Good Relations—The Goal Of Onion Industries Show By I. M. ORNBURN, Director, and Sec’y-Treas., Union Label Trades Department. A. F. of L. Good Relations is the goal of the Union Industries Show. The fourth all-union AFL exhibition is scheduled for May 18th through the 22nd in the mammoth Public Audi torium at Cleveland, Ohio. Consumers—especially trade unionists—will ge a big thrill when they see the coming, Only a brief review of the numerous attractions will give a | partial description of our anique I labor-ntanagement exhibition. The five-day cavalcade is packed with action, exhibits and 'huge crowds from the opening ceremonies to the conclusion of the Show. There is no charge for admission. The Union Industries Show is a dramatized presentation of all things union. It is dynamic —•» educational — interesting. En tertainment is furnished every hour during the day and night sessions of the Show. The best musicians in the world — union members add to the gaiety of the event with their sparkling and refreshing melodies. It is inspiring to visually wit ness “live” exhibits where pot tery and makery workers, cigar ' ~~~ i FIRST THINGS FIRST VOTE ONE OF YOUR SEVEN (7) COUNCIL VOTES FOR SIDNEY F. CROFT CHURCHMAN . . - HUSBAND - - - FATHER BUSINESSMAN ■ ■ -WAR VETERAN WILL WORK FOR THE KIND QF CITY YOU WANT TO LIVE IN AND RAISE YOUR FAMILY IN! —Paid Political Adv. makers, electricians and other skilled union craftsmen actually make the wares that mad Amer ica famous throughout the world and actually see demonstration'! of the best in service efficiently performed by union workers. Manufacturers of nationally known products also have ani mated exhibits which give life to the entire exhibition. There are many joint displays which are sponsored by Tioin union labor and management. The exhibitors and all who attend a Union Industries Show aggree . that it is a cardinal event in the history of American lal>or • Management co-operation. Through mutual understanding, such as is exemplified in one of our outstanding exhibitions, we are paving the road to industrial peace, economic stability and permanent prosperity for Amer ica. YOU TELL ON YOURSELF You tell on yourself by the friends you seek, By the very manner in which you speak. By the way you employ your leisure time. By the use you make of dollar and dime. You tell what you are bv the things you wear, By the spirit in which your bur dens bear, By the kind of thing!! at which | you laugh. By the record* you play on the phonograph. »! You tell what you are by the way you walk. By the things of which you de light to talk, By the manner in which you bear defeat, By so simple a thing as how, you eat By the books you choose from the well-filled shelf: In these ways and more, you tell on yourself; So there’s really no particle of sense In an effort to keep up false pre tense. —From The Lighted Pathway. De VONDE Synthetic dealers, Dyers Hatters, f urriers Seven Points Why We Are One of the South's Leading Synthetic Cleaners t. Restores original freshness and sparkle. 2. Removes carefully all dirt, dust and grease. 5. Harmless to the (post dolt cate of fabrics. 4. Odorless, thorough cleaning. V Garments stay claan longer. 6. Press retained longer. 7. Reduces wardrobe upkeep. De VONDE Call S-S12S 121 W. Cth S*t. VOTE FOR HANLEY R. DDNAWAY For Mayor “The People’s Candidate” —Paid Political Adv. PRESENTINQ Your Next City Council Members FOR YOUR APPROVAL These are the candidates which announced on the Orginal Greater Charlotte Ticket and who will truly represent every man, woman and child in Greater Charlotte regardless of their station in life. Claude Albea has always been and will continue on this Greater Charlotte Ticket and definitely is not connected with any other Ticket. BANDY JORDAN Sandy Jordan, axe 39. married, •ne child. Home address, 1233 Sky land Road. Mr. Jordan is a present City Councilman and his business is Insurance Executive aid is a member of the Associa tion of Life Insurance Underwrit ers. He was born in Charlotte. Mr. Jordan is a World War II veteran, serving nearly three (3) years overseas. Sandy Jordan is a member of the Moravian Little Church on the Lane and is a member of tfce Masonic Lodge; he la a member of the Shrine Club; he is a member of the Shrine Baud; he is a member of the American Legion: he is a member of Forty & Eight; he is a member of Veterans of Foreign* Wars; he ia a member of the Disabled Vet erans and he is treasurer of the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County. Mr. Jordan was elected to the Charlotte City Council for the first time in 1947. He serves on permanent committees studying charity and hospitalization, the Health Merit Policy, the Mecklen burg Industrial Home and on various special committees ap pointed during this two years term J. HERMAN SAXON J. Herman Saxon is a resident of the Wendover Hills section of Charlotte and lives on Churchill Road. He is president of Saxon’s, Inc. —married and has too children. Mr. Saxon is Boy Scout Commis sioner of Mecklenburg County. President of the Adult Educa tion Council, member fo Charlotte Rotary Club, the Elks Club, Cham ber of Commerce. Charlotte Mer chants Association. Sales Execu tive*- Club, and the Executives Club. Mr. Saxon is a deacon in the Myers Park Presbyterian Church and was formerly president of the Men's Bible Class of the Myers Park Presbyterian Church. He has always been active in all civic drives and at the pre-ent time he is promoting the summer camp for Boy Scouts at Camp Steere. CLAUDE L. ALBEA Mr. Albea lives at 1911 Ashland Avenue. He ban served as a City Councilman since 1931 with the exception of the years 1945 to 1947 when he did not run for re-elections? He is at present a mem ber of the City Council. During his long year* of service, he has twice been Mayor Pro I>m. Mr. Albea has been in the mechanical department of the Char lotte News for the la*t 27 years. He has been President of the Charlotte Central labor Union since 1947 and is a past president of he local Typographical Union, a post he held for ten years. Mr. Albea is a member of the First A. R. P. Church and a mem ber of the Midwood Men'* Club. He also is a member of the Im proved Order of Red Men, Patriotic Son* of America and the Ameri ran Legion. During World War I he wa* a member of the famous 30th Division and wa- wounded in the drive that, broke the Hin denburg line. He Is past Commander of the YetrVans of Foreign War- and a’.*o of the Di-ibied American Veteran*.\ D. C. STATON .... D. C. Staton Ik one of the old est grocery men in Charlotte. He haa had the game business loca tion on North Caldwell Street for the pant 29 yearn. He in a mem ber of the Masonic l.odge. Wood men of the World, a member of the Spencer Memorial Methodist Church. Mr. Staton has long been active in boyn* work and in the Y. M. C. A. of Charlotte. Mr. Staton ban always been a real friend of the young man on his way up in business and has helped many men in Charlotte who own their own business to day. TOM 8. ROGERS Age 41, married, two children. Home address 327 Hassell IMace. Mr. Rorern is manager of the Lo cal hnawr Company at 706 South College street, a position he has held for a number of years, lie is a member of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Luther Little Bible Class of Myers I'ark Presbyterian rhurrh. He is a member of the Men's Club of Charlotte, a mem ber of the Myers Park Country Club, Joppa .Kodge. 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner. Mr. Rogers is also a member of the Elks, and is actively engaged in every worthwhile Civic move ment for the betterment of Char lotte. He is a friend of Organ ized Labor. JOE H. MURNICK Joe H. Mur nick, young busi ieiwman of Charlotte. who has ieen closely identified with the University of North Carolina and ts athletic program, in a randi ate for the city council la the ‘rimary on April 25th. Mr. Murmca is president of Goodyear Paint £ Varnish. Inc. A resident of 2817 Willow >rive, he is S3 years old, married, ind the father of two boys. He has made his home in Char* otte since 1933, although servinr or a time as boxing roach o( the University of North Carolina and or two years in the United Hates Navy as an Athletic Spec alist. Third Class, He is president of the Meek rnburg chapter of the Univer ity’s Educational Foundation and ■ member of the State-wide direc oral board of the foundation. In addition to his other local ictivities. he is athletic director f the Hornets’ Nest Post of the tmerran Legion, an official of he Carolines’ Golden Gloves and eneral chairman of the Junior 'hamber of Commerce’s annual odeo, which is staged to finance instructional classes for retarded hildren. Mr. Murnick is offering for the (tuncil post in the interest of ^presenting the people of Char »tte through public service, and lodged his support of a sound nd efficient local government. The municipal primary will be eld on April 25, after a coat Jetely new registration of voters nd the general election is booked or May 3. Primaries—Monday April 25, 1949 Ejection— 1 uesday, May d, Xyw —Paid Political Advertisement