CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL Oldest Bona Fide AFL Newspaper in North Carolina VOL. XVIII; NO. 49 CHARLOTTE, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1949 Subscription Price $2.00 Year Supreme Court Rules States Hay Curb Onion WASHINGTON, April 4. — The Supreme Court held unanimously today that states have the right to curb labor union activities which restrain trade. The state’s power to govern in this field is paramount.” Justice Black said for the court, “and . . . nothing in the constitutional guarantess of speech or press compels a state to apply or not to apply its antitrade-restraint law to groups of workers, businessmen or others.” The court held that under Missouri law a union had no right to picket an ice plant with the aim of forcing it to stop sales to nonunion ice peddlers. The plant itself had no dispute with its own unionized workers. State courts ordered the union, and AFL Ice and Coal Drivers and Handlers local in Kansas City, to stop picket ing. They held the purpose of the action was to force . the Empire Ice and Storage company to violate the state law against restraint of trade. The union than appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing that the picketing only informed the public that the plant “sells ice to non-union peddlers.” NO SPECIAL PRIVILEGES Black said that while Congress and the states may grant exemptions from freedom of trade laws to unions, organ ized workers are not entitled to “special constitutional pro tection denied all other people. “To exalt all labor union conduct in restraint of trade above all state control would greatly reduce the traditional power of states over their domestic economy and migbt conceivably make It impossible for them to enforce their antitrade-restraint laws.” he said. Chicago Printers Reject Plan Made By Publishers CHICAGO.—Members of Chicago Typographical Union, Local 16, voted 1,266 to 93 to reject the contract proposed by the Chicago Newspaper Publishers Association to end the historic strike at' Chicago’s five major dailies. The strike has been in progress since November 24, 1947. The publishers’ latest proposal, offered on March 10, provided for a weekly wage raise. The union previously had ob tained a $12.50 raise from the Hammond, Ind„ Times. . Rejection of the proposal . w»s recommended by the union’s news paper scale committee. The ex ecutive council of the Interna tional Typographical Union, par ent affiliate, also informed the lo cal membership that some pro visions in the contract proposal did not conform to ITU laws. After the referendum, by secret ballot, John J. Pilch, president of Local 16, issued the following statement: “The members of Chicago Typo graphical Union again have re pulsed an attempt by the news paper publishers to hook them with a yellow-dog contract. The vote today was in the ratio of! 14 to 1. “In upholding their local scale committee and the executive coun cil of the ITU, the members of the Chicago union gave rousing' evidence of Jheir loyalty by their own votes, expressed by referen dum and by annual conventions to which they elect delegats from among their fellow craftsmen. “The contract tendered us by the Chicago Newspaper Publish ers Association was greatly In ferior, as regards security and working conditions, to the con tract our local entered into in January with the Hammond (Ind.) Times. “Furthermore, the contract of fered us by the Chicago newspa pers would have given our Chi cago members a wage scale con siderably below what is being paid to our men in Hammond. “Our members regard it as galling for the immensely pros perous Chicago newspapers to want such vicious competitive ad vantages over the Hammond Times, published in a city whose population is only 3 per cent as large as Chicago’s. “The strike against the Chi cago newspapers continues in full force and effect. It will con tinue until the publishers aban don their attempt to dismantle the union which for M yean pro duced their newspapers. “Their attempt to dismantle us has taken varying forms, includ ing injunction maneuven, political pressure, and an unprecedented propaganda assault. Whatever form their attack takes, it will continue to be beaten back. “Our members will consider no! peace except one which is based' on equity and which shows the same regard for our self-respect as we freely allow the newspa per publishers. We have at all times been willing to enter into peaceful relations with the pub. lishers on such a firm basis, and we regard any other basis un stable and therefore undesirable, either from their viewpoint or from ours.” INSURANCE AGENTS WIN HUGE BACK PAY AWARD Washington. — Once again the National Federation or Insurance Agents Council of the AFL has proved itself an effective fighting organisation in behalf of insur ance agents. By final decision of the Na tional Labor Relations Board, the Home Beneficial Insurance Co. was required to reinstate 16 agents who went on strike in 11944 and to grant 12 of them back pay of more than |36,000. | This victory crowned more than four years of litigation, with the company resisting the coun cil’s efforts to obtain justice for i the workers at ever}' step. EMPlOyMEAtr t'SA., aas ¥» ms NUMKt 1MPIOYI0. by ladaetry Grand Total Armed Force*. Total Civilian. Karma.. Non-farm Proprietor* •ad Mf employed Wage A Salaried Wke. Total.. Manufacturing. Minin* .. . C'onatrurti n. Traaaportt tion and UtJliiiea . Trade. Finance. Real Fatal* Government* Federal tflate aud Local ..., 1929 1939 IMS COOO omitted) i:.W 44.m 49,44' 2M 970 1.307 47.636 45,739 54.379 10,450 9.510 7.973 9. U* 5. v 1 6.27C 3I.94T 39.367 43.133 10.434 10,07* 16, M2 1,074 945 924 1.497 1,150 2.055 3.907 2.912 4.005 6.401 6.704 9,741 1,431 1.352 1.714 3.127 3,223 4.600 3.065 3.997 6.654 USOt FOtCI. UNEMPLOYED, by Yean 1929 1933 1937 1939 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 IN7 1946 Total Labor Force 49.440 51.940 64.320 64.9SO 54.600 66,630 67,390 90.330 04.410 65.990 05,140 60.920 01.610 03,749 260 250 320 340 370 390 1.470 3.920 0,070 11.260 11,100 3,300 1.440 1,307 Unem* ployed 1,530 12.030 7.700 10.390 0.400 3,120 6,560 3.600 1.070 670 1.040 3,270 9,140 9.064 Cieiliaa EmpU>)*vl 47.630 OH.790 46,300 44.320 45,750 47.630 40.340 63.740 64,470 63,360 52.920 65,350 69,030 •0,379 TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM EMPLOYMENT Fee (even years <1942-* inclusive) we hove hod maximum empleyment in USA; unemploy ment hot averaged only about 2 million yearly, a minimum believed due chiefly te workers changing jabs. As the chart shews, the labor force (total number seeking work) increases each year as population grows; also, their production per manhour rises steadily. Te maintain "full empleyment" therefore, purchasing power must increase every year te buy the goods workers produce. Otherwise production will slacken and unemployment will rise. Wage and small salaried workers buy almost half the entire final product of American industry. Purchasing power of workers and others must rise enough in 1949 te create jobs for 1 million mere workers than 194*. Maximum empleyment in 1949 means about 62 million jobs, including about 1.6 million in the armed forces. From labor's MofilMy Survey AH. Ftforot from FrMidunt't Economic Report Radio Industry Asked To Aid Safety Drive Washington, D. C.—In a com munication addressed to radio station managers throughout the Nation, Secretary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin has asked their cooperation in the drive to reduce industrial accidents. The radio appeal coincides with the President's Conference on In dustrial Safety, held in Washing ton, March 23-25. • Asking the assistance of the radio industry on a program “on which there can be no controv ersy,” the Secretary enclosed a fact sheet and spot announce ments so that each station man ager can ‘help us prevent torn limbs, blinded eyes and tragic deaths in the communities of the land.” The spot announcements stress the joint responsibility of labor and management for industrial safety, the prevents unity of most accidents, and the need to “think safety now, tomorrow may be too late.” One announcement declares: “Safe workers are the shock troops on America’s production lines. Without workers on the job we cannot help ourselves or our friends. So the President’s Conference on Industrial Safety asks all Americans to work safely.” Another reads: “Daddy’s late tonight! Somewhere in America every night a children’s chorus— 300 voices strong—swell to this theme. Daddy’s late because he was permanently crippled or killed that day at work. The President's Conference on Indus trial Safety cites many company records to prove your child need never join this chorus. The fathers of our country who man the production lines can help eliminate accidents by working safely. Try it today, tomosrow may be too late.” MAURICE I. TOBIN SmnIht, U. 8. Department of Labor “Labor Still Has Right To Vote/’ Fink Tells Legislators The following in from a Raleigh dated article (Saturday, April 2). appearing in The Charlotte Observer, by Wade Lucas: RALEIGH, April 2—This somewhat befuddled General Assembly of 1949 may adjourn sine die and go home after next Saturday as some of its leaders fondly predict and hope, but developments in Senate and House this week made even the most optimistic weaken as the hectic five* day legislative period ended after a surprising move on the part of the rambunctious House. / The final House action of the week—and the House this week has been right smack on the horns of a dilemma most of the time—will not delay Anal ad journment, but its repercussions will be heard for many a day and in all likelihood will be a major factor in the primary elections next year. For organised labor considers that, as President C. A. Fink of the State Federation of Labor pats it, the House by its refusal to adopt the minority report on the bill providing a return to the principles of the union shop "made second-class citizens” out of organized labor. President Fink, along with other labor leaders, sat in the House gallery and made notes as the members battled back and forth on the floor over the ques tion of adoption of the minority report. He later said “we shall have the right to vote” and re portedly told Speaker of the House Kerr Craige Ramsay, who comes from the same county as he does (Rowan), the same thing. The implication is unmistak able. Labor means to get some scalps of the present membership in the 1960 primaries if it can. Rockingham's Representative R. G. Powell, a union man, pointed ly told the House during the de bate that organized labor has a minimum of 150,000 members in North Carolina. Harnett’s How ard Parker, also a union man, not only called for the roll call on the minority report and thus put the membes on record as to how they voted, but he laid em phasis on what he termed ' the “unfairness” of the present anti closed shop law. He made it a point to tell the House that he was recently invited to address a class in economics of one of the larger universities in the State and that he was asked to speak \ on the subject “Labor Leaders Do Not Have Horns." Governor W. Kerr Scott, who had done apparently everything he could to get the anti-closed shop law of 1947 modified, even did the rather unusual thing of sending a letter to the House through Guilford’s Representative Clyde Shreve, one of the bill’s introducers, asking the House to adopt the minority report and give all a chance to debate the merits of the bill. The Governor had promised such support to labor in his suc cessful primary campaign last year against Charles M. Johnson and he delivered as best he could. Whether oh his own volition or at the request of the Governor, it was significant that State Demo cratic Chairman Capus M. Way nick, reputed author of the dis carded labor treasure, was in the west lobby of the House as the members debated the bill. Governor Scott has, therefore, lost another of his many battles to carry out his campaign pledges. He was beaten down on the proposed State-wide liquor referendum and now the House, as it did on the John Barleycorn question, has smacked him down on the labor question. Of all the Legislatures of the last .‘10 years, this is one of the toughest to predict as to what! it will do, but the fact remains that Governor Scott may, afterj all, win his battles for his $200 million bond issue for improve-1 ment of rural roads, and the $50 million bond proposal for State aid in building school houses. But making a prediction as to what will be final outcome after what happened this week in both branches of the Assembly is like getting out on a limb and invit ing someone with a sharp saw to start sawing. 1 House Refuses To Modify The Anti-Closed Shop Law V ■ . -- RALEIGH, April 1.—Representatives of organized labor, headed bv C. A. Fink of Salisbury, president of the Slate federation of I^ibor, made no effort to conceal their anger I today following the House’s refusal by a vote of off to 17 to adopt the minority report on the bill to modify the pres ent anti-closed shop law so as to make provisions for a * union shop. *1 think this Legislature has singled us out as one group and made second class citizens out of us by denying us the right of contract, but 1 am glad we will have the right to vote,” Fink told The Observer. As he made his statement he was flanked by represen tatives of ether labor organizations. Just prior to making the statement, Fink and other labor leaders talked with Speaker Ramsey. VOTE BY ROLL CALL Representatives Shreve of Guilford ^nd Parker of Har nett, who called for the record roll call vote as predicted by this correspondent last Tuesday, and others fought for or against adoption of the minority report despite the let ter that Governor Scott sent the House urging'the minority report be adopted. As the bill originally was reported unfavorably in com mittee by an 18 to I t vote, the large margin by which the House refused to adopt the minority report was surprising. Several House members wondered out loud as to whether the Governor's letter helped to any appreciable extent and the rather general feeling was that it did not. On the roll call. Representative Harvey Morris of Meck lenburg voted for adoption of the report, and Craven voted against. The other Mecklenburg House member, Mrs. Joe Ervin, who was out of the city, was paired against adop tion. In explaining his vote. Representative Lassiter said he voted against adoption because he believed the bill went further than allowing merely a union shop, and though it in reality meant a return to the closed shop outlawed by the present law enacted at the 1947 session. t North Carolina Leads In Savings Bond Campaign Name of the Campaign—The Savings Bonds "Opportun ity Drive.” Dates for the Campaign—May 16 through June 30. National Quota—$1,040,000,000 (billion) in Eeries E Bonds (No Series F and G quotas). State Quita—$12,000,000 (million) in Series E Bonds( (No Series F A G quotas). County quotas will be assigned in April. Slogan—Put more Opportunity in Your Future. Symbol—A symbol steeped in American tradition and great in dramatising the history of a people's determined search for security and opportunity—The Covered Wagon of the Famous 1849 Gold Rush. Objective: To ass every Ameican to buy where he works, through the PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN, and to further promote participation in the Bond-A Month Plan, in order to meet na tional, STATE, COUNTY and COMMUNITY quotas. Reasons For the Campaign: First, of course, is the over-all management of OUR national debt of $252 billion. By distributing the debt as widely as possible among individual Americans through sales of SERIES E, F and G Bonds, we are developing a well-balanced ownership and less volatile debt. Too, we are helping to channel billions of dol lars in interest into American homes, as well as building a pro. gram of self-interest in individ ual security through ownership of those Bonds! * The widest possible distribu tion of such an enormous debt is the RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH ONE OF US! j To sensibly increase the amount i of Savings Bonds outstanding and j to point out to all Americans that their backlog of savings repre- , sents an important factor in their own and the nation’s economy and ] its stability. ( Thirty-two billions in Se'iej E bonds are now in the hands of the American people. This is an all-time high, and represents al most one-fourth of the liquid as sets of our people. North Carolina has sold mors Series E bonds than any of th« ten southeastern states in our re gion. During the war period, from May 1, 1941, through De cember 31. 1945, our people bought $522 million in E bonds. Overall sales of all securities dur ing this period amounted to $1, 811,000,000 (billion). From January 1, 1946, through December 31, 1948, North Caro linians invested $256,598,442 (mil lion), issue price, in Series E, F and G bonds. Of this a matin? total—the war was over, remem ber—$167,028,600 (million) were E Bond purchases, by individuals. Summary of Series E, F and G sales in North Carolina: May 1941-Dec. 1945 $659,744,107 Ian. 1946-Dec. 1948 256,598,4»2 Total N. C. Sales $916,342,549 Redemption (cashins) lince 1941 .. 274,902,764 Jet holdings in State Jan, 1, 1949) . $641,439,785 (Continued 9n Pago 4)