^©RiEtnac ftEmittANT 126 Went Trade St. Phone 2-2238 CHARLOTTE, N. C. UPHOLSTERING Custom Quality Reup holstering and Custom Built Furniture. A complete line of all fabrics to choose from. Representatives will call at your home with estimates and samples wHfc'ut obli gation. H & F UPHOLSTERING GO. 1913 Euclid Ave. Phone 5-3949 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Letter-Press Printing Letter press printing in the graphic arts means the direct application of inked type and engravings or other type material to paper. It is the simplest of all graphic methods of reproduction and at the same time the most lasting. It was the method employed by the medieval craftsmen who first ap plied type to paper and it has persisted throughout the centuries over all innova tions, until today* when the best of crafts manship is sought in a job, there is no al ternative to letter press printing, along with high grade paper and typographic good taste. We suggest that if you have some print ing in view that you want well done, you consult us. Simply telephone 5-1776 or else call at the office, 118 East Sixth St., Charlotte, N. C, H. A. Stalls Printing Co. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AT YOUR DISPOSAL P. 0. Box 1061 CHARLOTTE, N. C. BOGGETT 111 E. Park Arc. Pkoa* 1179 LUMBER CO. II Pays To Trade With Sanitary 6rlll, Inc. Reasonable Prices 111 East Fifth St. Phone 2-0277 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Lawn Mowers Sharpened, Power Mowers Repaired UNITOR MOWER SERVICE Dial 5-S167 Rental Service Air Cooled Motors, 4 Cy cles-2 Cycles Repaired, Re built. Guaranteed Service. 1402 East Fourth St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. OZAPRINTS PHOTOSTATS GIANT PHOTOCOPY DUNCAN PRINTMAKERS 303 W. 4th St. Phone 4-1398 CHARLOTTE, N. C. WRIGHT’S DRAPERY FABRICS Drapery, Slip Cover and Upholstery Fabrics. U. S. Kay Ion Foam U. S. Plastic Naugahyde 316 East Trade St. Phone 2-3008 CHARLOTTE, N. C. A REGULAR $39,95 VALUE $1.00 DOWN DELIVERS ITS ALL METAL tkisSigm e’niiBittlr DIAMONDS W. I. Airier W. I. Hawthorne Diamond Merchants 702 Independence Bldg. Phone 4-2226 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Greetings ECKERD'c GUT RATE DRUG STORES Creators of Reasonable Drug Prices Two Charlotte Stores 109 SOUTH TRYON 128 NORTH TRYON YOU PAY FOR IT! WHY NOT HAVE IT? Gold Bond - Rock Wool Insulation PATTERSON'S, Inc. 2505 S. Blvd. Phone 4-0719 2505 E. Boulevard CHARLOTTE, N. C. Greetings Dilworth Washerette 115 East Boulevard Dial 4-5461 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Compliments of A Friend CHARLOTTE, N. C. ATLANTIC COMPANY BREWERS OF ATLANTIC ALE AND BEER 300 South Graham St. Phone 2-1104 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Swim in freedom and comfort.... BOXER SWIM TRUNKS 2.95 to : 6.50 Men’s boxer style swim trunks made of Zelan treated tackle twill or Lastex. They come in assorted fancy designs and solid colors. Popular model for swimming or sunning. KEN’S STORE . . . STREET FLOOR * Magic nf the Telephone Your telephone can do more tricks than a vaudeville magician. It can’t sit on its hind lejjs, but it can atop a corporation’s board meeting dead, it can’t whistle Dixie, but it can bring news faster than press or radio*. It can't balance a ball on its dial, but it can tell you where to buy yours flowers and clothes. How? Time Service does it. Time Service puts clever advertising messages in 10,000 ears every day . . . right here in Charlotte, where it counts. Cost? Less thaa a • penny a call. 217 North Try#* Street Charlotte, North Carol! me Mayfair Matai