April Is Cancer Control Month * Have vou had a physical check-up In the laat 12 months? Deaths in Mecklenburg County, December 19-January 16-February 12. Total previous quarter, 44. At least 15 of these could have been saved had they re ceived proper treatment in time. Estimated number of diagnosed cancer cases fn Meck lenburg County, 600. Potential (having one of seven ganger signals, 400. Total 1,000. This is a big field to cover with our limited personnel and funds. We need you to help us carry our Message of Hope. CAN WE COUNT ON YOU? Mrs. Louise Davis was employed as Secretary of Educa tion and Service on January 17 and is doing a good job of arranging programs and rendering our services to our established cases. We want to express special thanks to the persons who have made voluntary contributions to the Cause of Cancer Controls, as Memorials to friends or loved ones. MRS. C. C. DUNCAN, County Commander. APRIL IS CANCER CONTROL MONTH. Your contri bution will ensure the continuance o f this program in Mecklenburg County. Sponsored by the Charlotte Woman’s^ Club. I % For Indigestion, Sour Stomach and Gas, Tabs NA-CO TABLETS MONET BACK GUARANTEE SELWYN CUT RATE DRUG STORE NEST TO POST OFFICE Some of The Things We Lend Money on Diamond* Watrhe* Jrwcln Mn'i Clothing Tool* Silverware Shot Gnna Rifle* Pistol* Trunk* Adding Machine* Bag* Suit Case* Munieal Instrument# Kodak* Typewriter* All Buttinenn Strictly Confidential. When in Need of Money We Never Fail Yon. See a* for bargain in diamonds, watchea, Jewelry, clothing, etc. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 301 EAST TRADE STREET “ ADD THESE (IP You— A good light— The evening paper, or your«favorTte book . . . The answer will be pure content ment for long evenings. ’Good" for reading light meant! Plenty of light — 100 watts or more. Lamp in the right place —by your favorite choir of course. Free from glare — a white or white - lined shade helps. Properly distributed — on the printed page, with paper or book held at a comfortable posi tion. _,_ DURE POWER COMPANY §wvtnp. iJit JjuJmontj Cvudituu. ■ A NEW VERSION Oh, Lord, I come to thee to prayer once more; Bat pardon if I do not Kneel before Thy gracious presence, for my knees are sore With so much walking, In my chair instead III sit at ease and humbly bow my head. I’ve labored in Thy vineyard, Thou do'at know; I’ve Mold ten tickets to the min strel show; I’ve called on fifteen strangers in our town, Their contributions to our church put down; I’ve baked a pot of beans for Saturday’s spree, An old time supper it’s going to be; I’ve dressed three dolls, too, for our annual fair, And made a cake which we must raffle there. Now. with Thy boundk-saafris dom, so sublime, Thou knowest that these duties nil take time; I have no time to fight my spirit’s foes, I have no time to mend my hus band's clothes; My children roam the street from morn ’til night, I have no time to teach them to do right; But Thou, O Lord, considering all my cares, Will count them righteous, also heed my prayers. Bless the bean supper and the minstrel show, And put it in the hearts of all to go. Induce the visitors to patronise The men who in our program ad vertise, Because I’ve chased these mer chants ’til they hid, Whene’er they saw me coming; yes they did. Increase the contributions to our fair, And bltss the people who are as ssmbled there; Bless Thou the grab-bag and the gypsy tent, The flower table and the cake that's sent; May our bridge club be to Thy service blest, And when Thou hast bestowed , these blessings, then We pray that Thou wilt bless j our souls. . . . Amen. NORTH CAROLINA LEADS IN SAVINGS BOND CAMPAIGN (Continued from Page 1) Translate these figures into se curity for the individual, the community, and the State and you have the true picture of our program—a program to be proud of, and one which MUST BE SCOTT TO RE HOST Governor W. Kerr Scott will be host for a special dinner on the evening of April 19, Patriot’s Day, in Raleigh, to honor county and city chairmen of the U. S. Savings Bonds committees of North Carolina and other Savings Bonds volunteer workers. This dinner is one of 48 being held in States over the nation and will serve not only to pay tribute to the past efforts of the county chairmen and other vol uneers, but to help launch the "Opportunity Drive,” which opens May 18. Keynoting the nation* wide occasion will be a special dinner in Washington from which President Truman, honorary Na tional Chairman of the Savings Bonds program, will broadcast a message to the nation, paying honor to volunteer Bond workers throughout the country. NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg. Loraine Brown Hamilton, Plain tiff, vs. John William Hamil ton, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that a suit for an absolute divorce has been in stituted in this Court upon this the 15th day of March, A. D., 1949; that because of the return of the High Sheriff to the effect that the defendant is not to be found in the above named County, and the affidavit made by the plaintiff to the effect that the said defendant is not to be found in the State of Norh Carolina; the said defendant will therefore take due notice of the existence of this suit in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for said County, and tall there for his copy of the Summons, and com plaint in this cause of action on or before the 28th day of April, A. D., 1949, or this plaintiff will pray the Court for the relief asked for in this complaint, filed in this cause of action. This the 15th day of March, A. D. 1949. J. LESTER WOLFE, Clerk of Superior Court. (R-17, 94, SI; 4-7; eL _jUe woisi TEVCD? vpOK thhSlta JtkiaKattfo It F*ays To Trade With BOGGETT LUMBER CO. SI I E. Park Are. Phone «I7S OUR REST GRADES HEAVY BREED CHICKS 290 for $15.00 Send for Price List— Save Money WORTHWHILE CHICKS 101 W. North Avenue Baltimore 1, Md. De VONDE Synthetic dealers. Dyers Hatters, furriers Seven Points Why We Are One of the Souths Leading Synthetic Cleaners 1. Restores original freshnass and sparkle. 2. Removes carefully all dirt, dust and grease. 3. Harmless to the most deli cate of fabrics. 4. Odorless, thorough cleaning. 5. Garments stay clean longar. 6. Preen retained longer. 7. Reduces wardrobe upkeep. DeVONDE Can s.8128 121 W. Cth St. WRIGHT 8AT3 NEW DEAL (Caatlaaed Prwi Pag* 1) ■hip and panel structure, enable the NLRB to deal with jurtaBe. tional disputes and certain un justifiable secondary boycotts, re establish the Conciliation Service I in the Department of Labor, pro- ! vide means for the settlement of | disputes arising out of the inter | pretation of existing contracts and provide means fur meeting national emergencies in vital in dustries which affect the public in terest. "‘We are going to win the debt for repeal of the Toft-Hart ley Act and retorn of the Con- / dilation Service," Wright added. Magic of the Telephone Tour telephone enn do jnore triclu than • vaudeville magician. It can’t sit on its hind legs, bat it can stop s corporation’s board meeting dead. It can't whistle Dixie. • bnt it can bring news faster than press or rad.a. It can't balance a ball on its dial, but it can tell you where to bop yours flowers and clothes. How? «Time Service does it. T.me Service puts clever advertising messages in 10,000 ears every day . . . right here in Charlotte, where it counts. Cost? Less than a penny a call. 2J7 North Tryon Street Mayfair Hotel BnHdteg Charlotte. North Carolina Telephone MIH Early Cancer Is Curable Consult Your Family Physician j INFORMATION CENTER II6V2 South Church Street Phone 4*9680 HOURS: 9 A.M.TO5P. M. Tumor Clinic Memorial Hospital Open Tuesdays, 11:30-2 American Cancer Society MECKLENBURG UNIT URGENT NEED OF SOFT WHITE WORN MATERIALS FOR DRESSINGS FOR CANCER PATIENTS.