52 Oldest Bona Fids AFL Newspaper North Carolina CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL Give Your Loyal Support to Your Labor Publications VOL. XIX; NO. 21 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1919 Subscription Price $2.00 Year Metal Crafts Hold 40th Convention Frey Says Communism Greatest Menace St. Paul. — Communism was singled out as the “greatest men ace to world peace” and “the out standing obstacle” to economic re covery in the free world by John P. Frey, president of the AFL’s Metal Trades Department. Mr- Frey’s charge was includ ed in his report to the depart ment’s 40th convention in session here, which presented a careful analysis of important domestic and international economic affairs of vital interest to the labor move ment. Reviewing the AFL’s successful j fight against Cmmunist influence in its own ranks ana on the inter national scene,, the veteran trade union leader said: “The determined position of the American Federation of Labor has finally succeeded in severing the alleged Russian trade union move ment from the free trade union movements of the world. It must continue its efforts, for the Mos cow dictatorship is still a grave menace. “All of the efforts of men tc establish free institutions, and the: reward created by the efforts, are now overshadowed by the world-! wide cleavage between two dia me tricall y - opposed paints of view. “The nations of self-governing men are not endeavoring to force j their form of government upon the Russian people. If the Rus sians like the form of govern ment which now oppresses them, that is their affair; but the Krem lin has taken the definite position that it cannot be successful in Russia if free institutions continue to exist in other countries. Its definite and announced purpose is to destroy the free institutions with every means on which it can lay its hands. “Our American trade union movement, the American Federa tion of Labor, was the first or ganized body in the United States to direct attention to the menace presented by Communist philoso phy and Communist purpose. It led the fight, and for its own welfare it must continue to do so. There can be no safety through the adoption of half-way measures ” On the domestic front, Mr. Frey declared that “there is am ple evidence that the national economy is sound, and that so far as internal conditions are con cerned, there is no danger or a serious depression.” He warned, however, that ef-j forts must be made to increase! the real wages of workers as a, means of insuring national pros perity. The AFL leader stressed the interdependence of our national economy and the economies of other nations. He said: “Unfortunately, the interna' economy of our country is great ly influenced by the economic con dition of other nations, particular ly those in western Europe. Whether or not we like it, the fact remains that the immediate future indus trial welfare of the United States will be materially affected by the degree to which the nations of western Europe are able to re cover sufficiently to place their own national economic structure on a sound basis. “The economic welfare of other countries is so important to that of our own, that we have been spending many billions of dollars to assist them, and there are reasons for believing that we must continue to do this for some time.” AFL Taxi Union Mobilized To Track Down Murderer Chicago.—Five thousand mem bers of the Chicago Taxi Drivers Union, Local 777, of the AFL teamsters’ international, were en listed by the city police depart ment to help solve the murder of one of their number, shot to death by a passenger. The murdered driver, Stanley Stock, Jr., a boy of 21, was shot four times about 8 p m. on the dark, misty night of Sept. 12 by a man who had asked to be taken to the shooting scene, the inter section of two residential streets on Chicago’s Far West Side. A $2,500 reward was offered by the union for information leading to the murderer. Another $2,500 was offered by Stock’s employer, the Yellow Cab Co., aed a Chicago newspaper, the Sun-Times, offered $5,000 for anyone who solves the crime through the newspaper’s secret witness plan, a tip by-mail formula which protects the anon ymity of the informant. Stock lived four hours after the shooting, during which he gave police a complete description of the killer. Another witness was within 150 feet of the gunman as he fled on foot to an alley and disappeared. From the descriptions given by Stock and the other witness, a police artist drew a likeness of the criminal, and copies are being furnished to every union cab driv er in the city. There are other clues, including a fingerprint found on the doorhandle ed the cab. Because taxicab robbers usually are repeaters, Chicago de tectives believe there !s a good chance the slayer will be caught. Arrangements for distribution of the killer’s likeness were made in a conference of police Captain Andrew Aitken; chief of detec tives, with 5 Local 777 leaders— George Marcie, secretary-treas urer; Robert Markov, recording secretary; Oscar Kofkin, vice president, and James Connors and William Pritikin, business agents. In addition to offering the re ward, the union made an outright gift of $500 to the Stock family for funeral expenses, 'lhe young man was single, and carried no insurance. Marcie said the un ion’s entire membrship would co operate with police to the limit of their ability. Because of the nature of their work, the late hours, the calls to every neighborhood and the cash transactions, taxi drivers are a steady prey of the criminal ele ment. Holdups are regular and beatings are frequent, but murder is rare. On April 12, 1948, another member of Local 777, Alberl Brody, 30, was found in an out lying section, shot to death with five bullets. A thumbprint left on the rear-view mirror of the cab solved the crime. The print was checked by the Chicago police department against records of known robbers. It proved to be the print of Alfonso Alvarez, alias Najera, who had a reord of petty crime After a long search, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents found Alvarez in Seguin, Texas, where he was living with Fred Varella, another petty criminal. Both men confessed the Brody murder. They were tried, sen tenced to death, and await electro cution. TEXTILE UNION WINS POLL Atlanta, Ga.—The AFL’a Unit ed Textile Workers of America by the overwhelming vote of 181 to 35, won an NLRB union 4iop election at the Fairmont Mills at Spartanburg, S. C. Everett Dean, international representative of UTWA-AFL re ports that in spite of the efforts of the company to prevent the holding of the election that near ly every employe participated in the voting* President Paul L. Phillips (at left) and Research Director Bart' Tidlaod of the AFL’a International Brotherhood of Paper Makers represent the U. 8. Government at the United Nations Conference! on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources. Earphones pro vided English translations of addresses in foreien tannages. Educator Claims Industry Is Weak On Human Relations Denver.—A prominent educator warned that should another de pression occur, one of the main reasons for that catastrophe will be industry’s failure to “solve” its problems in human relations. Dr. Douglas McGregor, presi dent of Antioch College, declared in an address here that difficul ties in industrial relations are due partly to management’s fail ure. to aae t£e implications of “a simple fact about human behav ior.” “People work to satisfy such needs as food, shelter, power, prestige, social approval, knowl elge, love and achievement,” he said. “And they work or restrict out put, co-operate or fight, join un ions or refuse to join them, obey rules or disobey them, invest money in the organization or withdraw it, and whatever else they do,” he said, “because their perceptions are that by doing so they will best satisfy their needs.” He scored “the large numbers” of managers who, he said, be lieved that fair degree of unem ployment is essential for good industrial relations who argue that “fear makes people docile.” “Other managers,” he said, “think of the process as the of fering of a bribe: 'do as 1 say because I am good to you.’ This we call paternalism- It is not dead either, although the term is currently in disrepute.” All these, and most other man agerial philosophies, he asserted, have in common the idea that people must be "forced somehow to work toward the organization al purpose.” Dr. McGregor said that “if one expects to continued a relation ship with people, it Is not worth while to try to 'make’ them do anything.” A second essential for rood hu man relations, he said is that efforts directed toward the or ganisation goal be directly as sociated with the satisfaction of personal needs, so Fast work be comes "not form of punishment" but in itself creative, satisfying and enjoyable. “Wages cannot be used to satis fy needs at work.” he said "Neither can vacations, insurance benefits, pensions, recreational fa cilities nor most of the other ben efits provided by employers.” People need achievement, knowl edge, prestige, creative activity group approval, power and accep tance, he maintained. He sug gested that there be "genuine par ticipation. to the point of the deep emotional involvement" of all workers Dr. McGregor said that it may be that these problems, unless solved would make any economic system unworkable. "If it were possible, I should Ceatiaaed Oa Page 4) Officer John Says: About 12 drivers oat of every 100 in rural fatal accidents were reported to have been driving on the wrong side of the road. There is virtually no excuse for this typo of accident -it is a result of chrelessness «>ui otter disregard*" Mr wise driving. Bant be caught on the other fellow’s side of the road. De sore you have the necessary clearance and tine before attempting to pass an other car. IF IN THE SLIGHT EST DOUBT—STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE. GREEN SENDS GREETINGS ON JEWISH NEW YEAR Washington.— Fraternal greet ings as well as expressions of deep sympathy and pledges of support to the Jewish people of the United States and other countries" were sent by AFL President William Green on the occasion of the Jewish New Year. Mr. Green stated that “for the first time in more than a decade a spirit of rejoicing animates the celebration of the holiday this year. Although we cannot forget the trials and sufferings of the past, the Jews this year should give thanks for the establishment of peace in Israel and for the auspicious and promising progress which the new Jewish national homeland bash achieved (Continued On Pnge 4) Jobless Insurance Payments Keep Buying Power Washington.—Purchasing power in New England, hardest hit by unemployment, has been kept fairly stable because of unem ployment insurance payments to workers, Secretary of Labor Mau rice J. Tobin declared here. Addressing the Federal Advis ory Council on Employment Se curity. he said New England has suffered most from the rise in joblessness in recent months, and now has “15 out of the 34 areas in which unemployment runs greater than 12 per cent.” “Yet, despite that fact, general retail sales were approximately the same as in 1948 for the month of June and retail depart ment stores had a decline of but 3 per cent in the whole area “In my opinion, thi3 can be di rectly attributed to the purchas ng power that has been placed in the hands of those unemployed workers.” He added that in Lawrence, Mass., in June, a city in which unemployment approximated that of the 1930s, sales continued un changed. Arthur J. Altrr.eyer, Commis sioner of the Social Security Ad ministration. also stressed the stabilizing influence of the unem ployment insurance system. The meeting of .the advisory group was the first since the Bu reau of Employment Security, which it advises, was moved un der government from the Federal Security Agency to the Department of Labor. Sec retary Tobin assured the labor, business, and veterans’ represen tatives he would continue to call on it for advice and would give full weight to its opinions. Bureau representatives report ed that while economic readjust ments continued, the employment downtrend had been reversed in August. The economic outlook na tionally was described as one of “restrained optimism,” and the opinion was given that unem ployment probably had passed its 1949 peak. Robert C- Goodwin, director, and Louis Levine, chief of he bu reau’s Office of Reports and An alysis, presented the report on employment and economic trends. The August upturn in ateel was cited as significant and indicative of a probable trend. “This year has seen the end of the steel shortage, of the gray market, and the retirement of many of the submarginal mills,” the report said. “The Aogust up turn in steel production seems to have occurred as a result of a growing belief that steel prices are not going to drop further, Continued On Pago 4) SHORM6 UP WORLD PEACE OVER SIX HUNDRED DELEGATES TO WEIGH ISSUES AT ST. PAUL Washington.—National and international problems of supreme importance to labor will be considered at the 68th annual convention of the American Federation of Labor which opens October 3 at St. Paul, Minn. More than 600 delegates, representing the 107 national and international unions affiliated with the AFL are expected to attend. Job Situation Is Brighter In Critical Areas i Washington.—Improvement in the employment situation and a slackening of unemployment oc curred in a majority of the 36 m jor production centers ^nd rela tively smaller labor market areas which in recent months have been experiencing heavy unemploy ment, the Labor Department’s Bu reau of Employment Security re ported. Robert E. Goodwin, director of the bureau, reported to Secretary of Labor Tobin that during the past 30 days unemployment drop-j -ped in two-thirds of the 36 critical areas and over half of the areas reported employment increases.1 Total unemployment in the 36 i areas decreased about two per cent. “At the request of the White House, the Labor Department’s Bu reau of Employment Security ar ranged -with the state employ ment security agencies in early August to obtain ' regular month ly labor market reporta covering employ meat trends TrtlflL ployment in all areas where 12 per cent or more of the civilian labor force was unemployed,", Goodwin said. ’As a result of this survey, the state agencies submitted labor market reports on August 15 on 36 areas which had very sub stantial labor surpluses The In formation concerning these areas| was submitted to the White House ^ in order that Federal activities could lie co-ordinated to alleviate, the unemployment situation in these localities. "The second series of labor mar-^ ket reports on the ‘E’ areas was received this week. These show that while employment increased in more than half of the areas and unemployment declined in two-thirds of the areas, improve ment shown by the various areas was not sufficient, except in one instance, to afTect its ‘E* classifi cation. Only one area, Centralia Illinois, was removed from the list of ‘E’ areas. The number of areas now classified as ‘E’ is 35. The reports disclosed, however, that in a number or cases areas moved closer to the *D’ classifica tion which includes areas With substantial labor surpluses. Goodwin said the reports re flected the improved economic conditions which have been in ev idence since last August. "July appears to have been the peak month of unemployment in most ‘E’ areas and for the coun try as a whole," Goodwin said “The reports show scattered pick ups in some manufacturing in dustries, particularly textiles, fab ricated metals and machinery. This has resulted in the rehiring of some workers previously laid off or termination of extended va cations Inventories had been very low and new orders were ap pearing. An increase in the num ber of hours worked per week was noticeable in the reports, ex cept for coal mining.” Goodwin said the reports cov ered conditions in the areas as of September 21. WHOLESALE PRICE8 UP Washington.—Average primary market prices advanced 1.S per cent in the week ended Sept IS, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The index was 154A per cent of the 1985 aver age, 1.8 per cent above four weeks ago and 9.0 per cent be low the comparable week ia IMS Secretary of Defense Louis *A. Johnson will give the convention a report on the latest develop ments affecting national defense and world peace. Other distin guished speakers scheduled to ad dress the delegatess include Sec retary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin; EGA Director Paul Hoffman; U. S. Maritime Commission; Oscar R. Ewing, Federal Security Ad ministrator; David A. Morse, di rector of the Internal Labor Or ganisation; George N. Craig, na tional commander of the Ameri can Legion; and Senators Hu bert Humphry, of Minnesota; James E. Murray, of Montana; George W. Malone, of Nevada; and John J. Sparkman, of Ala bama; and Joseph Heath, deputy director of labor and manpower division of the EGA Mission to Greece. AFL President William Green will open the convention at It a. m. with a keynote address. The afternoon session will be devoted to the reading of the Executive Council’s report to the convention and the reference of resolutions to the various convention commit tees. >. «e Oilitsr 4 Secretary Off tin-' bor Tobin and Senator Humph rey are listed as the chief speak ers. On the following day, Octo ber 6, David A. Morse, Paul Hoff man and Oscar R. Ewing, are on the program. l n« Arui plans lor the 1W congressional campaign will be shaped at a special meeting of Labor’s League for Political Ed cation. It is expected that the convention will recess on October 6 in order to hold th national meeting of the league. So far the only speaker, outside of labor’s own ranks,, scheduled for October 7 is the national com* mander of the American Legion, George N. Craig, Secretary of Defense Johnson and General Fleming are due to talk on Oc tober 10. Aside from the invited speak ers, members of the AFL’s staff who have been stationed in Eu rope, Asia and South America are going to make reports to the | convention, as will the two fra i teraal delegates from the British [ Trades Union Congress and the | fraternal delegate from the Ca I nadian Trades and Labor Con gress. Starting toward the end of the convention’s first week, the com mittees will begin submitting their reports on the resolutions and the various sections of the Executive Council’s report, which will be debated and voted upon by the delegates. The convention will close with the election of of ficers probably on or about Oc tober 12. Polio Precautions A pssd MsHh nils Imprsaa upon children In Infantlls, paralysis spidamle araaa Is to avsM^ crowda and piacss wbars stops «•*-, tost with sttisr psrssns to Mksl*J

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