« VOL. XIX; NO. 14 CHARLOTTE. N. C., THURSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1949 Subscription Price $2.00 Year House Kills Brannan Farm Program; Extends Present Price Support Plan Washington—In a revolt against j the Administration, the House killed a proposal for a 2-year trial run of the Brannan farm program and voted to continue the present agricultural price support system for another year. By a teller vote of 222 to 152, the production payment method of supporting farm income was turned down. Then the House I went on to approve continuation of the present support system in lieu of a modified version due to become effective on January 1. 1950. Defeat for the Administrationj at the hands of a coalition which included many Democratic stal warts came despite the pleas of Speaker Sam Rayburn who ap pealed for support for a trial of the proposal of Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan to make up the difference between market prices and support levels by direct payments to farmers. In the course of a short speech, which concluded two days of de bate, Mr. Rayburn also predicted that the cost of the present prtte support system “is going to be such that one day it is going to injure farm legislation. ” He said Democratic Representatives of ur ban districts had - voted unani mously over the years for “our farm program,” receiving nothing { in return. “But some of these days, unless we pay a great deal more atten tion to the consumers of this country, they may rise up and make it hard for us to continue this program,’’’ he asserted. The speaker was referring to the contentioA of Brannan Plan supporters that consumers would benefit along with farmers under its terms, since market prices would be allowed to drop to nor mal levels instead of being bol stered by loans and purchases. Besides extending the present price support system through 1950, the bill as passed would^re peal flexible price-support provi sion of existing law that are due to become effective next January 1. These provisions of the 1948 act, sponsored by Senator George D. Aiken, Republican, of Vermont, received delayed status as the re sult of a session-end compromise between the House and Senate last year. Portions of the law already in effect, and to be continued under terms of the bill passed today,' require rigid support of major crops at 90 per cent of parity. Parity is a price designed to pro vide a fair balance between what the farmer receives for his prod ucts and what he must pay for his needs. s The present parity formula is calculated to give the farmer a sales return equal in purchasing power to the amount the same commodities brought in the 1909 14 period. The administration bill, besides authorising a trial run of produc tion payments on potatoes, eggs and shorn wool, contained a new parity formula proposed by Secre tary Brannan as part of his over all program. The base, instead of the 1909-1914 period, was to be a moving one—the first 10 years] of the most recent 12-year period. The bill called for support of major commodities at 100 per cent of the new parity. On the whole, 90 per cent of existing parity is slightly lower than 100 per cent of the proposed new parity. AS WE SEE IT I The following is excerpted from the July 19th radio program, “As We See It,” a new series pre sented by the American Federa tion of Labor over the nation wide * net work of the American broadcasting Company each Tues day evening from 10:30-10:45 EDT. Thg veiws of Joseph D. Keenan on politics and labor were expressed in an interview with James G. Crowley, radio commen tator. By JOSEPH D. KEENAN, Director, Labor’s League for Po litical Education Labor’s League for Political Education is an organization set up and dedicated, first, to see to it that the people of the United States get the information and the important issues of the day, as far as political candidates are concerned, so that when they make their selection at the polls they will vote for people who be lieve in the American way of life. Every American citizen can vote and that’s another aim of the American Federation of Labor and Labor’s League—that all of the bars that now prevent the American citizen from voting be lifted. Now I believe that there is a false general impression that the only concern that labor has is in the Taft-Hartley Act. Repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act is our job, but I think labor has a greater responsibility. In supporting candidates, the league will weigh how they voted on housing, minimum wage propo sals, social security, aid to educa tion, development of our natural resources and, of course, the Taft-Hartley Act. Labor will back those men who have sup ported the general welfare pro gram. I believe that the charge that a great welfare program would lead to state control is the easi est answer for those that oppose it because, when you stand up and argue these things out, you will find that labor in particular in this country is against social ism as well as totalitarianism in any form. And wnen our way af life is in danger, the American Federation of Labor will be one organization that will be in there fighting to the bitter end. We believe in the free enterprise sys tem, we believe in the two-party system also. There is a great danger in this country. There is a group that would like to lull us to sleep on this Communist issue, but there is a greater danger of totalitarian ism in America from the right rather than from the left. And as long as they can lull us to sleep on this left issue they’ll J make hay on the right issue. There’s the great danger that the electorate will be lulled to sleep by a group of fast talkers who will not state the facts — they color them. I believe that the greatest aim of Labor’s League for Political Education is to inform the elec torate as to what various bills and laws mean to everyone. If they get that information, again I’ll say, they’ll vote right. I don’t think we have any right as labor unions or as a labor organization to dictate to anyone. We certain ly have a right to develop a pro gram and ask Congress to sup port it. The American people have not been properly educated on the problems of the day. I think you read the paper day after day that there is a “colored” story on every issue. I think that one of the greatest monstrosities in this country today is the distorted talk on the health program. J think one of the moat impor tant problems is to try and reduce the cost of living. The sec ! ond most important is housing. Follow along with minimum wage —increasing the rate from 40 ! cents to 75 cents. Then social ! security. . I think that for the ! good of the country we must set up a social security system that 1 will give those people that are un ; fortunate enough to depend upon; j it, enough money to live in de-! cency. In order to maintain a high national income we must keep the farmer prosperous so that he can buy the manufactured goods from the factories of the large cities. If the farmer is out of balance. j if his income is down, then it’s natural for that situation to af-! feet the manufacturer and the re tailer and go right on down the line. The interest of the farmer, j the worker and the businessman is mutual. ~ Labor is opposed to Senator Taft because he has gone a long, j long way in his efforts to destroy j the influence of the trade unions of this country. I want to point out that when you destroy the trade unions you are destroying an influence that is dedicated to carrying out the program that I mentioned some time ago. So it’s natural that labor is concern ed about Senator Taft. He has a record, and unbroken record, of opposing labor at every turn. I don’t believe he has ever made a study as to just what labor has done, has been responsible for in this country. I think we can stand on our record. And I think that when the people of Ohio go into Taft’s record, they will vote and vote right. LUCKMAN TELLS BU8INES8 TO CUT PRICES. GET ON BALL Loa Angeles. — Decrying the economic “defeatisnq” which he said now pervaded the nation “from boardroom to barroom," Charles Lockman, president of Lever Bros. Co., urged that Amer ican" business revitalise its efforts so the country would not worry itself into illness and amid untold possibilities of expansion and prosperity. Business, he said, must shake off the buyers’ market psychology, and refurbish its advertising, selling and productive processes to meet a postwar demand which has not been fulfilled, and “sell” the private enterprise system by performance rather than words. Asserting that too many busi-! ness men had remained in the grip of inertia and timidity, he called for “facing up immediately to inventory losses,’ lowering prices wherever possible and de veloping new products, processes and services. GOMPERS STAMP PROPOSED Washington. — Representative Augustine B. Kelley. Democrat, of Pennsylvania, introduced a bill authorising the Post Office De partment to issue a special 3-cent postage s tamp commemorating the 100th birthday of the late Samuel Gompers, first president of the American Federation of Labor. Fly ingest' Pilot Retires; Son To Carry On At Trade United Air Lines Photo Captain & Hamilton Lee (left), a member of the AFL’s Airliae Pilots Association with 4,4M,tN miles of lying to bis credit, at tbs controls of a Upited Air Lloes plane prior to his retirement after M years of service. With him is bis son. Captain Robert E. Lee. who will carry oa the family Uaditiosu By DAN SMYTH. Chicago Cor respondent for AFL News Service Chicago. — The oldest member (in point of service) one of the youngest crafts of the American Federation of Labor was congrat ulated by President Truman and Postmaster General Donaldson upon retirement after 36 years at his trade. He is Capt. E. Hamilton Lee, a member of the AFL’s Airline Pi lots Association who has flown 4,400,000 miles during his career; the equivalent of 175 trips around the world at the equator. He was flying for United Air Lines when he retired this summer. In congratulating the “flying est man in the world.” the Presi- j dent and the postmaster general paid tribute to the pioneer pilots who have carried the U. S. mail through every kind of weather in the tradition of the pony express riders. “Nothing stops the Unit ed States mail.” Lee was born April 18, 1892, in Paris, 111. As a boy in Min neapolis he used to bicycle out to the airfield where A. T. Heine, a pioneer pilot, was flying a dilapi dated pusher biplane. One day Heine told young Lee. “Stick around and I'll give you a ride.” Lee enjoyed his first flight, sit ting out in the open with his legs hanging free and his arms wrapped around the struts. It was only a short time later that Lee himself was learning to han dle a plane. In World War I he joined up as an air “veteran" with more than 200 hours of flying already to his credit. He taught flying at army air fields in Texas and was transferred in 1917 to Self ridge Field, Mich., where he taught acrobatic flying to army air corps cadets. After the war, Lee signed up in December, 1918, as a flyer in the new air mail service between j Washington and New York, then only seven months old. He flew the run between College Park, Md.. and New York, 218 miles. His planes ware Curtis R-4's, Curtis Hispanos and Standard His panos. Between December, 1918. and July, 1920, he made 195 trips over the route. When the air mail service was extended “Ham” was assigned to the Cleveland Chicago run. Eventually, he flew 1 every segment of the origins! transcontinental air route. In 1927, he switched to Boeing Air Transport, when it took over the San Francisco-Chicago portion of the transcontinental route. Boeing was a predecessor com* pany of United. In his stride, Captain Lee took the new techno logical advances of airplane man ufacture as he worked through single-engine Boeing 40s,’ trimo tored Boeing 80’s, twin-engine Boeing 247’s and twin-engine Douglas DC-3’s. In his 30 years on air mail flying he saw aviation develop from 90-mph. open-cockpit planes to 5 mile a minute. 4-engine air liners. “We didn’t have much besides our wits to help us to do the job in the early days,” said Lee. “A magnetic compass, an altimeter and a crude sort of speed indi cator made up our flight intru ments. Intermediate landings were more the rule than the ex ception.” He will devote his time now to being a landlord in Glendale, Calif., where he owns an apart ment building and a string of bungalows. His son, Robert E. Lee. who is a captain on the Chi cago-New York route for United, will carry on the family name. He joined United in 1942. NOTICE The reason this issue of The Journal is late is due to an ex tensive job of\ remodeling which has been goir^r on in our plant since the first of May which put our facilities out of order until it was completed. The back wall on our building was ready U topple over and the landlord was compelled to rebuild the wall at once. The need was SO' urgent that only little notice could be given us. While this work was underway we asked the landlord to make other improve ments and from now on we will have The Journal to you on time each week. For this delay we are deeply apologetic and thank our sub scribers and advertisers for their patience. All back issuea of The Journal will be coming to you in short order. . » THE PUBLISHER. URGES $2 CONTRIBUTION FROM AFL MEMBERS FOR CAMPAIGNS Washington, — Labor's 1950 election campaign strategy was mapped out here at a conference of some 300 national and state AFL leaders called by Labor’s League for Politi cal Education. Pointing for the defeat of anti-labor reac tionaries in both Senate and House, the conference voted to recommend to the administrative committee of the LLPE a proposal to solicit from AFL members and their friends a $2 contribution for political work at the national, state and local precinct level. .< Joseph D. Keenan, LLPE di-' rector, said the league would con centrate its activities in states where it has “better than an even chance to win.” Specifically. Mr. Keenan men tioned, the states of Ohio. Indiana, Missouri and Colorado where the LLPE will concentrate its re sources to defeat Senators Robert A. Taft, Homer E. Capehart. For rest C. Donnell and Eugene Mil likin. The LLPE chief said, however, that labor would “have a pretty tough fight” to insare the re election of Senators Wayne Morse, of Oregon; Carl Hayfcn. of Ari zona; Lister Hill, of Alabama; Olin D. Johnston, of South Car olina; Brien McMahon, of Con necticut; Warhen G. Mangunson, of Washington; Francis J. Meyers of Pennsylvania; Claude Pepper, of Florida, and Elbert D. Thomas, of Utah. me lunu raisinjc submitted to the conference by » committee heeded by Cornelius J. Haggerty, secretary-traasur er of the Californie State Federa tion of Labor urged the collec tion of 92 from each of the AFL’s 8.000.000 members in a voluntary basis. The funds would be col lected by the national LLPE which would, in general retain half of the amount and return the other half to state and local branches. It was stressed, how ever, that in many cases the funds plowed back into state and local contests would exceed half or more of the total collected in these areas. The committee re port, adopted by the conference, urged that the funds be used “in sections where it is most needed.” Expressing hope that the LLPE branches would have a political chairman in each Congressional district, Mr. Keenan said he also hoped that precinct captains would be named in some 50,000 of the 80,000 election precincts. Comments of league officials who spoke at the conference served to emphasize labor’s de termination to wage a vigorous drive for the election of a Con gress which wuld be receptive to labor’s program. William Green. AFL president, spoke of what he said was labor’s success in the 1048 campaign, but he blamed the failure of labor to have its program enacted by the present Congress on “reaction aries.” He also blamed “reaction aries” for the growtn of commu nism. It was to teach the "re actionaries” a lesson that the La bor League for Political Educa tion would have to devote itself next year, he added. ueorge Meany, Arli secretary treasurer, suggested that the Sen ate vote on the Taft omnibus la bor bill be the political "yard stick'’ for labor in 1950. Mr. Kennan told reporters that organised labor would seek to make a solid front with other groups in order to' join the con gressional battle next year for common objectives. High up on the labor list for attainment, he said, will be repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act and re enactment of a modified Wagner Act. Then would come social securi ty legislation and minimum wage extension, he added. Labor would Uso press for health insurance, civil righto legislation aad feder ti aid to education. William C. Hushing, heading the AFL Legislative Council, report ed on the campaign to repeal tho Taft-Hartley Act. He explained to the representatives of a large number of national unions and state and city council labor l>odies that the AFL Executive Council was of the opinion that no ac ceptable labor bill could be passed at this session of Congress. An acceptable tabor bill would have to omit any reference to in junctions. said Mr. Hushing. He held out that possibility that even though the same Congress would be in session in January the mood of the members ‘may be differ ent.” Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Democrat, of Minnesota, touched on this point, too, in a brief ad dress, saying that as the 1940 elections drew near some mem bers might be inclined to change their views on proposed labor leg islation. AtL Airit) 'WORKERS REPORTS GAINS IN ILLINOIS Decatur, 111.—The recently an nounced organisational drive in the 8th Region of the AFL’s United Automobile Workers of America resulted in the winning of another plant, according to . word received from Director Earl § Heaton. Employes at the Buhner Co. in Danville. III., voted for the UAW AFL as their official bargaining agent. The new local union, which is being assisted by 8th Regional District Representative William Walker, is planning on beginning contract negotiations with the company in the near future. This is the third plant organized in Region 8 in recent weeks. , “I- . * Head Of CROP Drive For Needy ‘i cnis The Joo or organising nation-wide interchureh dn i inri i« for form commodities to aid the needy overseas is under the direction of John D. Meteler, above, national chairman of the Christian Rural Overseas program (CROP)'. Already 20 states are organised individually for the expanded har vest season campa.gn, 1) ethers are completing their plans, *fld organi sational arrangements t m proceed ing in the remaining 17; »at year, farmers in 26 stales ^ntrfbuted 76,668,681 pounds Of form commodi ties, representing 23«2 railroad car loads of gifts in kited, with a value of $6,596,674. • ‘ CROP ia sponsored by Catholic Rural Ufe. represented on th« gov ffiiassrsai’JSifSSs E. Dahlia. National headquarters are in Chicago. jJ J