Anniversary Greeting* SMITH FLOOR FINISHING CO. J. L. Smith, Owner Resurfacing — Refinishing CONTRACTING BIOS SUBMITTED Beautiful — Reliable War* 1320 Mecklenburg Are. Dial 2*3900 Charlotte, N. C. Anniversary Greetings GERRARD TIRE CO. 426 West 6th St. Tel. 5-5581 LABORS BUSINESS APPRECIATED S. H. KIRKPATRICK • ERECTION fir SERVICE • AUTOMATIC CLEANERS • MONORAIL SYSTEMS Telephone 3-8253 1953 Green Street Charlotte, N. C. Anniversary Greetings R. P. STEFFEY CO. YOUR G E DEALER 116 W. 4th St. Tel. 2-5104 Charlotte, N. C. » Anniversary Greetings THE SPORt CENTER Miniature Golf Shuffle Board Horse Shoe Pits 800 Baldwin Ave. NOW OPEN Come and Enjoy Yourself Anniversary Greetings L. M. SCOTT'S Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Service SALES & SERVICE —Domestic and Commercial— 2101 No. Tryon Tel. 4-9107 Charlotte, N. C. OPPORTUNITY FOR COLORED WOMEN AND MEN To learn beauty culture. Well trained faculty with years of experience. Day and night classes. Approved by Vet erans Administration for Gl training. A good beauty operator is never out of a job. SPEARSETTA BEAUTY COLLEGE 505 E. 7th St. Charlotte, N. C. Phone 2-4865 Mrs. A. E. Spears, Pres. Anniversary Grantings * A. B. MORGAN FIXTURE CO. 305 E. Worthington Tal. 7237 Charlotta, N. C. :_i__ Anniversary Greetings GIBSON & GRIFFIN IUILDERS & CONTRACTORS 1421 Edgewood Road Tel. 3-6401 Charlotte, N. C. Anniversary Greetings DANCY CLEANERS 1132 Elisabeth Tel. 4-6785 Charlotte, N. C. I ■ - Subscription to Charlotte Labor Journal, $2.00 Annually BILL GOES BACK Recommitted By Narrow House Vote of 212 to 209 WASHINGTON.—The Wood labcr bill to re-enact most of the Taft-Hartley law was junked today as the House sent it back to committee by the hair’s-breadth margin of 212 to 209. This surprise reversal of yesterday's vote by which the House accepted the bill, 217 to 203. was hailed by Tru man Democrats as a tactical victory. It gave them more time to reform their ranks and try again to repeal major features of the T-H law. But all staes recognized tnat the victory was tactical only. It left the Taft-Hartley act. bitterly den&uncei by - President Truman and labor unions, stilt on the stat ute books. Only the future could tell whether the administration would succeed in altering it sub stantially. On the Senate side today. Sen ator Taft introduced a bill to “re tain the best features of the Taft Hartley law.” He said it would preserve 22 important provisions while making 29 changes. Today'3 tense vote in the House was th»>'*Iimax to months of maneuvering and bitter fighting. The administration had pro Anniversory Greetings GOODYEAR SHOE SHOP (Duo Flex Headquarters> • 313 East Trade Phone 5 9154 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Anniversary Greetings H. H. GOUGHTLY GROCERY 131 West Palmer Tel. 2-1356 CHARLOTTE. N. C. HAYES NURSERY Ornamental and General Nursery Stock Route No. 5 Phone 2-3907 E. G. HAYES, Proprietor E. S. DeLANEY* REAL ESTATE 117 E. Third St. Phone 4-7724 SHOE REPAIR Our expert shoe repairing will give your shoes • now look . . . your toot now comfort. Quality materials. For 30 years. Char lotte's leading shoe repair shop. FAVELL'S SHOE SHOP 115 E. 5th Phone 4 1733 ROYSTER H. JOHNSON OCMPANY HEATING APPARATUS 1822 Rdevadare Phone 4-1950 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Anniversary Greetings PICADILLY GRILL Good Food Courteous Service Reasonable Prices 1416 East Moreheod St. CHARLOTTE, N C. duced a btll, know n as the Thom as-Lesinski measure, to repeal the Taft-Hartley act and revive the New Deal Wagner act with some changes Deciding that th:* measure had no chance in the House, Speaker Rayburn produced a compromise. Th's would have retained some features of the T-H law, notably the 80-day injunctions to stall off “national emergency strikes." Much behind-the-scenes persua I sion preceded Wednesday’s vote, which reversed Tuesday’s decision. Tuesday 14*! Republicans joined 71 Democrats—all from the I South—in beating down the com bined efforts of 180 Truman Democrats, 22 Republicans, and one American-Laborite. In Wednesday’s vote, 193 Demo crats, 18 Repoblicans and one American-Laborite voted to re commit the Wood bill. Against them were 62 Democrats and 147 Republicans. Thus the administration actual-. ly picked up 13 Democratic votes and lost four Republican tallies. On the other side, the GOP Dixie bloc gained one Republican vote and lost nine Democratic votes. The Carolina*’ House delega tions split in the vote by which the Wood labor bill was recom mitted to the labor committee. North Carolina representatives voting to recommit were Cooley, Deans. Jones: against Barden, Bonner. Bulwinkle. Carlyle, Chat ham, Doughton, Durham, Kerr, Redden. South Carolinians for: Sims; against, Hare, McMillan, Rich ards, Rivers, Bryson. WBT RADIO TECHNICIANS WIN IN ELECTION VOTE The technical employes of the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting company Monday voted to have their union. Local 1229, Interna tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL, designated as their bargaining agent, in accord ance with provisions of the Na tional Labor Relations act. The election was conducted at the Wilder building offices of the company under the direction of Albert Yanak, representative of the National Labor Relations board. Of the 16 persons eligible to take part in the vote, two failed I to vote, two voted against the union, and 12 voted in favor of having the union as official bar gaining agent The employes taking part in the election work at WBT, WBT-FM, and WBT satelite. N. C. APRIL FEDERAL TAX RECEIPTS DOWN GREENSBORO.—Federal toz collections in North Carolina last month fell more than |23 million behind those of April, 1948. The sharp drop in revenue fol lowed a record-setting month in March, when collections exceeded those of any month in the his tory of the district collector's of fice. A report released this week by Charles H. Robertson, collector for the district comprised by the state, showed collections in April of $78,598,839.05. This was $23, 860.796.37 below the $102,469, 634.37 reported for Ajril, 1948. It was the sixth in 10 months of the 1949-49 fiscal year in which collections have fallen behind ’ comparable months of the preced | mg year. The fiscal year of the Internal Revenue bureau begins with July. It Pays T* Trade Wit* BOGGETT LUMBER CO. 211 E. Park Avow Phesm 8179 MOMMMmMNMWMMMMMW N®t So Mr*. Hinpock: “Everythin* U (fKinir up." Mr. Henpeck: “Oh, I wouldn’t j lay that. Far instance, there's I you>- opinion of me, my opinion j of you, an ! the neighbors* opinion of o* both:” INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SCALE COMPANY NEW INDUSTRIAL SCALES FOR ALL PURPOSES We Examine, Adjust. Repair and Make Inspections, Includ ing Auto Truck and Railroad . Scales. 0. M RICE, Mgr 121 N. Brevard Tel. 7335 Anniversary Greetings F. N. LITTLEJOHN Chief Charlotte Police Deportment Anniversary Greeting? ALEXANDER BROS FUNERAL HOME 323 So. Brevatd St. Phone 3-1157 CHARLOTTE, N. C Anniversary Greetings VARIETY BAKE SHOP 500 East 7th St. Phone 4 9259 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Anniversary Greetings B. D. HENDRIX DRUID HILLS CO. REAL ESTATE 1615 Oaklawn Ave Td. 6269 CHARLOTTE, N. C Anniversary Greetings A. J. WILSON & SONS plumbing & heating contractors 1023 E 4ri» St. - Tel. # 0871 Charlotte, N. C. Anniversary Greetings GUS'S CENTRAL DINER Gus Thevaos, Prop SANDWICHES — CHOPS - STEAKS AND BEVERAGES 1509 Cs-tfra* A*a Ph. 972? Charlotte, N C Anniversary Greetings DELUNGER & SONS MOTOR CO. COMPLETE REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CAkS 1521 West Trade Tel. 754€ Charlotte, N C. Anniversary Greetings WARREN ESSO SERVICE STATION 201 East Morehead Tel. 9160 Charlotte, N. C. -■ r.. 1 ■ Anniversary Greetings JACK WOOD, LTD. DISTINCTIVE MEN'S WEAK 233 Sa. Try on St. Charlotte, N. C. Anniversary Greetings C. V. STRAWN 3000 WHkmion IM. % Telephone 3-5871 Charlotte, N. C. Subscription to Charlotte Labor Journal, $2.00 Annually Congratulations to the Charlotte Labor Journal On This Its 19th Anniversary Associated General Contractors of America Carolinas Branch BUILDERS BLDG. PHONE 3-3731 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA