Green Endorses Truman Measure (Continued from Pago 1) ltms, while the opposition of la bor—which opposed it—was based upon a practical and experimental knowledge of said problems. Free collective bargaining and sound labor-management relation ship is a large part of the basis upon which a sound national econ omy rests. When the exercise of this right is denied either to la bor or management, by legisla tion or otherwise, the national economic structure is seriously af fected. Labor cannot be recon ciled by merely telling it that legislation which it knows to be ' bad is good for it. Why should j labor be denied the right to en- j gage in free collective bargaining and to negotiate an agreement j with employers, acceptable and satisfactory to both? The Taft Hartley law makes it a crime for labor and management to do this. This one feature in the Taft-Hart ley law has created widespread bitterness, resentment and even rebellion among the membership of organized labor throughout the nation. The resentment of labor in the United States to the Taft Hartley law is as uncompromising and rigid as was the opposition of our forefathers, the colonists, to Great Britain when it imposed upon them government without representation, and to the work ing men and women of Great Britain when Parliament passed the Trades Disputes and the Trades Union Act of 1927. There fore, may 1 appeal to this com mittee. to the members of the Senate and to the Congress of the United States to decisively repeal the Taft-Hartiey law in its en tirety. I respectfully supplement this request by urging you on this oc casion to re-enact the Wagner Act with amendments which would be constructive and acceptable. Such action should provide for a mini mum of interference on the part of the government in management labor relationships and in collec tive bargaining. At a recent meeting of the Ex ecutive Council which was con cluded on February 8, careful and analytical consideration was given to each section of Senate Bill 249. "This was followed by unanimous approval of each section of said bBl, including Title II—Mediation and Arbitration which provides for the re-establishment of the De VONDE Synthetic Cleaiers. Dyers Hatters. Furriers Seven Points Why We Arc Oh of the Sooth’s Loading Synthetic Cleaners 1. Restores original freshness and sparkle. 2. Removes carefully all dirt, dust and grease. 8. Harmless to the (post deli cate of fabrics. 4. Odorless, thorough cleaning. 6. Garments stay clean longer. 8. Press retained longer. 7. Reduces wardrobe upkeep. De VONDE Call 3-5125 121 W. fith St. United States Conciliation Service in the Department of Labor. For more than 30 years the Mediation and Conciliation Service was an integral part of the Department of Labor. The Mediation and Conciliation Service made an ex cellent record during all those years in preventing industrial dis puted and in the settlement of in dustrial controversies through mediation and conciliation. Labor feels that the Department of La bor is really the clearing house for industrial problems and is firmly convinced thst all agencies having to do with labor problems, labor controversies and labor-1 management relations should be located within the Department at Labor. Labor deplored the ac tion taken when the Mediation and Arbitration Service was cre ated as an independent agency. It now appeals to Congress to re turn it to the Department of La bor. I assure you, in approving this bill, the Executive Council was moved by a deep consciousness >f tis obligations to serve the pub lic interest, to promote labor management co-bperation. and to establish and maintain free col lective bargaining, all of which is essential to the preservation and maintenance of a sound na tional economy. I therefore ex press to this committee and to the members of the hist Congress the definite approval of the Amer ican Federation of Labor of Sen ate Bill 249 with the following slight amendments which are as follows: Section 105 of the present bill, pages 4 and 5, purports to elim inate the further exercise of board and federal court jurisdic tion in all matters in which the jurisdiction of the hoard or of the federal courts has been or could have been invoked under the Taft-Hartley Act, unless jurisdic tion in such matters is retained in the board or federal courts by the provision of the present bill. The language of this section, however, could be made more ex pressive of this intent to remove liabilities imposed by the Taft Hartley Act. As written this sec tion bars actions or proceedings under the “National Labor Rela tions Act, as amended by the La bor-Management Relations Act, 1947.” (The Taft-Hartley Act.) The Taft-Hartley Act. however, contains five titles. Only Title I amended the earlier National Relations Act. Thus, as presently written, the bill would bar only those actions or proceedings au thorized under Title 1 of the Taft Hartley Act. ■ It would, not for example, bar actions or proceed ings instituted under Titles II and 111 of the Taft-Hartley Act, such as civil damage suits against la bor organizations, injunctions in national emergency cases or crim inal prosecution against labor or ganizations and their officers for violation of the ban on union con tributions and expenditures made in connection with federal elec MEN’S STORE Hen's Winter Underwear UNION SUITS with long sleeves* and ankle length. Made of bleached combed cotton in sizes 36 to 46. 1.98 UNION SUITS by Hanes, j Long sleeves and ankle length . . . made of cotton ribbed material in ecru color. Sizes 36 to 46. 2.43 BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS and DRAWERS made of light weight, bleached cotton. Shirts with long or short sleeves . . . ankle length drawers. Shirts, 36 to 46; Drawers, 32 to 44. 98c ea. SHIRTS AND DRAWER^ . . . long sleeves and ankle length. Made of heavy ribbed cotton in ecru color. Shirts. 36 to 46 . . . Drawers. 32 to 44. 1.49 ea. Men's Store . . . Street Floor ^ fti . tions. Such damage suits and, criminal prosecutions are present ly authorised by Title III of the Taft-Hartley Act. Injunctions in national emergency cases are pres ently authorised by Title II of that act. I suggest that the pro visions of Section 105 of the pres ent bill be clarified so as to leave no doubt that not only Title I, but Titles II and III of the Taft Hartley Act, are embraced within the language of Section 105. I should like to call the com mittee’s attention to another clarifying change that should be made in Section 105 of the pres ent bill. The exact language of this section cancels the jurisdic tion only of the board and federal courts to entertain certain . pro ceedings authorised by the provi sions of the Taft-Hartley Act. Section 303(a) of the Taft-Hart ley Act, however, makes it un lawful for any labor organization to engage in certain types of secondary boycotts and jurisdic tional disputes and Section 303(b) authorises any person injured in his business or property by rea son of any violation of Section 303(a) to sue, not only in the federal courts, but “in any other court having jurisdiction of the parties’’ (which would seem to include state courts) and to re cover damages and the cost of the suit Since it appears most likely Section 105 of the present bill in tended to foreclose all liability imposed by the Taft-Hartley Act and enforceable in any court, fed eral or state, the provisions of this section should tie made more definite by express language em bracing within its coverage dam age suits instituted in state courts or “in any court having juris diction of the parties.” Section 405 of Title IV of the present bill, pages 21 and 22, states that the provisions of Titles II and III of the bill Shall not be applicable with respect to any matter which is subject to the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended. It is quite evident that the spon sors of the present bill, in pro posing Section 405 were of the opinion that the National Labor Relations Act, as it existed prior to its amendment by Title I of the Taft-Hartley Act, eliminated from its coverage individuals em ployed by an employer subject to the Railway Labor Act. Because of this, and since Title I of the present bill is a reenactment of the original National Labor Rela tions Act, with certain amend ments, it was, no doubt, felt un necessary to extend the proviso of Section 405 to Title I of the present bill. The National Labor Relations Act, prior to its amendment by the Taft-Hartley Act, however, did not by any express language exempt from its provisions in dividuals employed by an employ er subject to the Railway Labor Act. Such exemption was, of course, not necessary since the National Labor Relations Act did not contain any unfair labor prac tices on the part of labor organi zations or employes. It is suggested, therefore, that it be made definite in the present hill that individuals employed by an employer subject to the Rail way Labor Act are completely ex empted from the coverage of the present bill. Section 108 of the present bill, pages 10 and 11, makes it an un fair labor practice for “an em ployer or a labor organization” to terminate or modify a collective bargaining unless a 30-day notice of termination or modification is given to the United States Con ciliation Service. The notice re quired of a labor organization is no notice to an employer, but to a governmental body. Clearly this section is designed to aid and assist the United States Concilia tion Service in carrying out th« purposes of its being, as set forth in the Title II of the present bill. That being the case, the severe penalties that may attach to an unfair practice should not be made applicable to a failure to give the 30-day notice (which failure, by the way, may be unintentional, but nevertheless punishable). Un der the present wording of the section, it might be possible for the board to order cessation of the strike engaged in. .without such notice, or to penalize the strikers as by condoning their dis charge. I am of the opinion that the purposes of Title II, “Mediation and Arbitration,” the United States Conciliation Service, of the present bill can best be carried out if Section 108 of Title I is eliminated entirely as an unfair labor practice and it is made a matter of “public policy” under Section 204 of Title II of the pres ent bill that a 30-day notice be 1. riven of an intention to terminate or modify a collective bargaining contract. I am certain that labor organizations affiliated with the American Federation of Labor will be happy to co-operate with the United States Conciliation Service by giving this notice and that it is entirely unnecessary to R>rce the giving of this notice by mak ing a failure to do so, an unfair labor practice. While there is no objection to the requirement that notice be given it would appear that the possible penalties are entirely too drastic for what might be mere inadvertence. Accordingly, if Sec tion 108 is not*removed as an un fair labor practice, as suggested, this section should be amended to provide that failure to give such notice shall subject the offender to a cease and desist order requir ing only the giving of notices then and in the future. Concerning myself with the language t>f Section 108. as now written, I believe it needs clarifi cation. It makes it an unfair la bor practice “for an employer or a labor organization” to fail to give the required notice. It thus appears that the penalties of an unfair labor practice will attach to both parties even in a situa tion where both parties got to gether and by mutual agreement and without industrial disturb ance modified a collective bar gaining contract or terminated one by entering into a new agreement, but failed to notify the United States Conciliation Service 30 days beforehand. I doubt very much that the sponsors of the bill desire section 108 to be ap plicable in such a situation. Section 204 of the present bill, pages 14 and 16, places a “duty" oil employers and employes to ex ert every “reasonable effort” to make and maintain collective bar gaining agreements for definite periods of time concerning (1) rates of pay, hours and terms and conditions of work; (2) adequate notice of desire to terminate or change such agreements; (3) ab stention from strikes, lockouts or other acts of economic coercion in violation of such agreements; and, (4) procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes involving the interpretation or application of such agreements. It also im poses the “duty” of participating “fully and promptly” in meetings undertaken by the United States Conciliation Service to aid in set tling disputes. The purpose of this section is to encourage making and main taining of collective bargaining agreements containing the four provisions enumerated above and to aid in the settling of labor management disputes. This is a commendable purpose. Such ob jective should be sought however by the voluntary and co-operative action of parties to collective bargaining agreements. It should ' not be imposed by government 1 compulsion. There s danger that the term “it shall be the duty,” appearing in Section 204, lines 15 and 13 of page 14 of the bill, might be deemed to make the specified duties mandatory in nature and so authorize injunctions or dam age suits in state o- ever federal courts in case of failure to per form such duties. This construc tion would involve the possibility of injunction suits in early stages of negotiations and even a pos ; sibility of compulsory arbitration. I do not think that that is the intention of the sponsors of the present bill. I therefore suggest that the phrase “it shall be the duty of employers and employes and their representatives” be eliminated from Section 204 of the present bill and that the first four lines of Section 204 (lines 13 to 17 in | elusive on page 14) be redrafted to read that it it the “public pol icy” of the United States, in order to prevent or minimize labor “public policy” of the United States, in order to prevent or minimize labor disputes affecting the free How of commerce or threatening consequences injuri ous to the general welfare that employers and employes, and their representatives “should” do the things enumerated in Section 204(a) and (b). Section 205 of the present bill, pages 15 and 10, states it is the public policy of the United States that a collective bargain ing agreement "shall” provide procedures for the referral of dis putes, growing out of the inter pretation or application of the agreement, to final and binding arbitration. This section is ex pressive of public policy only and apparently is not designed to place a mandatory duty upon parties to an agreement to pro-1 vide therein the procedures men- , tioned. To make this more cer tain. I suggest that the word •‘shall” contained in the third line of this section (line 10, page 15) be changed to “should.” Sections 301, 302 and 303 of the present hill deal with national emergency work stoppages. I have examined these sections and the other sections of the present bill and am happy to find no lan guage, which in my opinion, pro vides for the use of injunctions in these emergency work stop pages. My views concerning the use of injunctions in labor dis putes are well known. Those I represent are unequivocally and adamantly opposed to their use in such situations and if the. pres ent bill contained a provision for the use of injunctive sanctions in these emergency work stop pages, we would oppose it with all the force and vigor at our command. If these suggestions are adopt ed and the bill is passed, I be lieve Congress will have estab lished the foundation for a na tional labor policy based primar ily on faith in the free collective bargaining process as the prin cipal means of achieving indus trial peace and economic stability with a minimum of federal inter ference or interjection into realm more properly supervised bjr local authorities. The bill will en courage collective bargaining in stead of pretending to do so while actually discouraging col lective bargaining and sponsoring individual bargaining as did tha Taft-Hartley Act. It was because of this attempt to promote dia metrically opposed theories that the Taft-Hartley Act was bound? to fail. I hope that this committee wif8 give serious consideration to the foregoing suggestions. If the chairman or the committee mem Ihts have any questions, I will be glad to answer them. The Bible is not only tbe world’s best seller, but is also the world's best read book. Millions of people read it daily. Are you among them? Thricw happy is the person who reads, believes, and practices it. “Faint not—fight ont row conies the song.” Tom or The COMMERCIAL National Rank mas the First First First Bank now in operation to open in Charlotte. to install modern time* saving commercial teller’s machines. to open a Drive-In Branch and provide this convenient service to customers. The Commercial will always consider It's customers First and continue to provide the community with the most modern, pleasant, and efficient banking service possible. cddt JAou TH 3Zu* COMMERCIAL National Bank .Founded 1874 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ■mm* nottu muivi mtiu — mimu* nscm otfosit injumnc* wnuM

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