VOL. XIX; NO. 7 * CHARLOTTE. N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 23. 1949 Subscription Price $2.00 Year labor League For Political Action Has Mad Work Cat Oat For It In 1950 WASHINGTON—The 1950 election campaign will start in July of this year—16 months before election day. A drive for voluntary contributions will start next Fall. Special concentrated attention will be given' next year to Southern Democratic primaries. But the chief target for 1950 will be the defeat of Senator Robert Taft of Ohio. These were the decisions maae at the LLPE Administrative Com mittee meeting in Cleveland. The LLPE policy leaders with the recent vote on the Halleck-Wood Bill fresh in their minds, were far from discouraged by the votes in the 81st Congress. All but 2 of the 172 LLPE supported Representatives elected in No vember stood by labor. Our friends in Congress had increased from 83 to 209 thanks to our efforts last election. The Wood Bill vote clearly showed us where we must concentrate in 1950. We must concentrate on the 63 Southern Democrats who violated their party’s pledge. Already the Taft campaign is underway in Ohio. He and other reaction aries will not take us lightly next time . . . they will give us the race of our political lives. It will take even greater effort in 1950 to re-elect our friends and retire a few more die-hards of the stripe of Halleck-Martin and Taft. JXhe LLPE Administrative Com mittee is determined that our League shall not be “too little and too late.” The Committee was happy to report that at the present time practically every AFL International Union Is‘giv ing whole-hearted support and financial assistance to LLPE. All the key state leaders will be called into Washington sometime in July to lay out concrete and co-ordinated strategy for the 1950 election and to get set for the biggest political fund-raising drive in AFL history. As President Green summed up the situation: “The workers of this country cannot feel safe and secure while reactionary forces are able to muster such strength in Congress as was manifested in the roll call vote on the Wood Bill.” LLPE will not be found want ing in 1950. WIDE POWER IS GIVEN TO PRESIDENT TRUMAN IN EXECUTIVE BRANCH WASHINGTON—Congress com pleted action today on a bill giv ing President Truman broad pow ers to streamline the executive branch of the Government. The Senate, by a voice vote with no opposition, approved a compromise version of the bill which was worked out by a Sen ate-House committee yesterday. The House passed it a few min utes earlier. Senate action sfnt the measure on its way to the White House after a month of bitter wrang ling. Polio Precautions * t # A good health rule for parents to Imprest upon children In Infantile paralysis epidemic areas is to avoid crowds and places where dose eon-' tact with other persons is likely. H|TH[ national foundation Ifor infantile paralysis 988 ILGWU Members Get Fvst Pension Payments By Arnold Beichman, Now York Correspondent for AFL News Service NEW YORK. —The employer financed old age pension, system of this city’s largest industry, dress manufacturing, went into effect last week with the retire ment of 988 aged dressmakers. Henceforth, the 85.000 mem bers of the Dressmakers Joint Board of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union will be assured of a lifetime pension of |50 a month supplementing the Federal old age pension. At special ceremonies here, ILGWU President Dubinsky pointed out that “if you look back upon the benefits won through collective bargaining in our in dustry, what appeared first as an additional cost has turned out shortly thereafter to be a factor in reducing industry costs.” The pension system is - admin istered, under a collective bar gaining agreement with employer association, by a joint union-in dustry committee, the head of which is the dress industry's im partial chairman, Harry Uviller, who is empowered to break any deadlock. The financing of the retire ment fund is through a 1 per cent tax on payrolls and as of May 1, a sum of 83.368,836 had been accumulated. To be eligible for the the pen sion, a member must have been in good standing for 11 years since 1933 and consecutively for the last 5 years. To continue re ceiving the allotment, the work er is barred from working in the dress industry or if he takes em ployment in another industry his earnings may not exceed the amount prescribed under the So cial Security Act pension eligi bility rules. Julius Hochman, Dress Joint Board manager and treasurer of the retirement fund of the dress industry, pointed out that the outstanding fact thus far is the unwillingness of most eligible workers to retire not because ef the size of the pension but be cause of a desire to remain ac tive. The first pension check went to Ike Simon, 70, a cutter and mem ber in good standing for the past 48 years. He was one of 607 men and 381 women who will now. that they are 65 years or over, receive pension checks each month. PETRILLO HEADS AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS. fM.NO YEAR JOB SAN FRANCISCO —James C. Petrillo was re-elected president of the AFL American Federation of Musicians yesterday. Unofficial returns were 1,401 votes to 83 for Edward Henne of Local 224, Mattoon. 111. It was the first time Petrillo had been opposed for the $20,000 a year office since he was first elected in 1940. Henne said he ran merely to show the union was “a democrat* ic organization.” Next year’s convention was awarded to Houston, Texas. Petrillo loosed a bitter criticism of United Mine Workers Presi dent John L. Lewis. Referring to Lewis' withdrawal of miners from their jobs, Petril lo asserted: “John L. Lewis is nuts. I say he is not a faithful labor leader and not faithful to America.” T A FATHER’S TEN TENETS FOR BUILDING A STRONG AMERICA May 19th to Father's Day, June 19th, 1949 is Father«Child Month, dedicated to closer father* child relationships. Purpose: to build a strong America through wholesome child upbringing. I 1. A wife father develops in his home a deep and genuine appreciation of our tradi tions and institutions. 2. A wise father makes his child feel secure. 3- He teaches his child that intolerance and bigotry have no place in American life. 4. He develops a respect for the character and accom plishments of other peoples. 5. He shares his-child’s activities. 6. He sees to it that he and his family take an active part i%4qpwnu"ify life. - 7. He is always available to help solve youthful problems. 8. He trains his child for leadership. 9- He strives to be the man his child thinks, he is. 10. He leaches his child that our great material blessings are meaningless without developing spiritual values. AFL Unions Expose Abuses Of "Shell” Housing Projects CHICAGO—To protect home buyers from exploitation, the Chicajo Building Trades Council (AFL) has begun a movement to correct abuses of so-called “shell” housing projects. A committee of the building crafts began inter viewing contractors on May 24 to inform them they may not use skilled union craftsmen to start a house for ama teurs to finish. Chicago veterans, desperate far a place to live, have been vie* ti mixed repeatedly by promoters of “shells,” who glowingly ad vertised “semifinished" homes, with promises tnat buyers can save thousands of dollars by fln , ishing the job themselves. The shells usually consists of four walls, a few studs to hold the roof up, a subfloor, a roof and not much else. Sometimes there's a basement. The buyer has to do the plumb ing, wiring, plastering, painting, install the heating system, nail down the finish flooring, hang the doors, put on the trim and a thousand other chores he never thought of when he bought it. Or, he can hire a specialty con tractor for each of several dif ferent phases of the finishing work. The specialty contractor will charge him more than the same contractor would have charged a general contractor, so the buyer will wind up paying more than it would have cost him for a finished house. Most “shell” buyers try to do most of the work themselves, or try to hire a handy man or two to help. If a helper is hurt on the job, the home owner, with I no workmen’s compensation in surance, is stuck again. If he tries to do the work him self. he soon finds there are tricks to every trade which only experience can teach. “With all my years of con struction experience,” said Earl J. McMahon, secretary-treasurer of the council and of the Illinois State Federation of Labor, “I’d be afraid to hang a door. “Anybody can screw a hinge into a door and into a door frame, but that doesn’t guarantee the door will pen and shut. And an amateur who tries to fit a lock can easily ruin the door.” The council’s decision follows an investigation of several weeks. Rather than wreck the hopes of family men already committed to shell homes contracts, the crafts are not starting with a flat pro hibition on such construction. Instead, the craft leaders are simply informing contractors that union tradesmen may not be used unless there il definite assurance that a project begun will be com pleted in a satisfactory manner. “We are simply making a de termined effort to protect the American home owner against exploitation,” said McMahon. TRUMAN LABOR BILL LOOKS LIKE THE TAFT HARTLEY ACT DUPLICATE WASHINGTON. — The Senate today added three amendments to President Truman’s labor bill and thereby made it look a little more like the Taft-Hartley act. The senators approved all three pro posals by voice votes without an) audible “noea.” But despite the amendments the administration bill still wai far from identical with the T-H act. It did not contain a long array of T-H features like (M use of injunctions to delay strike) and the bans on closed shop con tracts, mass picketing and certaii other union activities. The three amendments, spon sored by a bi-partisan group would do these things: 1. Make it illegal for a nnioi to refuse to bargain in good faith The administration bill already contained a requirement that em ployers must * bargain. Thi amendment had the effect of im posing the same duty on bott sides, as in the Taft-Hartley law 2. Guarantee freedolh of speed in labor relations unless th< speech in question contains threat* or promises of benefits. Tht amendment is similar to, but nol identical with a Taft-Hartley pro vision. 3. Require both unions and companies, if they want to fkk< cases before the National Laboi Relations board, to file annual financial reports. The Taft-Hart ley law requires only unions to do this. Considering of a fourth amend ment on non-Communis^v oath* was deferred until tomorrow. It was expected to pass like th« others. IAFL Unions Expose Abuses Of “Shell” Housing Projects A 150-page Illustrated book, “The Gift of Freedom,” de scribing the level of living—on the job and off—of the American worker, has been released by the I Bureau of Labor Statistics. The book, according to bureau officials, is “designed to inform the worker in foreigh countries how his American counterpart lives." Eight chapters describe in detail: workers’ employment characteristics; the economic ba sis for ’ their living standards; what their wages will buy in terms of an hour’s work; their standards of living; working con ditions and lal>or legislation; the history, development and in fluence of the labor movement; and the historical basis for per sonal and political freedom. The volume takes its title from the theme of a 6-page introduc tion which refers to Walt Whit man’s conception of America “as an inheritor and protector ol world liberty” bound by a repon sibility both “fearsome and sa creJ.” By example and by othei means as well, it states we musi make good on our obligatior with respect to “this gift ol freedom American democraej held only in trust.” Our ability to do so, the intro duction states is tested by (1) whether workers prosper as the economy as a whole prospers; (2) the flexibility of the system in permitting “freedom of move ment. choice, conscience and op portunity;” and (8) the progres sive improvement of the status and influence of the worker. The facts are measurable, the intro j durtion continues, because “one ! of the benefits of a free society is the right of free inquiry, and Americans have made extensive use of that right.” It warns that it is “not an economic and social system alone which guarantees prosperity and security,” hut rather that my system which “provides freeuom to the individual, and allows him to participate to the fullest ex tent to the solution of problems which beset it. stand the greatest chance of maximum utilization of its human and natural re sources.” Pointing candidly ato “flaws" in the operation of the American system, it contends that “our | mistakes impede but do not halt , our progress or change our di rection.” We possess the com bination of circumstances neces sary to “virile democratic leader ship" and reconstruction; free labor, free unions, social con science, sacred regard for indi vidual dignity, and economic ca pacity. Even mere than our ma terial treasure “we want to share those free institutions of free men which are imbedded in the i very marrow of any democratic social structure. That' indeed is i the gift of freedom.” Copies are available for 55 cents from the Superintendent of > Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. LABOR VOTES WILL BEAT SENATOR TAFT IN 1950 I Every vote counts. Whenever a Trade Unionist starts thinking that his lone vote is unimportant, he should remem ber the election of Senator Rob ert A. Taft <R., Ohio) in 1944. If only 3.1 voters in* each pre cinct in Ohio had switched their votes from Taft to his Democratic opponent, the Labor-Hating Ohio an would have been defeated. Ia 1944, Tart received 1,600, 609 votes. His Democratic op ponent, William G. Pickrel, got 1,482,610 votes, only 17,999 less than Taft. And there are 5,710 precincts in Ohio. It’s as simple as that! Every Unionist in every state should vote against Labor's En emies! t I (r roni L»L>Pfc » League Reporter) By CLIFF KNOWLES Of Clereland Typographical Union The hottest political campaign in 1950 will take place here in , Ohio. Senator Robert A. Taft ! will be running for reelection. Students of politics agree that the issues involved in the Ohio campaign will have repercussions in electing and defeating candi dates for Senate and House in other states. Organized labor of the Buckeye state intends to marshall it* I strength from Lake Erie to the . Ohio river to defeat the co-auth I or of the infamous anti-labor Taft-Hartley law. m i . ^^ Prominent in the struggle to beat Bob Taft will be members of the International Typographical i Union, one of the oldest labor | organization in the country. The union printers of Ohio are well informed as to the evils and intent of Taft-Hartley. For the past 19 months, their compatriot* on Chicago newspapers have been on strike. Publishers of the | Windy City are carrying the Taft j Hartley banner for newspaper , owners all over the United States. I If the Chicago printers lose the i strike, the boys in Cleveland and Dayton and Akron and Toledo and all other ITU locals will suf j for the dreadful consequences. Rest assured that union print ers and members of allied trade union in Ohio will battle Taft re lentlessly. Taft’s defeat would have a sobering influence in both Senate and House come January 1951. Chiefly, if Taft-Hartley ia not repealed by the 81st Con gress, it then would be -trimlrt ^ - of *tne 82nd. The closed shop has been a cherished feature for more than half a century in all contracta which the ITU has signed. TH, l *f course, removes the teeth from this asset to union mem ber*. The printers, and their ex ecutive officers, will never surren der this formidable provision meekly. It guarantees the evrs vival of their union. The printers in Ohio are not “lone wolves” in the fight. Their associates in the allied printing trades also will be battling the labor-hating senior senator from their state. Senator Taft’s anti-labor record has been consistent. Ohio is a great industrial state. Labor votes in counties such as Hamil ton, Cuyahoga, Lucas, Franklin, Summit, Trumbull and Montgom ery will decide the issue — if [working men and women register land vote. TELEVISION SETS AND ALL, TRIBUNE CONTINUES TO LOSE Chicago Tribune tales in Mil waukee, which already were at their lowest for 20 years, dropped off sharply when the UAW con vention met there and have sine# dropped still more. On Tuesday, July 19, the Mil waukee county CIO central body wired No. 16 for 5,000 more “Don’t Buy” stickers—which were delivered forthwith. NOTICE The reason this issue of The Journal is late is due to an ex tensive job of remodeling which has been going on in our plant since the first of May which put our facilities out of order until it was completed. The back wall on our building | was ready to topple over and the | landlord was compelled to rebuild I the wall at once. The need was so urgent that only little notice | could be given us. While this work was underway we asked the landlord to make other improve ments and from now on we will have The Journal to you on time each week. For this delay we are deeply apologetic and thank our sub scribers and advertisers for their patience. All beck issues of The Journal will be coming to yon in short order. THE PUBLISHES.

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