed themselves as desiring a uniform wage, due to the near uniformity of living costs throughout Ndrth Carolina. The veterans training program also came up for its share of the discussion and the Carpenters de cided to work in conjunction with the Building Trades meeting the following day in efforts to get a better training program worked out, and one which will be of more benefit to the veterans themselves than the one now in effect. This is the first meetnig of the North Carolina Council to be held in Charlotte since the local Car penters moved into their new home several weeks .ago. Ellis Wright is president of the State Council; John Lovett, local Carpenters’ business agent, is vice president, and Carl Knopf of Winston-Salem is secretary treasurer. The March 12 meeting will be held in Durham. --- THE ABOVE PICTURE is that of delegates composing the Charlotte Allied Printing Trades Council, which held its regular annual get-togefher meeting and luncheon Sun day, February 13 at the Ship Ahoy Restaurant. Seated, left to right: Howard L. Beatty, Herbert L. Turner, James Hampton, Carl C. Tyson, President Claud* L. Albea, R. F. Barger, Fred J. Moody and J. T. Primm. Standing, left to right: Secretary Aub rey Holder, C. J. Pridgen, Orris Carpenter, C. G. Han non, Krvin G. Reagle, J. B, Greene, C. B. Meat ham. R.' Ray Hunter, R. M. Cotting ham, H. L. Fay and G. L. Schwitzgebel. Mr. Randolph testified that the Taft-Hartley Act had set up* “a form of involuntary servitude” under which union printers would have to work with non-union men against their will. His members, he asserted, were made “slaves” of those pro. visions of the law which com pelled them “under the whip of an injunction, to act as strike breakers and to process goods made 1>y men working in opposi tion to us.” Referring to what he called his | union’s “agonising experiences” under the law, Mr. Randolph said: “We have been compelled to | spend over $11,000,000 of hard earned member dues in support | of strikes and other defense ac tivities to preserve our union. I “Wf hnve beef subjected te the issuance of 6 complaints contain ing substantially identical allega tions and relying on the same ev idence. by General Council (Rob ert N.) Denham. We have been forced to engage in 5 long-drawn out NLRB proceedings covering substantially the entire country, ; at great expense to ourselves and our members, without having ob tained a single decision from the NLRB in the course of 16 months of litiiration. “We have been forced to submit to a sweeping injunction and to contempt action under that in* junction, brought by NLRB at torneys for the chief purpose of breaking a strike of our members at Chicago, 111., which has con tinued since November 24, 1947.. “Collective bargaining in our industry has been carried on, not with our employers but with General Counsel Denham and the federal courts.” This ‘interference” with collec tive bargaining, Mr. Randolph ■aid, had gone so far that the union had been held in contempt for failing to include in a pro posed contract provision for a neutral arbiter to settle disputes arising over a clause dealing with, apprentice training. While his union did not accept “everything" in the administra tion’s labor relations bill the IUT president said that it was pre pared to accept it “on an experi mental basis in the interest of speedy repeal of the Taft-Hart ley Act." Senator Matthew Neely of West Virginia called for the sacking of General Counsel Denham. He said Denham, in his appearance before the committee, had given ‘the most biased testimony I have ever heard by a government offi cial — and I have taken part in congressional hearings for 26 years.” SEAFARERS IN EAST SET WELFARE PLAN AS GOAL New York. — A welfare plan should be demanded by the Sea farers International Union at tha next meeting between union ne gotiators and the shipowners, SIU members unanimously voted here. Union officials were directed to make a thorough study of ex. isting welfare plans and to for mulate a plan which would bo feasible for the Seafarers.

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