Give Your Loyal Support to Your Publications CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL Oldest Bona Fide AFL Newspaper in North Carolina VOL. XIX; NO. 2 CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1949 Subscription Price $2.00 Year NINETEENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION WILMINGTON THE SEAPORT CITY AND RALEIGH THE CAPITAL I CITY HALL WILMINGTON Wilmington is the leading port city for North Carolina, located on the east bank of the Cape Fear River, about 30 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. » The first settlement was made here in 1730, and in 1800 it was a village with a population of 1,689. Evidence of its progressive ness lies in its increased population to 33,401 in 1910, and today it is estimated to be a city of 50,000. Industrially, Wilipin^of posses ses a well-balanced economy with 120 manufacturing firms producing a well diversified line of finished goods. It is an important center for the manufacture of fertiliser, wood and wood products, cotton goods, creosoted products, hosiery, neckties, other chemical products, etc. Wilmington is the second larg est distribution point on the Atlan tic seacoast for bulk petroleum products. Its retail trading area extends inland for seventy-five miles, with a population of 275,000. Its whole sale area covers a radius of 150 miles and has a population of, 385,000. Wilmington is easily accessible by air, land, water and rail. It ' is served by two railroads, five j freight trucking companies, the Inland waterway, three highways, j bus lines and passenger and freight airlines. The Port of Wilmington is 174 miles northeast of Charleston, South Carolina, and 412 miles south of Norfolk, Virginia. The harbor of the city occupies the entire width of the Cape Fear River and extends south from a point about | one mile north to Hilton Bridge, j to about two miles below the south ; boundary of the city and about 30 miles to the ocean bar. A depth of 30 feet at mean low 1 tide is available across* the bar and ' up the river to Wilmington. Con templated Federal waterway pro ject for Cape Fear River will in crease the depth to 35 feet. Fifty seven wharves of various lengths and depths are in operation at Wilmington. Ocean terminals have WILMINGTON WATER FRONT i a capacity of 635,000 square feet and can serve 11 steamers and 105 cars. These terminals are equipped to handle and expedite general car goes with dispatch via water, rail aid motor carriers. Wilmington's harbor channel is navigable throughout the year. The imagination and interest of tourists and vacationists are cap tured by Wilmington’s natural beauties, famous gardens and plan tations, beautiful Greenfield Luke in the heart of the city, its his toric ruins and landmarks, sport fishing grounds and miles of ex cellent ocean beaches. Its mild southern climate allows for year-round activity at nearby beaches, exciting exercise in the Gulf Stream for game fish, and for spring garden tours when the azaleas and camellias burst into bloom at beautiful Orton and Air line plantations, and with thous ands of such plants unfolding a panorama of riotous color at scenic Greenfield Lake studded with old cypress trees covered with Spanish moss. Wilmington has many famous historical buildings and landmarks, I including British General Corn wallis’ Revolutionary War Head quarters. Several of the oldest churches in America, the church where Woodrow Wilson worshipped as a youth, the site birthplaee of Whistler’s mother, historic Fort Fisher, Orton Plantation and its magnificent old mansion built in 1725. . i S Wilmington is the center of one of ’ the greatest farm producing centers in the United States. In the area are located the principal tobacco, corn, potato, soybean, strawberry, lettuce and peanut producing counties of North Caro lina. The nearby Castle Hayne district is world-famous for its millions of beautiful daffodils and gladioli. Cut flowers from these fields are sold throughout the United States. In addition to its famous fishing grounds where an annua] fishing rodeo is held each fall from Sep tember 15 through October 31, with thousands of dollars in cash prises for the best fish caught. Wilming ton is blessed with excellent schools, and churches of all denom inations, parks and playgrounds well kept, swimming, golfing, sail ing, boating and riding. Wilming ton and its beaches has many ho tels and cottages which maintain moderate prices. Wilmington is an ideal location for new industrial branch plants. It has many excellent land sites for manufacturing purposes. Skilled and semi-skilled labor is readily available, and there are ample housing facilities for industrial employees. Wilmington is proud of its ex cellent health facilities, including its medical center, modern hos pitals, prominent doctors, dentists, and surgeons. Its excellent mild climate makes for a healthy place to live. ALVAILKEMP POPULAR A. F. OF L. ORGANIZER PASSES Alva H. Kemp, AFL represen tative, who for the past three years has been stationed in Char lotte, passed away last week in a local hospital, following a brief (Cootinned on Page 4) TOBACCO WORKERS ORGANIZING PLANT IN WINSTON-SALEM WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. — An active organizing campaign has | been launched at Winston-Salem, North Carolina, by the Tobacco ; Workers International Union in ! the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com pany. There are approximately 10,000 workers in this plant. The Campaign, is in charge of I Vice President S. E. Blaine, of the Tobacco Workers International j Union with a large staff of or-j ganizers under his direction. As-1 sisting from the A. F. of L. staff ' are L. T. Gourley and A. E. Brown. 1 The labor relations experience in ! the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com- j pany has been stormy over a long period of years. The most recent 1 activities have been the CIO Food i & Tobacco Workers Organization.' which has been generally accused of being Communist dominated and the employees are in revolt against i that type of leadership. Appearing above is a picture of North Carolina’s Capitol buildihg. The original Capitol of North Carolina was destroyed, by fire on June 21. 18.11. At the session of November, 18.‘12. the Assembly resolved to re build on the old site, and $50,00(1 NEW HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL—WILMINGTON SOUTHERN LABOR HOSTS TO GERMAN LABOR AT ATLANTA FOR 3 WEEKS ATLANTA, GA.—A delegation of German Labor Specialists are guests of the Southern office of the American Federation of La bor, where they will remain for a period of about three weeks. Pres ident William Green, of the Amer* ican Federation of Labor, directed Acting Southern Director, J. L. Rhodes, to give special attention to this group of German Labor Spe cialists in arranging tours of in dustries in the Atlanta and South ern territory and interviews with labor unionists and workers engag ed in industry that they may take back to Germany the integrated' work of the American Trade Union Movement. Those in the tour are Hannelore Conze, who is a specialist in em ployment office operation in Bre men area and is especially inter ested in employment features of both union offices where they place workers in the field and in em ployment of workers through pub lic employment offices. Klara Schwabb has a correspond ing position in Germany to oar Federal Conciliators or Mediators and is making a special study of methods of mediation and concili ation and the acceptability of this service in the labor unions of this country. She is taking special in terest in the needs, effects of this work and the accomplishments of the concilation and mediation. Eugen Mayer is national secre tary of the over-ail Labor Organi zation of the Western Sector of Germany, connected directly with the labor movement of Germany. He is interested in interviewing as many trade union officers, stew ards, etc., as is possible in order to streamline the work of the free J ■\ trade union movement of Germany and to keep as near as possible the American philosophy of trade un ionism. Hermon Klinkenbert, Judge of a labor court of the Western Sector of Germany, who exercises the authority of adjusting grievances arising between the employers and employees, is accompanying the group and is making tours of in dustries in the Southern territory. While in Atlanta this delegation was introduced to many local un ions and workers in the organized industries of Atlanta territory and were taken on toyj», including one to the State Capitol by Organizer George H. McGee, who is state Representative from Chatham County, Georgia, and interviewed Governor Talmadge, after having made a tour of the capitol, and seeing the function of our state government first hand. President John Lytgen, of the Savannah Trades and Labor As sembly, volunteered to sponsor tours for this delegation on the water front and through the paper industry of Savannah. The Chem ical Workers International Union at Brunswich entertained them as guests and arranged a tour through the Hercules Powder Com pany in the Brunswick area. This delegation will make a tour of the Birmingham Iron and Ore territory and through Flor ence-Sheffield-Tuscumbia area of Alabama in order that they may view the aluminum operations and TVA developments of that section. In the closing days of their visit to the South they will tour the furni ture factories of North Carolina and the textile areas of North ■ THE STATE CAPITOL, RALEKiH ( ' was appropriated for the purpose, j Commissioners were appointed to j have the work done. The rubbish i was cleared away, the excavations made and the foundation was laid. On July 4, 1833, the cornerstone i was set in place. After the .foundations were laid the work progressed more slowly, and it was so expensive that the i appropriation was exhausted. The | Legislature at its next session ap | propriated $75,000 more. To do the ' stone and finer work many skilled I artisans had been brought from I Scotland and other countries. The Building Commissioners contracted with David Paton to come to Raleigh and superintend the work. Mr. Paton waa an architect wh> had come from Scotland the yeas before. He was the builder, the architect, and designer. The stone with which the build ing was erected was the property of the Stfte. Had the State been compcllfK to purchase this mater ial the cost of the Capitol would -have been considerably increased. In the summer of 1840 the work ! was finished. At last, after more than seven years; the sunt of $531, 674.46 was expended. As large as the sum was for the time, when the State was so poor 'and when the entire taxes for all State purposes reached less than $100,000, yet the people were satisfied. The building had been erected with rigorous economy, and it was an object of great pride to the people. Indeed, never was money better expended than in the erection of this noble Capitol. • , _ The first Capitol of North Carolina was in New Bern, but j later it was removed to Raleigh. North Carolina, often called the j “Tar Heel” state, was the scene of the first attempt at colonization in America by English-speaking peo ple. Under a charter granted to! Sir Walter Raleigh by Queen Eliz abeth, a colony was begun on Roan oke Island. This settlement how ever, was unsuccessful and later became known as “The Lost Col ony.’’ North Carolina, on April 12. I 1770, authorized 1 the Continental foi‘ independence her 18, 1776,-adopted a constitu tion. Richard Caswell became the ! first governor under this constitu j tion. On November 21, 1789, the j state adopted the United States ! Constitution, being the twelfth | state to enter the federal union, j North Carolina, in 1788, had re I jected the Constitution on the grounds that certain amendments were vital and necessary to a free people. A < new state constitution was adopted in 1868 and since that date the governor has been elected by I the people fr r four-year terms and I he cann*- succeed hiniseif. Thera 1,since !8«t8, but numerous amiud 1 manta have been added to it. North Carolina has been demo cratic since 1900, during which period it has made its greatest progress. North Carolina has had two permanent capitals—New Bern and Raleigh — and there have been three capitol buildings. Tiyon’s Palace in New Bern was construct ed in the |>eriod, 1767-70, and the main building was destroyed by fire February 27, 1898. The first capitol in Ruleigh was completed in 1794 and was destroyed by fire on June 21, 1821. The present capitol was completed in 1840. North Carolina supports a nine months school for every child of school age and maintains a fleet of 4,800 buses by which it trans ports 348.000 children to school each school day in the year. During a nine months term these 4,800 buses travel approximately 31,000,* D00 miles. GREATER HEALTH BENFEITS Philadelphia. — Members of the Philadelphia Orchestra represented by Local 77 of the American Fed eration of Musicians won new health benefits and higher travel allowances under terms of a con tract covering the 1949-50 season. her\ delegates in Congress to vote , and on Decern BACK PAY FOR CjTRUS WORKERS IS AWARDED AUBURNDALE, FLA. — Cit rus Workers Unions in Florida have cracked down on the compan ies for unfair labor practices and have gained substantial reimburse ments to discharge employees for unfair discharges. They have not lost a single case where discharges have been made and where the un ions have prosecuted on behalf of workers. Snively Groves, Inc. heavy oper ators of large packing house juic ing plant and frozen concentrates -- Georgia and North Carolina to gether with a tour of the Tobacco industry of that state and will then return to Washington and their native land. This group of German Trade Unionists are sponsored through the U. S. Department of Labor, which is asking the American Federation of Labor to arrange this tour for the purpose of edu cation and in furthering demo cratic free trade unions in Ger many. plants were charged with unfair | labor practice in discharging four employees during the season just ' closing. The Labor Board follow ing its investigation were succee ful in securing reimbursement for these employees in the sum of $1400.00. L. Maxeey, Inc. Fostproof, Flor ida, has agreed to pay four em ployees $2,000.00 and offer rein statement to their former positions following the filing of charges in that case. The National Labor Relatione Board recently found the Southern Fruit Distributors, Inc., Orlando, guilty of unfair labor practices and ordered restitution of lost time and reinstatement to a discharged em. ployee. Holly Hill Products Company, Davenport, Florida, has a charge pending against them involving the denial of employment of 47 em ployees because of union activity and this suit may aggregate a pay ment of about $15,000. 1