Editorial THE CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Published at Charlotte, North Carolina H. A. SUlle, Editor and Publisher W. M. Witter. Associate Editor Entered as second-clast mail matter September 11, 1981, at the Post Office at Charlotte, N. C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.___ Oldest Bona Fide AFL Newspaper in North Carolina, consistently serving the American Federation of Labor and its members since it was founded, May 12, 1931. Approved by the American Federation of Labor in 1931. ’ Endorsed by Charlotte Typographical Union, Number 338, An Af filiate of Charlotte Central Labor Union and the Nortn Carolina Fed eration of Labor. _ News Services: American Federation of Labor, U. S. and North Carolina Departments of Labor, and Southern Labor Press Associa tion. , . . ■ i . ■ MEMBER SOUTHERN LaIbOR PRESS ASSOCIATION The Labor Journal will not be responsible for the opinions of cor respondents, hut any erroneous reflection upon the character, stand, injf or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may ap pear in the columns of The Labor Journal will be corrected when called to the attention of the publisher. Correspondence and Open Forum opinions solicited, but The Journal reserves the right to reject objectionable reading matter and advertising at all times. In order to'correct any misunderstanding that may have existed in the past or that may exist now relative to The Labor Journal's relationship to < the North Carolina Federation^ the publisher wishes to state that the Federationist is the official organ of the North Carolina Federation of Labor and that The Journal is not now and has never been the Federation’s official organ. Anyone, whether on our staff or otherwise, who claims The Journal is.the official organ is stating an untruth. However, The Labor Journal has solicited both advertising and subscriptions state-wide in cities and hamlets where no Labor paper exists since it first began doing business in 1931 and sees no just reason why it should not continue t& do so. It is our aim to serve as many of our brother members as is humanly pos sible, and let no one fool you by telling you that The Journal is an ! illegitimate publication, so far as Labor is concerned. Our past i lecord, for more than 18 years, disproves this “fifth column” props- j ganda.. This newspaper has during the years endeavored to promote a better understanding between Capital and Labor. Its efforts have borne much fruit. Our only regret is that we have not been able | to carry on in a bigger and better way. This, the publisher pledges you, he will strive to do henceforth. i Address All Communications to CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL P. O. Box 1061 Charlotte, North Carolina | Were it not for the labor press the labor movement would not be what it is today, and any man who tries to injure a labor paper is a traitor to the cause. * —AFL President Gompers. LABOR PRESS NEEDS BE SUPPORTED The recent meeting of the Southern Labor Publishers in Miami, The Journal hopes, is the beginning of a brand new era in l^abor Press-Union Member relationship in the South. In» the past too few have realized that the press and the membership are inseparable and that the two should be bound together, or let us say, welded together, for the advancement of both. The Journal has noticed that there has been a tendency on the part of some unionists to pass over entirely too lightly the value of their labor publications. They have been too prone to toss them aside without taking note, of their contents; and they have been negligent in paying the rel atively small sum , asked for a year’s subscription to their paper; or else they have neglected doing their share in helping to see to it that the Labor paper is given the news about what is happening in his or her local union. Fellows, all of this adds up to an answer which indicates something should be done to correct a badly neglected condition. Every member of Organized Labor needs a medium whereby he can keep himself familiarized with what is going on in the Labor World. Your medium re flects just what you do in helping to make it representative. This is just a simple case of mathematics. If you have a horse, or a dog, or a flower, or garden, and do not pro vide it with the proper nourishment and attention, what happens? You know the answer. This same example ap plies to your Ijibor press. While The Labor Journal has l>een blessed to a great degree by having the co-operation of many, many unionists, there is yet considerable room for improvement. After attending the Southern Labor Press Association meeting in Miami the editor has returned with a new outlook, a re newed vim and vigor. The Journal intends to do its part to chronicle the Labor 'happenings in Charlotte, North Car olina, the South and Nation-wide. In this undertaking this paper needs have your support. It needs to know about what is going on in your local union in order that it can better serve you and all the other organizations in a more comprehensive manner. The Journal’s telephone numbers are 5-1776, 5-1777 and 5-1778. MINNEAPOLIS CUT SALUTES PRINTERS Sister locals of Chicago Typographical. Union No. 16 are not the only ones who realize the value of the long battle Chicago Printers have waged against the Chicago publish ers who are hiding behind provisions of the Taft-Hartley act in breaking past contract provisions with the Chicago printers. The first central body in America to pledge its backing to the striking printers of Chicago was the Minneapolis Central Labor Union, and for fourteen months that sup port has been expressed by boycott action, financial assist ance, and publicity in the CLU’s official paper, the Labor Review. This editorial appeared in a recent issue of the Review: “While the voter denunciation of the Taft-Hartley slave act is being credited to various persons, things and sources, we have not noticed the International Typographical Union and its affiliates getting the applause they deserve for the defeat of the Taft-Hartley ites. It was this international union and its branches, how ever, that made the outstanding battle against Taft-Hartley slavery on the industrial field and in the courts. “In busy Chicago, pickets of the Typographical Union of that city served as a continuous reminder, to the millions "ho passed through Chicago, of the battle that union labor was waging against being enslaved. “The refusal of the powerful Chicago local of the tvpos to bow to Taft-Hartley slavery helped to keep unions throughout the nation alive to the dangers of this vicious law. “It took hundreds of thousand of dollars of the funds of First!!! the Chicago local and the International Typographical Un ion and other organizations to keep up this courageous fight, and emissaries of the unions brought the story of this gallant stand against Taft-Hartley slavery to all sections of the nation. “Delegates to the 1948 convention of the Minnesota State Federation of Labor will long remember the eloquent pres entation that Representative Wicks of the Typographical Union made of the Chicago situation and of how Chicago’s Tribune and the other Chicago daily papers were attempt ing the destruction of the union. “It was the plan of the Taft-Hartleyites to soft-pedal the Taft-Hartley law until after election; to make of it a ver itable time bomb that would not explode in all its destruc tiveness of human freedom until after the election. It was the hope that organized labor would sleep through the election. ' ::::::: There was nothing that did more to make this impossible than the. continuous struggle that the typos made against the Taft-Hartley law on the economic field. This struggle of the typos‘kept the outlines of TH slavery plain and un forgettable in the mind of every trade unionist. “There is glory enough for all who aided in beating back this craftily conceived TH slavery, but to the International Typographical Union and its affiliates goes the credit for all time of continuous action that brought home the vicious provisions of the TH law.” It would be well if other unions throughout the country would emulate the action,of the Minneapolis Central Labor Union and give the Chicago Printers the moral backing they deserve for waging one of the greatest battles in American Labor Union history in resisting the first big scale attempt to break down ail American Unions. Chicago is not the only city in which the printers have been having trouble. WORKING FOR REPEAL AT THE GRASS ROOTS In midJanuary striking members of No. 16 began visit ing cities north, south and east of Chicago to stimulate ac tivity for Taft-Hartley repeal. They have addressed a num ber of unions outside the printing trade, but for the most part they have concentrated on ITU locals and chapels, urging prompt action and advising those ITU bodies as to the best wsy of getting action from other local organi zations. * * All the speakers report excellent results. In some lo calities the* Typographical and other unions had already acted, officially and through their individual members, and our emissaries have had accasion to thank them for it and to suggest to them how to widen the scope of their work. While on the road the speakers have corrected many false impressions of the Chicago strike created by enemy propagandists. The Picket has received numerous letters from chapel chairmen, thanking No. 16 for sending out these speakers to nail lies peddled by ANPA agents and re lented by ANPA dupes. It is planned to send speakers to many cities, especially in the West, continuing and expanding the campaign to re peal Taft-Hartley and giving full information on the Chi cago printers’ strike. •—Chicago Picket HAMMOND STRIKE ENDS The regular meeting of Typographical Union No. 16 on Sunday. January 30, voted to accept the counterproposal of the Hammond Times for settlement of the strike against that paper.) The publisher’s proposal had been examined by the ITU contract department and approved as being in full conform ity with ITU law. The vote for acceptance, on secret ballot, was 849 to 254. An estimated 300 members declined to vote although pres ent at the meeting. This brings to an end a strike that began November 26, 1947, two days after the union’s members walked out of the Chicago Herald-American, Tribune, Daily News, Sun Times and Journal of Commerce. The strike against the Chicago dailies continues, as does the Chicago Defender lockout which began December 6, 1947. Sixty-eight members struck against the Hammond paper 14 months ago. Of these, 12 had permanently withdrawn their cards from the chapel during the strike, 19 have been working elsewhere under emergency regulations, and 2 have been sick, leaving 35 available for immediate re-em ployment. Eight returned to their jobs on Tuesday, Febru-1 ary 1, and more will be placed at work as the machines are put in running order. The Hammond Times was established in 1906 and had always operated as a union shop. *lt has not previously' had a contract, always operating under the wage scale ne gotiated between No. 16 and the Chicago publishers. —Chicago Picket AFL MOVIE OPERATORS WIN NEW PAY INCREASE Columbus, Ohio. — Robert W. Greer, president of Local 386 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Picture Machine Opera tors. AFL, announced that the union and theater owners signed a 23-month contract calling for a minimum of |54 a week. The new contract, is to end 31 days before the 1860-51 New Year’s eve rush business. It class for a top salary of $70 for a 44-hour week, according to Mr. Greer. Salaries under the old contract, he said, ranged from $47 to $59.50 a week. Subscribe for The Journal tp°* tkhSimm Subscription pries $2 a year It Pays To Trad* .Wltfc BOGGETT LUMBER CO. HI B. Put At*. PImm MTI For Indlcwtioa, Soar Stomach and Goa, Taka NA-CO TABLETS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE SELWYN CUT RATE DRUG STORE NEXT TO POST OFFICE A Bird You Want To Know* Proudly we present the CM ROOSTER • the mv «W« ef Colonial Stores. The CS Roostor is a now way of identifying Big Star and Littls Star Stores, and shore all — A MARK OF QUALITY FOODS. Join the thousands shopping under the sign of ths CS ROOST* ER today — you’ll bs glad that yon did! COLONIAL STORES «. INCORPORATED • Martin’s Department Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES SJwp at Whvdin and Soda SHOES-CLOTHING—FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT CORNER TRADE AND COLLEGE Letter-Press Printing Letter press printing in the graphic arts means the direct application of inked type and engravings or other type material to paper. It is the simplest of all graphic methods of reproduction and at the same time the most lasting. It was the method employed by the medieval craftsmen who first ap plied type to paper and it has persisted throughout the centuries over all innova tions. until today, when the best of crafts manship is sought in a job, there is no al ternative to letter press printing, along with high grade paper and typographic good taste. We suggest that if you have some print ing in view’ that you w’ant well done, you consult us. Simply telephone 5-1776 or else call at the office, 118 East Sixth St., Charlotte, N. C. H. A, Stalls Printing Co* PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AT YOUR DISPOSAL P. O. Box 1061 CHARLOTTE, N. C.