VOL. XIX; NO. 25 CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 Subscription Price $2.00 Year Tenth District Committee To Outline 1950 Election Plans W. Sterling Hicks, general chairman of Labor's Joint Po litical Action Committee for the Tenth congressional dis trict of North Carolina, announced this week that a meet ing of the committee will be held Sunday, November 6 at 2:00 p. m. in the Labor Temple at 920 West Trade street. Chairman Hicks requests a fu| attendance of the commit tee at this important meeting. According to present plans, the committee will take up and die* cum the entire political picture from a local viewpoint and will set the necessary machinery id motion to begin work in prepara tion for the political campaigns of next year. The present fore cast is that the campaign in North Carolina will be a Utterly fought one. with the senatorial race in the forefront. Every union man and woman in this district should be interested in the 1950 elections and there fore should attend all meetings and familiarise themselves* with Labor’s program for the Old North State. Labor’s Political all paigna. It is understood that other committees patterned after the Tenth district committee have been set up already and others are to be set up at an early date Job Placements Rise To High Peak for *49 Washington.—More nonagricul tural job placements were made by the local offices of state employ ment services In August than in any previous month during the year, the Labor Department’s Bu reau of Employment Security re ported. Robert C. Goodwin, director of Oe bureau, reported to Secretary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin that with the exception of the trans portation equipment field, place ments in all major nonagricudtural industry groups increased over *#' including 451,790 nonagrieultural and 9103M agricultural job place ments," Goodwin said. throughout the State in prepara tion for the 1950 elections. Do not forget the time and place: Sunday, November 9 at 2:00 p. m. in the Labor Temple, 920 West Trade street, Char lotte, N. C. AFL EXTENDS BRITISH LABOR BACKING GREEN LASHES REACTIONARY CRITICS St. Paul.—The AFL extended tha hand of friendship and understand ing to the workers of Great Brit ain in their efforts to solve suc cessfully their postwar economic ■crisis. Delegates to the 68th annual convention applauded President William Green’s declaration that statements In the reactionary press of this nation critical of the gov ernment of Great Britain are not in accord with the AFL’s point of view. And the convention gave a tre mendous round of applause to the two fraternal delegates from the British Trade Unions Congress for their explanation of the crisis be ing mastered by Great Britain’s workers and their appeal for con tinued understanding and good will from the people of America. The British delegates were Lin coln Evans, general secretary of the Iron and'Steel Trades Confed eration and a member of the gen eral council of the TUC, and Tom Williamson, president of the Na tional Union of General and Muni cipal Workers and former member of Parliament Mr. Green responded. “It is the fixed and unalterable purpose of this great organised la bor movement in America, the American Federation of Labor, to serve day in and day out in the promotion, maintenance and per petuation of friendship, good will, understanding and cooperation be tween the workers of Great Britain and the workers of the United States,” he said. Mr. Green noted the statements of the reactionary press, column ists and radio commenators critical of the government of Great Brit ain. “Right now I want to state pub licly,” he said, “that we are not in accord with that point of view. The people of Great Britain have a right to shape, formulate and cany out their own economic and political policies free from inter ference from the outside anywhere. Whatever form of government you want to establish we shall say you have the right to do so, so long as it is not a totalitarian form of government.” Mr. Evans said that.Great Brit ain is attempting to carry through a great social experiment in hu man welfare which he said is the central question of this century. "We think you can throw around every family a ring of social serv ices to protect them against the full hazards of sickness, accidents and unemployment,” he said. "Some people call this the welfare state. Weil, what is wrong with the welfare state? Surely it is the obligation of every government worth its salt to seek the welflue and well-being of its people above every other consideration.” Mr. Evans said this can be achieved by the socialist govern ment in Great Britain without the trade union movement being in the government's pocket. “We support the government,” he said, "but we remain independ ent and will continue to do so.” Mr. Williamson said that Great Britain is “making a magnificent recovery” and has come far sine# IMS when Winston Churchill called the government “broke” and “bank apt.” He related how production has increased, agriculture expanded, imports cut below prewar levels and exports boosted. “So when next you come across a Jeremiah who would have you believe that Britain is finished, don’t believe it,” Mr. Williamson (Continued On Page 8) Gastonia Will Host December Meet A December meeting of the Western District of the N.C.F.P. O.C. is scheduled to convene in Gastonia on December 3. i At this writing arrangements in incomplete, bat Vice-President Wilson Forbes has assured the Fed that every effort will be ex pended to assure a profitable and entertaining occasion for all who. attend. , Postmasters, postal supervisors City and R.F.D. latter Carriers •rill also be invited to attend, says Forbes.—Tar Heel Fed. Director Calvin Appearing Before Individual Unions W. A. Calvin, recently appointed Southern Good Relations Director of the Atlanta office of the American Federation of Labor, has been in Charlotte several days meeting with officers and members of A. F. of L. unions in this territory, familiarizing them with the plans of the American Federa tion of Labor for the South and this section during the coming months, expected to be very important months from both the standpoint of organization work and political ac tivity. I Brother Calvin has already ap peared before several Ideal AFT. affiliates and has addrebserf th« members therof. He has proven himself to be an interesting speaker and is well versed in what he has to say aad also a versatile yentlemaa of the old school of unionises, who knows his away around, f terflsttonal union. Several yean aye ha was unfortunate and lost his good health which necessitated his retirement from active -work until recently when he accepted the position of Editor of the Florid* Labor Advocate, publish-! ed at Jacksonville, Florida. He left his position there to accept; the appointment with the Amer ican Federation of Labor. For several years Mr. Calvin worked with the Metal' Trades Depart ment of the American Federation of Labor in Wlihiagtoa. JNw doing so Mr. Calvin expects to spend some time In North Carolina and hopes to ap pear before all American Federa tion of Labor Unions in this . State. Central Labor Union Notes Charlotte Central Labor Union held its regular bi-monthly meet ing at the Labor Temple, 920 West Trade street, this week, with 'President Walter Hooker presiding. Secretary Clnm being absent, a “sub” was put on to act in his place. Brother Rogers gave the invocation, followed by the roll call of officers and officers’ reports. The minutes of the previous meeting were rend and approved, and roll call of delegates from affiliated unions was called for. The Electrical Workers report by Brother Hooker discleeed all their members are at work and Or ganiser Calvin as having appeared before their local to deliver a talk. Brother Lovett for the Carpenters reported that his un ion was negotiating for * a new wage agreement and Brother Fer guson for the Postal Workers dis cussed a bill passed before Con gress adjourned which will give postal employes an increase in annual salary of from $120 to $420 a year, depending upon the length of service of each. He thanked the CLU and the Ameri can Federation of Labor for help given legislative representatives i in Washington, and also Congrsa esan Hamilton C. Jones, Senators Graham and Hoey and others who had a part in helping to get the increases for government em ployes. Delegate Stalls reported for the Typographical Union and said that new contract negotiations are underway with the two daily newspapers now and that they will be opened wih the commer cial shops shortly. Delegate Phil bers taken into his Sheet Metal Workers onion and that all mot hers are working. An express charge for sending AFL literature from St. Paul to Charlotte was ordered paid amt President Hooker announced that all unions are requested to avail themselves of this literature ■ which can be obtained from his ' office at the Labor Temple. It has to do with convention pro ceedings at St. Paul, organization | work and political matters. It ia: of interest to. all members of la bor, Mr. Hooker said. A resolution was presented by | Bro. J. A. Scoggins which called, for maintaining rent controls lo-. cally. This was passed and it will be presented to the proper j authoriteis as was also another, resolution by Typographical dele-; gates calling for a vigorous prose-! cution of the Charlotte Housing Authority activities covered in a separate article in this issue of The Journal. Two standing committees were named by President Hooker, one on organization and another on ed ucation. Brothers Clum, Hughes and Gibson were named to tho committee on organisation and Brothers Scoggins, Albea and Hicks were named to the educa tional committee. The Central body then ad journed until the second Thurs day night in November, the time changing from 8 o’clock to 7:30 on that date. Resolution Proposes Motion Picture on AFL St Paul.—A resolution was sub mitted to the AFL’s 68th conven tion urging the AFL to sponsor production of a full-length feature motion picture on the birth and organization. The proposal was one of eight submitted by various branches of the federation urging the AFL to tell Ha story via motion pic tures and literature. llie others urged more money for workers’ education, literature for high schools and colleges, and film shorts on such subjects as "How to Negotiate a Contract.” Other resolutions advocated ex tension of social security law cov erage, improved working condi tions for government employes and repeal of the Taft-Hartiey law. AFL Fight Against Discrimination Told To World St. PauL—The American Fed eration of Labor’* lone fight against discrimination beeanse of race, creed, color or nationality was broadcast to the world in 21 languages by the Voice of Amer ica. President William Green said in the broadcast that the Americas Federation of Labor can be relied on “to practice and preach broth erhood everywhere, every place, and to fight against discrimination because of race, creed, color or nationality anywhere or any place.” Mr. Green renews! this pledge of policy just after accepting a plaque from A. Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of at the 68th eanual AFL conven tion “for distinguished service in the fight for abolition of racial discrimination in the labor move ment.” In his presentation remarks, Mr. Randolph said that division in the ranks of labor because of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry weakens the labor move ment and disarms it in its fight to achieve higher wage rates, im proved working conditions, shorter hours of work, democracy and peace. “You, Brother Green, have given of your talent and ability and the power and prestige of your office to help eliminate all forms of dis crimination and segregation from the labor movement,” Mr. Randolph said. “The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters,” Mr. Randolph said, “seeing that the powerful and men acing forces of Communism in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Africa, are seeking to split or con trol the labor movement and mi norities, white and colored, takes this occasion as a challenge and refutation to the vicious misrepre sentations and violent psycholog ical warfare being waged by totali tarian Communist Russia and her satellites against a free trade union movement, the Negro liberation movement, and the cause of the western democracies in general and the democracy of the United States in particular.” Mr. Green responded that the AFL understood early in life that it is impossible to establish the brotherhood of man until every man of character and standing, re gardless of creed, color of nation ality, is permitted to Join and work with all other workers in the na tion. “I cannot conceive,” Mr. Green said, “of the establishment of that principle and that organisation anywhere or any place until those who advocate brotherhood prac tice brotherhood and express them selves repeatedly over and over again as opposed to discrimination because of creed, color or nation ality anywhere, any place in the United States. "We have grown and developed and expended, serving in that ca pacity and preaching that unchal lenged doctrine,” he said. “We are advocating it. We stand for it. We are united. We are going to make it more effective ia the future than we have in the past.” Resolution To Be Presented To Charlotte City Council At the regular bi-monthly meeting of Charlotte Central Labor Union this week a resolution was passed which will be sent to the Charlotte City Council soon requesting that a full scale revival of the local Housing Authority be act ed upon immediately. The CLU also passed another reso lution • condemning the proposal to lift local rent controls. American Federation of Labor Unions in Charlotte were in strumental in getting both the Charlotte Housing Authority and the Rent Control Board set op {s ago and they are becoming uneasy as to the fufae plan* Vegarding these two authorities. ' >■ Earle R. Britton Wins 40-Year Button Columbia, S. C.—Forty years at continuous membership in good standi' g with tho Interaational Typographical Union haaf boon completed by Earle R. Britton, President of tho South Carolina Federation of Labor and organiser for the Amerieaa Federation of Labor. At a ipaeial ceremony on 8aa> day, September M. Columbia Type GIVEN ORCHIDS St. Paul.—AFL President Wil liam Green and Secretary-Treae urer George Meany each received a leis of orchids flown to the AFL’s 68th convention from Ha waii and presented during the ses sions by Hawaiian Delegate A. S. Reile, representing the Honolulu | Central Labor Council. Although p\ir»c Wf Dim wK Bitted to titeaptr Council for IN approval. oAj^colled for o great - or ampW sr housing units thnn the Auth«riand some time ••o, tt is folt by local Labor that tbo authorisations for Housing units in a revived program up to tbo present have boon insufficient to COCO for Greater Charlotte's Mote, both for the present and te tbo fbture. In other words, local labor is interested in eoning tbo alum districts wiped out completely in Charlotte and sufficient housing aeoomnmdaWons provided ter all of Charlotte^ population to bo sbio sons* knows that shim districts brood filth sod crime, and coming In contact with it constantly as many do, especially bafhBag tradesmen, all of tho Labor movement is anious to see these handicaps remedied as speedily as possible. As to the lifting of rent con trols organied Labor is IDO per cent opposed to the idea. ANTI-LABOR WEEKLY URGES BUSINESS TO USE STRIKES TO SELL PUBLIC AGAINST UNIONS BY ABNOLD BBICHMAN i New Ytrk CwmpM4nt for AFL Now* Service New York.—A little lew then a year ago, that bible of the National Association of Manufacturers, Busi ness Week, highly influential in dustry magazine, in a long editorial a few weeks after the fall of Thomas E. Dewey, in November, 1948, wrote: “ . . the Taft-Hartley Act con ceivably could wreck the labor labor movement.” Titled, "Why the Taft-Hartley Law Failed,” the Business Week confessional declared: "By going that far, the law de feated itself.” But in an editorial October 8, 1949, Business Week says very clearly that the steel and eoal strikes prove that the Taft-Hartley law does not go far enough. It now wants a ban on industry-wide bargaining. Business Week has called for a businessmen's crusade to annihi late the labor movement That is the only way to interpret the position of this ideologue of American industry which 10 months ago admitted: j "What was wrong was that the Taft-Hartley Act went too far. It crossed the narrow line separating ; a law which aims only to regulate from one which could destroy. . . • "Given a few million unemployed ! in America, given an administration in Washington which was not pro union—and the Taft-Hartley Act ’ conceivably could wreck the labor movement.’’ j Well, Business Week didn’t*mean ! what it said so penitently 10 months igo. Like Shakespeare s uuke ox Gloucester, “And thus I clothe my naked vil lainy With old odd ends, stolen forth of holy writ; And seem a saint when moot I play the devil.” The recidivist Business Week in its latest editorial position en titled, “A Longer View of the Myth of Union Invincibility,” says: “It should now be 'evident to everyone that, while an important first step, the Taft-Hartley Act is not the full legal code needed to stabilise the labor front. “The events of this week dem onstrate that it should be supple mented by a ban on industry-wide bargaining.” Business Week has forgotten that it once said that “the Taft-Hartley Act did fail—on one of the most important grounds by which a law must be judged in a democratic society. That ground is consent. Only the police state can enforce a law which is believed to be un just by the people it affects.” Today, Business Week writes: “Many people took the Taft Hartley Act as the definitive an swer to oar labor problems. They felt that the passage of that stat ute redressed the obvious imbal ance which existed between the jargaining power of unions and management. They felt that the law established sufficient safe guards for the public interest in abor disputes.” Ten months ago, by way of il ustrating its editorial, Business Veek reprinted a cartoon showing abor pinned to the ground by the r-H law, an indication that it did tot think that the T-H law “re (Continued On Page 8)

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