ITU Demands NLRB Ban Denham’s Injuction Club WASHINGTON—Attorneys for the AFL’s International Typographical Union urged the National Labor Relations Board to withdraw from Robert N. Denham, its general counsel, authority to ask for court injunctions in unfair practice cases brought under the Taft-Hartley law because he had abused his discretion. They criticized the 5-man board too, asserting that it had put the union through a needlessly long and expensive trial. Henry Kaiser, delivering the union’s final arguments in the Taft-Hartley Act case brought by the American Newspaper Publish ers Association, said that Mr. Denham was guilty of “contemp tible, craven, knuckling down ta the pressure" of the newspaper industry. The ANPA case was started in the fall of 1947, and the union was enjoined by a federal court in Indianapolis in March, 1948. pending the board’s disposition of the publisher charges. The main accusation against the union is violation of the law’s anti t-losed shop section. Mr. Denham, who is independ ent of the board, does not concede that his discretionary authority to seek injunctions is a grant from the board. He holds that the authority is conferred by law. Gerhard P. Van Arkel, associ ate of Mr. Kaiser, accused the board of “shoddy treatment’’ of the union’s motion early in the case to dismiss one of the charges in the complaint. This referred to a charge that the ITU had coerced or restrained employes in their rights by refusing to bar gain or causing local unions to refuse to bargain. When trial of the case started in December. 1947, the union moved for dismissal of this charge. The board directed that testimony be taken on this point j and said it would rule later whether the law intended that a refusal to bargain coerced or re strained employes. Since then the board held in a National Mar itime Union case that this section of the law was aimed at physical and violent coercion. Mr. Van Arkel said the ITU would have been spared many weeks of hearing and thousands of dollars if the board had heard its motion and made a ruling when the ITU first raised the is sue. BUILDING TRADES TO RECOMMEND LABOR POLI CIES OF APPRENTICESHIP WASHINGTON, D. C.—Official recognition has been given to five national joint management labor apprenticeship committees in the building trades by Secre tary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin. He has appointed them as the policy-recommending bodies to the Bureau of Apprenticeship on all matters relating to apprentice training in their respective trades. These trades are electrical, painting* and decorating, sheet metal *ork, bricklaying, and stained glass work. It is anticipated that the ma jority of the other national trade apprenticeship committees which have been established to date will request this Federal recog nition. At the present time na tional joint apprenticeship com mittees are established in 15 skilled trades, including the five meriticmed. The other 10 trades in which these committees are organised are: Plumbing, steamfitting, car pentry, plastering cement, as phalt and composition finishing, roofiing, tile setting, terraszo work, photoengraving, machinists and tool and die making. ? VICTOR REUTHER, A BROTHER OF WALTER, SHOT IN DETROIT DETROIT—Surgeons today re moved the right eye of Victor Reuther, 37-year-old CIO United Auto Workers official and broth er of UAW President Walter Reuther, who was shot and ser iously wounded last night by an unknown assailant. Reuther's general condition was reported as “satisfactory” at Henry Ford hospital after the operation. Dr. Janies Olson said he had to “abandon hope of saving the eye” because a great deal of tissue was destroyed. Meanwhile, FBI intervention to solve the attempted slaying of Victor and Walter Reuther was asked by CIO President Philip Murray. Walter was a victim of a would-be-assassin under sim ilar circumstances a year ago. As in the shooting of Walter, there was suspicion that the at tempted slaying of Victor might be part of a Communist plot. Victor is educational director of the UAW. The Communists have attacked the Reuthers’ union leadership in the past. Others to ask FBI help were Senator Homer Ferguson (R Mich.) and Michigan Governor G. Mennen Williams. QUOTE FROM COA — LOBBIES ARE LOVELY The House Rules Committee this week reported out a bill pro viding for investigation of Wash ington’s 8 million dollar a year highpressure lobbies. Number one Dixiecrat Eugene Cox of Georgia proceeded to pass judg ment without waiting for the in vestigation. He said “I have never seen any evidence of lobbying that I thought was detrimental to the public wel fare.” LABOR VOTES WILL BEAT SENATOR TAFT IN 1950 Every vote counts. Whenever a Trade Unionist starts thinking that his lone vote is unimportant, he should remem ber the election of Senator Rob ert A. Taft (R., Ohio) in 1944. If only 3.1 voters in each pre cinct in Ohio had switched their votes from Taft to his Democratic opponent, the Laibor-Hating Ohio an would have been defeated. In 1944, Tart received 1,500, 609 votes. His Democratic op ponent, William G. Pickrel. got 1,482,610 votes, only 17,999 less than Taft. And Jhere are 5,710 precincts in Ohio. It's as simple as that! Every Unionist in every state should vote against Labor’s En emies! Polio Precautions w • A good health rule for parents to Impreaa upon children In infantile paralyaia epidemic areae ia to avoid crowds and places where close con* tpct with other persons ie likely. E| THE RATIONAL F00MATI0I Television Progress Proa Aladdin's Imp to Cathode In? ft theatre eater lataa ■llllaai la •IpkM KHIIll tflik. III1II27 4 faaa| Firiiwcrtl ineili clcclraalc TV laap 1127 talfcrie lamp ibbmbi 1141 "gaale* PATENTS INSPIRE INVENTIONS . . INVENTIONS BUILD AMERICA! Southern 'Cheap Labor' Said Not To Be Cause Of Industrial Movement Claims by our Southern “Re publicrats” that cheap labor is essential to the industrial expan sion of the South have been dis proved—disproved by industrial ists themselves. A report by the National Plan-! rung Association says that plants locating: in the South are inter- j ested in, first, the goyd markets ' offered by the region; second/ available raw materials in the j area; and third, the Labor Sup ply The report comments: “Labor came up third—which may be a surprise to many. But the Committee turned up even more surprising information: New plants were usually not after cheap Labor; they wanted Labor supply itself and low Labor costs —quite a different thing.” i The report, “New Industry Comes to the South,” .was made by the Association’s Committee of the South. It is based on painstaking research, not emotion al appeals which most Southern [ Congressmen use in opposition to Wage Hour Measures. The Committee studied 88 ‘ plants built in the South since! the end of World War II. They; are in 13 states: Alabama, Ark ansas. Florida. Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Caro lina, Tennessee. Texas and Vir ginia. The study was published as most Southern Congressmen and Senators continued their attack oh the expansion of wage-hour legislation. meir arguments run nice tnis: Southern Businessmen cannot af ford to pay such "high” minimum wages as 75 cents or $1 an hour. (That amounts to the “luxury” rate of pay of $30 to $40 a week for 40 hours work.) To attract industry from the Northeast, the { South must hold down its pay1 scales. But the report says, “ . . . Available Labor and satisfactory Labor attitudes were more im portant to these companies than1 the South’s alleged cheap Labor. “This survey indicates that1 companies operating plants in both the North and South pay roughly the same wage rates in towns of equivalent size. . . . “With few exceptions, those companies that are paying lower wages in their Southern than in their Northern plants told the Committee that they would not have risked their funds in a new Southern location simply because of the wage-scale differences. They considered these differences only temporary. . . . ‘‘Many . . . companies knew their plants would be Unionized, and therefore were anxious to lo cate in a town that had a history of good Labor-Management rela tionships . . . “A few apparel, shoe, and tex tile plants were located in certain communities in order to try to avoid Labor Unions. . . . But, on the whole, the companies with Unionized plants elsewhere placed little or no stress on avoiding Unions.” - » CHICAGO PUBLISHERS STILL PREFER REAL TYPE Graphic-arts technicians meet ing in Detroit late in June, the Wall Street Journal said on June 30, “admitted major dailies aren’t impressed” with “new develop ments like typewriter contrap tions marketed substitutes for typecasting machines.” “Speed must be ‘set above costs, in big-newspaper opera tions,” continued the Journal, which quoted one of the techni cians as saying that the standard “multi-stepped printing operation satisfies split-second newspaper edition schedules—and the new streamlined developments just don’t do this.” Another paragraph, of interest to members of No. 16 particularly and to ITU members generally, is this: “Chicago newspapers, strike-bound over a year and a half, have been able to get by with the type-like machines. But they look forward to the day when then can go back to the old typecasting operation.” Italics are the Picket’s. The Wall Street Journal merely re cited the plain facts about erstaz newspaper methods. NLRB HANDICAPS LEWIS’ DEMAND FOR A UNION SHOP W ASHINGTON. — Coal indus try sources said today the recent National Labor Relations board decision forbidding John L. Lewis to demand a union shop gives them a potent weapon in nego tiating a new contract. The NLRB ordered Lewis and his United Mine Workers union to refrain from demanding a union shop as part of any new coal agreement. He was directed to give his promise to comply by June 13. 988 1LGWU Members Get First Pension Payments By Arnold Beichman, New York Correspondent for AFL News Servie* NEW YORK. —The employer Ananced old age pension system of this city’s largest industry, dress manufacturing, went into effect last week with the retire ment of 988 aged dressmakers. Henceforth, the 85.000 mem bers of the Dressmakers Joint Board of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union will be assured of a lifetime pension of $50 a month supplementing the Federal old age pension. At special ceremonies here, I L G W U President Dubinsky pointed out that “if you look back upon the benefits won through collective bargaining in our in dustry, what appeared first as an additional cost has turned out shortly thereafter to be a factor in reducing industry costs.’* The pension system is admin istered, under a collective liar gaining agreement with employer association, by a joint union-in dustry committee, the head of which is the dress industry’s im partial chairman, Harry Uviller, who is empowered to break any deadlock. The financing of the retire ment fund is through a 1 per cent tax on payrolls and as of May 1, a sum of $3,368,836 had been accumulated. To be eligible for the the pen sion, a member must have been in good standing for 11 years since 1933 and consecutively for the last 5 years. To continue re ceiving the allotment, the work er is barred from working in the dress industry or if he takes em ployment in another industry his earnings may not exceed the amount prescribed under the So cial Security Act pension eligi bility rules. Julius Hochman, Dress Joint Board manager and treasurer of the retirement fund of the dress industry, pointed out that the outstanding fact thus far is the unwillingness of most eligible workers to retire not because of the size of the pension but be cause of a desire to remain ac tive. The first pension check went to Ike Simon, 70, a cutter and mem ber in good standing for the past 48 years. He was one of 607 men and 381 women who will now. that they are 65 years or over, receive pension checks each month. VACATION’S INO If you don’t wont your vacation to end like this, remember this: Spaed kills! One out of every three fatal motor vehicle accidents involves ex* cessive speed. Ikke it easy and lire! •e Careful—Hi* life you save may be your own I 1,259,081 Killed Or Injured In Past Nineteen Years WASHINGTON—John L. Lewis roared a demand today for a Federal safety law to prevent coal miners from being “mained, mangled and killed." The nation’s coal is stained with blood, he said, citing figures to show that 1,259,081 miners were injured or killed in the past 19 years. GREEN SUPPORTS NEW HOUSING MEASURE PRO VIDING LOW-RENT HOMES FOR WORKERS Washington. — AFL President William Green appealed to Con gress to approve pending legisla- j tion which would enable “mod erate income” workers’ families to obtain decent housing at rea sonable rents. Mr. 'Green testified before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee’s housing subcommit tee in behalf of the Sparkman bill which would make possible low-interest government loans to building co-operatives. The measure, he said, would be1 only an “experiment” toward j helping families with an annual income between the $2,000 and $3,750 annual income brackets to j obtain satisfactory living quar-1 ters. About 40 per cent of the nation’s families fall within this income bracket, Mr. Green testi-t fied. This would be a non-subsidized program, he emphasized, one which would not cost one cent of the taxpayers’ money yet would provide acutely needed as sistance to families who cannot qualify for the low-income pub lic housing program but are too, poor to buy or rent the high priced housing now being con structed by private real estate interests. I “We think that a solution has been reached,” Mr. Green told the Senate committee, “in the provisions of this bill which would make possible large-scale rental housing projects by co operative und other nonprofit cor porations. These projects would be financed by direct loans from the federal government at the going federal rate of interest (now 2Va per cent), plus Vt of 1 per cent for administration, for an amorti zation period of up to 60 years, but not to exceed the useful life of the project. “We firmly believe that this co operative housing program will meet the practical test of pro viding decent housing that mod erate income families can afford. Under this program total month ly payment or rents can be re duced to as low as $50-$60 by savings which would be achieved m at least 4 ways: (1) reduced monthly financing costs through the lower interest rate and the longer amortization period; (2) saving through the non-profit fea ture; (3) savings because of an extremely low vacancy rate com parable to the experience in pub lic housing; and (4) reduced op erating and maintenance expenses made possible by avoiding luxury services to tenants and arrang ing for a certain amount of ten ant maintenance. In addition, states and localities could make major contributions toward the achievement of additional savings by granting partial or complete tax exemption to co-operative and non-profit housing groups set up under this program. “The bill wisely provides for a new separate constituent unit within the Housing and Home , Finance Agency, the Co-operative , Housing Admiinstration, the head , of which will 1ms appointed by j ] the President with the advice and | , consent of the Senate. We lie- ! lieve that this is a most signifi- , cant feature of the bill, because ] without a separate constituent', unit we are convinced that this s pioneer program would never re- j :eive the recognition and inde- j wndenee so necessary for its sue- j Me spoke betore a senate laoor subcommittee in support of a bill that would give Federal mine in apectors the right to close mines they think dangerous. At present, the states handle safety enforcement. Lewis con tends they fall down completely on their jab. . « . , t . % Lewis, referring to a magician in King Arthur's court said: “If I had the power of a Mer lin, I would march that million and a quarter men past the Con gress of the United States—the quick and the dead. “I would have the ambulatory injured drag the dead after them.” “I would have the concourse flanked by , five weeping members of each man's family, six and a quarter million people, waiiing and lamenting." During the course of the hear ing the leader of the United Mine Workers: 1. Sneered at mme operators and the men they hire to repre sent them, especially the men they hire, since they have ap peared here to oppose this bill. At one time or another, he re ferred to them as “lobbyists.” “human leeches” and “polecats.” 2. Made a 36-minute, extempo raneous speech during which he glowered, roared, whispered, re minisced, banged the table. Part of the time he sat with his legs crossed sideways in Mb chair and lectured the senators like a college professor talking to a sem inar. 3. Made but one reference— and that was indirect—to con tract talks with operators (Their contract expires June 30.) “They’re fat," said Lewis of the mine owners. "In 1948 the industry exceeded all other years. And the first quarter of 1949 ex ceeded a similar period of last year—by millions and millions.” Mostly, Lewis developed this theme: that the states have failed to enforce safety regulations, and that the operators are not going to pay any heed to safety unless the Federal government forces them to. NOTICE The reason this issue of The Journal is late is due to an ex tensive job of remodeling which has been going on in our plant ■ince the first of May which put jur facilities out of order until it was completed. The back wall on our building was ready to topple over and the andlord was compelled to rebuild he wall at once. The need was 10 urgent that only little notice 'ould be given us. While this vork was underway we asked the andlord to make other improve nents and from now on we will iave The Journal to you on time ach week. For this delay we are deeply ipologetic and thank our sub cribers and advertisers for their atience. All back issues of The burnal will be coming to yon » short order. THE PUBLISHER.

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