Oldest Bona Fids AFL Newspaper la North Carolina Giro Year Loral Support to Your Labor * Publications VOL. XIX; NO. 19 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1949 Subscription Price 12.00 Year Contract Worker Security Spreads Washington.—Despite the attitude of the steel industry, there is nothing new in the recommendation of the Presi dent’s special board of inquiry for insurance and old-age protection for its workers. Under collective bargaining agreements now in effect, there are more than 3,000,000 workers covered by some type of health, welfare, or retirement plans. In addition, many unions and employers originated and control separate benefit plans. _ The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor ( reported to the AFL convention last year that, in 1947, AFL un ions paid out over $60,000,000 worth of benefit claims under various union-sponsored plans, j Incorporation of “security” | plans in union agreements has spread rapidly in recent years. | According to statistics of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only, 1,250,000 workers were covered, by such programs in early 1947. By mid-1948 the figure had , reached 3,000,000. Current esti- ( mates greatly exceed that num ber. Early union-sponsored “securi-, ty” plans were financed entirely J by members through dues or, special assessments. After .World, I, rising benefit costs, financial instability resulting from the de-J pression and the enactment of the depression and the enact ment of the Social Security Act in 1935 led many unions to re vise or end their self-financed benefit schemes. Others have continued and are still effective. Some employers also have for, many years made available, with' and without employe -contribu tions, direct medical services,' hospitalisation and cash pay-, ments during disability, as well: as group life insurance and pen-, sion plans. The railroads or companies closely associated with them were the first to set up for mal plan for old-age disability, relief. Between 1900 and 1930, the number of welfare plans spon sored by employers increased substantially. Organised labor,1 because it had no voice in the ad ministration and was not pro tected by contractual obligation, did not whole-heartedly endorse such plans. A survey by the bureau of La bor Statistics of 15.636 manufac turing establishments in 1945 and 1946 showed that 47 per cent had, insurance or pension plans for. their workers. Life insurance plans were found in 37 per cent, health insurance insurance in 30 per cent and retirement pension systems in 5 per cent. Health and welfare programs under collective bargaining have been in effect, in isolated cases, since the late ’20s, the bureau said. Progress was .slow during the 1930’s, and at the outbreak of World Yar II relatively few union agreements made provis ion for such benefits. The war period stimulated the, growth of plans ahd also brought, a number of existing employer j plans within the scope of union: agreements. Government con trols during the war limited di rect wage increases. Employers were financially able to make con cessions, and in most cases they were willing to do so to hold their employes. The result was a burgeoning of insurance and pension benefit plans. Other factors contributing to the growth of health and welfare plans were favorable tax regula tions and • growing feeling that federal social security benefits no longer were adequate. PROFIT POSITION BETTER IN BRITISH COAL MINES London. — Britian’s nationalised coal mines continued to show a profit in the second quarter of this year, but earnings declined in comparison with the first quar ter. The National Coal Board, which manages the mines, reported that colliery profits for the second quarter were 6,000,000 pounds, or 25.389.000 pounds against 7,200, 000 pounds in the first quarter. The board’s surplus after provid ing for interest and taxes was 2.400.000 pounds in the second quarter and 3,800,000 in the firs|; Taking the surplus for the two quarters together an annual prof it of about 6,000.000 pounds would be indicated, compared with a loss of 23,200,000 pounds in the first year of nationalization and a profit of 1,700,000 pounds in the second year. Veterans Should Gather Dependency Information Veterans planning to enter school or job training under the G. I. Bill this fall should begin now gathering necessary evidence of dependency for subsistence al lowance purposes, if such evidence is not already on file with the Veterans Administration. Such evidence can be held by the veteran until entering train ing, submitting it to the VA with the completed certificate of eligibility. * The VA especially reminds those veterans who have had previous G. I. Bill training, that increased subsistence payments cannot be granted prior to the date all sat isfactory evidence is received by the VA. Therefore, veterans with additional dependents to claim should secure the proper documental evidence to submit to the VA immediately. Satisfactory evidence of mar riage consists of (1) a certified copy of the public or church rec ord of the marriage, and (2) a completed VA form titled “Dec laration as to Marital Status.” In the event the veteran, his ! wife, or husband or both have been married previously, certified copies of the divorce decrees or death certificates which termi nated all previous marriages, mu3t be submitted with the evi dence of the present marriage. For a minor child, acceptable evidence consists of (1) a certi fied copy of the public record of birth or the record of baptism, either of which must show the names of the parents, and (2) the certified copy of public or church record of marriage of the parents. In the case of adoption, a certi fied copy of the court record of adoption is necessary. Evidence of dependency of pa rents includes (!) a certified copy of the public record of birth of the veteran or the church record of his baptism showing the name of the parents, and (2) an “Af fidavit of Dependency” (a VA | form) filled out by the parent or . parents and sworn to by a notary {public. Hotel Union Completes Its First Institute Cincinnati. — i mrty-five key hotel and retaurant union mem ber* from points as far apart as Juneau, Alaska, and Miami, Fla., have just completed the first la bor education institute in the 68 year history of their union. They are members of the AFL's Hotel and Restaurant Employes and Bartenders International Un nion. With 430,000 members, it is third largest of the AFL inter national affiliates. Successful completion of the pioneer education project, held in co-operation with the School for Workers of the University of Wis consin, was announced here by R. Hu Davis, the union’s director of research and education. Expenses of the school, Davis explained were shared by the international headquarters here and local unions of students awarded scholarships. The parent union met tuition and living ex penses, while the locals paid transportation costs for the stu dent. Rank-and-file members as well as local officers were represented in the group, which included cooks, waiters and waitresses, bartenders, hotel service work ers and dining car employes from all parts of the U. 8. and Canada. Students received *69 hours of classroom instruction, in addition to numerous evening seminars, at the hands of a faculty which in cluded teachers from the Univer sity of Colorado and the Univers ity of Chicago as well as Wis consin and the union’s own staff. Subjects taught at the school ranged from the economics of the hotel and restaurant industry through courses in collective bar gaining, labor legislation, labor history, methods of union educa tion and internal union problems “Special emphasis was placet on the low-wage structure of the hotel and restaurant field,” Davis said, “and its direct bearing upon the general economic stability of the country. The entire nation suffers when most of the 1,600,00 workers in this industry are paid wages which will not support the standards of living the nation needs to remain on a high level of prosperity.” Graduates of the school, Davis said, returned to their homes ex pecting to inaugurate labor edu cation programs of their own as the first step toward setting up a national education program reaching into every one of the union’s 800 local unions. “Success of this first institute.” he pointed out, “indicates a wide interest among organised workers in gaining information through planned education activities which will help them in controlling the course of events which bear di rectly on the lives of working people everywhere.” .Green On West Coast Leading American workers in their observance of Labor Dajr at the San Diego Labor Day Jubilee. AFL President William Green was assisted by royalty. Shown above with Mr. Green are Pat Gergen. Mission Bay Festival Queen (at his left), and her maids of honor. | ■— , ' " " V ' - ' ~ Discharge For Cursing Overruled By Examiner By Du Suyth, Chicago Corre Nm Service Marion. Ind.—Ruling that use of profanity is no longer proof of moral irresponsibility Louis Plost, a trial examiner for the National Labor Relations Board recommended reinstatement of a woman employe discharged by the Indianapolis Glove Co., of Marion. The employe. Edna Ruggles was a member of the Interna tional Glove Workers Union (AFL). which brought unfair la bor practice charges against the company after her dismissal Plost held she should be returned to work and given back pay for lost earnings since March 15, 1948. ( During hearings, the company ! said use of “excess and loud pro I fanity” was one of the reasons ! for firing the young woman. But | the examiner found her vulgar i expressions “consisted of disre spectful references to the ances try of an inanimate piece of ma chinery, the use of the ward ‘damned’ and the like.” Her utterances, he continued “were clearly imprecations which sprang from vexation, impotence, ' annoyance, anger, frustration, and 1 spoken under sudden impulse, and, 1 as Such, were not tn any sense I real blasphemy.” I i | language resulting from such causes is not intended to indi cate disrespect for the Deity, Plost went on. Common usage has obscured the original meaning of the words. He developed this thought: i “The day when a curse was i designed and intended to call VACATION’S IND If you don’t want your vacation to and liko this, ramambar this: Spaad kills! Ona out of avary tbraa fatal motor vahicla acddanta involras az eaaarra apaad. Ikka it aasy and Ur ml voronn-iM im N your •wnl down the wr*th of Heaven. upon any object, animate or inanimate has happily passed. Today, the words of imprecation, curving and plasphemy survive in our speech shorn of their real meaning. “Time was when even the one of such ‘swear words,’ devoid et blasphemous intent or meaning, had a proper and respected place in our language. Their use mas a great art. reaching its noblest perfection, both by word and in flection. among men whose lives were bound to beasts of burden “In the armies of the past, the cavalry man, the artillery man but most of all the mule skinner, mastered the art, and raised it to great heights. “But, alas, the coming of the gasoline engine has removed the living spur to expressive, non blasphemous profanity until now only a pale substitute survives. “The words are remembered but the music has been lost.” I -■ “UNION LABEL WEEK" NOW ON THE CALENDAR Thi* week, A. J. Ratchford, superintendent of the Shenandoah Public Schools, notified I. M. j Ornburn, Secretary-Treasurer of the Union Label Trades Depart ment of the American Federation of Labor, that “Union Label week” is being placed, on the of I ficial calendar of those Pennsyl * vania schools. He requested a I representative of the Union Label 1 Trades Department to address the I high school pupils on the subject 'of “Union Label Week.” | “I note that the American Fed eration of Labor is designating the week of September 3rd through the 10th, as ‘Union Label Week.’ ” Mr. Ratchford said, and added, “I commend you for this action particularly since there are so many other organizations that have already set up designated weeks for the purpose of creating better public relations. For a number of years, 1 have assem bled many of these special weeks and I am taking the liberty of sending you a sample of our monthly calendar which lists cer tain weeks and special days for whatever recognition the princi pals and teachers find it proper to give them, and I am very hap py to be able to add ‘Union Label Week’ to this diet.” Dedicates Building For Boilermakers Kansas City. — AFL President William Green declared that “an overwhelming victory for the cause of progress” will be assured “if the members of our trade unions and their families and friends make certain to register and to vote on Election Day next year.” Asserting that the I960 congressional campaign is al ready under way, the AFL leader said that labor has the votes required to oust anti-labor foes from Congress and to break up the reactionary coalition which hss been sabo taging President Truman’s legislative program. LOUISVILLE FIRST TO SI6N UP FOR 1950 UNION INDUSTRIES SHOW Director I. M. Ornbum, of the Union Industries Shows, an nounced this week that the City of Louisville, Kentucky, was the first exhibitor to sign a contract for display space for the next labor-management exhibition to be held during May, 1950, in Phila-' delphia. Louisville participated | in the exhibition held, last May, in Cleveland and fiuyor Charles Farnsley indicated at that time that he was so enthusiastic over the American Federation of La bor’s annual event that he wanted Louisville to be the first city to sign up for the next show. “A majority of the exhibitors who participated in the 1949 Union Industries Show will make reservations toe display sp— in the 1950 exhibition to be held in Sonvention Hall in Philadel phia.’* said Mr. Ornbum, “and with this wonderful response from our old friends and also the in Convention Hall in Philadel exceilent prospects for new ex hibitors the success of the 1950 Show Is guaranteed.” IBEW WINS PAY B008T < FOR 19,000 in 4 STATES Cincinnati.—Between 8,000 and1 10,000 members of the AFL’s In ternational Brotherhood of Elec trical Workers will get a general wage increase of 10 cents on hour' under a new contract with 25 con tracting firms in Ohio, Kentucky^ Virginia and West Virginia. The announcement was made by Gordon M. Freeman, a vice presi dent of the union. He said new wage rates in 14 classifications would range from 81.22 an hour for “ground la borers” and $2.12 for “journey man mechanics.” LEO E. GEORGE, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POST OFFICE CLERKS, SAYS: LEO E. GEORGE “Real co-operation, as well as self preservation, requires that onion wages be spent for union products. The fair employer is one who employes union labor. Every person is an employer when he purchases anything that requires labor to produce. It is essential, therefore, that every union member insist upon the Union Label, Shop Card, or But- i ton when spending union wages." | Stov I Mr. Green spoke at dedication ceremonies of a splendid new of fice building here erected by the AFL’a International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship builders and Helpers of America. He participated with Charles J. MacGowan, president of the un ion, and representtatives of labor, government and civic life. One floor of the new and im posing edifice will be occupied as the national headquarters for the Boilermakers Union. The remain ing space in the 9-story structure will be leased out in accordance with the union’s plan to utilize the building as a sound invest ment of union funds. In his address of dedication, Hr. Green paid tribute to the outstanding record of the union, in service to the nation during the last war, with particular em phnii mfKMi tfcs achieved In the output of Victory and Liberty ships from the West Coast shipyards. He said: “I know of no other union which can boast of a more in spiring record of all-out service and all-out devotion to the cause of victory. “Now and in the years to come, this modern edifice will stand as a symbol of the constructive achievements and the remarkable progress which your organisation has attained in behalf of its mem bers and the nation as a whole. It is a fitting monument and tes timonial to the enduring benefits of sound and free trade union ism." Assailing the twin forces of Comramunism and reaction which seek to undermine these benefits, Mr. Green pledged that the Amer ican labor movement will stand as an impassable barrier against offensives launched from either quarter. On the domestic front, Mr. Green aeid that the attainment of labor’s program for an ex panding economy with higher standards of living for all Amer ican citizens would forestall any trend toward a depression which, he said, would prove “a tragedy for all mankind.” He charged that the foes of labor have launched a desperate propaganda campaign to mislead the American voters and to ob scure the real issues in the forth coming election campagin. He added: “Last November, we placed our case before the American people for decision and the results ap peared to be a c.Var mandate in favor of labor’s position. How ever, the diehards in Congress thus far have paid very little at tention to the election results. And so, in the American way and in the American tradition, we are going back to the people in the congressional elections next year for a completely unmistakable verdict “I ealj upon all American work rrs everywhere to dedicate them lelves to their high responsibility u good citizens. Let each of us )ledge to discharge those respon ■ibilities by casting our ballots >n Election Day and thereby do >ur part toward keeping our bo free and strong.”