^WJTHBT RISES FIRST TIME | SINCE OCT., 1*48; PURCHAS ING POWER REPORTED DOWN BY ONE PER CENT (Centiaaed From Pag* l) tran during the same period in 1948. Expenditures for plant and aquipment by nonagrieultural business showed no gain in thet -second quarter of the year over *■ the first. This was the first time since the end of World War II in which there was no increase,! and the outlook for the year’s third quarter was for actually lower expenditures. The second quarter of the year. produced a rise in both fixed and working capital, according to the council, with total proceeds from new corporate issues more than doubled. The national income, accord ing to the council's revised esti mates, dropped by $12,100,000,000 or B per cent, from its peak at the end of 1948 during the first half of 1949. About half the drop was reflected in corporate profits, including inventory valu ation adjustment and one-fourth in compensation of employes. T Greetings Drive-It-Yourself, Inc. J. H. Scarbrough, Mgr. Rotes 12c per Mile, Gas, Oil Furnished Phone 3-4513 212 West Fourth St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. City Chevrolet Company SALES AND SERVICE "Home of Friendly People" e 710 SOUTH TRYON PHONE 7151 Charlotte, N. C J Reddy, there in your nearest Reddy Box, !j>. faithfully awaiting your command, repre sents scores of good citizens in your own community, the employes of your power " company. These men and woman are hometown people, including perhaps your next door neighbor. They consider their job im portant to their community, and perform it loyally. They take real pride in helping Reddy serve you efficiently and economically, fcwenty-four hours a day. DUE •nL fc, POWER COMPANY tC fiMuni, V BOB JONES UNI . ERSITY ZJ-JU-V •' HI r NV u Lt Si Tm f AH. i IN A There ta one uo greatly condemn ed in the Bible, which you almost never hear preached againat II la the ain of flattery, and how largely It it practiced these daya Some flat ter with no malicious Intent Diet desire popularity and want people to like them, ao they cultivate the habit of saying that which will please the hearei without regard to Its truth Or. they have read some popular book on psychology, which tells them that the way to make friends is to flatter, and they put into practice this advice with never a thought that they are being dis honest Others flatter for more malicious reasons Politicians have discovered that the surest way to cause an op ponent to make a fool of himself is to flatter him into doing something which in an uninflated state of mind he would have better judgement than to attempt Others Indulge In flattery to get something from the object of their flattery They are like the fox in the fable who flatter ed the crow on his beautiful voice When the crow, full of vanity, open ed his beak to sing, he dropped the piece of cheese be was holding, and the fox gobbled it up. Son* people flatter ter sheet cowardice They lack the courage to apeak the truth They will aay whai another expect* of them rathet than what they know to be so There are preachera who are guilty here Instead of preaching against the sins of unregenerate human hearts, they flatter their hearers with smooth sounding messages on the greatness of the human race Sinners lost and undone feel no conviction a* they sit under their ministry, but go out full of a self-satisfaction to con tinue in their sin They are trapped and pinioned in a net of sm-ioth words, when If they had been tow the truth about themselves and then own sinful condition and pointed to the Lord Jesus they should havt found In truth and in Him who it the Truth, freedom from the chains of tin Truly. **a man that flattereth hi* neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet" (Proverbs 29:3) There is no flattering of the Adamic nature and of sinners In God’s Word Unre generate men hate and despise the Word of God because it tells them the truth about themselves Men prefer flattery, but it is only in the truth that freedom is fdtuid. —Released bu the Gospel Fellowship Assoaatior GREETINGS Julian's Laundry CASH AND CARRY 9IS E. MtwIwN T#L 2-5954 CHARLOTTE, N. C GREETINGS Local Finance Co. AUTO LOANS T#L 8557 706 So. Coil#9« St. CHARLOTTE, N. C p • \\ U HLI 1 /h R ianos •«-—'«•« « D| * $525.00 PirfcirloriMr Co. US W. I ARCADE BARBER SHOP C. A. Russell, Mgr. _ 326 So. Try on St. Tet 2-0493 CHARLOTTE, N. C. COMBER REALTY CO. 1601 Fulton Are. Phone 4-9066 CHARLOTTE, N. C. CENTRAL LUMBER CO. 7 300 So. Brevard St. Dial 3-5145 CHARLOTTE, N. C. EO MELLON COMPANY Open Evenings Til 9 106-14 West Trade Street Dial 4-9711 CHARLOTTE, N. C. A good health nil* far parent* t* Impress upon children In Infantile paralytic epidemic erect It te avoid crewdt and placea where elate con tact with other portent it lltcety* ■THE NATIONAL FOUWATII FOR INFANTILE PARAiYSS Even He “There isn’t so much difference between a man’s wants a Hi a woman’s wants,” declared Mrs. Smith. “Oh, yes, there is,” iodeted Mr. Smith. “A man wanta aH he can get.” “Yes?” said Mrs. Smith, wait lac “And a women,” continued Mr, Smith, “wants everything the can’t get.” MARY’S GROCERY 1400 So. Try on St. Phone 4-8223 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mariana Beauty Shop 304 West Hill St. TeL 4-0389 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ALWAYS A BETTER DEAL At PETTIT MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Phone 8157 515 East Fourth Street ► FURNITURE CO 4 204 E. Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Polio Precautions JOHNSON RADIO SERVICE 1920 Eastway Drive Phone 3-0396 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Lanier Olctatiag Machine Compaq 324 So. Church St. Dial 2-4657 CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. R. Mollis Oil Conpny Standard Esso Products FUEL OIL 1317 Nandina Dial 2-5548 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Metal Fabricators, Inc. Phone 4-9020 1513 Camden Road CHARLOTTE, N. C. SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY “Scrrtec As You Want It” TcL 3-8885 1107 East Fourth St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Marietta Cnenti Gap. Manufacturers of MARIETTA CONCRETE SILOS Build To Endure 3100 Hutchison Are. P. O. Box 1575 TcL 5-6846 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Radio-Etectroite Sain & Santee 117 East Park Ave. TeL 4-3217 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Rodwell Really Gompaey Builders of QUALITY HOMES 211 Vi No. Try on St. TeL 2*1691 CHARLOTTE, N. C. HOME SB1IH6 SERVICE BEAL ESTATE 211Vt No. Tryon St* TeL 4-8946 CHARLOTTE, N. C. MORION’S CLEANERS Gene Marion, Mgr. 2109 No. Tryon TeL 4-8191 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS TO LABOR O. E. Mathis Miner ni Developer 1224 Eoderly RiL, W. Phones 82B4—5-II17 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS TO LABOR COO West Fifth St. Telephone 3-1164 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Subscription to Cbarioito Labor Journal, $2.00 Aanaally