Editorial THE CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL AND DIXIE FARM NEWS OLDEST LABOR PUBLICATION IN THE TWO CAROLINA8 Published at Charlotte, North Carolina & A. Stalls, Editor and Publisher W. M. Witter. Associate Editor R. G. Thomas, Greensboro .».--Field Representative Entered an second-class mail matter September 11, 1931, at the Poet Office at Charlotte, N. C., under the Act of Congress of Much 3. 1879. — .... .... .* "VWfc "". .. Oldest Bona Fide AFL Newspaper in North Carolina, consistently Serving the American Federation of Labor and its members since it was founded, May 12, 1931. Approved by the American Federation of Labor in 1931. Endorsed by Charlotte Typographical Union, Number 338, An Af filiate ef Charlotte Central Labor Union and the North Carolina Fed nation ef Labor. Mum Services: American Federation of Labor, U. S. and North Carolina Departments of Labor, and Southern Labor Press Associa tion. The Labor Journal will not be responsible for the opinions of cor respondents, but any erroneous reflection upon the character, stand.; lag or reputation ef any person, firm or corporation which may ap pear in the columns of The Labor Journal will be corrected sins called to the attention of the publisher. Correspondence and Open Forum opinions solicited, but The Journal reserves the right ts reject objectionable reading matter and advertising at all times. MEMBER SOUTHERN LABOR PRESS ASSOCIATION "LET THE SUNLIGHT OP A FREE PRESS SHINE IN DARK PLACES’* SOUTHERN LABOR PRESS ASSOCIATION WEEKLY BIBLE THOUGHT “Come unto Me, oil yo that labor and are heavy laden, and I will live you 'rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me: for I an meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”—Matthew 11:28-30. TVA GIVES STRONG COMMENDATION TO A. F. OF L. In 1933 the Tennessee Valley Authority, through its Board of Directors, elected that its employes should have the right to organize and select their own representatives for the purpose of collective bargaining In 1935 the TVA stated as a policy that employes would suffer no discrimination because of membership or non membership in a Union, in an effort to be neutral. In 1940 the relationship between TVA and the Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council was such that a contract was signed between TVA and the A. F. of L. Trades and Labor Council. In 1942, as a result of the co-operation between the Un ions and TVA, Management issued a statement to the employes saying that Union membership is conducive to the efficiency and effectiveness of the job, and that Man agement looked with favor upon and encouraged such af fiiliation as a means of achieving and maintaining the joint contribution of labor and management to the Valley pro gram. The four steps described above were the highlights in a Labor Day address delivered at Kingsport, Tennessee, by Mr. George F. Gant, Genera] Manager of TVA, who came here as an invited speaker for the big Labor Day celebra tion. Mr. Gant was on the program with Congressman Dayton E. Phillips and James F. Barrett, A. F. of L. or ganizer. uenerai Manager uant g address was an emphatic ap proval and commendation of the A. F. of L. Unions’ co operation and fair dealing with the TV A in the construction, maintenance and operation of this huge enterprise. In more detail, Mr. Gant is quoted as follows: “TVA now employs about 14,000 people. It has had, during the war, as many as 42,000 employes. These em ployes have been and are engaged in building dams, chem ical plants, hydro plants, steam plants, bridges, switch yards, and transmission lines. They are maintaining and operating the all-important power and chemical plants. They are engaged in the management of reservoir property, in research in both physical and social science fields, and are maintaining effective relationships with many agencies. TVA had to decide in 1933 what its labor policy would be. The TVA Board concluded, after months of study and con sultation with employes, labor leaders, labor advisors, that its employes should have the right to organize and select their own representatives for the purpose of collec tive bargaining. This was before the Wagner Act. It established a precedent in the Federal service. “The empkyes responded to this implicit invitation Ao purpT of deaii** TVA management. Not only did the employee join unions in a large majority, Idle unions themselves, A. F. of L. unions, organisedthe ennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council for the purpose 4 oi^Liblmhing a single framework for their relations with TVA. The Council and TVA hammered out their nego Uatl,n*’ traniff. «nd related procedures in an atmosphere of stiff bargaining but also in an atmosphere of trust and good faith. By 1940 the relationship had matured suf ficiently, in terms of mutual confidence ami acceptance of responsibility, that it was possible to negotiate and sign a contract. The terms of this contract will be of interest to you, and I wish to point out again that they are import ant not only to the efficiency and stability of TVA’s own operations but because of their impact upon the develop ment of labor standards in the Tennessee Valley. “The contract is with TVA's trades and labor employes represented by unions affiliated with and acting through a single agent-—the Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council. It is a continuing agreement, not a year-to-year proposition, and may be reopened at any time by TVA or by Council upon 90 days’ notice; neither party has re L opened the agreement The contract stipulates the pro cedures for negotiating wages and working conditions, for Handling disputes, and for establishing training and co oler alive committee programs. | ’ The unions settle their own jurisdictional disputes un der this agreement, and the unions have exemplified real leadership in discharging this responsibility without ex ception. The TVA assigns work as so determined; if there is a dispute TVA assigns work according to its best judg-* ment, subject to reassignment upon notice of agreement by, the unions involved. "Other disputes are handled under procedures which1 provide in the end for an impartial referee whose decision' shall be final. Since the signing of the contract in 1940, however, only one case has gone to a referee. All others have been settled directly by the Council and TVA. Labor and management have demonstrated that a hard-headed but honest bargaining relationship will work when the parties trust each other’s integrity and devotion to a com mon purpose. t “These relationships of collective bargaining, training and co-cperation, have paid off for TVA, I think for the unions, and for the Valley. TVA’s views can be illustrated toy evolution of its official attitude towards union mem bership. In 1935 it stated that employes would suffer no discrimi nation because of membership or non-membership in any orgmzation cr association of employes — an effort to be netural. In 1942 TVA stated that union membership is conducive to the efficiency and effectiveness of the job and that it looks with favor upon and encourages such affilia tion as the means of achieving and maintaining the joint contribution of labor and management to the Valley pro gram. “The pay-off in this program is not only in the harmony and efficiency with which we have worked, labor and man agement, or in doing a physical or an adminhftnttavw job. The pay-off is the demonstration that labor standards can be as high, if not higher, in a public enterprise as in the private enterprises which the public project was created to1 iester. The TVA did not turn out to be a governmental! ddevice to avoid its management responsibilities to labor. On the contrary, it recognized the employes’ stake in the success of the TVA program and it recognized labor’s con cern for the program and the contributions it has to make to it. This personal interest of labor in TVA is not only for good jobs; it is an interest, I am confident, in the future of Tennessee Valley.” ? 1949 Convention Call To All Affiliated Unions Greetings: You, are hereby notified that, in pursuance of the Consti tution of the American Federation of Labor, the 68th Con vention of the American Federation of Labor, will be held in the Civic Auditorium, St. Paul, Minn., beginning sat 10 o’clock Monday momng, October 3, 1949, and will continue in session from day to day until the business of the Con vention shall have been completed. Once again we convene in annual convention—four years after the termination of World War II—moved by feelings of uncertainty and increasing disappointment. Workers everywhere are asking why, following such" a* long period of time, no substantial progress has been made in the nego tiation of an international agreement providing for inter national peace and security. The facts seem to make it clear that failure to arrive at an international agreement is due to the negative, antagonistic and selfish policy of Soviet Russia. Apparently the Russian government seeks to extend and expand Communist control over certain na tions of Europe, Asia and elsewhere throughout the world. The fight, therefore, for international peace and security is supplemented by a fight against the aggression of Rus sia and its Communist philosophy. We want world peace, but we want it to be based upon the principles of freedom, democracy and liberty. This is sue must be faced courageously and in a spirit of determi nation that the free people of no nation shall be forced to accept communism and Communist control against their will. As we meet in this historic convention, labor throughout the nation is conscious of the fact that our enemies are seeking to destroy, weaken, and if possible wipe out our trade union movement through the enactment of vicious, reprehensible antilabor legislation. As a result, the fight ing spirit of the workers has been aroused as never before. That fact was reflected in the election which was held last November. The record shows that unity of thought and action was developed to a high degree among working men and women and their friends everywhere. This fight against anti-labor legislation is still on. For that reason those in attendance at this convention will formulate policies de signed to win victories for labor both on the political and economic field. Social security and health insurance legisla tion, federal aid for education, minimum wage legislation and other social justice and security legislation wil and must command the attention of the officers and delegates in attendance at this convention. Our purpose is to bring about the realization of the hopes and aspirations of labor, to seek to establish a standard of living commensurate with the requirements of American citizenship. We cherish the principles of freedom, liberty, democracy and justice as a common heritage to be pre served at any cost and transmitted to future generations. In conformity with the record made by previous conven tions, those in attendance at this 68th Annual Convention of the American Federation of Labor will make a genuine contribution toward the realization of this great objective. WILLIAM GREEN, GEORGE MEANT, President Secretary-Treasurer ' ' VACATION'S KND If you don’t nut your vacation to and Ilka this, remain bar thiai Spaad kill*! On# out of ovary tbrao fatal motor vahida accident! involve* ax cmdv* (peed. Ikka it aaay and kv*/ NEW REGULATIONS ON FL8A EXEMPTIONS FOR “WHITE COLLAR" WORKERS ANNOUNCED Washington. — Proposed revi sions in regulations governing ex emption of certain so - called “white-collar” employes from the minimum wage and overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act — the Federal Wage and Hour law—were an nounced here by William R. Me Comb administrator of the U. S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hoar and Public Contracts Divi sions. Affecting some 2JH)0,000 em ployes in virtually all types of establishments with employes cov ered by the Wage and Hour law. the regulations were last sub stantially revised in 1940. The regulations provide “tests” of duties, responsibilities, salary lev els and other basic requirements for employers to apply in de termining which of their em ployes may be exempt from the wage and hour provisions of the law aa an “executive,” “admin istrative,” “professional,” “local retailing,” or “outside salesman” type -of employe. In announcing his proposed re visions, which are based on a re port and recommendations sub^ mitted to him by a presiding of ficer following 22 days of a public hearing on the (subject ending in January, 1948, McComb said interested parties may have 30 days in which to submit writ ten comments. He explained that the proposed revisions would not materially change ,the number of “white collar employes affected; but would clarify application of | the regulations to such employes, thereby reducing the risk of un witting violations through im proper classification of exempt and nonexempt employes. Under the proposed revisions, the duty requirements of the regulations for the five tpyes of employes involved would be clari fied and tne salary necessary for exemption of "executive” type employes would be changed from $60 to $65 a week, and for "ad BOGGETT 211 R. Park Ave. Hum 8179! LUMBER CO. It Pays To Trade With : New and Reconditioned PIANOS For the beat value in NEW or reconditioned pianos, select • yours from our stock of nearly 100 instruments. Setinway, Mathushek, Winter, Howard, | dnd many others. Prices to suit everyone. ANDREWS MUSIC CO. “Oar 55th Year" "Steinway Headquarters" SSI North Try mi 8treat THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Charlotte, N C FIVE POLIO PRECAUTIONS ARE LISTED FOR PARENTS % Warning that tha 1949 polio *ea »on is “just around tha corner," tha National Foundation for Infantila Paralysis today issued a list of pre cautionary measures to be observed by those in charge of children during the epidemic danger period which usually runs from May through October, reaching Its peak during the hot. mid-summer months. The live easy-to-fol low health rules for children are: 1. Avoid crowds and places where close contact with other persona in likely. 2. Avoid ever-fatigae canned by too active play or exercise, or ir regular hours. 2. Avoid swimming in polluted water. Use only beaches or publie N*h declared safe by local beakh authorities. 4. Avoid sadden chilling wet shoes sad clothing at keep extra blank* clothing handy for changes. , * the golden rale of I cleanliness. Keep food heavier weather t-fhtly covered and safe fr__ __ or ether insects. Garbage should ba tightly covered a*i if a ' I facilities arc * lackiag, it The National Foundation _ _ listed the following symptoms of infantile paralysis: headache, sea or upset stomach, muscle (plained - — or stiffness, and fever Should polio strike in your family, call a doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and prompt treat* ment by qualified i__ often prevent serious crippling, the National Foundation pointed !*. The organisation emphasised that fear and anxiety should be held to a minimum. A calm, confi dent attitude is conducive to health and recovery. Parents, it said, should remember that of all those stricken, 60 per cent or more re cover completely, while another 26 per cent are left with only slight after effects. If polio is actually diagnosed, contact the chapter of the Nation. ■1 Foundation for Infantile Paraly im serving your community. The chapter will pay that part of the cost of care and treatment which patient or family cannot CUT OUT ANO KtBA BON AC PCM NCI » i ministrative” and “professional" type employes from $200 a month to $75 a week. A new provision would shorten the ex emption test for salaried em ployes of these three tgpes who receive at least $100 a week. Among the basic requirements for exemption under the proposed regulations are: (1) “executive” employes must perform manage rial duties; (2) “administrative” employes must perform office or non-manual field work of substan tial importance in the manage ment or operation of the business; (3) “professional” employes must perform work requiring advanced knowledge in a field of science or learning or perform creative Work in an artistic field; (4) “local re tailing” employes most make re tail sales mostly intrastate in' nature; and (6) “outside sales men” must be engaged to sell., away from their employer's place of business. “Please, lady,” said the tramp, “the doctor has given me this bottle of medicine, but I have nothing to take it with.” “Surely,” replied the kind old soul, “I’ll get you a spoon and a glass of water.” “No, thank you, madam. I guess 1 can get along without those. But the directions on the bottle say, ‘To be taken with meals’. Haven’t got a meal yom can spare, have you?” Mu_ Watches ie of The Things Lend Money on Jewelry Men's Clothing Silverware Shot Ga Riflaa Plato le Trunks Addins Machines Suit* Caaea Musical Instrui Kodaks Typewriters All Business Strictly Confidential. When in Need of Money We Never Fail Yon. 8ee as for bargain la dianranda, watches, Jewelry, clothing, ala. RELIABLE LOAN CO. Ml EAST TRADE STREET A Bird You Want To Know Prwdly wa pmat tki CB KOOSTEK . tha mi —utt af C#loaiml fftwn. CS Imtoi lg • mv gray * Maattfytag Mg Star aai LHtfa Star Staraa, aal abava aB — A MASK OB QUALITY FOODS. ■Ar tha riga af tha CB BOOB1V ■ •'fcl-lWI ba gM that jaa Ml COLONIAL STORES IKCOIPOR1TIB = = Martin’s Department Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES *~~ Shop at TKcudin and Sod* SHOES—CLOTHING—FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT CORNER TRADE AND COLLEGE