Oldest Bona Fide AFL Newspaper in North Carolina CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL VOL. XIX; NO. II Give Tow Loyal Support to Your Labor Publicationa CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1949 Subscription Price $2.00 Ye 1949 Labor Day Edition-Enjoy the Day But, Be Careful; Drive Safely! Asst. Sec. Kaiser To Guide MLA Office BY ARNOLD BE1CHMAN New York Correspondent for AFL News Service Washington, D. C.—A 36-year- j old young man has been formally entrusted with the job of aiding | the free labor movement ii) Amer ica and overseas in its battle •gainst totalitarianism. Nominated by President Truman | and unanimously confirmed by thej Senate, this young man, Assistant Secretary of Labor Philip M. Kai ser, has undertaken direction of j the Department of labor’s mani-1 fold activities in the field of inter-! national relations. He was sworn in by U. S. Su- j preme Court Justice Hugo L. Black in the office of Secretary of Labor j Maurice Tobin in the presence of distinguished representatives of Congress, Cabinet departments and ranking trade union leaders, in cluding John P. Frey, George P. Delaney, James Brownlow, Nelson Cruikshank, Serafina Romualdi and others. Alongside the new Assistant Sec retary of Labor was his father, 76 years old, a man who fled Csar ist oppression half a century ago. About his father, Mr. Kaiser said aftec the oath-taking ceremony to the assembly in Secretary Tobin’s office: "He came to this country fleeing social and economic and religious persecution. He came here seeking an opportunity to live in a free society — where men could earn their bread by honest toil, and worship God in accordance with the dictates of their consciences; where children of immigrants were pro vided opportunities commensurate with their abilities. “My father found these things here in America. He found a life giving spirit of freedom, for to him the basic concept of life has been the inviolability of the individual personality. He toiled hard in this vineyard and inculcated in his 35 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, a sense of deep de votion to a country, where his as pirations have become a reality.” The Labor Department’s Office of International Affairs, to which the new Assistant Secretary is as signed, works closely with Amer ican trade union leaders. Its Trade Union Advisory Committee which meets regularly with Secretary Tobin and Assistant Secretary Kaiser includes David Dubinsky, ILGWU president; Thomas L. Har kins, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and Locomotive Engin eers; A. E. Lyon, George Meany, Matthew Woll and George Delaney. The Office of International Af fairs concerns itself with many matters of vital importance to the American labor movement; for ex ample, trying to raise labor stand ards in other countries so that man ufactures or other products enter ing this country shall be done by workers paid decent wages, keep ing in touch with American union leaders on matters of mutual con cern in the foreign field, represent ing the American government in the International Labor Organisa tion and many others. By and large, this office is where American labor has a chance to influence the course of American foreign policy and is a means of fighting the inroads of commun ism in the labor movements of other countries. Union Observing 'Unfair' Employer Held In Violation Washington. — Union observers who followed vehicles belonging to an “unfair” employer were ruled to have violated the Taft-Hartley law by a trial examiner for the National Labor Relations Board. The board itself, in an earlier ruling, had held it was illegal for pickets to follow a truck from the site of a primary dispute to the premises of another employer for the purpose of picketing it there. In the case announced, the unions made no attempt to picket the trucks and their cars bore no signs or banners. However, the trial examiner, Hamilton Gardner, held that the stationing of cars by the unions at the Santa Ana Lumber Co., Santa Ana, Calif., yards was “in effect a picket line even though not in the regular, sense”. Mr. Gardner found the following AFL labor organizations guilty of violating the secondary boycott sec tion of the Taft-Hartley law: Local 407, Carpenters Union; Building and Construction Trades Council of Orange County, Cal.; Local 692, Teamsters Union and Orange County District Council of Carpenters. The target of the unions was the Santa Ana Lumbei^^mpany. lowed Santa Ana trucks on some 100 to MO occasions. According to Mr. Gardner “the actual following of company trucks to customers’ premises was calcu lated to be an attempt to demon strate that something was wrong in the labor relations obtaining at Santa Ana. ...” Unless it is contested before the NLRB within twenty days the trial examiner's recommendations will take effect as a board order. WILLIAM GREEN SPONSORS AMERICAN INDIAN'FUND New York. — William Green, president of the American Federar tion of Labor, has become a co sponsor of the American Indian Fund, 48 East 86th Street, New York City, Oliver La Farge, fund chairman, announced. Mr. Green joins a distinguished group of public leaders helping the fund in its current drive to raise 1450,000 American Indian citisens to full participation in American ilfe. The fund, through its parent or ganisation, the Association on American Indian Affairs, strongly endorsed the National Fair Em ployment Practices bill, H.R. 4453, in testimony recently before the House Committee on Education and Labor in Washington. “Many Indian reservations today are centers of misery and starva tion, the end result of centuries of economic discrimination,” As sociation Counsel Felix S. Cohan told the committee. “Indians are the most rapidly increasing racial group in the United States. Eco nomic discrimination practised against them today in the United States and Alaska is probably more serious than that practiced against any other minority groups.” NEW ENGLAND TURNS OUT 3#% OF NATION’S SHOES Boston.—The New England Shoe and Leather Association reported that during 1948 the “shoe states” —Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire—turned out 140,422,000 pairs of shoes. This, said the as sociation, was better than 30 per cent of all the shoes made in ' America. *GOP"Byrds og a Feather.../ fly ?) I /1UT / J RIGHT.' Co*vvi*M 1949 TMt tUCWMSMAM., AS WE SEE IT The following is excerpted from interviews by AFL Publicity Di rector Philip Pearl with Represen tative Andrew J. Biemiller of Wis consin and Nelson H. Cruikshank, Director of Social Insurance Ac tivities for the AFL, on the ques tion of the welfare state. The in terviews were broadcast on the AFL’s “As We See It” radio pro gram, heard each Tuesday evening at 10:30 p. m„ EDT, over the American Broadcasting Company network. Introduction: We propose to get down to cases on what is rap idly becoming the basic political issue of our country and our times; namely, the issue of the welfare state. On the one hand, we have the Taft-Hoover school of thought which warns the American peo ple that “we are on the last mile on the back road to collectivism.” On the other hand we have the Truman-Roosevelt-Labor school of thought which believes that the American people are entitled to a much broader measure of social and economic security than they now enjoy. The battle between these two conflicting philosophies promises to wax hotter and even more bitter in the 1950 congres sional campaigns. Question: Congressman Biemil ler, do you see anything new, rev olutionary, or dangerous in this so-called welfare state? Biemiller: I do not see anything dangerous or revolutionary in it unless you think our entire Amer ican form of government is revo lutionary and dangerous. From the very beginning of our country we have believed in the welfare state. The Founding Fathers wrote into the Preamble of the Constitution a definite statement that the government was founded to promote the general welfare of the people. Question: Mr. Cruikshank, do you subscribe to the argument that the Preamble to the Constitution does not have any real legal sta tus, that it is not legally binding? Cruikshank: No, not at all. That argument is frequently brought up, and I think it has been answered best by former Justice Cordozo of the United States Supreme Court in a decision given on a social se curity case. The justice, who was not a New Dealer but an appointee of President Hoover, said back in 1937: “Congress may spend money in aid of the general welfare. . . . The object behind this statute (the Social Security Act) is to save men and women from the rigors of the poorhouse, as well as from the haunting fear that such a lot awaits them when the journey’s end is near. Only a power that is national can serve the interests of alL That issue is a closed one. It was fought out long ago”. Biemiller: I do not think there is any question but that it was fought out long ago. Take, for example, the statement of Thomas Jefferson, who, way back in 1806, proposed that public lands be set aside and dedicated to public edu cation. This was definitely a case (Continued On Page 4) ANTI-RED BERLIN UNION FACES FINANCIAL RUIN Berlin—The anticommunist in dependent tnpde union* of Berlin (UGO) are dangerously near fi nancial collapse, it was reported here. More than 25 percent of the members did not pay their dues last month because of unemploy ment. A western allied source warned that UGO, which he described as uone of the most important of anti communist organisations,” stood to lose much of its effectiveness if it did not get immediate help from western governments or labor or ganisations. UGO, formed by anti communist German trade union ists in the western sectors of Ber lin, was described as one of west ern democracy’s greatest assets during the past few years in Ber lin. AFL AUTO WORKERS LOCAL WINS 15-CENT WAGE HIKE — Chicago.—Just six weeks after o.ganising the plant. Local 286 of the AFL’s United Automobile Workers of America reported the signing of a contract with the Na tional Video Corporation. Heading the long list of gains is a straight 15-cents-an-hour wage increase for all employees. Other provisions of the intial pact include paid holidays, liberal paid vaca tions, a health and accident insur ance plan, and an unusually fine grievance procedure. The contract also includes many other features typical of the superior agreements negotiated by this amalgamated union which boasts of more than 30 plants in the Windy City area., PREDICTS BIG AFL DRIVE WILL DECISIVELY BEAT TAFT IN 1950 VOTE Qolumbus, Ohio.—AFL President William Green de clared that the American Federation of Labor will pull no punches in its campaign next year for the defeat of its arch enemy, Senator Robert A. Taft. In a fighting speech delivered before cheering delegates attending the 64th annual convention of the Ohio State Fed eration of Labor, the AFL leader went on to predict a “de cisive” defeat for Taft at the hands of an aroused labor movement. Chicogo Lobor Hits Cuts In Relief Aid BY DAN SMYTH Chicago Cor respondent for AFL New* Service Chicago, Aug. 29.—The labor movement in Chicago and Illinois i is protesting vigorously against a [10 per cent cut in relief payments and a 5 per cent cut in aid to de pendent children, ordered by the Illinois Public Air Commission, ef fective September 1. The order to cut, paradoxically, results from rising unemployment and increased demands for lelief. The commission's idea was to spread available funds among a larger number of people. Th* con sequences, according to local re lief administrators, will be a se rious reduction in diet for 92,909 relief clients, 89,804 dependent chil dren and an unknown number of mothers of dependent children. In Illinois, relief budgets are fixed biennially by the legislature. Appropriations are made on rec ommendations of a budgetary com mission, based on estimates of need prepared several months before the appropriation is finally voted. In former years, the money ap propriated for relief was spent un til It ran out, and a deficiency ap propriation was voted, if necessary, to finance the last few months. But the new Illinois state adminis tration is committM to a haisne+d budget, and the IPAC is trying to make it stick. For the biennium ending June 30, 1951, the state legislature ap propriated 1265,465,000 for public aid to be disbursed through the IPAC. The figure includes $158, 307,929 from state revenue and $107,167,071 in federal money. Of the $265,465,000, about $48, 000,000 was set aside for general relief purposes, $56,000,000 for ADC, and the rest for old age pensions, blind assistance and ad ministrative costs. But the bien nium began while unemployment was going up. For July, the IPAC authorised release of $1,799334 to Chicago and other local governments for general relief purposes. The Au Alvin E. Rose, Chicago relief trust allocation will run about $2, 69,124. If tha rest of the appro priation were divided evenly among the remaining 22 months, the amount available would be only $1,762,940 a month. So the IPAC ordered the cut. commissioned, said the 10 per cent slash in state grants would mean a cut of 20 to 26 per cent in the food budget of 45,016 on the Chi cago relief rolls, since fixed ex penses such as rent, light and fuel couldn’t be cut. Joseph L. Moss, Cook County welfare director, said 35,277 chil dren would have to eat less in his county because of the 5 per cent ADC cut. Both Rose and Moss said food budgets already had been figured at the minimum necessary to maintain health. The cut will mean a dietary deficiency. Earl J. McMahon, secretary treasurer of the Illinois State Fed eration of Labor, and William A. Lee, president of the Chicago Fed eration of Labor, asked Governor Stevenson to rescind the cut. The labor leaders suggested the health needs of the relief clients and dependent children be met first, and the deficiency in the budget be made up later. As Mr. Rose ex pressed it: “We are now in the ironic position of having millions of dollars in the cash drawer with out being able to give our people enough to eat” Mr. Green, who described the “Beat Taft' campaign as the big gest political undertaking the fed eration has ever made, said a vol untary contribution of $2 will be sought from eath of the AFL'a 600,000 members in Ohio. He explained that this was but a part of the fund-raising drive to be undertaken by the AFL’s political Education, to raise ste llar $2 contributions from each of the AFL’s nearly 8,000,000 mem bers, their families, and friends of thel abor movement. The funds obtained will be used to finance election campaign activities on both the national level and at the ‘grass roots” in every election pre cinct. Mr. Green said the main objec tive of the AFL drive in 1950 would be to unseat the Ohio Senator, coauthor of the obnoxious Taft Hartley law, and any one else who voted for the measure. While Senator Taft will be the chief AFL target, LLPE is point ing for the defeat of other anti labor Senators who must go to the electroate next year. These in clude Homer E. Capehart of In diana, Forest C. Donnell of Mis souri, and Eugene Mil liken of Col orado. Another feature of the AFL campaign will be to lend its sup port to those men seeking reelec tion to the Senate who have dem onstrated by their actions in Washington that they are sympa thetic to the goals of the organized labor movement. Senators in this group who face stiff oposition in their own states are: Wayne Morse of Oregon, Carl ayden of Arizona, Lister Hill of Alabama, Olin D. Johnson of South Carolina, Brien McMahon of Connecticut, Warren G. Magnuson of Washington, Francis J. Meyers of Pennsylvania, Calude Pepper of Florida, and Elbert D. Thomas of Utah. AFL Union Loader Named To ECA Post Washigton, Aug. 29.—Economic Cooperation Administrator Paul G. Hoffman announced the appoint ment, effective immediately, of Michael J. P. Hogan of New York as labor advisor to the ECA mis sion in Norway. Hogan will taka over the duties previously carried out by John Gross, former labor advisor who is now chief of the mission. Hogan, a member of the New York Streotypers Union, served as president of that organisation from 1934 to 1948. He also served as chairman of the Allied Printing Trades Council, Board of Trustees, for 13 years. In addition, he was chairman of the Eastern Confer ence of the International Stereo typers and Electrotypers Union of North America. During the entire war the AFL union leader served as chairman of Draft Board No. 279, and in the latter stages of the war was chairman of a group of 9 boards. Hogan, who is 54, is a veteran of World War I. He is a mem ber of the American Legion, tha Catholic War Veterans, the Elks, the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and the St. Vincent de Paul So ciety. Read the Labor Day Messages Of President Tru II an and AFL Officials In This Issue

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